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[剧情悬疑] 椒麻堂会 [内封国语简繁英字幕] A New Old Play 2021 1080p BluRaycd DD5.1 x264-MOMOHD 17.96GB








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mvods 发表于 2023-6-25 22:16:31 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

1 x1 K/ A6 t$ P+ E! v; |  L. x; p2 A* j  |/ O7 @7 F! i
◎译  名 椒麻堂会+ v! A: ?. d$ I* @: ^8 m2 c% h
◎片  名 A New Old Play
; k) t/ X% g9 t/ `9 i$ W- a* z◎年  代 2021
0 w' L% E# u! B/ x4 `! Q◎产  地 中国香港/法国6 ?8 Z7 F7 g3 n: j
◎类  别 剧情/历史8 E! `+ W3 ?" L# Z! d
◎语  言 四川乐山话3 X  N2 j# e( u' \8 P. Y, k  I
◎上映日期 2021-08-13(洛迦诺国际电影节); h; K4 H- k1 u8 ^. w- W% F
◎IMDb评分  7.7/10 from 315 users
6 V' O4 P6 `3 s& c. t◎IMDb链接
* u7 x# m7 M& z, \◎豆瓣评分 8.6/10 from 31,848 users1 h) z5 r/ K% H+ i7 Y, F5 T
" T9 n9 i8 i/ w: u' S: K◎片  长 2 h 59 min
6 V7 n! `+ R  B/ I- Z% A/ h: [◎导  演 邱炯炯 Jiongjiong Qiu
3 q$ W2 o* `. Y. z- C6 {, w1 e◎编  剧 邱炯炯 Jiongjiong Qiu) |+ o9 [5 }/ S  [
◎演  员 易思成 Sicheng Yi5 G2 D- G8 g9 c2 q$ L( W/ f9 q
       关南 Nan Guan5 ~# s% r) Y" t& {- O9 B
       邱志敏8 H1 {8 n$ {$ t' t$ A! V+ Y
       薛旭春 Xuchun Xue1 }2 e+ W9 g8 |0 ^5 b8 q, W( G  \$ D
       顾桃 Tao Gu
$ Q9 i1 u3 F, H$ ]       徐刚 Gang Xu
. ~5 o3 P% [. G, V" H6 r- y       乔剑楠
3 t  I$ @0 u$ t; R& o       陈佳宁
2 T1 X# H* f; B! [! h       詹亚魁 Yakui Zhan
, F9 Y/ c" `2 M. C       邱炯炯 Jiongjiong Qiu5 r% g; Z! X+ t( w9 j9 H
       胡峤 Qiao Hu
1 p' E2 s2 D5 n7 z% a# f
# [' k5 S! B  Z7 P, g◎简  介   2 y/ y) v- B8 C3 z! q

2 ^. j" I& i( z9 f1 s  演员过日子,举手投足就是一幕幕川剧,癫狂、苦涩、地道,烟火气刺鼻。百年的生活史,大大小小,就这样在舞台上下踉跄展开。
' F8 F$ {" P( `# ~! n' ?* l7 ?- `
; R4 ?; i0 Z3 T, U" q  The leading clown role in a renowned theatre troupe passes on, and is welcomed into the Underworld. As he relives his vivid memories one last time before entering the afterlife, 50 years of art, struggle and love play out against the background of 20th century China’s tumultuous history.
/ }6 L) l4 w, [# G7 L% ?
A.New.Old.Play.2021.1080p.BluRayCD.DD5.1.x264-MOMOHD 17.96 GB

2 e- Z9 ?, \, b* {" e( o. T: Y" x
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72 枚
1209 点
XN15 发表于 2023-6-25 23:24:56 | 显示全部楼层
" u: v9 k, [. r3 d; g; j! W5 p. C' v4 z, n! |- S
/ J7 P' N- y$ a; I  The leading clown role in a renowned theatre troupe passes on, and is welcomed into the Underworld. As he relives his vivid memories one last time before entering the afterlife, 50 years of art, struggle and love play out against the background of 20th century China’s tumultuous history.



GMT+8, 2024-7-8 09:11

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