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[蓝光原盘] 黄昏之恋/巴黎春恋/午后之爱 [蓝光原盘] Love in the Afternoon 1957 1080p BluRaycd AVC DTS-HD MA 2.0-FGT 37.34GB








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黄金嫖客 发表于 2023-7-20 21:51:53 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
An aging American tycoon overcomes his inhibitions to court a young Parisian.5 N0 x8 Q- `  _9 r* n5 r
2 g; ]4 I  s6 E0 l4 S( k& b2 x9 d0 o
01.jpg ( O" m) R1 C! |- \" x
$ ?' T/ A0 `; l! |, f! |- t
◎译  名 黄昏之恋/巴黎春恋(港)/午后之爱/下午的爱情! T8 y) Y6 A/ A1 S2 z$ M
◎片  名 Love in the Afternoon- q0 O/ Y- A# Y$ C
◎年  代 1957
. c7 Z3 m' i! d% G◎产  地 美国) l: A+ U) m: C' z3 v0 Z; \: C! W6 T
◎类  别 剧情/喜剧/爱情$ {7 Z& Q. e; u" f# s3 @
◎语  言 英语/法语% n+ P. N5 ?  X: ^& V
◎上映日期 1957-06-30(美国)# o8 q" G4 J6 n! E
◎IMDb评分  7.1/10 from 16,390 users
0 s+ z! K" [0 u4 d; L% j& q- h◎IMDb链接
5 C& J" y$ L+ x8 ~7 B◎豆瓣评分 7.5/10 from 7,090 users; K$ s+ _& B& _. E
◎豆瓣链接 o& I6 _5 L* Q2 b
◎文件格式 x264 + DTS ' d: m+ l: z8 J' X
◎视频尺寸 1920 x 1080
% {* k' b, _- L# K% r  E◎文件大小 1DVD 37.34 GiB4 ]' v: h5 d/ _  z
◎片  长 2:09:56.789 (
1 `0 n' K+ Q* E+ @5 i0 {3 [◎导  演 比利·怀尔德 Billy Wilder' w7 K( d4 w/ A. R1 `
◎编  剧 比利·怀尔德 Billy Wilder
8 d, }$ B. ^/ j- |       I·A·L·戴蒙德 I.A.L. Diamond
# [' ^) x, N# X7 H  [       Claude Anet0 h# D& g1 D5 g8 `
◎演  员 加里·库珀 Gary Cooper5 @; T: c# p! o. j6 k" |5 w
       奥黛丽·赫本 Audrey Hepburn
8 U$ I- Z; s. x% V( B: k       莫里斯·舍瓦利耶 Maurice Chevalier, ^8 h% V; r0 V' Z) c
       约翰·麦盖沃 John McGiver
& W5 y, B, i4 o2 i" p       范都德 Van Doude
$ S2 U7 w6 D- A8 F/ `4 U; I       莱丝·伯丁 Lise Bourdin
' e$ T6 b; ?5 ?) y4 `9 n# w       Olga Valéry Olga Valéry- D9 u; `/ I. F  F2 j
       埃尔加·安德森 Elga Andersen
4 R5 N8 }* v7 w! L, E% F       Jack Ary Jack Ary
7 G, U$ X% W1 G" K0 a* c* `/ J8 E       保罗·博尼法 Paul Bonifas% q1 ?4 p5 t0 m( L! M1 Y# O. d
       夏尔·布约 Charles Bouillaud0 `% O  D. J9 v4 N
       弗朗索瓦·布里昂 Françoise Brion% U% m0 u% X+ l& a6 {  r" _
       居伊·德洛姆 Guy Delorme" _9 G! R$ M6 J# E  A
       路易斯·乔丹 Louis Jourdan* t* S/ a- a  N' I
       夏尔·勒蒙捷 Charles Lemontier% k6 _, {1 \. V  s$ G
       奥德丽·朗 Audrey Long- V# L$ D% b2 ]! o  {6 I; U# P* U
       克里斯蒂安·吕德 Christian Lude
4 e, q  ?8 R" O9 y4 r       Léo Marjane Léo Marjane
% J; {7 m: F+ z. D3 ^$ L       穆斯塔什 Moustache
+ H$ ~& t  Q& C$ ?# {; W       贝尔纳·米松 Bernard Musson0 y6 p' x) o7 p. y( V
       Mylos Mylos
" F) Y7 H7 l3 X) |3 v6 A       让·奥泽纳 Jean Ozenne7 o) O. \" `( u) x" x. G: w7 h- R
       Minerva Pious Minerva Pious
( V  M; C# f- O* M       玛塞勒·普兰斯 Marcelle Praince
& s1 p; D0 y3 N$ X' L       雅克·普雷布瓦 Jacques Préboist0 x" u1 l+ o2 O; w9 \$ S1 ~
       贝蒂·施奈德 Betty Schneider
# y# ^! `( ~' r  q" `       西尔万 Sylvain
, v2 E* D* h& `: {* r       亚历山大·特劳纳 Alexandre Trauner5 D0 g* ~, v; |
       弗朗茨·沃克斯曼 Franz Waxman
. ~$ O& n* m# L6 G0 m* f       奥德丽·扬 Audrey Young7 x! c7 Y5 R6 @! ]" |1 B/ z) H
" m: x+ q; o* n( _$ b+ F
◎标  签 奥黛丽·赫本 | 美国 | 爱情 | AudreyHepburn | 比利·怀尔德 | 美国电影 | BillyWilder | 经典
; _; x& p/ J1 n9 v2 d8 y# D7 D  c" r/ D3 o
◎简  介   ! J3 c0 J8 P% N- Z% U$ L

( ^: l; v! D& B6 a! l8 A& g% O  尽管父亲是著名的婚外情调查专家,尽管见识过了无数的忠贞感情最终化为泡影,艾莲(奥黛丽·赫本 Audrey Hepburn 饰)却依旧对爱情有着无限的期望和憧憬,她甚至觉得,只有那些明知不道德却还要迎难而上的恋情才能算的上是真爱。一次偶然中,艾莲结识了父亲的调查对象法兰肯(加里·库柏 Gary Cooper 饰)——一个在情场上如鱼得水的风流浪子。( y( R1 [9 Z+ z% F; x1 f2 Z

3 S  A( P9 J! v  艾莲捏造了虚假的身份,开始在法兰肯面前扮演起了神秘女郎的角色,没想到,自己的纯情和真挚竟然猎得了这位浪子的真心。法兰肯拜托私家侦探调查艾莲的踪迹,没想到这位侦探正是艾莲的父亲。迫于父亲的压力,本来心心相印的两人只得分手,一对天设地造的情侣眼看这就要擦身而过。
3 N1 a  }2 \3 L6 D3 ?% D% u) w) a7 n
  A middle-aged playboy becomes fascinated by the daughter of a private detective who has been hired to entrap him with the wife of a client.
- G6 Q& K+ h4 T% x4 W  a9 f0 n- E
' C# X; A+ h/ N% M2 i
    ; L6 {4 a0 c$ A0 _0 [" ~

  2. & u* g4 e" n$ E" f. u
  3. Disc Title: 37.34 GB
    . H  ]9 k. A) t" u! t
  4. Disc Size:  40,096,513,666 bytes$ X! \$ D+ l: K+ ^- v
  5. Protection: AACS
    - C2 X# H. |0 P0 ~$ M$ g
  6. BD-Java:  No5 x# W: D7 E% |1 i
  7. BDInfo:   0.5.87 d4 m6 z/ L0 w# l! _) K* M* h. z6 u

  8. 0 G  Q3 w5 Y& Q
  9. PLAYLIST REPORT:; J; ~: i1 }0 g' [5 Q8 i- K' N

  10. & S# H: M) N2 l
  11. Name:       00000.MPLS8 c/ s% E0 X8 O" A) b
  12. Length:     2:09:56.789 (  m4 y+ {: A- q7 h" B
  13. Size:       37,798,459,392 bytes3 Q6 ?% D' U! R3 o& `" u6 V5 G
  14. Total Bitrate:    38.78 Mbps1 f( S' ?& q+ E. ]
  15. 6 _3 }8 ]! T- }/ X8 v  o
  16. Video:
      v( R. C- F- Z3 ^; [$ ]3 ~% t

  17. # n) H; p  m" v9 E
  18. Codec       Bitrate     Description
    5 Y& O5 U- P# `! e6 ^/ j
  19. -----       -------     -----------7 \/ t* x; n5 J4 z- }0 X, [$ h. c) I
  20. MPEG-4 AVC Video  34994 kbps    1080p / 23.976 fps / 16:9 / High Profile 4.1
    & @5 l+ W# ]4 p  x

  21. ' j$ t, E3 f7 F. \( N, t
  22. AUDIO:1 S" w$ k# W) p
  23. : z% J2 e1 l+ @4 R0 t& P: q
  24. Codec         Language  Bitrate   Description. E4 G$ O' U0 D9 \' {. b' k
  25. -----         --------  -------   -----------
    , s2 c/ d2 X- s  x) |& R
  26. DTS-HD Master Audio     English   1781 kbps   2.0 / 48 kHz / 1781 kbps / 24-bit (DTS Core: 2.0 / 48 kHz / 1509 kbps / 24-bit)
    : l7 [# N1 C/ u6 \0 p: N1 d, w
  27. . S4 R+ ?5 M7 f7 [" v
  28. SUBTITLES:7 V0 i/ h3 y' P/ c) }3 ^; D5 G
  29. 4 `$ F6 _; ~2 A* n
  30. Codec         Language  Bitrate   Description2 i2 P, C- q* k
  31. -----         --------  -------   -----------. W0 k7 w; A, [4 M! c. j& H
  32. Presentation Graphics   English   81.586 kbps
Love in the Afternoon Blu-ray, Video Quality   ; S+ y! _: r, t' J! B
4 M3 ^( C! v# t

" m' L& N# i9 k3 F, i9 v- q9 t' pLove in the Afternoon was shot by William C. Mellor, who had already won an Oscar for the black-and-white photography of A Place in the Sun and would win another for The Diary of Anne Frank. For the Warner Archive Collection's 1080p, AVC-encoded Blu-ray, a fine-grain master positive recently struck from the original camera negative was scanned at 2K by Warner's Motion Picture Imaging facility, followed by the usual correction and cleanup. The result is a delicately textured image that effectively replicates the romantic sheen cast over the proceedings by Mellor's lighting, a kind of visual counterpoint to Chavasse's cynical narration. While the image is often soft—in some scenes more than others, depending on the light—detail is sufficiently reproduced to make the Parisian settings a suitable romantic background. Blacks are solidly rendered, and the different levels of black and finely delineated shades of gray help create a sense of depth. The film's grain pattern is well-resolved, and WAC has mastered the disc at its usual high average bitrate (here, 34.99 Mbps). With both production and post-production conducted in Europe, Love has a distinctively different look from Warner's typical B&W photography, and the Blu-ray represents its faithfully./ e1 q! g" c/ V5 ?- H! L

# n* \: F0 ^- N8 r7 @0 GLove in the Afternoon Blu-ray, Audio Quality   " \/ v: k. k4 c3 W

7 e8 h9 U9 s8 J* k! S$ a" S: b" m1 \6 N2 D- p
Love in the Afternoon's original mono soundtrack has been restored from surviving optical elements, cleaned of pops, clicks and other distortions, and encoded in lossless DTS-HD MA 2.0. It's a clearly articulated track with good fidelity, reproducing dialogue intelligibly and sound effects with the requisite emphasis. The musical score consists of selections both classical and modern, many of them played by Flannagan's "house" band, the Gypsies. An oft-repeated tune with special significance is "Fascination", an already familiar waltz that Wilder's film propelled to even greater popularity. The prelude from Wagner's Tristan and Isolde makes a guest appearance.% Z5 y* i3 n* w+ R

( @# M  K+ j% f8 T1 `, m+ Q$ M8 v( E; ~: f' Y0 N
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shiji1973 发表于 2023-7-22 15:53:03 | 显示全部楼层
5 m+ a" n8 N5 g5 mAfter reading the posts have nothing to do I Amoy posts!
* h! W) p- U9 {# j) w: P' h



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