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[蓝光原盘] 万事皆可/海上情缘 [蓝光原盘] Anything Goes 2021 1080p BluRaycd AVC DTS-HD MA 5.1-MT 36.18GB








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黄金嫖客 发表于 2023-5-12 00:12:30 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

# _5 X- s4 c! y+ @6 I9 Z3 I: |3 ^% f$ Y  I; r
◎译  名 万事皆可/海上情缘 9 C# u$ {2 |! u
◎片  名 Anything Goes
: U) x3 U& k1 e/ S0 m1 j/ W9 P◎年  代 20214 A/ w3 p8 ~* p( B: \' X( P. f
◎产  地 英国
' ?4 N/ X9 e+ Y5 |% |* T% ^◎类  别 喜剧/歌舞/爱情
/ g, x" h0 W/ {- s  d/ P3 h◎语  言 英语& \; G# c2 o% i" q6 p1 r. O
◎上映日期 2021-11-28(英国)
! s2 l3 P5 x! m2 G5 H- y◎IMDb评分  7.6/10 from 483 users
: U# f3 `! Z% ]& D7 s3 E◎IMDb链接
2 i. T; C: |1 J  O) L◎豆瓣评分 8.1/10 from 323 users
% ?8 x5 W0 O- H0 k2 A' t◎豆瓣链接
% ~* W4 J& O' n  K5 r◎文件格式 x264 + DTS  " i- z9 n$ H  W! [& W% C: D
◎视频尺寸 1920 x 1080
1 q0 F! Z, }* i- B" P" q◎文件大小 1DVD 36.18 GiB# r6 C% E% V1 X8 S1 L, U
◎片  长 2:18:38.393 (
" M; U% I) |9 p/ {& ]: V3 e- Z◎导  演 罗斯·麦克吉本 Ross MacGibbo
# b5 u! v3 |9 B6 @* V       凯瑟琳·马歇尔 Kathleen Marshall& Q2 G$ Y$ k! h' V' ?( n
◎编  剧 P. G. Wodehouse! U2 T2 W/ U0 Z# c
◎演  员 萨顿·福斯特 Sutton Foster: F5 Z, ?6 X  O3 P
       罗伯特·林德森 Robert Lindsay
0 m  @8 E  z" g( z: F" c       菲丽西提·肯德尔 Felicity Kendal
: I9 u# U! m1 L% C3 a* Y9 i       加里·威尔莫特 Gary Wilmot
' k  I/ ~0 n' L1 {       塞缪尔·爱德华兹 Samuel Edwards- }4 U( L, t2 F5 M- b
       妮可-莉莉·拜斯登 Nicole-Lily Baisden/ l0 z' n0 R3 [1 n6 Q( c, h, I) Z
       卡莉·梅赛德斯·代尔 Carly Mercedes Dyer
" {5 F. \5 P# S$ h. r       海顿·奥克利 Haydn Oakley
; Y4 k# L: m2 s" R5 `$ v
) s1 t; a. V( Y0 y- Q◎简  介 - ]( b1 ^# J$ H* l8 D) e3 H

9 S) U; J* l8 ^# G6 S  《万事皆可》讲述了一个俗气又欢脱的爱情故事:在一艘远洋的航船上,穷小子比利爱上了富家女,希望可以略施小计帮她解除商业联姻、自己抱得美人归,没想到阴差阳错间促成了更多欢喜冤家。这部音乐剧的词曲由科尔·波特(Cole Porter)一手包办,I Get a Kick Out of You、You're the Top、It's De-Lovely等歌曲令人难忘,当然还有让人眼前一亮的“万事皆可”(Anything Goes)。  B6 Y# j) m/ W0 A7 F/ i: H, E9 A$ J, v

: _6 S! r$ R+ a3 W  继2011年凭此夺得第二座托尼奖杯后,百老汇明星萨顿·福斯特2021年重返经典音乐剧《万事皆可》,明星卡司阵容还包括三度奥利弗奖和托尼奖得主罗伯特·林赛、西区传奇人物加里·威尔莫特。该剧拍摄于伦敦巴比肯艺术中心演出现场,场场爆满。
5 U  f- h* d. {; F& B
9 W4 \% z" ^6 M+ m  自1934年在百老汇首演以来,《万事皆可》在美国、英国经历过多次复排,1987年帕蒂·卢蓬在百老汇的版本和1989年伊莲·佩姬在西区的版本都给人留下了深刻印象,而2000年以来萨顿·福斯特的两度演绎更是塑造了新的经典。此版由屡获殊荣的百老汇导演及编舞凯瑟琳·马歇尔执导,欢快温馨的场景和壮观热情的水手踢踏舞征服了观众,让人迫不及待开启一段浪漫游轮之旅,《泰晤士报》《观察者》《每日电讯报》和《卫报》给出全五星好评!
3 |5 s$ [; [2 W$ n) Z% ^
9 U5 J3 C4 n/ H0 S* E  Filmed live at the Barbican in London, this major new 5-star production of the classic musical comedy features an all-star cast. When the S.S. American heads out to sea, etiquette and convention head out the portholes as two unlikely pairs set off on the course to true love - proving that sometimes destiny needs a little help from a crew of singing sailors, a comical disguise and some good old-fashioned blackmail. This hilarious musical romp across the Atlantic, directed by the multi-award-winning Broadway director and choreographer Kathleen Marshall, features Cole Porter's joyful score, including "I Get A Kick Out of You", "You're the Top" and the show stopping "Anything Goes".- w! Z; ~8 J! `

/ x. @/ _1 Y8 H: o9 s  j8 d
  1. DISC INFO:% r( D1 {2 K, K* \8 b) B' z" w

  2. + x3 n* \% R: |8 D+ Y
  3. Disc Title:     Anything.Goes.2021.1080p.BluRayCD.AVC.DTS-HD.MA.5.1-MT% ~. \9 J- V( [9 p/ ~
  4. Disc Size:      38,852,665,340 bytes) N& `8 V# z: D$ K1 N$ |4 R
  5. Protection:     AACS, e8 i0 }/ I3 N0 W
  6. BDInfo: (compatible layout created by DVDFab b! F( B9 U0 d, l

  7. 0 z/ }7 q0 s& R
  8. PLAYLIST REPORT:7 [8 O$ `2 s8 t
  9. ' A4 l* i! K8 ^) r1 }" B5 p
  10. Name:                   00002.MPLS  
    * R4 D: c7 }: c- `' R9 Z
  11. Length:                 2:18:38.393 ( H  a+ n8 k1 {2 W/ o/ }
  12. Size:                   38,565,120,000 bytes
      v0 i, N+ l: _3 k; t
  13. Total Bitrate:          37.09 Mbps
      X. L7 g" x6 \% N, P! l2 f

  14. 7 }8 \: R( H; N
  15. Video:
    , ^8 H) T  I2 q& {& J- E
  16. / \# ~5 X. N  E
  17. Codec                   Bitrate             Description   
    $ O6 }& J# `1 u  B. E9 W( ~6 A
  18. -----                   -------             -----------   
    3 m  T1 K' G. q: C( c) m' d4 [$ g
  19. MPEG-4 AVC Video        28975 kbps          1080p / 23.976 fps / 16:9 / High Profile 4.1
    * K1 Q3 `* o$ \3 l# e

  20. + Y" e+ Q6 d, s5 J7 q
  21. AUDIO:
    ! d0 m4 u5 h8 \3 R0 V0 z! o$ l) S
  22. # C0 Y/ j- H0 \- J
  23. Codec                           Language        Bitrate         Description   
    * h4 c* H, \. a0 W' N0 X1 C/ M. q4 W5 U
  24. -----                           --------        -------         -----------    , y1 m% x4 k& t' p" N
  25. DTS-HD Master Audio             English         3889 kbps       5.1 / 48 kHz / 3889 kbps / 24-bit (DTS Core: 5.1 / 48 kHz / 1509 kbps / 24-bit). s1 I" d9 H* {# {5 _
  26. LPCM Audio                      English         2304 kbps       2.0 / 48 kHz / 2304 kbps / 24-bit. A+ Z& o: U# y# ?9 D3 \" n) E

  27. % Y: T/ |; o* w! w! w
    ' Y: K0 F8 W) j. u: B
  29. , u" y0 Y1 n% W/ a' c6 d8 J. N
  30. Codec                           Language        Bitrate         Description   
    1 }2 W  a  h; I% ?  z- `
  31. -----                           --------        -------         -----------   
    3 Y, E/ Q9 X6 M8 K
  32. Presentation Graphics           English         22.512 kbps
Anything Goes Blu-ray, Video Quality   
, e3 i6 A0 z# M$ J
, G1 z  w, y9 ~1 Z9 j0 @. e; I1 u6 V
Anything Goes is presented on Blu-ray courtesy Liberator Film Studios and MVD Visual with an AVC encoded 1080p transfer in 1.78:1. This is another pleasing looking transfer of a high definition capture of a live stage performance, much in line with previous Liberator releases like Kinky Boots: The Musical, An American in Paris: The Musical and 42nd Street: The Musical. The palette is very nicely suffused throughout, and rather bold primaries of red and blue are especially vivid. The somewhat minimalistic scenic design can still have a bit of flourish in some of the supposed stateroom scenes, where detail levels on fabrics is typically very good. There are some very minor issues with banding, but nothing as problematic as what I noted in the review of Kinky Boots.
* r& V% b% R3 D1 ~- j* B
. d' i. p' I: X, ZAnything Goes Blu-ray, Audio Quality   / G1 p5 M% X# g" S4 A
0 s7 x5 I/ |$ i" k8 c  d- y6 x
' p: Z" m6 }! L' Y' s9 V& R
Anything Goes features DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1 and LPCM 2.0 audio options. Both of these tracks offer beautifully rendered recreations of the rather well appointed pit band's instrumental accompaniments, and even better, prioritization of voices in the sung moments is typically very well done. There's not a ton of traditional "immersion" (despite the seaborne setting), but there is definitely a spacious accounting of the score in particular, and all dialogue is presented cleanly and clearly throughout. Optional English subtitles are available.
, Q: d' i4 |9 S5 A8 k3 @
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578 枚
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sawas 发表于 2023-5-13 12:05:51 | 显示全部楼层
That was awesome!



GMT+8, 2024-7-3 08:26

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