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[蓝光原盘] 激情沸点/激情热点 [蓝光原盘] The Hot Spot 1990 1080p BluRaycd AVC DTS-HD MA 2.0-FGT 21.35GB








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黄金嫖客 发表于 2023-9-30 07:25:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
A loner moves in to a small Texas town, finds himself a job, and sets about plotting to rob the local bank.
0 s$ X7 Q, o, N2 K8 x% q0 X# T, T7 g+ j3 f3 Y8 w
: f" h7 ^- h) O) `6 o6 s& D
! o) J' q5 z( |- K- g1 P. ?
◎译  名 激情沸点/激情热点) \9 M% g* u8 D! K* M, Z# s0 O5 H- R
◎片  名 The Hot Spot. `  g" `( F' O* P% R7 f
◎年  代 1990
& U* l7 S. U, X" c" R% e◎产  地 美国
3 j% e$ c: s4 k/ Q◎类  别 剧情/爱情/惊悚/犯罪
4 E" C* i' Z" L" A◎语  言 英语
4 Q  u7 S- Q1 B! K" p/ T◎上映日期 1990-10-26(美国)
* @; w$ e7 e4 w% T' N. ?; G◎IMDb评分  6.4/10 from 11,522 users
2 }% J# M' l' z: o' U5 p◎IMDb链接
: A. @9 s+ O$ g+ v/ p) _◎豆瓣评分 6.7/10 from 3,828 users0 D% w5 J' ?5 u) F2 B+ H
- h% [# m: r% b0 x" a  F/ ]◎文件格式 x264 + DTS  
* t9 E, H( }" c0 n- D◎视频尺寸 1920 x 1080, k" g2 U. ]9 k4 b
◎文件大小 1DVD 21.35 GiB  g# |; o/ }& r2 Y
◎片  长 2:10:04.213 ( y0 Q$ b, ^+ ^0 g) L! I0 `
◎导  演 丹尼斯·霍珀 Dennis Hopper9 O0 `& K0 p: g
◎编  剧 查尔斯·威廉姆斯 Charles Williams
3 \2 ?& ?! G1 z( Y* J7 p       Nona Tyson
$ H9 c4 a7 r1 J" u◎演  员 唐·约翰逊 Don Johnson/ \; I. T) Z2 |0 Z
       维吉妮娅·马德森 Virginia Madsen% [. b4 G6 c/ K$ ?! V& \5 [
       詹妮弗·康纳利 Jennifer Connelly# }/ U* \. g! @5 a2 {* L# u' ?
       查尔斯·马丁·史密斯 Charles Martin Smith& e  H9 h. g% I& q0 G# p, L! |
       威廉姆·赛德勒 William Sadler
* J/ B; K& P9 Q0 I0 u       杰里·哈德因 Jerry Hardin
3 o: N4 e/ N4 Q7 b6 |# h       巴里·柯宾 Barry Corbin! i4 X4 L0 R& s, z8 y2 C
       莱昂·里皮 Leon Rippy
" S/ u& J' s/ W% F, Y+ ?       杰克·南斯 Jack Nance6 o0 f6 [4 S1 o
       约翰·霍克 John Hawker, K7 W! A! O# k  K
       James N. Harrell3 j9 m& |# h1 Z3 K$ U- Z
       Edith Mills4 a4 V) g8 `1 A; j
       乌利·史蒂格 Ueli Steiger6 |. y$ Y  `$ k; L
       Michael J. Sullivan
" x8 c8 P# _1 B2 e/ ]       Cary White
3 v% q7 [% X8 Z       Candace Neal( I# K- @) _9 w( A/ T' U) p& ^
       帕蒂·约克 Patty York, D' G2 @; u! E+ j- J0 a' n- H
6 |8 g3 O# ^5 B; ~0 ^
◎标  签 詹妮弗·康纳利 | 美国 | 情色 | 珍妮弗-康纳利(Jennifer-Connelly) | 犯罪 | JenniferConnelly | 1990 | 美国电影
6 W  q+ r$ x. F- q6 k  p
- l  `5 m0 v4 B9 N◎简  介   
+ _" v% Y) ~5 f& ?. b8 w# y# @8 l# h: E9 q) M
  一名流浪客来到德克萨斯一个州的小镇,却为当地人带来了一场情欲和罪恶风暴,不久,他发现自己夹在两名女子和一个男人之间,而且性命不保……. V- |5 r. ~6 \# d2 O9 r( x& h  y

8 ]* j1 O- ^4 k" u2 S  R  Upon arriving to a small town, a drifter quickly gets into trouble with the local authorities - and the local women - after he robs a bank.
: I/ D9 G6 w& K' E
. k2 @  R& G* A5 Z  V, E
+ u1 k0 |1 V! D2 p# r
  1. DISC INFO:1 |0 t8 e2 o0 a8 p

  2. + b' P- C7 y/ v9 J  d/ c9 i. e
  3. Disc Title:     The.Hot.Spot.1990.1080p.BluRayCD.AVC.DTS-HD.MA.2.0-FGT# P  S7 o' ^7 ~' S6 F/ v
  4. Disc Size:      22 924 443 738 bytes% F9 ~6 S; C) F
  5. Protection:    AACS. D3 m8 t3 Q, \4 {+ r& o3 r
  6. BD-Java:       No
    ( q3 ?- @8 E+ h& x& v
  7. Extras:         50Hz Content* f. A$ _- t8 O5 g) t+ Z
  8. BDInfo:         0.5.87 j  K* x2 w" L; P
  9. ( h- W+ e3 U! f9 M
    . o3 g: J/ A0 r- A1 m

  11. . U/ E. Z5 z/ K2 I. I
  12. Name:                   00000.MPLS
    1 F- h5 {! a* U- c: ]
  13. Length:                 2:10:04.213 (
    6 g! f' N9 Y! e. z8 s
  14. Size:                     20 765 466 624 bytes
    6 m- R. j  B0 L* |1 H
  15. Total Bitrate:        21,29 Mbps
    ! l9 r1 ]% C6 R: b* t8 X9 t: ~, ?

  16. - u" h3 F  \/ ~0 `3 T4 v
  17. Video:
    & m& @/ p6 {8 g, |
  18. - T' N  ]- m% X& V9 P
  19. Codec                            Bitrate                 Description    ( y! K7 t" _6 P' R1 K7 L
  20. -----                               -------                   -----------    ( B# Q& }3 Y: G( H
  21. MPEG-4 AVC Video        15619 kbps          1080p / 23,976 fps / 16:9 / High Profile 4.1
    9 q: A7 F1 o( u( C2 B

  22. 9 y& f& s7 S. d( l* G" o
  23. AUDIO:
    ( r' v. t8 k  V6 H! ^

  24. - X& `% I& s; J' u- W, m- e1 u
  25. Codec                                     Language      Bitrate            Description   
    - y: Q" u$ w/ K2 t' t7 w& t5 S
  26. -----                                        --------           -------              -----------    , g7 W2 f! e1 |- r, m3 ^
  27. DTS-HD Master Audio             French          2080 kbps       2.0 / 48 kHz / 2080 kbps / 24-bit (DTS Core: 2.0 / 48 kHz / 1509 kbps / 24-bit)
    ( N0 n. i# w. d: R' s, L9 X
  28. DTS-HD Master Audio             English          2092 kbps       2.0 / 48 kHz / 2092 kbps / 24-bit (DTS Core: 2.0 / 48 kHz / 1509 kbps / 24-bit)
    5 V8 N; H+ ^$ E

  29. # E* C  Y6 n* v: _
  30. SUBTITLES:% k5 ]0 h& [$ f# J% x. F+ r. m
  31. # |: m) {/ g) M& N" U
  32. Codec                                   Language       Bitrate
    & Q. R0 X; k  C7 i/ ~% f8 v
  33. -----                                       --------           -------3 _0 {# U/ b  g! b; l* `
  34. Presentation Graphics           French          0,166 kbps% c% Y& Z. M$ w- x" V# V4 k
  35. Presentation Graphics           French          15,983 kbps
The Hot Spot Blu-ray, Video Quality   7 e* \2 ~, b+ z. a. V9 Y! {

9 o+ B' J9 `; t3 z( [+ j; H+ s- R( y' _  B: y2 y$ G
The Hot Spot is presented on Blu-ray courtesy of Shout! Factory with an AVC encoded 1080p transfer in 1.85:1. It's frankly been several years since I saw this film on the previously released DVD, but I have a fairly clear memory of it being a somewhat brighter presentation than it is on this new Blu-ray. I can't authoritatively state which version most accurately recreates the original theatrical exhibition as I never saw The Hot Spot in a theater (I frankly don't even think it played in my home town, at least that I can recall). The elements here are in very good shape overall, with only some very minor scratching and speckling to report. While the image seems a tad dark to me, colors are very accurate looking and nicely saturated. Everything is rather soft looking, without any real "pop", however, Fine detail is also in the middling range. Grain tends to overwhelm the image in the darkest sequences. This is a frankly mediocre to okay presentation of a similarly scaled film.
7 O* V* y# a4 d8 Q2 b& o0 i. }5 j' }5 M; M# x
The Hot Spot Blu-ray, Audio Quality   
8 U) f) z/ M6 M! E$ H; p) F& c7 q$ x4 s9 S# Z
5 ]) B& V. y* P1 E+ U
The Hot Spot's lossless DTS-HD Master Audio 2.0 mix is very good, and is especially nice due to the glut of great source cues Hopper has included in the film. Dialogue is cleanly and clearly presented, and while there's not a lot of "wow" factor in the mix, everything is well prioritized and there's absolutely no damage of any kind to report.1 a% H5 t+ e* ?

7 G+ I; g, F4 n
5 i; y. B1 Z! v' c" ^+ w
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jiyugen8180 发表于 2023-10-11 10:43:02 | 显示全部楼层
0 n; o+ J% u" v" ]6 T, ]$ dbluraycd forum, a lot of Blu-ray movies!
: L' c1 G$ J1 [% x



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