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[蓝光原盘] 逐个淹死/淹死老公 [蓝光原盘] Drowning by Numbers 1988 1080p BluRaycd AVC LPCM 2.0-PCH 36.15GB








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黄金嫖客 发表于 2023-6-3 21:10:14 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
" ]# T  z: A! G4 w) d5 x# o& ?- N' K
* P+ P! B  @* Q8 g" s  ]
◎译  名 逐个淹死/淹死老公/挨个儿淹死7 ]7 `! C: G" W, o' s; S. ]
◎片  名 Drowning by Numbers / Verschwörung der Frauen
! j' Q8 B; u2 b+ p◎年  代 1988/ R8 r& H  L' n9 F; t- P
◎产  地 英国/荷兰% t$ A: x4 F# V8 g
◎类  别 剧情/喜剧) r8 ?* i* X1 ?) n2 s- o7 M/ M
◎语  言 英语% ~) ]+ Z  A9 e2 \. n2 A
◎上映日期 1988-10-05(法语)
1 g$ r& e2 V% `) x) I7 O9 g◎IMDb评分  7.2/10 from 8,008 users  X. M3 i6 n0 B& z9 J# I; Y- l# G6 _
◎IMDb链接 J- R# ~# g; N( |9 N' P8 Z3 m8 N
◎豆瓣评分 7.7/10 from 862 users- ?( ~8 y, a2 m
◎豆瓣链接 d- H  Z) S  ?2 W+ q
◎文件格式 x264 + LPCM # N3 b9 |5 _4 `  q
◎视频尺寸 1920 x 1080
- x" Z. O, H! e◎文件大小 1DVD 36.15 GiB+ F* l0 b/ ?+ W1 R/ d6 z
◎片  长 1:58:42.156 ( b; c9 J6 v' W4 k1 t8 R  {8 q5 r
◎导  演 彼得·格林纳威 Peter Greenaway
: U0 y0 q8 ], E6 E1 F$ I◎编  剧 彼得·格林纳威 Peter Greenaway. f. Y/ _+ v( U2 W4 Y) ~9 @
◎主  演 琼·普莱怀特 Joan Plowright
; g) C0 s3 K; {       茱丽叶特·斯蒂文森 Juliet Stevenson
9 G$ y9 Y3 h8 V$ E       乔莉·理查德森 Joely Richardson
5 A+ l! ]8 D2 U       崔佛·库珀 Trevor Cooper
0 u2 W" j( r: Q! A1 `3 Z6 H* x       大卫·莫瑞瑟 David Morrissey
( P  {! n3 k- R       伯纳德·希尔 Bernard Hill
& D( y1 o4 l; l( m3 T- V       Ian Talbot
! k& v/ m8 m# Y% O       Edward Tudor-Pole7 O# V! L# r3 }& ]
       布莱恩·普林格 Bryan Pringle
) f, h3 u  F4 S) f8 Y; _3 l5 N       瓦尼·科洛贝里尼 Vanni Corbellini
" W" v, X; }# f+ N  U4 J* \2 b5 x' D" Z+ c; N: P8 F$ c, U
◎标  签 英国 | 彼得·格林纳威 | PeterGreenaway | Cult | 英国电影 | Peter_Greenaway | 1988 | 1980s
- c4 @$ v) G" V6 |5 d3 h$ t) V) o* K* \1 Z1 Y: _. E9 H3 \: _4 p
◎简  介   
. i/ ?6 z, G$ I, K# d+ ~) t3 a6 k6 F8 O! B( F/ H
  英国某沿海小镇,住着三个同样名叫希希·考尔皮茨的女子。年过六旬的希希(Joan Plowright 饰)在生日当天发现丈夫杰克(Bryan Pringle 饰)公然在家中和别的女人幽会,于是趁杰克醉酒之时将其在浴缸溺死;25岁的希希(朱丽叶·史蒂文森 Juliet Stevenson 饰)与丈夫哈迪(Trevor Cooper 饰)过着养尊处优的生活,但哈迪是个痴肥且禁欲的家伙,希希一怒之下将其溺死大海之中;19岁的游泳选手希希(朱莉·理查德森 Joely Richardson 饰)与爱人贝拉米(David Morrissey 饰)结婚不久,贝拉米怀疑另外两个希希杀害了各自的丈夫,并且验尸官马吉特(伯纳德·希尔 Bernard Hill 饰)也从中搞鬼。出于对同伴的保护,希希在泳池溺杀了丈夫……
' c! F  _, j# q2 u3 ^2 n; y4 X/ _9 d( o6 E8 v5 O
" s! T& F' A  {) K& @7 A  _4 Q6 Y& v- v0 E
  Three generations of women share the same problem--marriage woes--and want to put an end to it.: V3 O8 d& }2 P) h: K
- b* Q7 g6 E/ W2 s  I: m! A, W
◎获奖情况6 p* V7 i+ g$ V3 o  t0 R/ V

0 E( d* q' E. B. H' K6 p8 K( V# u, F  第41届戛纳电影节 (1988)
! |+ c" u) U5 M8 ?5 O5 t  主竞赛单元金棕榈奖(提名) 彼得·格林纳威
# d# `; t7 G( [' c, W  最佳艺术贡献 彼得·格林纳威; k) U2 X7 A! y5 r* k/ m- d

5 ?, k6 X& n7 l% Y$ i
  1. DISC INFO:4 x. K6 s5 s% [* v

  2. 1 a9 O1 t; E% l: b) H* Y) w# r
  3. Disc Title:
    * k. v1 u$ @1 C  J5 a
  4. Disc Size:      38,817,006,038 bytes
    $ a9 t$ ~  `+ n1 Z& P; ^" ~* E; _
  5. Protection:     AACS
    * ^6 f* B+ ~" q% C
  6. BD-Java:        No# v7 d4 M, e' c. I/ k8 H
  7. Extras:         50Hz Content9 B0 }3 J) w/ G8 i1 w
  8. BDInfo:         0.5.8
    9 W. O9 y- B& ^! |3 \3 k  Z$ t
  9. . w* T& t8 V9 X. A* Y1 m
    : b2 o7 A6 R: q3 u+ }/ Q6 |% w
  11. Name:                   00004.MPLS! W% q; o8 A5 O+ Y# F1 e" s5 {
  12. Length:                 1:58:42.156 (
    0 K6 n5 Q9 h1 }6 L3 r- s+ o
  13. Size:                   26,481,936,384 bytes
    % J" `. \7 T/ P/ x5 [& r7 R
  14. Total Bitrate:          29.75 Mbps$ e( u8 e* X' P6 }

  15. $ ~7 N& M6 n7 C6 S& H
  16. Video:
    $ l9 Z( a1 l" {' E, n0 D

  17. ( V( B% ^  ]) o/ b* I: o
  18. Codec                   Bitrate             Description     
    / O/ n- ^  o8 s! _2 S7 w3 F
  19. -----                   -------             -----------     
    ) z6 o0 i1 _! n* k- A  P
  20. MPEG-4 AVC Video        26047 kbps          1080p / 23.976 fps / 16:9 / High Profile 4.1' ?/ V5 v( u* I; l! y7 k% A3 }

  21. 9 c! h; K6 f0 l6 m
  22. AUDIO:
    $ J- u* ~! |, J5 j) }8 p
  23. 2 s; N2 x) B& |/ t1 B9 C4 u2 }
  24. Codec                           Language        Bitrate         Description     
    - a  M/ G* d: j1 |) ?, x
  25. -----                           --------        -------         -----------     
    + r6 k3 F0 e% ~
  26. LPCM Audio                      English         2304 kbps       2.0 / 48 kHz / 2304 kbps / 24-bit
    ' N$ s7 \9 U% h
  27. # \4 @. x. Q6 s) n; `* I
    - m1 R+ W, `; E5 d* v

  29. ( h0 Q8 P' Z- g2 K" u# A; Q$ J
  30. Codec                           Language        Bitrate         Description     4 j  u+ ^) v( S# i8 [7 h
  31. -----                           --------        -------         -----------     
    6 ?2 p7 ~9 I# C
  32. Presentation Graphics           English         31.248 kbps
Drowning by Numbers Blu-ray, Video Quality  
: X* l7 g) m8 R% U  n" N3 s( }: d' @- o2 L5 _3 N
1 }7 W" u' k$ |( }5 c3 R' q+ X
Drowning by Numbers is presented on Blu-ray courtesy of Severin Films with an AVC encoded 1080p transfer in 1.67:1. The back cover of this release states this was culled from a "new 4K scan from the original negative personally supervised by Greenaway". Greenaway's films have been almost spectacularly ill served in the high definition era (I'm really hopeful this release augur further exploration of Greenaway's filmography by Severin), and the good news is this high definition offering is often ravishing, with a nicely organic appearance and a really beautifully suffused palette that almost oozes hues at times, per Greenaway's penchant for wanting to recreate a painterly mien with his cinematography (the DP on the film is the redoubtable Sacha Vierny). A lot of the framings of this film exploit the very idea of a frame, yet another allusion to paintings, and the 1080 version offers some surprisingly well detailed depth of field (something that Severin's 4K UHD version arguably improves on). Grain is organic looking throughout, though it does have a tendency to clump and become rather yellowish throughout the film when scenes feature brighter backgrounds. All in all, I tended to find the grain resolution a little more pleasing in the 1080 version than on the 4K UHD disc. Detail levels are typically excellent throughout, but Greenaway and Vierny often seem intent on stuffing frames so full of visual information that it can be hard to take it all in at times.2 j7 P1 Y  x# ]/ y3 j
" e3 k8 ]6 v. v+ N  Y
Drowning by Numbers Blu-ray, Audio Quality     Q3 q) b  @+ H; k( j
& u' z& ~; R, B' c1 V' M% {

6 j1 \+ {$ S; B5 r2 |* y+ }3 CDrowning by Numbers features a nicely rendered DTS-HD Master Audio 2.0 track. The film has a rather interesting, almost minimalist, score by Michael Nyman, one based on just a couple of measures of Mozart. That can lend a certain repetitive aspect to some of the underscore, but actual fidelity is fine. A glut of outdoor material also provides ample opportunity for nicely designed ambient environmental effects. Dialogue is rendered cleanly and clearly throughout. Optional English subtitles are available.* P  m- V/ T2 c2 D/ Y
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一见哈哈笑 发表于 2023-6-3 22:59:53 | 显示全部楼层



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