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[蓝光原盘] 内陆帝国 [蓝光原盘] Inland Empire 2006 CRITERION 1080p BluRaycd AVC DTS-HD MA 5.1-TASTED 46.45GB & 42.45GB








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24小时 发表于 2023-4-10 04:20:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
As an actress begins to adopt the persona of her character in a film, her world becomes nightmarish and surreal.: `& A' P! N! q5 m" |
( q; E9 R) g+ d

& k# q" [1 K2 P7 |; ^) N5 p* n
7 o4 N4 Z5 Y) Y◎译  名 内陆帝国  
2 N2 k/ p4 |: e: Q7 ]6 i! S  d◎片  名 Inland Empire% h+ V3 u& P! E
◎年  代 2006! I4 [0 y/ w; x$ O7 o: R2 o8 i
◎产  地 法国/波兰/美国
5 W# z0 k+ {) h6 I◎类  别 剧情/悬疑/惊悚/奇幻' N3 q, I! [  v) T
◎语  言 英语/波兰语( K3 T' f4 K: x6 ?/ m% w! b7 N
◎上映日期 2006-12-06(美国)/2007-02-07(法国)/2006-09-06(威尼斯电影节)( P1 u% G! f( j. m0 y( C9 g3 I
◎IMDb评分  6.8/10 from 59,182 users) c$ r9 }6 I5 `2 @4 j
' _1 H+ n+ o; J9 m  p, b/ _9 A# s9 o◎豆瓣评分 7.7/10 from 9,633 users% m+ q. d; {5 I
. t7 L& ]! U/ t◎文件格式 x264 + DTS( q/ P& y; ]# x. [- l# d3 I
◎视频尺寸 1920 x 10801 s3 ~" N& z. J# d8 }  p
◎文件大小 1DVD 46.45 GiB & 42.45 GiB. g8 \, A* r# l% }4 b
◎片  长 3:00:11.842 ( & 2:59:43.814 ( ~+ [2 e" a" w" E1 x& C
◎导  演 大卫·林奇 David Lynch- U/ t' a; x2 q; P) \
◎编  剧 大卫·林奇 David Lynch8 Z3 n/ ~6 r2 l, o" w7 t5 s8 H
◎主  演 劳拉·邓恩 Laura Dern" Q+ r+ s0 z! Q  o
       杰瑞米·艾恩斯 Jeremy Irons* j: t4 {, [' ^% _* c
       贾斯汀·塞洛克斯 Justin Theroux
! W" s- N: F' C" ]) a4 l1 t- s7 s1 H       卡罗利娜·格鲁什卡 Karolina Gruszka* a1 K, o0 g; h
       扬·亨茨 Jan Hencz& i& B, T: s; j3 s0 m5 `$ U
       克兹佐夫·马扎克 Krzysztof Majchrzak: T* ?' i. T5 y
       格蕾丝·扎布里斯基 Grace Zabriskie2 N2 S  \. ?# x: x" F0 x
       伊安·艾伯克龙比 Ian Abercrombie
. o5 ?3 j* V: v8 {- N8 M8 B5 I* p       贝利纳·洛根 Bellina Logan) ?& e) z/ B& ]" p0 A& L5 s- f
       阿曼达·弗尔曼 Amanda Foreman& [* l. S, r3 K& E# C
       皮特·J.卢卡斯 Peter J. Lucas6 M  z: c8 R4 V6 R& g
       哈利·戴恩·斯坦通 Harry Dean Stanton$ y+ w4 A- {% r+ V
       卡梅隆·达多 Cameron Daddo
: K/ I$ _" C4 S       杰里·斯塔尔 Jerry Stahl& f1 G+ k& {8 J" l) E5 B* e  t
       戴安·拉德 Diane Ladd
7 L0 K6 M1 u5 z: u/ g       大卫·林奇 David Lynch
2 o& ~% O: q! E: C( E8 `2 \       娜奥米·沃茨 Naomi Watts
; C+ P2 \/ _, Z% @2 m& D6 H       娜塔莎·金斯基 Nastassja Kinski
: @* K5 X' V9 t/ v! l( ]" W2 R       劳拉·哈灵 Laura Harring
  F% }# X5 z) f- k' w% e0 m' ^5 M: \$ D       威廉姆·H·梅西 William H. Macy- K9 Q# R+ x2 E# R
       朱莉娅·奥蒙德 Julia Ormond
  _) X5 N" `+ J5 F# @; ^2 z       玛丽·斯汀伯根 Mary Steenburgen
- k- L2 U8 q/ n& v* A       泰瑞·克鲁斯 Terry Crews; Q6 N# ]+ W2 F+ T" _: ^
       裕木奈江 Nae
, q& r3 s* [: M; g. U# Y: f       乔丹·莱德 Jordan Ladd
1 D' ]3 u: ^1 U; j' P       维罗妮卡·罗萨蒂 Weronika Rosati4 G6 `6 Z# C) l
       斯科特·科菲 Scott Coffey
. {1 }1 I+ @# @3 F: I       格雷格·马克斯 Greg Marcks
- L- v7 Q. p, [0 ^4 K       Masuimi Max Masuimi Max
6 j" R7 K) I. N       莱昂·涅姆奇克 Leon Niemczyk
) o0 x; D  q0 V, X! m       本.哈勃 Ben Harper
" x. X: s  V( m+ E) K$ C3 j: m& `; G       斯坦利·卡梅尔 Stanley Kamel
  v- f* s' R0 M, A; ]/ j       奥斯汀·林奇 Austin Jack Lynch8 s, t, v! P* L! O. w! @4 p9 k8 H
       尼尔·迪克森 Neil Dickson
1 f6 C/ A0 r( x- @: ], g& c, C       Dominika Biernat
8 c4 l: z1 H' b# x. w" p, z- P% w       Marian Stanislawski0 f. k/ ~$ T* ]: q& J
       Duncan K. Fraser- Z2 b) @( m' T; v" m
       Marcin Brzozowski! y3 X  M/ ]2 h6 g% k& O
       Marsha Lewis
7 Q; f" P0 c. P       Józef Zbiróg
( ~. E- J% ?% O7 P* U8 o- w/ `+ t; R       Sara Glaser* {* q5 S" Q' j1 \
       海蒂·比文斯 Heidi Bivens
: g* o) o: ~/ q6 t3 s9 Y( w* j$ {4 w$ T1 ~
◎标  签 大卫·林奇 | 悬疑 | 美国 | DavidLynch | 2006 | 惊悚 | 剧情 | 美国电影
% }: o# Z0 L, p" V, \8 X3 v( @+ h) W+ D: U
◎简  介   
' t. U% a0 k9 |. S+ r. C* \+ s* H1 w. E) N; [3 _
  在由金斯利(杰瑞米·艾恩斯 Jeremy Irons 饰)导演的电影里,尼基(劳拉·邓恩 Laura Dern 饰)扮演了一个名叫苏珊的女人,她在剧中的情人是戴文(贾斯汀·塞洛克斯 Justin Theroux 饰)所扮演的比利。) V- [3 k% ~- S4 J+ z8 S
  V1 z" u( O) {. @/ Z
5 }) h4 o( e2 W4 @
9 F1 M3 u( v% J3 F- }  As an actress delves ever deeper into her work for a high-profile filmmaker, her personality becomes increasingly fragmented while her world starts turning nightmarish and surreal.) @7 [+ ~# x4 o3 c( v

( m" i9 B: s# K◎获奖情况   
6 R0 ^  N% b) t; y: `9 B+ x) L5 g- g0 S
  第63届威尼斯电影节 (2006); t3 O* u5 C' j- S
  未来数字电影奖 大卫·林奇
5 ]! u! Y3 v+ K' c& u! h6 P+ h$ w! u9 Y' K
◎幕后揭秘: Y1 z1 W4 g' h$ U0 J2 X% Y

1 e' I! u9 H6 s! W1 f  在2006年举行的威尼斯电影节上,鬼才导演大卫·林奇获得终身成就奖,从《蓝丝绒》的诡谲到《我心狂野》的极端暴力,从《妖夜慌踪》的混乱到《穆赫兰道》的梦魇,大卫·林奇成为了当代美国非主流电影的代表人物,他的作品无不透射出诡异、阴郁、迷茫及黑色的光芒,极具视觉冲击力的超现实主义效果往往令人产生心灵的震憾。他的成就有目共睹,无需赘言,在《穆赫兰道》之后时隔5年,大卫·林奇的这部《内陆帝国》终于在影迷们的长久期盼中神秘登场。从不说答案的林奇没有人会比爱大卫·林奇的神秘更加喜爱的,而且这位无法预知之王也非常清楚自己正在做什么:他绝不会给出答案,他也不会解决任何问题而且他并不打算有何意义。电影《内陆帝国》能够把那些想彻底弄明白的导演变得迷惑不解,同时也会让那些不服气或者只是慕名而看的崇拜者感到失望,枯燥乏味,还如洗碗水一样混沌不堪。影片几乎是由劳拉·邓恩极端的表演完成的,三个小时的时间展示的是不太吸引人的数码影像,节奏也很缓慢。林奇总是拒绝做出解释,在本片中,他同样也没有给出任何叙述性的描述。两年半的制作时间,这种凭经验的制作方式使得影片变得最令人困惑不解。自始至终都没有一个完整的剧本,所有的演员每一天都拿着一本新的对白而且也不知道他们将怎样进行下去。观后就连许多经验最丰富的影评家也表示不解。于是新闻发布会上,诸如“影片是否准备让观众看懂”、“影片到底说了什么”之类的问题包围了林奇。对此,林奇显然不想予以说明,“大家应该完全能看懂啊。”他坚持体验的重要性,“他们说希区柯克是悬疑大师。神秘和未知是我喜欢的东西。看每部电影都像走进一个新世界。你不应该害怕使用自己的直觉、感觉来找到出路。”最后,不厌其烦的林奇干脆表示:“这就是新闻发布会糟糕的地方———一切都围绕电影,而不是对话。”他拒绝就此话题再发表任何说法,坚持让影片自己说话。很喜欢兔子的林奇这些棕色的兔子有可能会让人联想到《爱丽丝梦游仙境》(Alice in Wonderland)里那只白色的兔子,带领爱丽丝走进洞中的仙境。随着一些奇怪而且极其可怕的事情发生之后,下陷的天花板和无法判断的状况,这儿远不是一个可以令人喘口气的仙境。在林奇的官方网站的短片里第一次出现兔子之后,这也许可以推测他很喜欢人们穿着兔子服装的样子。有可能解释Nikki转换到Sue之后又变回去的原因,也许是来自于林奇对超人类的冥想有着根深蒂固的浓厚兴趣,以及相信存在着随之产生的转世投胎的理念,变成了不同生命之间的转换。但是林奇还相信所有的事物最终都是相互关联的,而且他自己也不知道应该继续往里面加什么东西,也许根本就没有真正的解释。改变与不变的林奇大卫·林奇通常的标志——极端的特写镜头、高度仰拍镜头、红色的窗帘——所有这些都在影片中出现,值得注意的是有些却不在其中:浓郁丰富的色彩和艳丽的影像。取而代之的是模糊不清、阴影重重的DV画面。这种方式也许会让林奇感到更加自由,同时也丧失了任何视觉上的享受。林奇亲自参与了影片的音乐创作,重复出现如幽灵一样的声响还有极其紧张的噪声,经常是反反复复出现在黑暗的走廊中。太多的使用反而导致这些音效在加强情绪和氛围上的作用适得其反。撑起整部戏的,除了有众所周知的曾出演《爱情重伤》、《洛丽塔》等经典影片的实力派演员杰里米·艾恩斯,现年80岁高龄、出演过160多部大小影片的老戏骨哈利·戴恩·斯坦通,以及近年开始崭露头角的加斯丁·特奥克斯,还有演艺精湛的劳拉·邓恩和娜奥米·沃茨等等诸多明星。2 c3 H+ z( T0 I$ R* z

- Q; i* h. E$ K! J3 F2 r
  1. DISC INFO:: d3 `  A  e& G! t7 f7 Y5 W

  2. * z! y3 k- R- q" I, A
  3. Disc Title:     Inland.Empire.2006.CRITERION.1080p.BluRayCD.AVC.DTS-HD.MA.5.1-TASTED 46.45 GB/ [6 y% ~& \& v( Q/ _
  4. Disc Size:      49,872,988,847 bytes
    # v, ]% }3 h/ i. F
  5. Protection:     AACS
      D- Z; l: J& l$ }4 \
  6. Extras:         BD-Java
    # E$ ^- L. V6 Z$ s7 R: a! |
  7. BDInfo: (compatible layout created by DVDFab" \0 ?* ]1 x2 T9 P7 G

  8. 2 }$ r$ u' r2 n( [% w! _5 @. L: ~
    / d$ C: U$ @* [- D% v

  10. & o8 x3 g3 L/ p
  11. Name:                   00001.MPLS  ) Y& X! D& ~' P7 f/ x- Y" r
  12. Length:                 3:00:11.842 ( E! m" `- J  D! R5 D- j  K
  13. Size:                   49,363,519,488 bytes- `( ]$ a8 m% q) J9 x: }
  14. Total Bitrate:          36.53 Mbps9 m& N8 b! Y6 m1 @
  15. 4 J+ e  ~' I2 t- @. k) K/ E, A
  16. Video:1 u! l& E! m" o! O) d3 y

  17. - A5 a- B, G( d6 p* \: t* x9 k
  18. Codec                   Bitrate             Description    0 I0 p& L3 Q7 b* X. V
  19. -----                   -------             -----------    ; @! c4 V( t. O
  20. MPEG-4 AVC Video        29020 kbps          1080p / 23.976 fps / 16:9 / High Profile 4.1
    ) B: O, P9 I) b: \" ~& Y

  21. ; s# n; T7 |# g( u+ [* r
  22. AUDIO:
    * o9 ^* h$ C4 v  J) y" X' l
  23. / k8 ?9 m/ B  B! I6 B7 c
  24. Codec                           Language        Bitrate         Description    4 D- ?3 I- T% T& u& U, e# U
  25. -----                           --------        -------         -----------   
    5 Y0 V+ {* D0 E% [
  26. DTS-HD Master Audio             English         3295 kbps       5.1 / 48 kHz / 3295 kbps / 24-bit (DTS Core: 5.1 / 48 kHz / 1509 kbps / 24-bit)
    3 I: R6 V5 e- M! i
  27. LPCM Audio                      English         2304 kbps       2.0 / 48 kHz / 2304 kbps / 24-bit
    5 M3 G( ]$ C$ Y9 V( g$ @* _0 w
  28. 4 Z2 U% `6 n4 P# S5 c
  29. SUBTITLES:/ q' j) Y' C6 L3 ]3 k6 o

  30.   a8 t9 N  M$ Y* T) ~4 V% C7 C4 o
  31. Codec                           Language        Bitrate         Description   
    & f8 c8 K4 V5 N6 g& F& O# @
  32. -----                           --------        -------         -----------   
    ) j% \# Q! V! _' ^' J! a
  33. Presentation Graphics           English         2.468 kbps                      1 ~8 a9 _% R9 u9 ^* ?$ s
  34. Presentation Graphics           English         28.495 kbps
Inland Empire Blu-ray, Video Quality   
4 J7 `/ O+ _& q/ q. J
, ?. Q5 ]# f9 i& M6 V. w5 x  y7 z" e
/ f  I  Y* m# _5 {4 a8 R8 v( S+ pPresented in its original aspect ratio of 1.85:1, encoded with MPEG-4 AVC and granted a 1080p transfer, Inland Empire arrives on Blu-ray courtesy of Criterion.: t+ W& u. ~. G- o& r' p$ S
! D7 v% F# _* n0 u( F/ r  V: l0 {
This release is sourced from an exclusive new 4K master that was supervised and approved by David Lynch. I have only other release of Inland Empire, which is this Region-B release that Optimum Home Entertainment produced in 2010. Obviously, the older release is sourced from a different master.
- M9 S% Q2 s% V; {, m( t# _' w2 U3 J. J, q( C1 Z
Inland Empire was shot digitally in standard definition, which means that the technical presentation retains all sorts of different native limitations. Naturally, delineation, clarity, depth, and even color reproduction need to be analyzed, understood, and critiqued differently. I would even approach stability differently. So, considering the native limitations of the original source, I think that Inland Empire looks very good on Blu-ray. (Of course, the 1080p resolution is not the film's native resolution). For example, detail remains pleasing, though in some darker areas there just isn't a lot to see -- or at least not as much as you would probably want to see. The same can be said about clarity, which is good but varies. Image stability is very good, but you need to keep in mind that in many areas where the camera moves the visuals reveal what I would describe as minor motion judder. This is another inherited source limitation. Colors are fine, but they have that typical video-ish quality that you will never observe on 35mm film. So, are there any notable improvements after Inland Empire was remastered in 4K? I spent quite a bit of time comparing this release to the other Region-B release that I have in my library. I could spot two discrepancies. On this release, Inland Empire looks marginally cooler, but I am unsure if this is an improvement. In fact, as I write this article, I am unsure if the discrepancy is meaningful enough to analyze. Some trained eyes will spot it and this would be it. Also, on this release, some fine nuances might be better defined. (See screencapture #2 and focus on the rabbit on the right side of it). But I am unsure if most viewers will notice and appreciate the discrepancy. If there are any other discrepancies that could be perceived as improvements, I missed them. My score is 4.75/5.00. (Note: This is a Region-A "locked" Blu-ray release. Therefore, you must have a native Region-A or Region-Free player in order to access its content).7 U9 S9 L) W: z
# x, q4 c( C' V
Inland Empire Blu-ray, Audio Quality   
- U& ~  l7 `4 l' l7 y) H7 `
: M4 u; g# {: M3 |2 G1 ~1 V. z+ C. c: j$ F' M2 l6 |7 W: h/ ?1 X/ }, D
There are two standard audio tracks on this Blu-ray release: English DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1 and English LPCM 2.0. Optional English SDH subtitles are provided for the main feature. English subtitles automatically appear for the exchanges in Polish.0 |& b' h# p5 i. ^# s# ^8 D
: b- s& e( O( ]& ^0 b
The other Region-B release of Inland Empire that I have in my library has 5.1 and 2.0 tracks as well, but the ones that are included on this release are different. Both were remastered in 2022 by David Lynch and original recording mixers Dean Hurley and Ron Eng.3 r/ H0 `; R: r3 Q
. z  h& m3 A# g* W& S/ }; U! E
I viewed the entire film with the 5.1 track. The areas where audio effects become prominent to enhance the desired atmosphere feel a tad wider, possibly bringing in some organic sounds and noises better. The dialog is easy to follow, but you need to keep in mind that the sound design has some unique fluctuations.
, }8 x" s+ k0 R9 e( q6 o# E
5 A. @/ Q  g% _6 y9 R) f$ n
    0 f8 P9 n( Q( G4 ]  K3 ?
  2. 2 ^! @9 U$ y$ v' O! T
  3. Disc Title:     Inland.Empire.2006.1080p.BluRaycd.AVC.DTS-HD.MA.5.1-FGT 42.45 GB
    / W$ A# m: Y# S  P
  4. Disc Size:      45.587.853.847 bytes
    % B/ U1 [8 r/ U3 k$ g
  5. Protection:     AACS
    . M& j2 W4 {- V
  6. BD-Java:        No7 l; ?$ I: E- h6 H3 z! H
  7. Extras:         50Hz Content$ }! G" d/ V1 j1 B- B
  8. BDInfo:         0.5.8* u9 w, m  y& ^
  9. % p) j* R9 }" \2 |2 x9 r
    . s6 @' E8 E0 M- O  S' {8 ^0 ?% L* A
  11. % p4 p9 D7 D/ w$ J* U4 A
  12. Name:                   00000.MPLS
    4 Y. b5 |' H0 u/ I
  13. Length:                 2:59:43.814 (
    & z% h! w9 S* {* G" V/ M! {+ G
  14. Size:                   37.106.813.376 bytes
    / @5 G8 r- U4 y' D
  15. Total Bitrate:          27,53 Mbps/ R' I( g/ [5 X* p
  16. 4 H8 l) N* |6 s$ l$ Y2 U6 Q
  17. VIDEO:
    0 I+ [) m/ [" v% Q% U- s( H$ N2 ?

  18. % [# H; n* J8 o5 Q: i5 e: w2 V+ t' S
  19. Codec                   Bitrate             Description    ) b; }( `; |1 b' L8 _
  20. -----                   -------             -----------    " m* n5 y5 M7 V; E
  21. MPEG-4 AVC Video        21000 kbps          1080p / 23,976 fps / 16:9 / High Profile 4.1
    ( s# _4 ~' F% z% ?/ B; {

  22. 0 u! ?, s; d+ a- V9 r$ k! t
  23. AUDIO:
    ) ^( Z) I6 {/ G& n7 i# q: |9 h

  24. - I* o& g" @' X2 q
  25. Codec                           Language        Bitrate         Description    - O% v2 V& g1 a1 w% n, O8 k# f6 k
  26. -----                           --------        -------         -----------    2 G3 p+ ~& h6 }/ a6 T* O6 X' s
  27. LPCM Audio                      English         2304 kbps       2.0 / 48 kHz / 2304 kbps / 24-bit
    5 U3 O  F6 s/ y: s9 K* [! ?
  28. DTS-HD Master Audio             English         2813 kbps       5.1 / 48 kHz / 2813 kbps / 24-bit (DTS Core: 5.1 / 48 kHz / 768 kbps / 24-bit)
    5 O( g! b; M9 ^
  29. 7 ^0 N2 i7 e+ s1 W4 A$ X
    5 P! w) _6 U9 }5 I) B7 t4 p, E& K

  31. . m$ ?1 z- k1 U' h6 P8 A8 i' ]. z
  32. Codec                           Language        Bitrate         Description   
    # O; V/ S7 o9 |/ E: X
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  34. Presentation Graphics           English         1,886 kbps
Inland Empire Blu-ray, Video Quality   
& V( [5 D+ E& a) q7 k
5 |! D$ d$ @, ]4 @. i% F0 V- }; A, [8 D4 F. ?# V
Presented in its original aspect ratio of 1.85:1, encoded with MPEG-4 AVC and granted a 1080p transfer, David Lynch's Inland Empire arrives on Blu-ray courtesy of British distributors Optimum Home Entertainment. Please note that there are no chapter stops for the main feature.
6 j" p$ a. D* h
* S/ h7 j; z9 e" a) h; XInland Empire was shot digitally in standard definition and I believe that Optimum Home Entertainment's transfer -- supplied by French distributors Studio Canal -- faithfully reproduces the film's intended look. Considering the inherited source limitations, fine object detail is rather pleasing, especially during close-ups. When the camera moves, however, there is plenty of mild to strong motion judder. Clarity and contrast levels vary quite a bit, particularly during the nighttime scenes. The color scheme is pleasing, and I personally find it to be a lot more convincing than that seen on the R1 DVD release of the film. I would also like to point out that some obvious artifacts that are visible on the R1 DVD are either missing or not as easy to spot on this transfer. For example, when Nikki is visited by her new neighbor early in the film, the image looks cleaner and fresher. Finally, I did not detect any disturbing cuts, splices, or other serious transfer anomalies to report in this review. All in all, this is strong and more importantly faithful to the original source presentation of a very unique film. (Note: This is a Region-B "locked" Blu-ray disc. Therefore, you must have a native Region-B or Region-Free player in order to access its content).2 O1 ]2 d. J$ Q
- [7 t' o& K" d
Inland Empire Blu-ray, Audio Quality   
& ?& g6 F; R9 _, P6 O, A* }4 a
: ?1 ~7 i% n7 K% S+ r* }: l5 a9 k* r# d. H' o7 W
There are two audio tracks on this Blu-ray disc: English DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1 and English LPCM 2.0 (with small portions of Polish). Optional English subtitles are provided for the main feature. Please note that the English subtitles are available only for the portions of the film where Polish is spoken. The English dialog is not subtitled.
8 g6 I' |4 @9 J9 i: `! q! x4 c! l! x- x* g2 h( P
The DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1 track is very strong, and easily a good enough reason to recommend purchasing this Blu-ray disc. The bass is potent, the surround channels are not overly active but used wisely, and the high-frequencies not overdone. Furthermore, there are some outstanding ambient effects -- for example, when Nikki discovers the gun -- that benefit enormously from the lossless audio treatment. The dialog is clean and easy to follow.
7 [# N. N* @( c( w
, j7 t: Y! L. a7 YThe LPCM 2.0 track is also convincing. In fact, I was quite surprised to discover how effective it was. The piano solos sound wonderful and so do Krzysztof Penderecki's original compositions. The bass, however, is stronger on the DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1 track.
5 e8 ^/ S7 p. T, T, K$ V" X
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30 枚
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sclzywxl 发表于 2023-4-10 17:01:12 | 显示全部楼层
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538 枚
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sawas 发表于 2023-4-12 20:03:15 | 显示全部楼层
That is awesome!








272 枚
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lfvvzc 发表于 2023-4-13 21:30:32 | 显示全部楼层
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