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[蓝光原盘] 雷恩菲尔德 [蓝光原盘] Renfield 2023 1080p MULTi COMPLETE BluRaycd DTS-HD MA 7.1-OPTiCAL 39.68GB








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黄金嫖客 发表于 2023-6-11 00:37:16 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Renfield, Dracula's henchman and inmate at the lunatic asylum for decades, longs for a life away from the Count, his various demands, and all of the bloodshed that comes with them.
. K5 @0 I! X# K& D6 |/ F. @& V+ h& M$ W! v% W$ F
" C" o* Y3 P, A0 K& n

' t* z. `, g  l+ o5 g$ Z◎译  名 雷恩菲尔德/吸血鬼特助:雷菲尔(台)/吸血鬼奴才:雷菲尔(港)
, U- X! }& a7 w6 t4 k" s8 j2 N◎片  名 Renfield1 j9 S- f  U+ V. \0 `0 H+ c
◎年  代 2023# o$ d* A, ^, m+ A4 I/ h: f
◎产  地 美国  E& l% x7 r5 v3 x
◎类  别 喜剧/恐怖/奇幻1 W4 }, n5 |6 n6 S( o
◎语  言 英语
3 C0 o; g  }) [- `( o7 W4 z! O◎上映日期 2023-03-30(俯瞰电影节)/2023-04-14(美国)
7 ]3 @" ?, f5 k$ O8 V◎IMDB评分  6.4/10 from 44,382 users
1 H( b, Z* ], ^5 }◎IMDb链接
5 D0 f' G5 h8 Y: K5 r$ B# |+ n◎豆瓣评分 6.1/10 from 10,632 users
& P$ _4 n, m1 d; k& K5 V◎豆瓣链接 Z, k% t6 J+ t  e6 a  p; V
◎文件格式 x264 + DTS  
- D4 V0 o, x. ~5 E; E! p* M◎视频尺寸 1920 x 1080
9 i1 w& U$ v- s) j◎文件大小 1DVD 39.68 GiB
  Y' T- q4 \5 t/ k◎片  长 1:33:26.762 (
7 c1 ~6 T6 z, l7 s" `: }! L◎片  长 1 h 33 min
/ \# s! U% q/ O' _; G◎导  演 克里斯·麦凯 Chris McKay
) R" }  t7 j3 Q, b◎编  剧 罗伯特·柯克曼 Robert Kirkman' j! x$ r9 O7 e" F5 D; z7 B
       瑞安·雷德利 Ryan Ridley
0 a( g1 v( B" L3 Z◎主  演 尼古拉斯·霍尔特 Nicholas Hoult. ?& S* W) F1 d& p. H
       尼古拉斯·凯奇 Nicolas Cage8 t- u2 T1 q, G* _2 Z0 u  z2 J0 W
       奥卡菲娜 Awkwafina
, p3 S  \/ H# F/ v2 M       本·施瓦茨 Ben Schwartz" y9 F. ~- [& i, \5 t
       索瑞·安达斯鲁 Shohreh Aghdashloo9 g0 x9 j7 i8 t0 i3 g, N
       布兰登·斯科特·琼斯 Brandon Scott Jones5 g8 v( Y* W  t0 D" n6 ^
       阿德里安·马丁斯 Adrian Martinez/ i3 ^: w5 i* e. g( x
       卡米利·陈 Camille Chen
, {2 z% k* i1 P/ q) J       贝丝·劳斯 Bess Rous9 k- }& z) |  M6 J( Q
       珍娜·凯内尔 Jenna Kanell. Y8 T% b% ?' E- Z" l+ e! w- Q
       丹雅·拉贝尔 Danya LaBelle
( J3 f" K8 r7 o2 m/ \       朗达·约翰逊·邓茨 Rhonda Johnson Dents
, q& V! s0 b: _: [3 |0 q! M       克里斯托弗·马修·库克 Christopher Matthew Cook
0 z* G" V; @. K2 Z- B1 e2 c       迈克尔·P·沙利文 Michael P. Sullivan
4 Z6 M& F" z7 U       罗莎·华盛顿 Rosha Washington
4 q, S6 k+ W) l+ J+ t, n0 K) G       詹姆斯·摩西·布莱克 James Moses Black
+ S; h# _& t- k; A: j       T·C·马特恩 T.C. Matherne
& h" M+ S; b6 [. s       卡罗琳·威廉姆斯 Caroline Williams
" W0 d& e. c* v- j/ F       德里克·罗素 Derek Russo- U; K& r/ s" K
       戴夫·戴维斯 Dave Davis
" x/ c8 a2 v8 m       约书亚·米克尔 Joshua Mikel' ]. j6 A6 |+ k8 Y1 n: t
       斯蒂芬·路易斯·格拉什 Stephen Louis Grush
9 t" V: Q8 m1 q. h0 j1 x' c       莉娜·克拉克 Lena Clark
- Y9 l: R/ Z: K8 g       威廉·罗格斯戴尔 William Ragsdale
! s: W( @; I8 C0 ^; [5 m. d       迈尔斯·多莱克 Miles Doleac! p+ ?* E, b/ y  f: o
       露西·浮士德 Lucy Faust- r! O7 S2 q8 f- V2 }/ Q$ R
       贝茜·波雷戈 Betsy Borrego6 t. e1 R8 Y: |. r6 s, c' M& J
       肯尼思·肯特·布赖恩 Kenneth Kynt Bryan) e6 G8 F7 n, Y7 j0 j
       尼克·德拉戈 Nick Drago+ I4 `4 ?) E! Z
       杰拉尔丁·格伦 Geraldine Glenn
2 l" L& \5 ?7 X& G2 t4 E3 H       查皮·吉洛特 Choppy Guillotte
  C, _8 v1 `: N) [1 [, R+ K       格雷琴·克莱因 Gretchen Klein, Q) }1 y; G' l7 {! Q

( }# P& e. F5 [& D- o7 J◎简  介   ' E) a9 i7 F: b, `* L1 P# w

( r+ E! ?/ N( w7 J( m  这个现代版吸血鬼德古拉的故事中,主人公是他忠心耿耿的随从。雷恩菲尔德(尼古拉斯·霍尔特 饰),是史上最自恋的老板德古拉(尼古拉斯·凯奇 饰)饱受折磨的助手。雷恩菲尔德被迫为他的主人寻找猎物,并且必须随传随到,听从他的吩咐做任何事,不管这些事情有多低贱。但是现在,在数百年来对主人唯命是从的服侍之后,雷恩菲尔德准备好想看看他在暗夜王子的阴影以外,是否能过另一种生活,但是他必须想办法摆脱他和主人之间的依附关系。
; w; R4 L% V) w( L/ D, z" [* B  c* j; @3 ?8 i. Q
  Having grown sick and tired of his centuries as Dracula's lackey, Renfield finds a new lease on life — and maybe even redemption — when he falls for feisty, perennially angry traffic cop Rebecca Quincy./ d* e0 P, s3 F8 R& V' m( S4 d

, t0 c/ o6 `3 }
  1. Renfield.2023.1080p.MULTi.COMPLETE.BluRayCD.DTS-HD.MA.7.1-OPTiCAL 39.68 GB
Renfield Blu-ray, Video Quality   ' X7 N: p/ q0 W
  D, N, u# B1 F+ ]

$ `  t/ f) X* q- W8 JRenfield's 1080p transfer is solid top to bottom. There is some source noise to contended with in places, but beyond that the image is stable and enjoyable. Clarity is excellent. The digital photography produces complex details that reveal all of the practical gore for all it's worth, enough to send more squeamish viewers to the bathroom. Facial details, clothing seams, and location details also thrive, offering excellent tactile definition, but the main attraction here in terms of visual robustness is certainly the messy, complex gore. Colors are bold and vivid, including, of course, blood (and lots of it). The full spectrum delivers intense but accurate tones that leap off the screen with fullness and faithfulness. Black level depth is terrific, too, and skin tones look very good through a broad spectrum, including Cage's pale Dracula face.
% G) v$ p4 ^6 H# @/ v7 g' Y2 s2 [2 \) r5 ]  F( S
Renfield Blu-ray, Audio Quality   % l2 n! r! [. x
' t* i2 s  L4 Y$ W/ ~$ G) J+ u) k

- U' N# Z* [4 c- G" b+ I+ j" Q. MUniversal brings Renfield to life on Blu-ray with a rather striking DTS-HD Master Audio 7.1 lossless soundtrack. The presentation is wonderful, offering substantial surround extension with both discrete and motion elements in play. Sounds routinely zip and zing, swoosh and swing through every inch of the stage. Action scenes offer substantial immersion. Listeners will never feel as if they are watching the film from the periphery but rather engaged directly throughout the stage. Clarity to these motion elements is wonderful, and the track handles balance and placement with consistent excellence. Musical depth and detail are wonderful, too, with the front right and left channels carrying the bulk. Surrounds heft some of the material, too, again in excellent balance. Atmosphere is nicely defined in quieter moments, and dialogue is clear, centered, and well prioritized throughout.
. B6 j9 J5 s3 W' \  x
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一见哈哈笑 发表于 2023-6-11 12:46:05 | 显示全部楼层








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lfvvzc 发表于 2023-6-14 11:05:31 | 显示全部楼层
楼主发贴辛苦了,I*老*虎*U!$ a8 G- L8 c- Z1 Q
Blu-ray Film Forum is now my home!
" `; E  w9 \- r& p1 y% q0 _9 q








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sclzywxl 发表于 2023-6-20 22:40:16 | 显示全部楼层
3 ]6 e; u4 l/ C1 \6 f5 {( RThank you for sharing such a good resource polite reply, very sorry for myself!
. y6 t( `7 v2 {2 h. I



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