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[4K极清电影] 南瓜恶灵/恐怖南瓜头 [4K蓝光原盘] Pumpkinhead 1988 COMPLETE 4K UHD BluRaycd HEVC DTS-HD MA 5.1-MassModz 56.44GB








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黄金嫖客 发表于 2023-10-14 23:09:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
A storekeeper leverages a local witch's ability to call upon the mythical beast Pumpkinhead to exact revenge upon the death of his son.
7 h1 F, U0 ?6 Q3 M2 H8 J: W5 y
4 g4 x1 H" o6 B& D4 S8 h7 ]% C1 |
1 S  M1 T& b- e$ u0 D
+ |0 [. x8 d" m+ z% \◎译  名 南瓜恶灵/恐怖南瓜头2 L) a/ G/ f+ d* V2 m
◎片  名 Pumpkinhead / Vengeance: The Demon
( g- M/ ~4 z6 }* c+ w' ?. g◎年  代 1988
. S2 ~% z( X1 x◎产  地 美国8 q' b) c# r# O8 l
◎类  别 惊悚/恐怖/奇幻$ q  p$ A. ]/ G6 Z6 r. N' S
◎语  言 英语
/ L" A. Q  l+ E* n8 l◎上映日期 1988-09-01/1989-01-13(美国)# E6 ?5 l& H. p" J$ q& ^* j6 m0 B
◎IMDb评分  6.2/10 from 26,498 users/ B$ a$ o5 F! |3 G+ ~, x: e
◎IMDb链接 H9 u$ _! `/ ?& z/ h7 M2 }
◎豆瓣评分 6.1/10 from 569 users$ O, N8 ]$ Z# q; O
◎豆瓣链接" }( l; r/ e0 B
◎文件格式 x264 + DTS
: S* ^' r7 T6 v3 r& P8 R5 d5 L◎视频尺寸 1920 x 1080
6 n# M: r& E# \( G◎文件大小 1DVD 56.44 GiB  I5 Y$ y  `0 {/ \
◎片  长 1 h 26 min5 a$ i+ p+ W% N) w
◎导  演 斯坦·温斯顿 Stan Winston5 @1 g) N. w: r) a6 x. P
◎编  剧 艾德·贾斯汀 Ed Justin
- `, ^2 S( S6 j# c2 j. o       Gary Gerani
8 B: d) M: [) F  Y" ]# ]' U       马克·帕特里克·卡尔杜奇 Mark Patrick Carducci
( I0 j0 X. G. I; B" Y% [2 u1 A0 |& @       斯坦·温斯顿 Stan Winston# L7 E+ T9 @) f
◎主  演 兰斯·亨利克森 Lance Henriksen
, Y5 T  a' d; I2 a- s( `3 M       钱斯·迈克尔·科比特 Chance Michael Corbitt$ ^( @+ c! U  x! `. ^
       Jandi Swanson9 G4 O4 k  Q0 Y% H! e2 N7 o
       汤姆·伍德鲁夫 Tom Woodruff Jr.
( f8 k, [. ^+ c* b2 j* ~0 D6 a       玛什茹 Mushroom: Q# q, W; }+ L& v  L4 R
       Kimberly Ross
% P& _) v' s! }2 F/ ?. Q2 n       Matthew Hurley
! H- A0 A5 e0 t, A3 v- ~9 u, M       戴文·奥德萨 Devon Odessa
3 K& y* O* s4 m# n- e       杰夫·伊斯特 Jeff East
6 B, B& n$ \% @0 v! h       乔治·“巴克”·弗劳尔 George 'Buck' Flower
) }; m, D: G6 H0 v: `       Dick Warlock
* g8 ]* p4 r; V2 f2 n7 U. v       Cynthia Bain. U' P8 V; A* G5 o. z  D$ r6 q0 k: Q& Q
       马伊姆·拜力克 Mayim Bialik
( K3 H$ ]/ D( G4 h- X3 c       约翰·达奎诺 John D'Aquino
0 t9 Q' g, {, ^$ s       李·德布鲁 Lee de Broux
$ `, o, K$ E$ Q" z6 ]! t       Madeleine Taylor Holmes
0 _' U7 K1 P; n9 W3 G$ N       布莱恩·布里莫 Brian Bremer* N5 Y- Y$ ?! g4 @/ N8 c
. q2 j1 F+ d! C) X' ]( D
◎标  签 恐怖 | 美国 | 惊悚 | 美国电影 | cult | 1988 | 恐怖电影 | 1980s0 _1 x* G! W$ p& w$ x1 G
/ i; o* N3 _( m, R" B; O# N2 g  l0 M% N
◎简  介   . I: A' M) X* r& Y, R4 C& G

. m+ n! ?- e2 k/ l  l  电影《恐怖南瓜头》是典型的低成本恐怖片,以南瓜魔为吓唬观众的号召,看起来有点令人失笑,但爱好类型片的观众可能仍会乐此不疲。剧情描述过三名摩托车骑士在偏僻的荒野撞死了一名男孩,然后不顾而去。父亲艾德伤心欲绝,誓要替儿子报仇。他想起了童年时代亲眼见过南瓜魔杀人的恐怖威力,于是将自己出卖给恶灵,央求南瓜魔为他展开复仇行动。导演史登.温斯顿卖力地想营造出一个有恐怖气氛的荒野传说,可惜有心无力,成绩差强人意。
$ _# j$ {8 E, O' o
  T: k7 ~  u/ Y6 Y9 l% u/ u( D  After a tragic accident, a man conjures up a towering, vengeful demon called Pumpkinhead to destroy a group of unsuspecting teenagers.
" H) I% r2 P, s8 C5 T
4 E1 e/ E: k, d- y1 A9 ~
Pumpkinhead.1988.COMPLETE.4K.UHD.BluRayCD.HEVC.DTS-HD.MA.5.1-MassModz 56.44 GB- H  }- u+ h, P5 K, f9 C

9 @& c3 ]1 D* J( _6 l* e" CIMDB Link -  c/ P4 T8 P$ d& O

, R4 j5 B! U8 G) K6 kVideo #1
# E& E' K$ X# _* Z: E$ |ID: 4113 (0x1011)
. `6 `6 ?8 ]' YMenu ID: 1 (0x1); d9 F' x  n/ r4 i3 ^4 X: ~
Format: HEVC9 q: d# c* o3 j6 e# {
Format/Info: High Efficiency Video Coding
9 y- H( N5 H: {Format profile: Main 10@L5.1@High$ @* u/ X, @, B0 w2 j0 ^6 ^5 ?2 |
HDR format: SMPTE ST 2086, HDR10 compatible) G! i6 J6 i# V  I5 R- {4 a
Codec ID: 36
+ K3 c$ e% \( K% `9 PDuration: 1 h 26 min! y  u9 Z4 r6 d" N
Width: 3840 pixels
0 Z  {! t5 \) F* [* i: }$ U( aHeight: 2160 pixels
- F! A/ e% o+ eDisplay aspect ratio: 16:9" n( e# h/ h% u. y6 y
Frame rate: 24.000 FPS
& W% e  r2 s" K9 cColor space: YUV3 N6 i- y3 F0 E8 d9 c" y! f
Chroma subsampling: 4:2:0 (Type 2)
# C, [. X$ H: HBit depth: 10 bits
- W) @! q! z: E4 n9 dColor range: Limited
$ t8 C# t/ Y! ?5 ^: W: c# PColor primaries: BT.2020: S$ h6 V9 `1 W9 _  v1 j6 v
Transfer characteristics: PQ* \& p' f# I- `; u0 w! C5 d
Matrix coefficients: BT.2020 non-constant8 d3 j6 P9 G) c# A
Mastering display color primaries: Display P3, ~  ?8 r" n. N0 N
Mastering display luminance: min: 0.0001 cd/m2, max: 1000 cd/m2
4 N# |3 Q- o' X( h2 i+ iMaximum Content Light Level: 1286 cd/m2; P0 a2 D) J5 Y
Maximum Frame-Average Light Level: 262 cd/m23 p4 q; p- `; B6 Q  |

; a' N  u" ^# p0 F) q9 RVideo #2 (Dolby Vision)$ S  T2 [/ t. Z( K6 }
ID: 4117 (0x1015)) @; W9 Y+ K. r' q# t
Menu ID: 1 (0x1)7 M, W5 o- c: {/ n
Format: HEVC, z" a2 {% U4 ~$ c3 F; D3 W
Format/Info: High Efficiency Video Coding  X+ U1 a6 R; j5 q- ~* E
Format profile: Main 10@L5.1@High( m6 w) b+ i$ a* M1 M/ O5 ~/ o
HDR format: SMPTE ST 2086, HDR10 compatible5 s2 W* G& B" D, V
Codec ID: 36
* n1 C5 l3 H% ~3 q  D: }Duration: 1 h 26 min
3 g/ Z$ l* F' A% X; A) }( g5 I% uWidth: 1920 pixels" o6 M+ V2 I5 T0 [
Height: 1080 pixels
# F8 Q8 w9 v) B0 K# P0 JDisplay aspect ratio: 16:99 ]; W6 t1 h/ ^0 d8 w! x
Frame rate: 24.000 FPS- b$ z9 K% l* I$ }" x, Q& C: h
Color space: YUV
1 A/ i" J  c$ x4 L/ t7 c0 cChroma subsampling: 4:2:0 (Type 2)
8 R- Z" {! S9 g+ y- u8 t) MBit depth: 10 bits, x( G4 R+ L, y) s
Color range: Limited4 ?5 Z6 _. s5 i) ]& \' Q
Color primaries: BT.20203 G# \3 W, E; `+ |1 J- B) H
Transfer characteristics: PQ8 ]& r8 E2 d- N- g* v8 l
Matrix coefficients: BT.2020 non-constant
7 x, V  p# P" k; X/ O. \. |! eMastering display color primaries: Display P3
( \8 J! c, F% ^' f# B2 r, p2 {Mastering display luminance: min: 0.0001 cd/m2, max: 1000 cd/m2# d+ S$ n% |' T5 r( T

1 w& e, _/ E  ?  yAudio #1- \8 I6 q$ T6 \) U- ^
ID: 4352 (0x1100)  J5 i5 E8 ^" i! N) g0 y7 K
Menu ID: 1 (0x1)% R# i, `. Y" O* h# R# {4 V6 C9 M6 o# T
Format: DTS XLL, t& j" V  E2 U9 Q4 C- C$ V
Format/Info: Digital Theater Systems0 b- j" k% x: w/ u2 d
Commercial name: DTS-HD Master Audio
" T2 h) ?4 a, _  C+ WMuxing mode: Stream extension
6 m4 _7 f) ~, X# A: DCodec ID: 1342 r1 K- b$ r! x: W
Duration: 1 h 26 min: N; J- C3 H8 X5 O9 D
Bit rate mode: Variable; Q$ @. K2 D3 a4 A
Channel(s): 2 channels3 R1 R  ^9 y- A  |9 `( ?! B
Channel layout: L R6 k. E& ~: |6 G9 O
Sampling rate: 48.0 kHz0 [- z* E2 o% o- E; Q
Frame rate: 93.750 FPS (512 SPF)! ?3 g( q0 ]9 v- X* K
Bit depth: 24 bits- m# H, l- C3 b" I
Compression mode: Lossless
3 B2 T- t  s7 g8 c6 u# J( {( ~4 u; F% b3 E+ A' T
Audio #2, \9 l7 i, g% I- m4 v% I- _
ID: 4353 (0x1101)& n6 t1 D; W7 _( A  o8 e% X
Menu ID: 1 (0x1)
# `+ J0 C" l/ u' |& k* vFormat: DTS XLL7 u+ U+ b3 z( l7 S$ c4 o# e# D& V
Format/Info: Digital Theater Systems  ?& ^& l8 C" c) Y& Y5 I3 D
Commercial name: DTS-HD Master Audio: D4 e$ U2 e' h  u+ n2 _
Muxing mode: Stream extension+ z" j3 Y0 p4 P/ l- i" X
Codec ID: 134
0 F/ |3 _: B3 X' U) GDuration: 1 h 26 min" V" [4 ]5 n$ k5 R2 h. ]4 \3 W
Bit rate mode: Variable; U! b0 g! i, z/ e
Channel(s): 6 channels# Y( f0 Q- O5 Q3 `; ~+ G4 A- t$ i% _
Channel layout: C L R Ls Rs LFE0 q% b) q4 v/ V" }
Sampling rate: 48.0 kHz
1 j& z' R- d5 Z; J- g6 fFrame rate: 93.750 FPS (512 SPF)
6 L/ {2 l. L! B; @( l6 UBit depth: 24 bits
# v3 u; ~  }  K+ F$ V. u! \, \Compression mode: Lossless0 i; D' }' z# T( D: T5 R! G

. y  ~7 }) x, Y! ]$ jSubtitles: English SDH
+ a5 f% K6 s% B/ m! R9 gAudio Channels: English DTS-HD Master 2.0 @ 2065 kbps, English DTS-HD Master 5.1 @ 4322 kbps, English Dolby Digital 2.0 @ 192 kbps4 V8 Y! q! f! B1 v4 e
这是全4K超高清蓝光光盘,含有杜比视觉音轨0 t2 A9 a9 t, ]/ k0 u: H- O6 B
Pumpkinhead 4K Blu-ray, Video Quality   5 f. F& I( j! X! e
: f# C  b9 W) o1 o
+ c+ H. R/ D# x, O# M) P4 A) F; B, Q
Released on Blu-ray by Shout Factory, Pumpkinhead is presented in HEVC / H.265 2160p in the original theatrical aspect ratio of 1.85:1 widescreen. Pumpkinhead has been given a brand new 4K scan of the original camera negative. The release provides both a HDR10 standard and Dolby Vision HDR grade. Shout Factory has outdone themselves with another first-rate presentation. The restoration on the feature-film is outstanding and the scan brings the film a sense of life and vitality that only can be manifested with this degree of meticulous care. The 4K presentation evokes fantastic visuals with the cinematography well highlighted throughout the presentation. The scan is naturally filmic and looks crisp throughout. The color reproduction and fine detail on the release are first-rate. The HDR is quite impressive on the release. The HDR is especially noteworthy during the night time sequences with the Pumpkinhead creature standing out with every fiber of the design feeling more life-life and surreal with the HDR grading enhancing these details in the image. A top-tier 4K restoration and one that every fan of the film should consider seeing. Reference worthy.
0 e1 u! O5 q$ u3 p
& }8 I5 {7 F* [% u4 RPumpkinhead 4K Blu-ray, Audio Quality   % O- e8 P% ]2 b: P* X

# n1 U) W8 ^& H/ H' a4 R1 a* V1 i( D! g  f: }
The release includes a selection of lossless audio options: English DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1 (24-bit high resolution) and English DTS-HD Master Audio 2.0 (24-bit high-resolution). The lossless, high-resolution audio presentation is first-rate on the release. The lossless encoding capably preserves and engages the entire soundstage. The dynamics of the presentation provide an enveloping experience, especially with regards to the surround sound track.4 l& p1 Q& V9 n$ R& k) {. |* ^
: y8 {/ }/ G6 X
The surrounds are actively utilized on the mix and the rears are utilized to bring to life some the fantastic sound effects of the Pumpkinhead creature. The score and sound effects blend well together and the viewing experience is all the more engaging as a result. An incredibly immersive audio presentation and one that sounds crisp, dynamic, and revelatory. This is a great mix and one that works well alongside the 4K presentation.( a8 u% X& y" P/ E: D7 M- ^' a; j
$ o2 f; \0 Q$ |6 i! D

# L9 w  I! S6 h" `. \
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