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[蓝光原盘] 东邪西毒 终极版 [原盘DIY 国语中字] Ashes of Time Redux 2008 BluRaycd 1080p AVC DTS-HD MA 5.1-HDS 21.33GB








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黄金嫖客 发表于 2023-10-4 01:18:23 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
A broken-hearted hit man moves to the desert where he finds skilled swordsmen to carry out his contract killings.
- \1 |$ {0 C2 t$ \3 u* Y8 Y% D! t- c7 ^/ C2 a

, L) g! v% w/ H& l) |" `! G% e% s# A6 m9 @8 Y/ `% o" {1 c2 ~
◎译  名 东邪西毒:终极版
4 E4 n1 e. \2 `" k  t◎片  名 東邪西毒終極版 / Ashes of Time Redux
9 S1 N8 ]+ c9 c$ a! B; ?◎年  代 2008  c1 O# h' M* i. `8 \
◎产  地 中国香港/中国大陆/中国台湾" T5 f% L5 @, z) @
◎类  别 剧情/动作/爱情
, Z# g1 w7 ?1 {◎语  言 粤语/汉语普通话
# R6 s' Y0 H, r! H& K: t+ |◎上映日期 2008-05-18(戛纳电影节)/2009-03-26(中国大陆)" f) Z' j  D* c: y/ G
◎IMDb评分  7.0/10 from 17,798 users
2 z6 q  J; x/ G/ C) o4 ^1 U◎IMDb链接
8 ~4 b3 m% U* N* U◎豆瓣评分 8.8/10 from 200,263 users
  N( x8 C# v/ n' e4 }& K◎豆瓣链接
, w# t$ y( T/ t+ L" K. {; f◎文件格式 x264 + DTS
2 ~! n! j& K3 o4 ^& A  w" ^# D◎视频尺寸 1920 x 10805 ]5 ]5 H6 S* |; ^2 A
◎文件大小 1DVD 21.33 GiB
  z2 m% |  v" c/ f, t◎片  长 1:33:21.594 ( c; k  e0 o' }& O' F! B
◎导  演 王家卫 Kar Wai Wong: e6 d- d- w% {8 ~
◎编  剧 王家卫 Kar Wai Wong& z! N+ k- g9 k0 k/ k( o8 R
       金庸 Louis Cha& v6 s2 Z/ m7 G" V: ~! [/ o
◎演  员 张国荣 Leslie Cheung
  l7 s6 c2 J) k0 ?+ }2 d/ k       林青霞 Brigitte Lin4 @& `8 G7 C7 }; p
       梁朝伟 Tony Leung Chiu Wai# w8 V; ^1 A  \: m
       张学友 Jacky Cheung
2 _5 a' a4 z0 N) e$ Q. v3 f       张曼玉 Maggie Cheung
: Q- h% L* A, S3 c9 a. h       刘嘉玲 Carina Lau: b$ W5 X# Y0 C1 L- W# @
       梁家辉 Tony Leung3 H( `2 Y8 [8 {" r* M
       杨采妮 Charlie Yeung
" h  P0 A5 g& f+ r8 |2 [       白丽 Li Bai1 w0 I* s, F$ F1 |/ ]. K
       廖静妮 Jingni Liao
# w) c% F& z  d. d8 e  x! A7 _" ~       王家卫 Kar Wai Wong
" ~5 y7 ?- X$ r7 O7 y( `) k2 \2 y& p0 X9 N
◎简  介   ( d3 e$ P+ v5 t( P( t5 P

3 j( ~1 w& ^9 Y. G1 l7 [  经过修复和重新剪辑的终极版《东邪西毒》。片子取材于金庸的武侠神作《射雕英雄传》,但故事的主线变成了原著中不受人待见的欧阳锋(张国荣 饰)。欧阳锋因为昔日恋人(张曼玉 饰)赌气嫁给兄长而离开家乡白驼山,来到大漠中开了一家专门介绍杀手的酒舍。在沙漠的自我放逐中他重逢了好友黄药师(梁家辉 饰),遇见了精分的慕容嫣(林青霞 饰),深情的想念妻子桃花(刘嘉玲 饰)却不想相见的夕阳武士(梁朝伟 饰),倔强的复仇孤女(杨采妮 饰),初来闯荡江湖的不穿鞋的洪七(张学友 饰)。在经历了他人的生死、感情纠葛之后,欧阳锋得知了恋人的死讯,一切得到释然后他烧毁了酒舍,离开了沙漠……
1 j# q7 D7 A! z% l& [) V7 Z
7 A+ R9 c2 w. n0 \1 ^  修复版和94年版在画面、时长、配乐、标题、对白、镜头上都略有不同。
8 L$ u! _2 _& O; B5 W% T1 g8 [* ~' m
  Ouyang Feng has lived in the western desert for some years. He left his home in White Camel Mountain when the woman he loved chose to marry his elder brother rather than him. Instead of seeking glory, he ends up as an agent. When people come to him with a wish to eliminate someone who has wronged them, he puts them in touch with a swordsman who can do the job." E) e8 o# l5 _
7 J, q  ^1 ~0 N: C5 t5 l& ]
8 ^7 ^, \" n0 L( m9 y# z( V) f" H# H  T- [* D2 Q% C
  第51届威尼斯电影节 (1994), x6 c2 Y& r+ i) H, J
  金奥赛拉奖 最佳摄影
7 o8 \# d& m6 U* ]. \& c# S   └──杜可风3 ]& u- k% \5 C( b
  第31届台北金马影展 (1994)
9 X8 N* H6 \8 @7 _  金马奖 最佳改编剧本(提名)8 b- R' m' f4 q% o; H
   └──王家卫( S; I/ D: ^) t6 g; S0 ]1 O
  金马奖 最佳摄影
7 V# ?- J5 t. S2 a5 ~- l5 O+ b2 ?   └──杜可风
$ j/ `: i' B8 J+ O2 j* d3 ?  金马奖 最佳美术设计(提名)
$ }5 D1 w2 H3 y. G4 f5 ?   └──张叔平* S- e6 \% o* v2 e  O
  金马奖 最佳造型设计(提名); U) w. S( }# R6 }9 t! o3 E9 z
   └──张叔平* x% Y: K" {: I; F! r; A
  金马奖 最佳剪辑
, N; N: o8 x6 |$ B1 d/ Z' E  第14届香港电影金像奖 (1995)( f2 j$ z  m& N7 \
" f6 G5 R3 h% {. L  最佳导演(提名)- ?1 b2 ^0 c  f2 V5 {& T
! [1 i2 J! B: L4 v1 w# H; t  最佳编剧(提名)
: p2 j* \) l, V& x- j   └──王家卫
- j& m! }5 F/ w# I  最佳摄影  u3 ~4 E  B: C1 i; K$ t$ M
   └──杜可风- l: ^4 _# A+ W' L: e% k
& }* D# u. `: h6 Z- q  最佳美术指导5 m1 I# p7 i. w5 S5 o
   └──张叔平# a$ G3 u$ c! V' W% m7 Z
  最佳服装造型设计) |( t$ a5 e% E2 Q( @. `" C6 q
: U' R7 P2 i% q& V  g" T, `0 e  最佳动作设计(提名)) P$ ~) r% O$ f
1 U. O6 u! e/ w1 z  最佳原创电影音乐(提名)
, A: g+ S' V0 ]. Y. _8 D2 \! p3 P# b1 P9 P
    : {4 X# i% V; e8 }) D( J! P  C
  2. Disc Title:     Ashes.of.Time.Redux.2008.BluRayCD.1080p.AVC.DTS-HD.MA.5.1-HDS
    / w% \# \  V7 g
  3. Disc Size:      32,748,453,818 bytes# e7 r$ X( n4 @; }, h$ b6 \3 F+ b1 R) ]
  4. Protection:     AAC% q4 q% z6 B& d9 T5 a& ]5 R
  5. BD-Java:        No/ C+ S" a* @0 A. U% b& ^9 M' z
  6. BDInfo:         0.5.8%; O3 N) P) T  i/ [( g! s* x, A
  7. 9 X* _% G6 E, `6 p' F7 U
  8. PLAYLIST REPORT:, E- N3 d6 V6 i: p2 z

  9. ( Q$ E( h6 P9 R3 ~8 u
  10. Name:                   00001.MPLS- ^* ]& O2 L( s; D) v
  11. Length:                 1:33:21.594 ( Y: M+ E4 n# q8 r
  12. Size:                   31,852,517,376 bytes( h% x9 b5 o4 a3 B" U6 @; e4 }
  13. Total Bitrate:          45.49 Mbps
    # Z8 t! V0 d2 D* B! b, }
  14. # V# F& N: X+ A+ I' n, O* X; m' m6 W
  15. Video:
    & C/ V* }. i4 y  |9 u$ ?
  16. 0 b+ c% y/ b, C. u
  17. Codec                   Bitrate             Description     
    # s$ M) r& _5 R7 Y6 J; C
  18. -----                   -------             -----------     5 m0 r. X) y6 P# S% a  T. F! p
  19. MPEG-4 AVC Video        37736 kbps          1080p / 23.976 fps / 16:9 / High Profile 4.14 T! s9 I% u% [6 a3 k
  20. ! X6 ^/ v" B! p( \1 B9 F8 v
  21. AUDIO:9 {, x# c1 N9 r0 M0 Z
  22. . r/ j8 Q( Q# U7 N
  23. Codec                           Language        Bitrate         Description
    / P1 L, r7 _" B, g6 B2 e3 ]- f+ `3 v
  24. -----                           --------        -------         -----------    + m" h7 B; j& h+ q6 F
  25. DTS-HD Master Audio             Chinese         1612 kbps       2.0 / 48 kHz / 1612 kbps / 16-bit (DTS Core: 2.0 / 48 kHz / 1509 kbps / 16-bit)
    & M" m/ j; @& B  t; U
  26. DTS-HD Master Audio             Chinese         3629 kbps       5.1 / 48 kHz / 3629 kbps / 24-bit (DTS Core: 5.1 / 48 kHz / 1509 kbps / 24-bit)
      J1 k; b9 x- Z. ~0 i0 S+ \8 M

  27. & U5 g) K" u* [5 ?; A
  28. SUBTITLES:' c9 ^: x4 H/ |( d+ s

  29. 9 g0 V% ]) H" Q: D2 Q6 |
  30. Codec                           Language        Bitrate         Description     
    9 t( A6 d& x6 y: u- Y* {
  31. -----                           --------        -------         -----------     
    : F2 K7 I! p: i/ r, X8 N2 N) G
  32. Presentation Graphics           Japanese        36.444 kbps                     * w4 p# h$ E$ _# G  e! S
  33. Presentation Graphics           Chinese         23.033 kbps                     9 e- f: P1 h) v- n7 E  i
  34. Presentation Graphics           Chinese         22.387 kbps
Ashes of Time Redux Blu-ray, Video Quality   ; Z% ^1 P1 a. G# d5 q3 r
6 L/ {9 O) z, L/ E/ f0 [% P& j7 t

4 ^# S8 v" J& [6 y  N; z/ D! j* W/ lPresented in its original aspect ratio of 1.85:1, encoded with MPEG-4 AVC and granted a 1080p transfer, Wong Kar Wai's Ashes of Time-Redux arrives on Blu-ray courtesy of UK-based distributors Artificial Eye.
' L$ s' {. s; f- ~6 H3 t5 ?; Q) e( c! J! t8 R* t' N9 V2 }  w9 E+ e
The back cover for this Blu-ray release incorrectly states that Ashes of Time-Redux is presented in an aspect ratio of 2.35:1. As noted above, the film is actually framed in the correct 1.85:1 ratio., h3 K: b% R1 z; ^8 i: c; [
- P9 e% q% p) U
To make a long story short, what Artificial Eye have done with this Blu-ray transfer is nothing short of phenomenal. Compared to the original print, clarity, detail, and contrast are so impressive that I honestly felt like I saw an entirely new film. Having gone through a few horrendous-looking HK DVDs, I knew that the massive restoration Ashes of Time-Redux underwent for its Cannes screening would address plenty of the issues the original print suffered from, but I was most definitely not prepared for what I saw last night. This new presentation of Wong Kar Wai's moody love story introduces an entirely new color-scheme that is so overwhelming I am actually struggling to find words that could describe adequately what has been done with the old film elements. Rich and fantastically-saturated yellows, browns, and blacks are the key colors in Ashes of Time-Redux. Furthermore, they are used in such a wild fashion that often times I felt like watching a giant Salvador Dali painting that had miraculously come to life (really, if you have already seen what Wong Kar Wai and his team have done with this print, you would know that I am not exaggerating at all). On the other hand, fine grain and detail have not been DNR-altered at all. This being said, I could clearly tell that the tech team had to work with different master prints – there are a few notable frame displacements that not only reveal different color tints, but also different aspect ratios (1.85:1 vs. 1.78:1). Still, the final result is what I could only describe as a triumph which film enthusiasts will be simply blown away with. For the record, there are still a few minor examples of print damage but I have to assume that they are actually embedded into the master print the tech crew had to work with. (Note: Even though this Blu-ray disc is marketed as Region-B, it is actually Region-Free. This means that you will be able to play it on your PS3 or SA regardless of your geographical location).9 q/ T- f* l! K' P
& ?6 A, P- ^6 p% ^" i
Ashes of Time Redux Blu-ray, Audio Quality   
+ ]+ M2 H* N3 U3 t
% [/ K" v* G* v. F3 S3 `3 K% e1 @- r3 p! U  p5 G, J9 y
Ashes of Time-Redux arrives on Blu-ray with two audio tracks: Cantonese (with portions of Mandarin) DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1 and Cantonese (with portions of Mandarin) Dolby Digital 5.1.
; S- h, P5 C$ B, V# L5 w; X" p. d6 Y
Before I discuss the quality of the two audio tracks noted above, I would like to point out to you that Ashes of Time-Redux boasts an entirely new music soundtrack. Wong Kar Wai has altered Frankie Chan's old score, adding an intriguing new orchestration with renowned cellist Yo-Yo Ma appearing as a guest soloist, which adds a lot more to the film's epic overtones.# n! V! g3 A9 H% T* Y$ d4 B# l

3 }$ ]/ Z, O- M# H" j* HThe DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1 track most definitely provides a completely new type of audio experience. The new restored and remixed score by Frankie Chan and Roel A. García is far richer and evocative. For example, the surround activity is surprisingly effective. There is an interesting overlapping between the string section and a lonely pan-flute that comes off the speakers in a spectacular fashion – the sound is deep, rich, yet incredibly nuanced. Furthermore, during the key desert scenes the new orchestral score really enhances the viewing experience far better than the old unremixed score. As noted earlier, the orchestral score delivers an entirely new atmosphere. Finally, the dialog is now crystal clear and exceptionally easy to follow. For the record, I did not detect any disturbing, pops, cracks, or hissings. Artificial Eye have also provided optional English subtitles for the main feature.
' d. @+ O! ^! @+ I$ P; ^
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shiji1973 发表于 2023-10-8 15:34:02 | 显示全部楼层
4 g  w  J0 W6 ^9 [Not see, I am a novice, the inadequacies of the first Please bear with me!
2 R! c$ Q7 w% N. [' J. a








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