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[蓝光原盘] 疾速追杀4 [蓝光原盘] John Wick Chapter 4 2023 1080p MULTi COMPLETE BluRaycd AVC TrueHD Atmos 7.1-BDA 46.57GB








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黄金嫖客 发表于 2023-7-14 18:12:15 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
John Wick uncovers a path to defeating The High Table. But before he can earn his freedom, Wick must face off against a new enemy with powerful alliances across the globe and forces that turn old friends into foes.
$ n* l9 Q/ N5 v! z4 E1 r6 s) s+ e

3 I9 E+ b6 f1 ]# {! p0 [0 p7 p/ R6 I+ |0 \% Z5 ~2 R- Q" ~# [
◎译  名 疾速追杀4/捍卫任务4(台)/杀神John Wick4(港)/疾速对决/疾速反击8 i5 g' \; ~+ g  f. D) D& G. k7 \
◎片  名 John Wick: Chapter 4 / Sát Thủ John Wick: Chương 4
. T/ r* X5 X/ l◎年  代 2023( n, b+ K  _1 f+ f
◎产  地 美国/德国/ t+ N! w) t$ n& o8 {  z( \
◎类  别 动作/惊悚/犯罪
7 _) E$ m# m4 V# b# t◎语  言 英语/俄语/日语/西班牙语/德语/拉丁语/法语/粤语3 D; `5 z. h% |
◎上映日期 2023-03-24(美国)/2023-03-13(西南偏南电影节)
! `) W( G5 i  E0 E3 e9 B) t◎IMDb评分  7.9/10 from 239,857 users
/ ^, T$ k, U8 j# a" {& M6 d◎IMDb链接 |( s- X1 \( s* x
◎豆瓣评分 7.4/10 from 107,595 users
" k' _( H9 A2 _8 p◎豆瓣链接
& |/ D# r9 |0 ]5 E◎文件格式 x264 + TrueHD
: f8 J0 P' p- {5 t0 [◎视频尺寸 1920 x 10805 C) J) l6 C2 X6 P3 t: N% w/ ]$ i
◎文件大小 1DVD 46.57 GiB4 v# n9 h$ \( G0 c" z5 R0 S
◎片  长 2 h 49 min* h( c5 v! @6 e. _
◎导  演 查德·斯塔赫斯基 Chad Stahelski9 [- w5 T- R1 v3 _! ?5 N! `
◎编  剧 迈克尔·芬奇 Michael Finch. l3 q$ H4 }5 u) E
       谢伊·哈顿 Shay Hatten+ N7 w# H/ h) _: |! R9 [
       德里克·科尔斯塔 Derek Kolstad
; b7 w5 r& e. i% r◎演  员 基努·里维斯 Keanu Reeves
* f# E/ i: F+ p4 k9 I4 p5 A       甄子丹 Donnie Yen9 s; T8 M4 ?9 L
       比尔·斯卡斯加德 Bill Skarsgård9 e$ Y1 q! m+ u/ ]$ |2 G6 ^
       劳伦斯·菲什伯恩 Laurence Fishburne: }; \1 H$ |& B% y3 H
       真田广之 Hiroyuki Sanada
; V* x3 ~1 m* H. i# t, v! \3 ]" \5 H+ R       沙米尔·安德森 Shamier Anderson
' G8 r, K. H) w5 ]8 ?       兰斯·莱迪克 Lance Reddick- E, r$ c# E+ N9 F+ h+ k
       泽山璃奈 Rina Sawayama$ v$ u8 h+ h) T0 C* W' s( d
       克兰西·布朗 Clancy Brown
$ @5 A% K* |4 Z" a6 w; Z       斯科特·阿金斯 Scott Adkins4 L  N0 g* W  C% @+ @2 \. R
       伊恩·麦柯肖恩 Ian McShane
  S# c9 d! O% T       马克·扎罗 Marko Zaror; E4 [) ]. v. \  F  B& D; w
       娜塔丽·特纳 Natalia Tena, ^; a" k5 H% P& S: b8 N
       艾米·关 Aimée Kwan
: q+ o. l) W5 W$ @       布拉汉姆·沙卜 Brahim Chab" f2 Y" Q# H" \6 C* w+ W8 A
       乔治·乔吉奧 George Georgiou8 b: A( G% F# U- t: e) W
       田代良德 Yoshinori Tashiro
% V% w9 s# f( ]9 T3 Q0 @  N
, I2 D  d- b5 r/ n5 m◎简  介   
, R" W) k. p& O# y; k" ]. x6 @' I& h# P5 N8 W) Y% Q, ?, _: F+ A1 v' l4 H
  承接上集于纽约大陆酒店中枪坠楼,大难不死的约翰·威克(基努·里维斯饰)越洋前往大阪大陆酒店,向经理兼老朋友岛津浩二(真田广之饰)求助。另一方面,高桌会的新领导人文森特·德·格拉蒙特侯爵(比尔·斯卡斯加德饰)决心斩草除根,他先对付纽约大陆酒店经理温斯顿(伊恩·麦克肖恩饰演),再逼使威克昔日战友该隐(甄子丹饰演)替他效力,誓要孤立威克。$ o( j, U% s1 r# J7 Z
, ]8 P( `4 q3 w9 [% l. z1 |* A
4 y% w! D% p$ n. w. k- `  D) h& D+ ]  M6 _
  With the price on his head ever increasing, legendary hit man John Wick takes his fight against the High Table global as he seeks out the most powerful players in the underworld, from New York to Paris to Japan to Berlin.8 k  P/ B: u1 }4 f3 G
* u: M% u: p2 R  y9 R5 P& g; L
  1. John.Wick.Chapter.4.2023.1080p.MULTi.COMPLETE.BluRayCD.AVC.TrueHD.Atmos.7.1-BDA
    0 T7 u; [: Z+ i

  2. + h& h% u2 ]  _3 O, Y7 h
      B; l+ ]$ d. _

  4. ; K: j" N3 Z6 {' N! `( e1 n  y/ o+ y
  5. Disc Title: John Wick: Chapter 4 - Blu-ray™0 }9 [2 E' ~1 N$ M3 A
  6. Disc Label: bda-john.wick.chapter.4.2023.complete.bluray# W( E; V  X5 ?% c& K% G9 W
  7. Disc Size: 50,005,850,877 bytes
    1 W2 A' @$ V: A5 ]
  8. Protection: AACS
    / D( W2 e: `7 U0 O0 y
  9. Playlist: 00664.MPLS
    2 x5 B5 S0 N, ]3 I2 x' J% X
  10. Size: 40,508,934,144 bytes! g1 ^8 E% g, c3 I  I% R) l; J
  11. Length: 2:49:18.189! X% ~8 e. [  n( |# z8 d/ s0 s' q
  12. Total Bitrate: 31.90 Mbps
    ! X) o4 Z% u& ~1 x& ]: D
  13. Video: MPEG-4 AVC Video / 22901 kbps / 1080p / 23.976 fps / 16:9 / High Profile 4.1
    * s& r6 Q8 @) G! ]' t4 f! K
  14. Audio: English / Dolby TrueHD/Atmos Audio / 7.1 / 48 kHz /  4165 kbps / 24-bit (AC3 Embedded: 5.1 / 48 kHz /   640 kbps / DN -31dB)
    , l1 l9 I" ?. q' o  x$ p$ K
  15. Audio: English / Dolby Digital Audio / 2.0 / 48 kHz /   192 kbps / DN -27dB
    * l( f; N+ V8 i6 o4 K- V
  16. Audio: Spanish / Dolby Digital Audio / 5.1 / 48 kHz /   640 kbps / DN -27dB
    ( M2 Y8 |  s! y* ]
  17. Audio: French / Dolby Digital Audio / 5.1 / 48 kHz /   640 kbps / DN -27dB
    , h! i- \) f  F' \7 A! `- K
  18. Subtitle: English / 21.457 kbps
    , Z( @/ S0 u  F% _% x' f
  19. Subtitle: Spanish / 14.850 kbps
    8 I- e% L& D. i( T- [
  20. Subtitle: English / 13.879 kbps
    - s) K) N" o& w8 a! q1 H. ^" Y4 n
  21. Subtitle: French / 14.312 kbps

# W8 r$ a& K5 Z0 [! U& [John Wick: Chapter 4 Blu-ray, Video Quality   1 ~+ r9 i% j4 z3 t( j

$ E* N; ]: A1 Y* P
7 |: j# E' T4 T. XJohn Wick: Chapter 4 is presented on Blu-ray courtesy of Lionsgate Films with an AVC encoded 1080p transfer in 2.39:1. The IMDb lists a variety of Arri cameras an a 4K DI as relevant data points. Readers of my reviews know that Arri captures are not always my favorites, but this is a stellar exception to my self created rule, and throughout this presentation both detail levels and palette saturation are typically excellent. From the first moments where a kind of handmade kakite bikei wrapped in rope John uses is shown, fine detail levels are impressive, and even some of the more obvious CGI elements tend to sharper than might be expected, though admittedly some vestiges of artificiality remain (this seems to be a deliberate choice, as in the patently fake look of the closing sting featuring Donnie Yen). As is discussed in some of the supplements, a lot of this film takes place at night, and one slight deficit in this 1080 presentation when compared to Lionsgate's 4K UHD release of the film is in the consistency of shadow detail, which is arguably aided and abetted by HDR in the 4K UHD version. A light dusting of digital grain tends to be most noticeable in the more brightly lit moments, as in the early scene in the desert with John taking out a coterie of bad guys., P+ x& S; ^$ ~! x6 W) X) m

9 ^: s1 J  \) UJohn Wick: Chapter 4 Blu-ray, Audio Quality   ) m- _: s& l. _% R, u

9 |/ |8 A" a! R4 K6 s+ y4 R) e5 u% r/ o( V3 i
John Wick: Chapter 4 features a propulsive Dolby Atmos track that, like the detail levels in the video presentation, "announces" itself right off the bat with some thundering effects as John pummels his training device. The cavernous sounds of the Bowery King's domain offer some clear engagement of surround channels, and then when things suddenly segue to the desert, the ambient environmental sounds once again grow. There are a number of standout effects, but some of them actually tend to be most effective when they're relatively subtle, as when New York's Continental gives way to a little urban (and/or High Table) renewal. The film is so chock full of set pieces that it's hard to even begin to list some of the most noticeable sequences, but both an extended, unedited "shot from above" vignette and a fantastically exciting car chase around the Arc de Triomph provide some really immersive moments. Dialogue is rendered cleanly and clearly throughout. Optional English, French and Spanish subtitles are available.5 O6 S3 e& H$ c. a* a

+ r) d8 R6 L' G- F1 P3 n3 l. t9 v2 i* d
; g- V% J: l9 ?
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ALLisxxx 发表于 2023-7-14 23:17:00 | 显示全部楼层
* w9 U) g' x, e/ J2 XThe decisive Replies sink is I get the sinking feeling great sense of accomplishment!
5 K( y7 I4 L' q4 E
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aacq 发表于 2023-8-8 22:42:21 | 显示全部楼层








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ccfys888 发表于 2023-8-11 16:09:57 | 显示全部楼层
( g$ e) U. f4 I: `, n; }; YNot see, I am a novice, the inadequacies of the first Please bear with me!
  H$ h! x1 Q1 M9 j



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