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[蓝光原盘] 碟中谍:幽灵协议 [蓝光原盘 自带中字] Mission Impossible IV Ghost Protocol 2011 1080p BluRaycd AVC TrueHD 7.1-FGT 44.53GB & 40.97GB








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黄金嫖客 发表于 2023-7-23 14:13:52 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
The IMF is shut down when it's implicated in the bombing of the Kremlin, causing Ethan Hunt and his new team to go rogue to clear their organization's name.
' ?4 K' X5 J+ b: a8 y  @# C" `+ E2 b0 L9 l" m% y/ X+ p( w, A4 t6 d
# c6 C% r8 T2 K6 B
+ ]1 B7 _9 @% t◎译  名 碟中谍4/职业特工队:鬼影约章(港)/不可能的任务:鬼影行动(台)/碟中谍:幽灵协议/不可能的任务4/职业特工队4( E* w. j! {6 c  M8 d
◎片  名 Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol / Mission: Impossible 4 / M: I 4* m( R2 Q* Q8 R2 b" q
◎年  代 2011
. A' M  _$ R) `+ C- Y. \3 m◎产  地 美国+ o+ c6 W0 H& b; i2 q
◎类  别 动作/惊悚/冒险/ a# _6 T; V; h* K
◎语  言 英语/俄语/法语/阿拉伯语/瑞典语. v# S( q% ]3 }8 Y1 k7 a
◎上映日期 2012-01-28(中国大陆)/2011-12-21(美国). s6 E0 s$ [# n7 k. p
◎IMDb评分  7.4/10 from 510,080 users' b" ~6 ^0 T4 `3 C% n. V1 a
8 @, H! @8 o5 v- e◎豆瓣评分 8.4/10 from 429,849 users
+ m* Y: |" s7 m8 @/ @◎豆瓣链接 w9 N0 {" U0 A7 @9 B, c
◎文件格式 x264 + TrueHD% |3 T5 ^$ U2 e5 m2 ~- |# N+ X* j
◎视频尺寸 1920 x 1080
" C! L" J6 G, f" T0 x, {4 U◎文件大小 1DVD 44.53 GiB & 40.97 GiB, Y8 I0 s- l8 v- P
◎片  长 2 h 12 min+ x1 h! {$ R5 L$ Q: h6 X
◎导  演 布拉德·伯德 Brad Bird7 K& g" U( z9 Q9 ?3 B: Y
◎编  剧 布鲁斯·盖勒 Bruce Geller# J) I: ^) y4 I+ @
       乔什·阿佩尔鲍姆 Josh Appelbaum4 Y9 \$ v+ h5 S1 V3 ?+ c( R
       安德烈·内梅克 André Nemec* ]% R1 a# s, L4 r
       斯蒂文·泽里安 Steven Zaillian
) m- d6 i( V* f% |$ w4 W; y       大卫·凯普 David Koepp/ |5 B2 H. N$ \
◎演  员 汤姆·克鲁斯 Tom Cruise/ Y, E5 `$ m# b# I% U
       杰瑞米·雷纳 Jeremy Renner
; i$ f: p( K2 U6 y4 @8 k       西蒙·佩吉 Simon Pegg! ^, a7 d9 G3 A7 t' h4 u
       宝拉·巴顿 Paula Patton) c  b! L+ G; x! F5 T+ _2 Q
       蕾雅·赛杜 Léa Seydoux
6 _9 s+ Z& Z+ `, @, o& ?       迈克尔·恩奎斯特 Michael Nyqvist( G2 Q. J+ B: B
       弗拉基米尔·马什科夫 Vladimir Mashkov
0 p. t+ ~5 W7 q( q' S8 p       萨穆里·埃德尔曼 Samuli Edelmann7 \0 n% C& C; H: @( m- I. U/ T
       伊万·舍甫多夫 Ivan Shvedoff
% g% ^$ N. F5 O       亚尼·卡普 Anil Kapoor
' b0 h1 v) j  V       乔什·哈洛威 Josh Holloway8 }( G) \$ |: z5 _, A
       帕维尔·克里兹 Pavel Kríz
( i/ ?) a% R/ _+ G       米拉吉·格尔比克 Miraj Grbic! O  A( u) P" V& m5 s
       伊利亚·沃里克 Ilia Volok) P8 K) l, B  h4 V0 e0 g( |" ]- S
       戈兰·纳沃耶克 Goran Navojec3 ]1 g1 W" {1 c7 D0 M9 m1 {; {7 ~
       拉迪斯拉夫·伯兰 Ladislav Beran$ v, T4 R) U$ H# H* A" Q+ J8 {
       Tomás Valík
/ P( h5 ?4 W* |/ ?* U' \/ n       兰迪·霍尔 Randy Hall+ Z. Q4 v7 S4 g$ \
       维塔利·克拉夫琴科 Vitaly Kravchenko
4 |1 r5 l4 W* D- V+ V       麦克·多普德 Mike Dopud3 D8 ~6 L0 D; u; c( M4 o6 l/ p2 B
       马丁·哈伯 Martin Hub
/ k* v8 X0 ~4 ^2 h% |% ?. ^. I       Ivo Novák6 v9 A1 S) K, U, r, n  L0 q0 T
       Marek Dobes# \/ H/ t/ s6 o$ m& \5 h
       克劳迪娅·瓦西科娃 Claudia Vasekova' W0 W4 M  z- K
       布莱恩·卡斯佩 Brian Caspe* m$ g- Q" Z/ l8 Z, Y4 ^/ z
       佩特拉·卢斯提戈瓦 Petra Lustigova
' o) D% ?( Y! Q       艾普尔·斯图瓦特 April Stewart" f8 r; t, r% x9 H" x
       安德雷斯·魏斯涅夫斯基 Andreas Wisniewski* w) b" Y: z# R0 l9 B5 G
       迪米特里·柴波维特斯基 Dmitry Chepovetsky/ I7 a( \" m4 W$ i
       道恩·楚拜 Dawn Chubai1 s5 J3 R) E9 C% O" F: c
       凯斯·达拉斯 Keith Dallas3 R4 n9 q: W! Q4 X
       Tammy Hui Tammy Hui7 ~% [1 A  q+ m1 b2 }( n
       大卫·斯图尔特 David Stuart
; G0 r! A$ \4 q       Sabrina Morris3 ]4 {/ @  K$ V
       杰西卡·贝尔金 Jessica Belkin
: ^9 l- |* x& h       斯蒂芬·罗波 Stephen Lobo6 Q7 D# w' O  G1 g
       米歇尔·莫纳汉 Michelle Monaghan
; l) n, i* ^4 I: l       阿里·奥洛米 Ali Olomi
4 `% T) ~$ I8 C4 g+ A8 s& U       文·瑞姆斯 Ving Rhames
9 w) N2 ]0 F9 ~' e1 I3 s0 d+ W       米哈利·绍鲍多什 Mihály Szabados
- I* x0 W4 q: ^+ m$ h, _  p       汤姆·威尔金森 Tom Wilkinson
& P% \  P4 h* t       米尔黑·考塔兹 Milhem Cortaz5 p( d& h* F; |0 m
       汤姆·克鲁斯 Tom Cruise
& d% P+ T& Q; I3 G3 l' e' |       J·J·艾布拉姆斯 J.J. Abrams3 f# g. r) T1 \0 B* S  \
       大卫·埃里森 David Ellison
/ J7 Z' D0 d( T7 O  }- S       布莱恩·伯克 Bryan Burk
" H+ G1 s2 Q1 y$ _5 g0 M! ?       迈克·吉亚奇诺 Michael Giacchino7 Z/ a# X( M8 G/ Y7 E* d# w
       罗伯特·艾斯威特 Robert Elswit
% Y$ J; K9 @. ~1 F2 m! U: Z       玛汀娜·泰尔-阿蔻珀瓦 Martina Ter-Akopowá
$ b  b6 A% f- u, j       迈克尔·卡普兰 Michael Kaplan; M' H- |4 a8 L; x0 V
       莫娜·西肖迪亚 Mona Sishodia! ^7 z; ~& ]- `, j" {
       保罗·阿克里 Paolo Acri
- w+ m) w: G7 j" p' U5 G
+ G9 E( s# `) b: K6 C◎标  签 动作 | 碟中谍 | 美国 | 特工 | 间谍 | 冒险 | 2011 | 剧情
* I, z- N; Y+ n7 Q8 Z: t0 }- y: f1 I, j' J
◎简  介   
, ^- Z: V4 w9 r
. F: l" T# e0 K( |3 C% s/ T6 k/ F  当特工伊森·亨特在莫斯科进行一个秘密的间谍活动的时候,一个恐怖分子安置的炸弹炸掉了俄罗斯的标志性建筑:克里姆林宫。俄罗斯政府随即宣布,这起袭击已经超越了一般的恐怖袭击的范畴,是完完全全的“战争的挑衅”。俄罗斯政府的论调让它的对头美国政府如坐针毡。无奈之下,美国政府只好就近派出了自己最强的特工伊森·亨特,在俄罗斯执行一个叫做“幽灵协议”的秘密计划。为了让亨特拥有完全的自主权,美国的特工组织让亨特和他的三个搭档从监狱中逃了出来。因为没有官方记录、没有后援、没有支持,亨特只能依靠自己的力量来完成行动。在异国的行动总是困难重重,更重要的是亨特自己的队伍里似乎还出现了内鬼。这次,伊森·亨特有没有能力再次力挽狂澜,完成不可能的任务,并阻止美俄之间的战争呢?
7 ~) M* w3 M' J0 b7 P' [9 H4 `. a+ G% S- T
  Blamed for the terrorist bombing of the Kremlin, IMF operative Ethan Hunt is disavowed along with the rest of the agency when the President initiates "Ghost Protocol". Left without any resources or backup, Ethan must find a way to clear his agency's name and prevent another attack. To complicate matters further, Ethan is forced to embark on this mission with a team of fellow IMF fugitives whose personal motives he does not fully know.
" X' c- S$ Y/ @1 f" M5 [" B) i- `- R2 V
◎获奖情况  9 |$ e2 I" e) i6 c
/ d5 \2 W: r7 q; B2 U. H4 H
  第21届MTV电影奖(2012)5 g- {$ S; q4 h' h" `
  MTV电影奖 最佳打斗(提名) 迈克尔·恩奎斯特 / 汤姆·克鲁斯- t9 Y7 \3 C& b; O- L1 s' Q: {/ }
  MTV电影奖 最虐心的表演(提名) 汤姆·克鲁斯6 W  p3 f2 A% `$ ]% O% @0 u

! x# F6 q: z. }7 E% `% p) m. F  第14届美国青少年选择奖(2012)
  a, D( V8 _" f  最佳动作片(提名)
. `) j: T6 j+ I+ z+ T) S5 r$ @  最佳动作片男演员(提名) 汤姆·克鲁斯
4 S' F3 G6 I6 H3 ?4 z  最佳动作片女演员(提名) 宝拉·巴顿. l1 y% A% f' {- Y; i+ L

- v: _% q: N3 H  第3届豆瓣电影鑫像奖(2013)
+ u+ `. ?3 k+ \  鑫豆单元 最佳视觉效果(提名)
# Q0 Z9 m9 m1 S) a! G$ M( Z* B. W7 h+ O$ K, I* n1 o$ [
  1. DISC INFO:( U# c4 K0 l& X& W

  2. 8 I6 V% L# n  T( J1 ?' z
  3. Disc Title:     Mission.Impossible.IV.Ghost.Protocol.2011.1080p.BluRayCD.AVC.TrueHD.7.1-FGT" X, s/ W7 x$ i8 B
  4. Disc Size:      44,161,360,443 bytes
    - Z8 @8 f& L, J! n& r" c, k4 m; v( T7 U
  5. Protection:     AACS0 ?# i6 b1 S6 Z9 B, A
  6. BD-Java:        Yes
    ! |! \! k8 m2 q- F) G
  7. BDInfo:         0.5.6' s( v& g, v7 a2 H

  8. ' T* D% A; q$ d6 }0 h) h  B
  9. PLAYLIST REPORT:+ s$ w; S5 S5 {/ Q2 `8 U$ [7 U
  10. " N* Y) k/ o. S, I* @- v
  11. Name:                   00800.MPLS( m. f2 q  q6 R3 Q  K7 ^8 f
  12. Length:                 2:12:56 (h:m:s)  s2 d0 i4 }  ]7 c( w) L
  13. Size:                   37,375,715,328 bytes
    ! D( C2 h( e6 c2 J
  14. Total Bitrate:          37.49 Mbps
    ' B0 |/ q5 f1 D; l! y

  15. 6 n. E2 H1 |4 g: D4 d0 p
  16. Video:
    " \" B# e6 @9 R! d

  17. + @% w0 ~% [- N+ s0 Z* Y$ a
  18. Codec                   Bitrate             Description
    / @* J6 f3 ?: Y8 B1 |, J
  19. -----                   -------             -----------& g  R0 U) R1 D1 _! v
  20. MPEG-4 AVC Video        26747 kbps          1080p / 23.976 fps / 16:9 / High Profile 4.14 d" X. T& u# \# k2 L% O
  21. 3 ^$ r0 u4 a+ D" W2 Z9 o! N1 C4 B1 [
  22. AUDIO:
    / p+ H: w& H! j  b( Z0 \7 s) s
  23. $ y* Z- g+ K0 n  n6 Y( o% |9 E
  24. Codec                           Language        Bitrate         Description/ L: N, s3 q: Z/ A2 s
  25. -----                           --------        -------         -----------0 d" W8 ~7 e& Q
  26. Dolby TrueHD Audio              English         4492 kbps       7.1 / 48 kHz / 4492 kbps / 24-bit (AC3 Embedded: 5.1 / 48 kHz / 640 kbps / DN -4dB)
    ; N- W0 M8 {; P# j
  27. Dolby Digital Audio             English         640 kbps        5.1 / 48 kHz / 640 kbps / DN -4dB9 y' j3 i* W7 I5 y- l
  28. Dolby Digital Audio             French          640 kbps        5.1 / 48 kHz / 640 kbps / DN -4dB" ?8 w9 {! }8 j8 N% `# H7 [; M4 F& K  L
  29. Dolby Digital Audio             Portuguese      640 kbps        5.1 / 48 kHz / 640 kbps / DN -4dB
    1 {9 Z9 H- W# E# b
  30. Dolby Digital Audio             Spanish         640 kbps        5.1 / 48 kHz / 640 kbps / DN -4dB
    4 b/ a$ ~' Y# H* o6 y, _: [
  31. : X2 z( i1 T) `0 f; [3 [. R
    8 B0 u8 |' O- }" \

  33. # p: }1 L6 q0 o5 V
  34. Codec                           Language        Bitrate         Description9 b# M# u4 d, c! b, B+ G
  35. -----                           --------        -------         -----------
    9 S/ ~7 O! ]8 u$ ^9 F8 E7 f0 r
  36. Presentation Graphics           English         14.996 kbps. u% `+ @" {' y0 `. V; K  R' I
  37. Presentation Graphics           English         18.451 kbps
    4 t6 b' Q% h8 r! T% n
  38. Presentation Graphics           English         0.762 kbps
    4 H1 l% K* a, U; j8 ^. h- T1 I
  39. Presentation Graphics           Chinese         19.705 kbps) \' j9 c& s1 C, C
  40. Presentation Graphics           Chinese         20.347 kbps
    " ?$ D! Z0 V1 t: E, O$ d# w7 C
  41. Presentation Graphics           French          15.022 kbps* L" u3 c% m* a" w7 w9 p7 ~8 c% R
  42. Presentation Graphics           French          0.820 kbps
    . ]  m0 q$ l% e% i
  43. Presentation Graphics           Portuguese      0.843 kbps
    , i+ ~0 ?4 `& w4 h9 Y  W) \
  44. Presentation Graphics           Spanish         0.879 kbps
Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol Blu-ray, Video Quality   ' L4 g8 |1 K9 b& W4 e  C9 c

+ z, E3 X6 x9 w) c; {/ Q! I: T: y. a& {' W+ x5 n" e
Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol features a picture-perfect 1080p Blu-ray transfer. Paramount's new releases are generally unrivaled in terms of absolute quality, and this disc settles in right there amongst the best the format has yet seen. From the brilliance of the studio logos forward, the picture quality impresses in every area. Fine detail mesmerizes at every turn. The transfer's clarity and natural sharpness are unparalleled, whether the image is showing distant vistas or up-tight shots of characters and objects. Facial and clothing details are amazing, revealing every last little line and crease. General detailing of building façades, pavement, even sand proves absolutely stunning. There are a few shots that go soft around the sides, but not enough to detract from the sheer brilliance of the total package. Colors represent the definition of brilliance. They're even and true, whether the brightest hues or the most earthy, unassuming shades. Indeed, bright reds, unassuming grays, and desert sands all sparkle with supreme authenticity. Skin tones are natural, and black levels intricately deep and true. The image is bolstered by a light grain structure that rounds this Blu-ray into proper theatrical form. In short, this is a polished, accurate transfer that truly recreates the cinema experience in the home.: q6 |  G; s9 A
' ?9 t# c# \' e" C' _! z, p' b
Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol Blu-ray, Audio Quality   ) a" w6 v7 t1 f/ ^

/ \  a6 z4 i2 d( C: M+ T
3 w4 C# e: J1 h9 Y: OMission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol features a stunning and absolutely immersive Dolby TrueHD 7.1 lossless soundtrack. No matter the element, regardless of the situation, and at any point in the movie, this track yields exceptional sound, from the most hushed moments to the most energized actions scenes. The track's ability to precisely place every sound effect and play it with such a natural presence proves just as impressive as the heaviest action sounds. Simple things like the humming of a hard drive in a quiet room; the closed-in audible sensation of a dark and damp sewer above which an alarm blares away; creaking doors; interior rattling of a moving van or train; or even the precision sound of almost absolute silence as Hunt and Dunn use high tech wizardry to infiltrate the Kremlin, their breaths and the slightest leathery creases in their shoes the only things that might betray their presence, all play with beautiful clarity that pulls the audience into the film and steals their breaths with the sounds of near silence. Yet for as superb as these effects may be, and as completely immersive as they are, the track really struts its stuff when it comes time for music and action. The theme music has never sounded so crisp and perfectly defined and spacious as it does here. The classic notes play with such authenticity that the speakers melt away as if it were being performed live. The chaos of action is infinitely entertaining and sonically exacting. Gunshots deliver precise cracking and echoing. Crunching metal, powerful gusting winds, and penetrating lows all give shape and style to the track. Imaging is seamless, directional effects are accurate, and the track constantly makes fine use of all of its channels, whether in the delivery of that action or those most quiet effects. Rounded out by faultless dialogue reproduction, Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol's 7.1 lossless track is amongst the best Blu-ray has to offer.
  1. Disc Title: Mission Impossible - Ghost Protocol 2011 1080p Blu-ray AVC TrueHD 7.1-DIY-HDChina 40.97 GB
    5 c7 ~: D: g7 R5 }5 ]' Z7 [
  2. Disc Size:  43,994,798,148 bytes
    7 l. h' z3 `8 @1 n2 q) x0 l
  3. Protection: AACS! N9 Q) H7 B3 Q. V" M
  4. BD-Java:  Yes) ~$ l% u2 s* F3 I5 W
  5. BDInfo:   0.5.6. |. M; a3 P( |$ G  m
  6. PLAYLIST REPORT:' H; r: X  |  q" g  I5 y4 A/ l# W+ \/ f
  7. Name:       00800.MPLS, y/ H* a% `# s% {) R7 K2 W6 `3 A
  8. Length:     2:12:56 (h:m:s)
    3 L! r: @6 S$ j5 v3 R( G
  9. Size:       37,239,379,968 bytes5 q+ L9 |. V2 N' y7 b; U  |
  10. Total Bitrate:    37.35 Mbps0 V# t' m, ^9 n7 O: X/ H
  11. VIDEO:
    & i# a8 x) n0 k: z  h
  12. Codec       Bitrate     Description6 T5 n/ h2 L$ Q5 ^8 z
  13. -----       -------     -----------
    ) s" A* c! [% Y( o! C. v: l
  14. MPEG-4 AVC Video  26747 kbps    1080p / 23.976 fps / 16:9 / High Profile 4.1
    : i; D4 A! ?7 v2 T/ z1 q0 i
  15. AUDIO:
    # a& Z9 c- E7 q& ?- X- s* W/ K
  16. Codec         Language  Bitrate   Description6 M2 o3 }5 i6 ~$ P9 |
  17. -----         --------  -------   -----------$ J0 @& Y& ?6 u6 @' M' J
  18. Dolby TrueHD Audio    English   4492 kbps   7.1 / 48 kHz / 4492 kbps / 24-bit (AC3 Embedded: 5.1 / 48 kHz / 640 kbps / DN -4dB)! R* h: `5 ^% m
  19. DTS-ES Audio      Chinese   768 kbps  5.1-ES / 48 kHz / 768 kbps / 24-bit1 E9 L. T$ S' B2 H5 u' t! L
  20. Dolby Digital Audio     English   640 kbps  5.1 / 48 kHz / 640 kbps / DN -4dB
    9 \& D7 l0 y5 v) }8 u; U& X& Y! a
  21. Dolby Digital Audio     Chinese   384 kbps  5.1 / 48 kHz / 384 kbps
    6 g  X" N! _5 u% `2 G
  22. Dolby Digital Audio     Portuguese  640 kbps  5.1 / 48 kHz / 640 kbps / DN -4dB9 q6 z( \3 Q3 f4 F, O
  23. SUBTITLES:" D4 s( B- k% K! l1 i; p
  24. Codec         Language  Bitrate   Description/ x+ \& Y+ Y3 A/ d* `# k) f4 {
  25. -----         --------  -------   -----------2 D4 F/ l3 X1 d
  26. Presentation Graphics   English   14.996 kbps
    " M4 ^+ a( ^+ `9 V4 v, a
  27. Presentation Graphics   English   18.451 kbps4 z0 L8 \+ c$ n& m
  28. Presentation Graphics   English   0.762 kbps+ T' U. X% f+ ]
  29. Presentation Graphics   Chinese   60.443 kbps: D& H" S: {* J. ~
  30. Presentation Graphics   Chinese   16.848 kbps
    5 K/ d$ }; q% b$ V. Z: Z8 N' C% y
  31. Presentation Graphics   French    0.820 kbps" R$ ^  c$ G8 H8 h2 n
  32. Presentation Graphics   Portuguese  13.401 kbps9 _4 Z6 i6 H/ h
  33. Presentation Graphics   Portuguese  0.843 kbps
    0 I  @/ _# f) F+ O* ^% D
  34. Presentation Graphics   Spanish   0.879 kbps( o  m: `, q3 r1 q# a# l
  35. FILES:
    ! \5 X' v3 t0 B- k4 ?' P3 B8 i
  36. Name    Time In   Length    Size    Total Bitrate
    % m* n$ p+ P2 q) O: t
  37. ----    -------   ------    ----    -------------5 V2 y, q8 C9 W1 a2 D
  38. 00800.M2TS  0:00:00.000 2:12:56.320 37,239,379,96837,350

9 f- s  B: S5 c# P2 Z. s5 a7 ^2 L
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5 枚
4269 点


jiyugen8180 发表于 2023-7-24 16:55:06 | 显示全部楼层
- p6 m/ o3 u& ^: [ movie updates really fast, also did not release issued, whether you believe it or not, anyway, I believed!








232 枚
1081 点
aacq 发表于 2023-7-24 21:42:30 | 显示全部楼层








274 枚
2743 点
lfvvzc 发表于 2023-7-29 11:52:37 | 显示全部楼层
看了LZ的帖子,我只想说一句很好很强大!""0 x, j9 V/ N" {2 c4 y& W/ B0 _
In fact, I have always felt that the landlord of good taste! Ha ha!8 F# w. o: q/ n+ C2 \








0 枚
514 点
blizzardYan 发表于 2023-7-30 16:27:34 | 显示全部楼层








409 枚
761 点
huayoujing 发表于 2023-8-13 09:24:54 | 显示全部楼层



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