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[4K极清电影] 哈利·波特与死亡圣器(下) [4K蓝光原盘 自带中字] Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 4K UHD COMPLETE BluRaycd HEVC DTS-X 7.1-MassModz 53.94GB & 53.92GB








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黄金嫖客 发表于 2023-10-29 17:44:35 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Harry, Ron, and Hermione search for Voldemort's remaining Horcruxes in their effort to destroy the Dark Lord as the final battle rages on at Hogwarts.
: d7 _1 [: s  U! M; n) N# M6 {$ n
( B* G7 }: p6 g& A
/ A* D; C' O* N; \3 A8 y- V+ t% {1 E; Z2 g0 z8 `5 h" k7 w
◎译  名 哈利·波特与死亡圣器(下)/哈利·波特与死圣(下)/哈7(下)/哈利波特7:死神的圣物2(港/台)/哈利·波特大结局
! ~+ l9 E  y  J0 _9 }% g6 j/ K◎片  名 Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 7 m$ q8 [3 Q% [% e
◎年  代 2011
/ |% e: E! C1 d- q0 B◎产  地 美国/英国
5 \, ~& l7 i, o& X◎类  别 奇幻/冒险+ ~' Q& ^9 s! _- d
◎语  言 英语
) T0 z9 h# {  L8 m8 a◎上映日期 2011-08-04(中国大陆)/2011-07-15(美国)8 Y6 {0 {$ H! ~  E% P# E
◎IMDb评分  8.1/10 from 922,198 users! t- a! V2 M: H: x# l+ Y' b
◎IMDb链接 W5 u; l8 [. |1 ]5 @7 }$ Z- h) F, N& t
◎豆瓣评分 9.0/10 from 845,252 users$ t$ K0 T+ d- _1 L2 K3 K
◎豆瓣链接 Y3 U$ A. }& V2 `; g9 s
◎文件格式 x265 + DTS  7 e/ ]: E* p0 J+ c; u
◎视频尺寸 3840 x 2160
" H/ w4 W8 O+ C+ G◎文件大小 1DVD 53.92 GiB & 53.94 GiB. H# a6 K9 f9 l- D1 _8 L, e
◎片  长 2:10:26.276 (
+ p: M$ u' R2 n1 m* M, m◎导  演 大卫·叶茨 David Yates' O7 H0 o- N5 {: Z0 K
◎编  剧 史蒂夫·克洛夫斯 Steve Kloves/ J( o& r7 _2 d  o
       J. K. 罗琳 J. K. Rowling9 H  P- f" S" Y  m- K
◎演  员 丹尼尔·雷德克里夫 Daniel Radcliffe
" `1 S, d" x& i       艾玛·沃森 Emma Watson  @; C6 K3 ]: h' |
       鲁伯特·格林特 Rupert Grint
/ E$ r- ~1 A6 w       海伦娜·伯翰·卡特 Helena Bonham Carter- s. I5 |, N( c8 R/ ^- q, p. C7 x9 N
       拉尔夫·费因斯 Ralph Fiennes2 X4 x+ ?3 U5 J
       艾伦·瑞克曼 Alan Rickman
0 L7 I% V  w4 W2 L       玛吉·史密斯 Maggie Smith0 R$ ^/ Q1 _- B, V
       汤姆·费尔顿 Tom Felton
; h' O/ E+ V" e0 ?$ h- Z' N" H! ^       邦妮·怀特 Bonnie Wright
% M" c2 z  q2 Y0 p8 ]7 D& r       朱丽·沃特斯 Julie Walters
6 X2 {7 m6 j0 |6 M  m% v* W       迈克尔·刚本 Michael Gambon- K8 h! S' j+ U8 n4 k; h: R
       伊文娜·林奇 Evanna Lynch2 U; u* V) N0 i& K' |* Q6 i( ~
       多姆纳尔·格里森 Domhnall Gleeson
$ O' w0 H7 t2 D8 P, {8 w2 v* o       克蕾曼丝·波西 Clémence Poésy: [3 _7 n0 Q5 J+ g
       詹森·艾萨克 Jason Isaacs; A8 E$ T/ }7 H, ]0 W
       海伦·麦克洛瑞 Helen McCrory6 D" v) g3 {& i. s( d3 ]
       马修·刘易斯 Matthew Lewis: k& f2 D+ K# w3 ~5 p4 e
       梁佩诗 Katie Leung
4 K: b- U) H* @( E0 g       约翰·赫特 John Hurt
" `3 d. [. P( h, _       大卫·休里斯 David Thewlis" z0 G0 N8 D5 b! G; @# D
       加里·奥德曼 Gary Oldman
$ X( R6 H, N, x9 T1 q( k. [3 I3 e       吉姆·布劳德本特 Jim Broadbent- n5 V+ G7 C/ k+ B2 U0 d' Z  ^
       艾玛·汤普森 Emma Thompson
# }  s6 D" s* a3 v       娜塔丽·特纳 Natalia Tena
: d* V7 {; X! w! A' C% J7 P       蒂莫西·斯波 Timothy Spall
0 K- k9 b, }- e* l4 P       大卫·布拉德利 David Bradley% q6 a1 ^; |: w6 N7 q
       罗彼·考特拉尼 Robbie Coltrane" }# N8 b* |3 |: s- W- q
       凯莉·麦克唐纳 Kelly Macdonald
" b! C: l, u1 C- L, n# J7 U       塞伦·希德 Ciarán Hinds
) S1 a: S9 ?& L6 ~$ m3 @       杰玛·琼斯 Gemma Jones$ x4 h( D1 ]; I) R3 T3 d
       鲁斯迪·戈夫 Rusty Goffe
+ j$ f% n3 Z( Z% D       肖恩·比格斯代夫 Sean Biggerstaff. n5 k8 N& {; a
       博迪·吉尔伯特 Bertie Gilbert
3 n! D$ c' m" V& M8 Y       Catherine Laine
* q& I( N+ n! t$ _       托比·琼斯 Toby Jones
2 E9 B1 I9 j* B) r6 d0 p5 \       Will Dunn 3 t; ^8 M  h* l' @) L
       弗雷迪·史卓玛 Freddie Stroma% y! `6 m9 n- Y# G0 _# Y4 a
       乔治娜·雷尼达斯 Georgina Leonidas% n" c3 Z7 u. H2 T$ }4 B+ c
       沃维克·戴维斯 Warwick Davis
% e$ N1 z0 e2 s0 n! Q. e       赫柏·贝尔德索尔 Hebe Beardsall0 T# E7 @/ v  v
       本尼迪特·卡拉克 Benedict Clarke
4 `" A) e- D: A4 x, l) g# V       艾芙珊·阿扎德 Afshan Azad
8 _$ r) c, ?$ t- w$ o+ f8 b9 `) \       萨缪尔·劳金 Samuel Roukin: u: n; @, I% y$ u
       亚瑟·博文 Arthur Bowen
5 t( N( a* L, L       伊莎贝拉·拉夫兰德 Isabella Laughland9 E: u( [5 x  N- ^1 Q
       艾莉·达塞·阿登 Ellie Darcey-Alden
' Y0 d2 h/ p! J3 E. q: W       卢克·纽伯里 Luke Newberry, C$ ]& V2 D/ _0 z/ r) n+ ]
       本·诺斯弗德 Benn Northover! \- \$ d/ l; Y1 g9 U* E
       杰西·卡芙 Jessie Cave
  O8 `  c# k0 B8 F6 E       瑞恩·特纳 Ryan Turner
. C* O) X0 J5 Q, l       Aaron Virdee
" q7 N* y( f6 z- i8 @1 u       Ryan Butcher0 D+ O) I: ?$ P
       拉德·舍博德兹加 Rade Serbedzija% L1 {1 a- f! m  v
       尼克·莫兰 Nick Moran: b+ y. A, g+ a8 M: d
       盖伊·亨利 Guy Henry
! Y$ u, N2 Q$ x. c6 o- q6 }       大卫·勒格诺 Dave Legeno
1 u. s& j% e% |" k       阿德里安·劳林斯 Adrian Rawlins
3 G; q0 ]8 k+ T: b       Natalie Hallam
& E. J; E. R8 G2 n8 X+ C       大卫·德西奥 David Decio& k6 y6 A9 H- G2 L* F
       乔恩·坎普林 Jon Campling, E. \4 C; R. X% f4 \- c' X
       斯嘉丽·伯恩 Scarlett Byrne
- p3 [+ Y1 B& D( x2 v1 [  R       安娜·谢弗 Anna Shaffer& l' c0 @. d0 _/ D  z
       西蒙·迈克伯尼 Simon McBurney% @* g0 u! V) \1 h; r* n5 A
       詹姆斯·菲尔普斯 James Phelps
2 b/ f. I) I' @8 p- b  c( k       奥利弗·菲尔普斯 Oliver Phelps2 c$ F- F% x8 N$ R% ^' ^5 L, I
       克里斯·兰金 Chris Rankin9 W3 l# K  N9 v; u5 |! s, G
       戴文·穆雷 Devon Murray/ I. O6 z+ o0 h1 p
       杰拉丁·萨莫维尔 Geraldine Somerville- N/ D9 t% V. Q
       米瑞安·玛格莱斯 Miriam Margolyes* U5 _& ^! ]7 h1 G0 D* |
       大卫·海曼 David Heyman
- J' x% a' E; j6 E, \       J. K. 罗琳 J. K. Rowling
) U& I7 v7 k0 `       亚历山大·德斯普拉 Alexandre Desplat
; k& ^% l% Z. t       约翰·威廉姆斯 John Williams2 {- Q% \& R& @8 P, U- c, x4 `* p8 b
       爱德华多·塞拉 Eduardo Serra6 h. m* L7 H- w- r3 u
       斯图尔特·克莱格 Stuart Craig% v  G- R. {0 i6 K' V
       简妮·特米姆 Jany Temime! ?7 |! v& e, p+ v6 L+ ], u
       丽萨·汤布林 Lisa Tomblin
! n0 e2 ^" x0 _, q8 d6 W       克里斯蒂安·马雷特 Kristyan Mallett% i* l4 g6 f4 |7 \5 n) z. k
       Adrian Rigby ; [5 w& g/ n' g8 H% e4 E
       Beth John* T; L3 |7 g# d6 k
       Claire Green4 h4 n( Y$ D$ a8 ^3 F+ d
       Dan Frye
2 a1 J: I+ K1 R  g       奥利维尔·蒂博 Olivier Thibaut
! L$ g* M( u% m$ d2 Q8 w       安迪·罗宾逊 Andy Robinson
+ G4 t, g0 L; u7 h5 {- ~       Chloe Grysole
% c$ {& B* K3 c       克里斯·肖 Chris Shaw
- c, D9 y0 c" w: X% R- Y       Michael Illingworth , a5 F  }; w; O1 a: e6 M
       Richard Yeomans
6 y/ N/ |& ^9 D' J# B       彭柯 Peng Ke' f; g2 a: g) `; R( \* g
       Chris Ung
% _$ ~1 G4 J# G- b% F4 ]       特里·马里奥特 Terry Marriott* u! `* P3 _  i# h- b
       米格尔·A·萨莱克 Miguel A. Salek/ B" m  A* S  }+ H) r
       Fernanda Moreno
5 c0 c+ l( w$ b- d       Rhys Salcombe
* P* @! f% M3 l7 @) v$ v       马克·琼斯 Marc Jones5 W0 @8 ?4 g6 D+ h' N' R6 }- ~' h
       尹红 Hong Yin
2 k. s% U) b; x4 N% G% `
: H/ `6 f( U- A4 o& d◎标  签 魔幻 | 英国 | 成长 | 奇幻 | 青春 | HarryPotter | 美国 | 2011) i3 Q' U' I" z! \" B5 H& x! W
& @! H. x% g3 Z/ c! S$ x
◎简  介   
- K( o) H- O; ]6 B, Y+ P. A$ A* l: u5 Z7 n" q) S! I+ x; P! u
  当又一次和伏地魔(拉尔夫·费因斯 Ralph Fiennes 饰)的意识连通,哈利·波特(丹尼尔·雷德克里夫 Daniel Radcliffe 饰)断定最后一件魂器藏在霍格沃茨,于是和罗恩(鲁伯特·格林特 Rupert Grint 饰)、赫敏(艾玛·沃森 Emma Watson 饰)一同返回阴云密布的学校。在好友们的帮助下,他们成功驱逐了斯内普(艾伦·瑞克曼 Alan Rickman 饰),然而觉察到哈利目的的伏地魔则率领徒众向霍格沃茨逼近。食死徒、摄魂怪、巨人疯狂涌入这所有着悠久历史的魔法学校,正邪决战旋即爆发,一时间血雨腥风,死伤无数。从斯内普的眼泪中,哈利不仅了解到父辈的故事,也证实了藏缅于他体内最后的秘密。在此之后,他也和伏地魔迎来了最后的对决……
4 g9 W  K3 L/ W3 S0 I& {1 G6 l* g* Q9 r& X. {
  本片根据英国作家J.K.罗琳的同名原著改编,也是“哈利·波特”系列影片的完结篇。- L' p6 q9 s" x) d1 i8 A4 }
5 R) o5 Q0 d5 b7 W! E
  In the epic finale, the battle between the good and evil forces of the wizarding world escalates into an all-out war. The stakes have never been higher and no one is safe. But it is Harry Potter who may be called upon to make the ultimate sacrifice as he draws closer to the climactic showdown with Lord Voldemort. It all ends here.
2 a/ c( i8 d3 t0 R) q1 X8 K
5 e2 S7 ]/ g$ r3 ^◎获奖情况   
0 s2 @; r5 _* z2 v- D; U7 X0 y: x4 k! {9 D
  第84届奥斯卡金像奖 (2012)
, R/ @7 b9 @' G& _& c  最佳视觉效果(提名)/ e5 }/ u+ |3 t. f, |0 a- d1 N6 \
  最佳艺术指导(提名)5 T& v( F5 A  V# V7 f8 o5 P7 ^1 s
, L2 b$ \6 ~7 a2 S3 C) c  第21届MTV电影奖 (2012)* u2 T* ?: V8 }
  MTV电影奖 年度电影(提名)
7 n- z, H8 K: }  MTV电影奖 最佳女演员(提名)" F. T- u6 H& S
. z3 `( e2 l+ ?) p7 b  MTV电影奖 最佳男演员(提名)& ~! @2 D0 O9 k, A' \& F8 x3 B
   └──丹尼尔·雷德克里夫; _5 r4 D" i8 l  O
  MTV电影奖 最佳吻戏(提名)) J" I# U& D* W3 \! n& W
  MTV电影奖 最佳打斗(提名)
- t- h! K. R  T; Z+ c9 |  MTV电影奖 最佳卡司阵容
& r9 A+ w! e- f: n9 k  Y  MTV电影奖 最佳英雄形象
$ G6 x( E) k4 [   └──丹尼尔·雷德克里夫+ T7 _9 W9 E4 [) ?
  第17届美国评论家选择电影奖 (2012)
2 b- m4 `, M8 ]* \) e  最佳美术指导(提名)
( a. i6 t0 A- D# w0 @( R  u  最佳发型化妆
) k$ }$ N; x# }  v+ A; ?  最佳音效2 n7 f7 N3 j5 w1 F$ w! y# z9 I
3 \' `, y$ a7 U( `. ^. Z  第12届美国电影学会奖 (2011)
4 v# L  a) |8 V% T  特别表彰! Z7 b5 A& i  B! r* l, E0 g, |
  第10届华盛顿影评人协会奖 (2011)
& t" q! G( H5 {; K& q4 l. S) ~3 d  最佳群戏(提名)
/ }' a& e& W% y  A  最佳艺术指导(提名)
0 j  F! V- Z+ Q8 Q$ ?' G+ b6 ~* M  第16届圣地亚哥影评人协会奖 (2011)
2 D/ a/ r" V  r& S$ y  o  最佳改编剧本(提名), ^* `1 Q1 y( Y7 J% ]4 W
   └──史蒂夫·克洛夫斯( Q4 _9 Q7 D2 i$ K
  最佳配乐% }. Y) q& a  y7 N  G# n/ s& y4 C* ]
   └──亚历山大·德斯普拉8 c3 y3 B4 Q- z# G) L. C
7 K* i0 ]0 d* P5 R* P  k8 J, M" \   └──斯图尔特·克莱格
' b0 H3 g. H, l8 Z1 }  ?% O  最佳群像表演5 `; U* {/ }4 w, G3 A  O
  第11届凤凰城影评人协会奖 (2011)* _0 U2 _: G( L
  最佳艺术指导(提名)9 r" c% i% t" w; x9 z% w$ y
   └──斯图尔特·克莱格  b$ ^7 t9 R& |: ~2 z
: g/ P2 g  }6 \, o% K( T; d  最佳特技表演(提名)
$ D: Y% f2 F5 x7 E* Z8 d) T4 c  第14届美国青少年选择奖 (2012)
, f% U4 V9 U) j  最佳电影打斗
, L3 J0 F  {9 l3 s# ~9 e  Y0 c  第13届美国青少年选择奖 (2011)
  a) i* S# D4 L9 \. V8 n$ l5 _  最佳暑期电影
) A/ G$ M4 d9 F; H# {  最佳暑期电影男演员" m3 j& h( Y- S: f* m) A
   └──丹尼尔·雷德克里夫2 D; k1 u2 u8 d  K( n  m! ^
  最佳暑期电影女演员: {% ?( u+ x; i1 j/ w# h8 e# u. q5 {
% [7 X' E% E; `  \) X  第2届豆瓣电影鑫像奖 (2012)
. l0 A# T1 L& L2 x; M' t8 O  鑫豆单元 最佳影片(外语)
  j! \5 i& U: v  鑫豆单元 最佳导演(外语)(提名)
' t, k0 s. i3 P/ A7 r% R   └──大卫·叶茨
; p( X* P0 n  |, H/ D4 h. u  鑫豆单元 最佳男演员(外语)(提名)
, r# w* d* w# I; a% c   └──艾伦·瑞克曼0 X. M4 l* s/ h  e
' H* S6 u0 O7 h0 o& Q1 O1 K
Harry.Potter.and.the.Deathly.Hallows.Part.Two.4K.UHD.COMPLETE.BluRayCD.HEVC.DTS-X.7.1-MassModz 53.94 GB
3 }9 p! [3 C& p# W! o. c
9 ~) e& n7 j# E  @Format: BDAV+ s8 T2 n1 I: i4 t' B1 F1 S$ d& E
Format/Info: Blu-ray Video+ @2 u1 ], H6 j9 q" ~% F* u5 r* U* \! m9 W
File size: 53.3 GiB
* n; J7 e$ Z( F- e2 pDuration: 2 h 10 min) T, g, j2 _9 Z. _
Overall bit rate mode: Variable
: g4 s3 Y2 \6 B$ S* {Overall bit rate: 58.5 Mb/s
! s, ?0 B& z' i3 PMaximum Overall bit rate: 109 Mb/s. L- J/ I9 ^/ O$ n/ z- [
Frame rate: 23.976 FPS: L1 N, c* B2 D

4 q9 u% R$ e& D0 yVideo #1
6 T  V" t1 H. UID: 4113 (0x1011)
* G- {+ i  k7 @Menu ID: 1 (0x1)
' E* Y" B0 s! x' O2 YFormat: HEVC
# V& k5 b% b/ H/ u/ |, J; K8 JFormat/Info: High Efficiency Video Coding
, a1 l  h3 z1 y: JFormat profile: Main 10@L5.1@High/ f; g$ k8 e8 s- O8 f4 `
HDR format: SMPTE ST 2086, HDR10 compatible* C  o8 v& l' |% j( P  l! y
Codec ID: 361 Z, v( d0 U2 z( C1 |0 X4 u
Duration: 2 h 10 min! {4 A7 I- N* x4 b! q
Width: 3840 pixels
% P$ L$ [6 X8 C4 F; ^+ G. vHeight: 2160 pixels
6 x9 S* a+ o3 ~5 T$ |0 rDisplay aspect ratio: 16:9, p2 @3 V1 ~- j, C! a0 S; y
Frame rate: 23.976 (24000/1001) FPS
2 t6 f3 k& J6 A& t" @, `" x& o+ kColor space: YUV* j2 Z0 z+ W5 S7 ^
Chroma subsampling: 4:2:0 (Type 2)
8 O; t; ]& K$ I3 [/ f. r$ w# OBit depth: 10 bits: `, P: z) R1 m+ K; }3 }7 ~
Color range: Limited9 b# q' O* ]: u- O" K; k
Color primaries: BT.2020
- X' \8 o1 F6 v$ ~" W& `% s8 QTransfer characteristics: PQ
2 c3 g9 ^4 E* t0 g% XMatrix coefficients: BT.2020 non-constant& V6 L+ m" [/ E
Mastering display color primaries: Display P3
; J- t# o5 U3 w0 x3 M9 YMastering display luminance: min: 0.0050 cd/m2, max: 4000 cd/m2& h4 I$ }7 ~/ d1 |
Maximum Content Light Level: 500 cd/m2
9 e2 p! l3 T. A# iMaximum Frame-Average Light Level: 200 cd/m2
9 w" b- Y" ]6 `- W- J% J& ?( \/ G! ?  ?/ ]. b
Audio #1
, ]5 O# R# Q5 q% ^) P0 \7 hID: 4352 (0x1100): N0 ^4 ~: r9 b, r* I
Menu ID: 1 (0x1)
  g9 e3 Z2 a. w9 J1 M9 ^Format: DTS XLL X
% v6 v) O1 B2 O1 NFormat/Info: Digital Theater Systems7 _* B  G1 g; e  G$ Y' F
Commercial name: DTS-HD MA + DTS:X6 w4 {5 s$ M9 L$ f9 o- q
Muxing mode: Stream extension
( V% A" }( f3 M! OCodec ID: 134
+ O" M; s2 ?9 q( oDuration: 2 h 10 min" w# g$ y6 _4 l% D. J
Bit rate mode: Variable
( j; i8 {1 Z9 M0 QChannel(s): 8 channels
0 H$ y$ P4 l/ p/ T/ A% HChannel layout: C L R LFE Lb Rb Lss Rss Objects
9 F" A6 C4 \* [2 KSampling rate: 48.0 kHz+ M5 d3 X$ s! K$ b) _
Frame rate: 93.750 FPS (512 SPF)
$ M: V, f1 V; \. r, H8 C( iBit depth: 18 bits" \  Y. A. x+ ~; g! _+ ~& K  B
Compression mode: Lossless
1 G5 G1 T6 }) q: d* g: n
* W9 H0 S; C+ b; z6 R5 wSubtitles: English, Spanish, French
0 d- x9 |, p; `' ~% v. oAudio Channels: English DTS:X
' P, }" {2 F2 o$ O8 i! K9 H- ySpanish: Dolby Digital 5.1: J0 C0 J2 i( C8 Q& h3 [
French: Dolby Digital 5.1) ^! z2 w2 W" N3 p0 O2 r
7 M8 s; l& r! Y. @3 B
  1. DISC INFO:5 o; g3 J: B" d3 T, {' l

  2. 4 o2 n+ Z. z! W
  3. Disc Title: Harry.Potter.and.the.Deathly.Hallows.Part.2.2011.2160p.BluRaycd.HEVC.DTS-X.7.1-SUPERSIZE 53.92 GB
    : l; f& P) Z# ?# ]
  4. Disc Size: 57,895,986,493 bytes
    , z& ]: n  ^, N6 [. d
  5. Protection: AACS2; @# r5 J/ [# X8 t: f, k0 _; ^
  6. BD-Java: Yes  G2 p$ ^/ ]: }/ U2 d" e  |) S; N5 v
  7. Extras: Ultra HD
    0 s) j& G5 @4 l& @; |
  8. BDInfo: (compatible layout created by DVDFab
    % k$ c8 O* |7 R1 B6 ^2 [

  9. 3 `, m# f* R  u1 r3 g. G
    ; U% e' f3 N2 m( ?

  11. : M3 K# P4 y: e6 B. l) k9 ?5 C2 ]
  12. Name: 00033.MPLS
    + ~6 a5 \* ^% y+ d* k) `
  13. Length: 2:10:26.276 (
    # D0 z' X8 Q4 \* _
  14. Size: 57,248,219,136 bytes
    7 R  e! k2 K& Z: ^( S- M
  15. Total Bitrate: 58.52 Mbps, ]! C  G( w8 _/ D7 K7 h9 A1 p

  16. / G+ I& |! Z' @4 R
  17. VIDEO:
    + D, l. N0 X6 Q7 w

  18. * t' M) Q$ z/ C) S# v
  19. Codec Bitrate Description
    " G9 {* j7 l- M+ |
  20. —– ——- ———–
    $ T& K4 F( s3 [$ z
  21. MPEG-H HEVC Video 46684 kbps 2160p / 23.976 fps / 16:9 / Main 10 Profile 5.1 High / 4:2:0 / 10 bits / HDR / BT.2020 /  T. P% s5 Z0 Q/ M" c: V4 T

  22. 8 d6 m9 ^7 k2 `" F# z* T# i
  23. AUDIO:
    % x; ?6 A7 v, }7 r, O
  24. + |5 Z& R! c' z1 [4 _
  25. Codec Language Bitrate Description
    9 n) m2 F. p$ G) r2 ?" e7 o" N& W$ _
  26. —– ——– ——- ———–
    8 [0 w  K: H% w" }. P+ l2 p; _
  27. DTS:X/DTS-HD Master Audio English 3787 kbps 7.1-X / 48 kHz / 3787 kbps / 24-bit (DTS Core: 5.1 / 48 kHz / 1509 kbps / 24-bit)
    / }9 w/ U8 r" g5 l8 I" ^
  28. Dolby Digital Audio English 192 kbps 2.0 / 48 kHz / 192 kbps / Dolby Surround3 P% Y! `( I+ N8 M  y3 K0 y6 q
  29. Dolby Digital Audio French 640 kbps 5.1 / 48 kHz / 640 kbps7 Z; V/ {) Z: N0 R3 Z$ I0 Z$ d
  30. Dolby Digital Audio Italian 640 kbps 5.1 / 48 kHz / 640 kbps
    1 Z! L2 k% }0 N# i
  31. Dolby Digital Audio Chinese 640 kbps 5.1 / 48 kHz / 640 kbps
    9 Z3 V1 B/ P' j% ~3 x2 g+ ~( D
  32. Dolby Digital Audio Korean 640 kbps 5.1 / 48 kHz / 640 kbps
    , N8 p' W* o6 E! i' ?% H8 ~) K8 M
  33. Dolby Digital Audio Spanish 640 kbps 5.1 / 48 kHz / 640 kbps1 V" {/ {% j$ \4 W8 b- K! I7 Z; n
  34. Dolby Digital Audio Portuguese 640 kbps 5.1 / 48 kHz / 640 kbps
    . }8 ?  a1 T( ^9 H  C
  35. Dolby Digital Audio Japanese 640 kbps 5.1 / 48 kHz / 640 kbps
    $ ~. Y5 E) @2 i6 ]$ [" t- k
  36. ) H# O% a. Q$ l) \9 h1 {1 }
  37. SUBTITLES:+ q" k+ G: T7 a3 ]: }

  38. $ ?! N6 t6 R8 F& H$ t
  39. Codec Language Bitrate Description: c# ]( L9 Y' m# e6 H9 z% m4 F7 ]
  40. —– ——– ——- ———–$ N6 \: p* }  p4 _
  41. Presentation Graphics English 19.614 kbps
    . l+ h( }/ o4 X+ \0 |. G
  42. Presentation Graphics French 15.238 kbps8 k) U9 k( P0 q* u3 h
  43. Presentation Graphics Italian 19.51 kbps) S4 i" z, h- M+ U2 s' J: F$ o
  44. Presentation Graphics Chinese 15.314 kbps
    5 q( H$ ^$ ^; \, T: e& x) S2 v
  45. Presentation Graphics Chinese 14.926 kbps
    0 R* T, S8 `6 P3 w; R
  46. Presentation Graphics Korean 12.136 kbps6 i, A$ x. u; S* J
  47. Presentation Graphics Spanish 16.798 kbps
    + g& s. x; T+ I
  48. Presentation Graphics Portuguese 17.326 kbps5 F" Z0 F; L, u: Y4 [
  49. Presentation Graphics Arabic 9.556 kbps# B5 \* F$ i, k8 D9 n
  50. Presentation Graphics Danish 15.995 kbps+ {5 [5 E, q" U/ I
  51. Presentation Graphics Finnish 15.153 kbps$ m7 w" c1 `5 l% m
  52. Presentation Graphics Norwegian 15.539 kbps
    ' G) H9 }' Q' S& D* Z, Z& A7 J
  53. Presentation Graphics Swedish 16.568 kbps$ F8 f) k$ x( S; O
  54. Presentation Graphics French 0.182 kbps
    % r& X) z$ A9 H, v# [# M
  55. Presentation Graphics Italian 0.171 kbps
    ) o2 D; O) B) z% _% C
  56. Presentation Graphics Chinese 0.155 kbps4 D0 T0 E6 \( k* \+ |6 [
  57. Presentation Graphics Korean 0.132 kbps
    5 A& a0 f+ \3 y6 j# |- ^4 e
  58. Presentation Graphics Spanish 0.121 kbps# f# b) U# ~7 A) j2 M
  59. Presentation Graphics Portuguese 0.188 kbps  J' ~4 g( `% ?6 m
  60. Presentation Graphics Japanese 13.482 kbps
    7 L0 ]1 A0 T( |4 A/ D* c5 Q
  61. Presentation Graphics Japanese 0.165 kbps
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 4K Blu-ray, Video Quality   9 N. j4 I; S( R2 X1 G, k' D3 |( ?

- u6 Z) c. |, X5 J
$ Y- E2 `5 C3 ^% f(Note: Screenshots included with this review are 1080p captures from the standard Blu-ray disc. Watch for 4K screenshots at a later date. The Video score has been retained from prior reviews.): ~/ n2 {' o5 k: m; d

3 Z: p& ~- p" D' J  K3 WAccording to the best available information, Warner's 2160p, HEVC/H.265-encoded UHD presentation of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 has been sourced from a 2K digital intermediate, which limits the prospect that the format's superior resolution will reveal additional detail. Still, the HDR encoding provides subtle but noticeable improvements over the standard Blu-ray, courtesy of enhanced contrast, black levels and highlights. The palette continues director David Yates's tendency toward darkening and desaturation that can been seen in all four of his Potter films, even though they are the work of three different cinematographers—Slawomir Idziak for The Order of the Phoenix, Bruno Delbonnel for The Half-Blood Prince and Eduardo Serra for The Deathly Hallows: Part 1 and Part 2.
% r* \1 _6 E9 V) n) p1 ^! Q6 H" r# O0 W, N, O
But, just as in the first installment of Deathly Hallows, not all is darkness. The opening sequence with Harry and his friends at the beachfront "safe house" owned by the Weasley family features bright exteriors and interiors illuminated by light streaming through the windows. "It's beautiful here", says Luna Lovegood, underlining the locale's studied contrast to the rest of the film, which is summed up by the grim opening view of Hogwarts surrounded by Dementors and surveyed by the newly installed Snape from his perch high above. (The shot of Snape from behind demonstrates the UHD's superior delineation of blacks; on the Blu-ray, it's a solid silhouette, but the UHD distinguishes textures of hair and cloak.) The colors, contrast and highlights of these bright early scenes remain largely unchanged with HDR, with the biggest benefits occurring later in the film, especially in the prolonged siege of Hogwarts by Voldemort's forces. For a prime example, consider the extended sequence outside the gates, when Valdemort returns believing that he has triumphed. He is backed by a sea of followers and met by a crowd of students and faculty, and on the UHD, both groups remain composed of numerous distinct individuals, even in the longest shots. On the Blu-ray, by contrast, the single figures blend together as soon as the camera withdraws to a distance, and in the longest shots, they're an undifferentiated blur. (For a particularly good example, compare the overhead aerial shot of Draco returning to the Death Eaters' fold on both formats.)
3 p/ `( F  ?+ R! n, b
0 s3 G& u5 H& T" }% O/ C. LBut the HDR encoding doesn't just benefit shadow and darkness. In Harry's spiritual, dream-like visit to a place resembling King's Cross Station, both he and Dumbledore are more crisply outlined against the pervasive white light and mist. Here, too, the farther they are from the camera's eye, the more pronounced the benefit.
! ~2 Y( {) m3 ^/ B1 ^! b% b1 Z, K, p: S0 c$ @. V" t
As with the other three Potter films directed by Yates, the brightest colors are reserved for magic, and the colors of Deathly Hallows: Part 2 appear to be largely unchanged from the Blu-ray. Still, a direct comparison reveals small refinements. Look, for example, at the final wand battle between Harry and Valdemort, with its clashing waves of magical spells. On the UHD, they remain a collision between fields of bright red and bright green, but the HDR treatment allows for subtler and more varied shades of these opposing forces, imparting more texture and a more fluid movement. The UHD colorist has happily resisted the temptation to dial up the hues on such obvious choices as Luna Lovegood, who can be spotted in any Hogwarts crowd by the gentle pastels of her wardrobe.
& s! w- |0 E- U, _3 J: w4 y
$ m" s2 s1 }! e# e1 j1 ~* _/ J0 C[System calibrated using a Klein K10-A Colorimeter with a custom profile created with a Colorimetry Research CR250 Spectraradiometer, powered by SpectraCal CalMAN 2016 5.7, using the Samsung Reference 2016 UHD HDR Blu-ray test disc authored by Florian Friedrich from AV Top in Munich, Germany. Calibration performed by Kevin Miller of ISFTV.], {9 \7 k+ n& @& O( a, a9 o( a

9 j! [$ ^" m  g$ B5 R1 x" mHarry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 4K Blu-ray, Audio Quality   ' J/ h6 i% B6 t; X! M. w

6 W& _2 W) U$ p  e: K3 h
: c( d4 q' L, U5 _. c$ W! ?, j6 fPrevious releases of The Deathly Hallows: Part 2 contained a 5.1 soundtrack encoded in DTS-HD MA, but the UHD arrives with a DTS:X soundtrack that, on audio systems not yet equipped to decode that format, should play as DTS-HD MA 7.1. The previous mix was a first-rate soundtrack, as noted by Kenneth Brown's review, who called the track "jaw-dropping, window-rattling, sternum-thumping", with effects that "tear through the landscape", an "aggressive assault" by the rear speakers and an "atmospheric soundfield". As with Deathly Hallows: Part 1, Ken's audio score of 5 leaves me no room for increase, but the DTS:X encoding does indeed surpass its predecessor in numerous respects.
! J8 p# m7 Y$ \; H/ u' ?, b3 |* L  i: O7 Y: d1 A
The roller coaster ride through the vaults at Gringotts is just as loud but now more refined, with a clear sense of objects and scenery rushing by on either side, as well as overhead. When our heroes are dropped from the car's tracks to the cave bottom below, you can hear Hermione from overhead casting the spell that will break their fall, and her voice sounds like it's approaching the ground from above. The noisemakers used by the goblins to distract the guardian dragon move fluidly and specifically through the listening space, both front and rear, following the progress of the goblins toward the vault, and the protective curse that causes objects in Bellatrix's vault to multiply generates countless specific noises of popping and clattering all around.2 O0 F/ D. p8 F7 {4 E
; W* T1 m2 M/ e% a1 g
When Professor McGonagall summons the huge stone soldiers to protect Hogwarts, they sound as if they're leaping to the ground from above. The cacophony that accompanies the various battles, especially in the climactic sequence that cuts back and forth between Harry's battle with Valdemort and Ron and Hermione's pursuit of the huge snake, is even better defined and specific effects are precisely localized.
" f7 ]# R7 M3 C$ |) C& u( x; w8 g( {. L. b
It should be noted that "object-based" sound formats are designed to be adaptive, and DTS:X in particular touts its ability to adjust to a wide variety of speaker configurations. Still, the degree to which the new mix produces audible benefits in the home theater will no doubt vary depending on individual sound systems and speaker arrays. For reference, I listened to The Deathly Hallows: Part 2 on a 7.1.2 speaker configuration, consisting of front left, right and center, and two each of side, rear and "height" speakers, plus subwoofer.: Y: K, }6 N, @( h$ D! b
. R9 w, Q6 I, j9 p0 T
: S  v2 X; L3 M4 H' J- _0 W
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