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[动作战争] [2010][美国动作][死亡游戏][BD中字无水印][1024高清/750M]








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24xs 发表于 2011-1-14 20:38:16 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
01.jpg * X# e- Z/ q, }; d2 @
* L& Y( U+ S! `0 q4 T
◎译  名 死亡游戏
: t& e- k1 A: @) M2 }◎片  名 Game Of Death
6 ^1 }! L! Q/ d0 W1 M◎年  代 2010
7 @) \4 a$ g" c' k; V$ V◎国  家 美国# j: I$ Y0 K% {8 X$ I
◎类  别 动作/冒险8 s6 g) _- u+ u. B# Q2 M; l' @3 m
◎语  言 英语
3 |" P9 |, E! Z" V* O2 C◎字  幕 中字! x- q$ t1 x" o
◎IMDB评分 5.8/10 (21 votes)
' J- V, ~7 |" M2 {2 c6 C: e6 u- f◎文件格式 BD-RMVB. R  ~, _' B* m! Q. L
◎视频尺寸 1024 x 576
8 q# Q4 Y) E, t% \$ Y◎文件大小 1CD4 Y  s6 l7 F7 r- h
◎片  长 84 mins
; K  `3 `3 d" s% s& R% X◎导  演 Giorgio Serafini
) {; K: S% a. U9 l% c◎主  演 韦斯利·斯奈普斯 Wesley Snipes  ....Agent Marcus
' q* J) {9 V0 C8 P: v- n& L; B      罗伯特·戴维 Robert Davi  ....Smith; o- P, s; D9 F. N+ o# x
      盖瑞·丹尼尔斯 Gary Daniels  ....Zander
/ I6 P! G; x& U1 k1 x% k      佐伊·贝尔 Zoe Bell
$ N, C" S. B  ~9 g2 a0 c      Simon Rhee  ....Stairwell assasin
, A. |6 @' |! \      Ele Bardha  ....Security Guy #14 Z2 c  y' m9 F; m' v
      Frank Zieger  ....Rooftop Cop( ^( l3 q# J: ^4 P7 ?" h- u1 s/ W
      Darcy Leutzinger  ....SWAT Commander, W) E; g+ X1 u2 B$ @3 r& E
      Richard Goteri  ....The Visitor
4 L8 ^- {( E( Y( w% J      Ron Balicki  ....Jimmy  g5 }1 l  J$ t$ @1 T) V
      Dailyn Matthews  ....Nurse Rebecca
7 G3 v. h2 j# }      Quinn Duffy  ....Redvale5 J* B# A1 w+ Y$ @
      Robert Oppel  ....Mental Lou. ]  z/ r1 M3 O* j
      Vladimir Tevlovski  ....Agent# v9 w: D( q2 D/ V/ R
      Denney Pierce  ....Assassin #1
3 l7 w- k1 G6 Y( d& \* g0 f6 ?      Joshua McCarthy  ....Patient3 B4 j7 X7 W) V  M% T' d
      Stacie Hadgikosti  ....Annie3 @: Q) ]% P! h" o5 v
      Banzai Vitale  ....Mental Patient #3
. q2 L8 R2 N* l! j& b      Benjamin Brennan  ....Bum
& t( F* V( R* j+ R! Z5 y  f/ `/ ~      Alex Safi  ....Arms Dealer
1 @' F- `0 _0 I" b9 w% @+ ^7 w0 f      LaDon Drummond  ....Jane
* ]6 k2 ]% f5 D9 s      Efka Kvaraciejus  ....Assassin #28 x4 u; m1 b: B: [+ S7 s3 Q
      Jaime Moyer  ....Floor Nurse
  ^0 K4 R: I/ m$ y9 A7 s, v( P, f      Eyad Elbitar  ....Driver bodyguard) T) j4 I! p$ s; M/ p; ^
      Larry C. Fenn  ....Officer Gonzales4 n* K2 Z* S0 Y* t
      Patrick Potochick  ....Security Guard# u& V( ^. v; ?4 s
      Dennis Budziszewski  ....Bum/ Z  T# }+ j, ^
      Michael Maurice  ....Dietrich
8 ]+ T( y' a, M# O9 R2 S5 m% j0 r8 b      Don Richard  ....Agent #5) B; m$ i  H# t. ]1 D- f% T
      Jennifer Lynn Bryant  ....Nurse (uncredited)0 _& ?4 |) ^8 W8 W
      Eric Ian  ....The Informant (uncredited)
! J$ y* w6 h8 G      Dave Kilgore  ....Psych Ward Patient (uncredited)$ H7 G" Q9 i' z. M
      Dennis McDermott  ....Mental patient (uncredited)- L( w/ Q# [; P5 s
      Morris Lee Sullivan  ....Doctor (uncredited)
( L% h" {; b- a* q$ O* G' s◎简  介
" U. y6 ]: ?% j) u9 j% u4 V5 D) }$ S2 R7 `9 N. ?% e& Y
4 Z7 \2 u3 ~+ `' q/ c. v+ W% s- e  q  T8 d5 |
A diplomat's bodyguards and his colleagues in a failed assassination injured. They are sent to the same hospital, where guards and a nurse shared responsibility to protect diplomats, but soon realized that there are more nurses than expected worse things happen ...- F1 ^- `6 t. ^  j/ c- Z& k6 d
  1. gvod://死亡游戏BD中字.rmvb
    9 @5 T! l5 }+ m  a
  2. qvod://781617517|50E666D2C915B9BBB255BA39625C27654B5A37CF|死亡游戏BD中字.rmvb|
  1. thunder://QUFmdHA6Ly9keWdvZDE6ZHlnb2QxQGQwNTcuZHlnb2Qub3JnOjIwMjAvy8DN9tPOz7cuW9bQ19YuMTAyNLfWsebCyl0vtefTsMzszMN3d3cuZHkyMDE4Lm5ldF3LwM32087Pt0JE1tDX1i5ybXZiWlo=
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  2. thunder://QUFmdHA6Ly82Njo2NkA2LjY2eXMub3JnOjEyMjEvWzZWtefTsHd3dy5keTEzMS5jb21dy8DN9tPOz7dEVkTW0NfWLnJtdmJaWg==
4 d  f$ Y7 e9 V( g
死亡游戏BD中字1024分辨率.torrent (59.76 KB, 下载次数: 0)



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