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[4K极清电影] 巨齿鲨2:深渊 [4K蓝光原盘] Meg 2 The Trench 2023 4K 2160p UHD COMPLETE BluRaycd HEVC TrueHD 7.1 Atmos-MassModz 58.67GB








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黄金嫖客 发表于 2023-11-1 22:05:34 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
A research team encounters multiple threats while exploring the depths of the ocean, including a malevolent mining operation.
7 l1 p* u8 Q+ v
. B* R! j" B) Y3 g/ t8 l 02.jpg
1 q8 i; H$ V% O- |% p' A2 g/ X& I. O  W# X* D( Q) P* i
◎译  名 巨齿鲨2:深渊/极悍巨鲨2:深沟(港)/巨齿鲨2:海沟深渊(台)
9 N, P/ ~- y9 ]% z◎片  名 Meg 2: The Trench
* ~" Y+ M4 Y& E# a5 a◎年  代 20235 D  R; Z9 t- E$ c0 ?
◎产  地 美国/中国大陆+ F- S: F: a  L! D& ^
◎类  别 动作/科幻/冒险, z; f% I7 f, v. s" p6 t
◎语  言 英语
/ E5 E- r! o0 x0 g, Z( ^( `◎上映日期 2023-08-04(美国/中国大陆)
( F0 I+ K- @% J9 u' i9 t; `8 v◎IMDb评分  5.1/10 from 61,228 users) t1 D1 e- p2 b* W
0 M2 ?4 v0 W& W2 @9 G" \  m◎豆瓣评分 5.1/10 from 131,745 users
% w+ o: ]' }. E- {) i◎豆瓣链接; W' C4 W: \, G
◎文件格式 x265 + TrueHD, H/ s1 g+ ^8 N% o6 O) Z+ n4 ~
◎视频尺寸 3840 x 2160
0 E% c* _8 b7 E4 _0 E. h! @◎文件大小 1DVD 58.67 GiB# q4 S' w3 @' ^) H2 b* a8 l" Z# b
◎片  长 1 h 55 min' D( [! |4 G" T6 g
◎导  演 本·维特利 Ben Wheatley
. _3 i. x  |+ j" L% w5 X; G' c◎编  剧 乔·霍贝尔 Jon Hoeber
" u) d% ~9 m& O  E# M! A       埃里希·霍贝尔 Erich Hoeber- U# ~8 C7 m, ]9 y' N6 U
       迪恩·乔格瑞斯 Dean Georgaris
% k, O# x  _5 f. }& B       史蒂夫·艾尔顿 Steve Alten
, ?- q  l' ?( c9 l% e◎演  员 杰森·斯坦森 Jason Statham6 m) K0 V* Q2 b: K
       吴京 Jing Wu
! p& g( L+ Z1 w0 }; O& o% F       蔡书雅 Sophia Cai
. Q2 \$ W( R- B" h7 m9 K5 y       克利夫·柯蒂斯 Cliff Curtis
6 `) j# A  h$ o* K5 }4 a3 \       佩吉·肯尼迪 Page Kennedy
% T+ `1 p" q5 U- G! A       斯凯勒·塞缪尔斯 Skyler Samuels
- D: x8 X, K; Z- b       西耶娜·盖尔利 Sienna Guillory6 l2 b+ i+ ]" E" d; w
       塞尔吉奥·佩里斯-门切塔 Sergio Peris-Mencheta
' j# k) C9 O3 z/ D       梅丽桑蒂·马休特 Melissanthi Mahut, ?5 n! z- b6 ~( K5 X; M6 w+ R+ r
       沃皮·范·拉姆 Whoopie van Raam( b' W. _1 I- J3 _
       卡伦·索尼娅·塞沃尔 Kiran Sonia Sawar* x9 K# K5 T7 u$ D; J: ~0 Y; m
       菲利克斯·梅耶 Felix Mayr
3 {: u# T8 i6 E8 z% z       郭涛 Tao Guo
1 G3 @) ~. P  N( n" f8 _7 O       代乐乐 Lele Dai+ r9 w) T! V4 ^: B& Z# Y
       熊瑾怡 Jinyi Xiong
9 K' f3 [: z7 k3 I       白那日苏 Narisu Bai- `0 E* ]+ O0 S) e4 ]3 i! Y
       泷兮 Longxi
$ T8 w7 _3 t1 R3 z8 F       罗恩·斯穆安伯格 Ron Smoorenburg
1 i: D, Y# s( v       埃布尔·瓦纳马科克 Able Wanamakok8 U) y8 X, |, W9 A3 a- i
       肯尼思·温 Kenneth Won
9 r) L) J  r; G
3 O# g6 \, s, z3 T5 N+ W% k8 {' V+ t' e◎简  介 ' Q0 U$ ?6 L: A- y0 E6 G

  G- k2 x: [& [, X2 N  乔纳斯·泰勒(杰森·斯坦森 饰)与科学家张九溟(吴京 饰)双雄联手,进入海底7000米深渊执行探索任务。他们意外遭遇史前巨兽海洋霸主巨齿鲨群的攻击,还将对战凶猛危险的远古怪兽群。惊心动魄的深渊冒险,巨燃巨爽的深海大战一触即发……
+ |3 g0 [$ n+ |* `4 L  l! R) e0 |
5 n) N8 {8 g: x  Jonas Taylor leads a research team on an exploratory dive into the deepest depths of the ocean. Their voyage spirals into chaos when a malevolent mining operation threatens their mission and forces them into a high-stakes battle for survival. Pitted against colossal, prehistoric sharks and relentless environmental plunderers, they must outrun, outsmart and outswim their merciless predators.
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Format: BDAV9 P1 {/ x5 C2 W" p& t
Format/Info: Blu-ray Video2 F" p) t3 c" D/ V" j; J; n  Y9 R( D4 |
File size: 58.4 GiB
4 S! v0 f3 [- \. x, F- @Overall bit rate mode: Variable) A( p3 e* H2 _: c( y1 Q, ~* S2 R
Overall bit rate: 864 Mb/s7 I' `8 p; ]5 V, y% O
Maximum Overall bit rate: 109 Mb/s
5 M0 o/ ]; `5 z- C3 q0 O: C/ JFrame rate: 23.976 FPS
, O" K) Q3 h+ A& l" K$ Q* ~. W7 c
5 W: g, |) \9 h; X! pVideo #1% o" G; V, I: H
ID: 4113 (0x1011); m$ q! ]9 j0 U8 x! @$ a+ N9 k
Menu ID: 1 (0x1)
( k. p# S9 L* c! R( CFormat: HEVC
6 N8 v" M' z( s6 d9 W+ HFormat/Info: High Efficiency Video Coding
2 g5 `/ f6 Z4 SFormat profile: Main 10@L5.1@High
4 @* F/ k( _9 M) }$ n$ b3 rHDR format: SMPTE ST 2086, HDR10 compatible- ~5 [* {0 A/ {  v7 {
Codec ID: 364 s3 P9 H) ^1 r- g  ~
Width: 3840 pixels  _3 \' ~+ d% V* a) G4 H) b; _
Height: 2160 pixels
  I, P4 e2 ?/ Q  D  t/ O2 DDisplay aspect ratio: 16:9' T4 k- t1 n: ~
Frame rate: 23.976 (24000/1001) FPS' p8 y9 y. K7 k9 F  x" P
Color space: YUV
) u! M  T2 U) GChroma subsampling: 4:2:0 (Type 2); n' X3 X4 y9 @
Bit depth: 10 bits
& N& y/ u' w8 l" u' V" Q" h# |Color range: Limited
8 c- R5 F* M" {3 i8 b" }" RColor primaries: BT.2020; y7 o* b/ R, _0 A8 ?
Transfer characteristics: PQ( n# {* W/ X/ j% b! F6 z4 e
Matrix coefficients: BT.2020 non-constant2 O  z! r' j) w4 k
Mastering display color primaries: Display P39 a' C# T. u( Y  p, P# |
Mastering display luminance: min: 0.0001 cd/m2, max: 1000 cd/m2, l4 B# ]1 q5 t/ A2 p) \- h1 b8 G
Maximum Content Light Level: 409 cd/m2
, G% q) U: S9 L6 }. T& H0 ]Maximum Frame-Average Light Level: 71 cd/m21 X' y. W9 ]0 I) S
' p0 V+ O) t* s! R; C9 @) |2 T
Video #3 (Dolby Vision)3 a3 I+ H. D* m9 J8 K8 ~* i) F( U
ID: 4117 (0x1015)
0 f" r2 d/ Y6 n9 P! ?6 k/ h$ pMenu ID: 1 (0x1)
* g9 a; \3 X- D+ qFormat: HEVC. z  Z; A3 f# l( f2 |; ~
Format/Info: High Efficiency Video Coding: i' M1 m( m' I3 W
Format profile: Main 10@L5.1@High
" ]$ ]4 R+ _4 s, q8 |HDR format: SMPTE ST 2086, HDR10 compatible) U) |7 U/ t7 E) A
Codec ID: 36
- y2 O  k8 Z) c! ?2 N7 ~Width: 1920 pixels
) z; e8 o; V$ h4 b- z- K  {5 hHeight: 1080 pixels
/ P; D' h4 k, fDisplay aspect ratio: 16:9% `" ^! m2 |7 K- d8 v
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7 Z. n" \# h( p6 V- iChroma subsampling: 4:2:0 (Type 2)+ m5 @1 l1 j' ]' L
Bit depth: 10 bits
6 @* z) i8 y# o9 O3 Q7 ?  EColor range: Limited) _1 E' N6 Y& l
Color primaries: BT.20208 h- X! `9 m$ E& a( c
Transfer characteristics: PQ% E: f: f8 X$ i2 f$ a5 r2 e
Matrix coefficients: BT.2020 non-constant0 U) [$ l; q1 u! g
Mastering display color primaries: Display P3
* b+ g5 i! Z/ z) \" BMastering display luminance: min: 0.0001 cd/m2, max: 1000 cd/m21 B* d. Y8 B% u; n# j$ c8 i5 t( g

7 O  a) ~+ B7 C4 t0 \+ DAudio #17 {0 H! M- o1 k7 c# e. o( P1 i( O
ID: 4352 (0x1100)) k5 R# @1 {5 i8 Z/ G
Menu ID: 1 (0x1)
/ R# Q  x! J& O& g- @* c: UFormat: MLP FBA AC-3 16-ch
: V& N+ c2 S5 w2 RFormat/Info: Meridian Lossless Packing FBA with 16-channel presentation* H: L2 ^: H+ q* w; S+ c3 E
Commercial name: Dolby TrueHD with Dolby Atmos
6 R. I( C+ q; _  Y" H& BMuxing mode: Stream extension
% X* K! o1 @: a1 x6 KCodec ID: 131
% P  }+ l% Q* w3 S  lBit rate mode: Variable
' L8 n. D8 _5 e# k( [Bit rate: 448 kb/s- T$ Q# c; w) L1 u( \( k
Maximum bit rate: 4830 kb/s* Q8 P1 q) F; ~8 s- k
Channel(s): 8 channels
8 F' ^7 R. f, i6 a+ c" DChannel layout: L R C LFE Ls Rs Lb Rb/ R: l5 f% Q& D* ^# o: t
Sampling rate: 48.0 kHz
" n# x, d& f( ?* G4 _$ @' P8 v0 jFrame rate: 31.250 FPS (1536 SPF)' Q' u) {# V; m; m2 ~) w- y
Compression mode: Lossless% t, A/ {4 y' ?1 Z' ]7 \4 H
Stream size: 502 KiB (0%)% w$ K) Z- \9 r  {0 _
Service kind: Complete Main
( v4 u: D. |$ k- \  W3 B8 ?3 VNumber of dynamic objects: 11
4 ?; g2 D4 c- d9 N+ ^; \& d3 k  hBed channel count: 1 channel- L" n( H& a2 a
Bed channel configuration: LFE
9 H; x! V# v; G" u% R+ h2 `9 }3 p2 m% t( h0 L0 A) ~. T
Subtitles: English SDH, French, Spanish
$ \/ a( \9 R4 wAudio Channels: English: Dolby TrueHD/Atmos 7.1 @ 2898kbps, English: Dolby Digital 5.1 @ 640kbps,5 a/ Q4 n  M2 I& n- d5 m6 K+ P6 d0 ^
French: Dolby Digital 5.1 @ 640kbps, Spanish: Dolby Digital 5.1 @ 640kbps4 ?& ?- c4 Z8 m: S' X

0 ]2 @2 J1 E* Y  y4 ]2 A1 M重要信息:这是完整的4K超高清蓝光光盘,含杜比视轨和杜比ATMOS。
Meg 2: The Trench 4K Blu-ray, Video Quality   
$ [& V3 T% C- s9 ?1 Q9 \6 S0 q7 ?, o5 S3 f2 u

3 Y0 Q& @3 L# X9 r( [( INOTE: These screenshots are sourced the Blu-ray edition, available separately and reviewed here.Meg 2 offers the usual all-around upgrades you'll find on a WB 4K disc in that most of its fundamental benefits arrive more in the form of color value and better encoding than a huge jump in detail. Both plusses are occasionally crucial during the film's lengthy underwater sequences, which can unsurprisingly look somewhat murky and muddled on Blu-ray in direct comparison. And while select passages still appear slightly cloudy with less-than-perfect fine detail, this is an overall more refined and deliberate presentation that boasts greater depth, contrast, and color variance. Take, for example, an unplanned 3km underwater walk where the crew encounters rare plant species who light the background with bioluminescence; though attractive enough on the Blu-ray's 1080p presentation with vivid highlights, this impact of 4K/HDR gives their light a much more convincingly smooth and organic appearance. The same holds true for above-ground footage, from dark interiors lit mostly by computer displays to the sun-soaked exterior of Fun Island -- yes, "Fun Island" -- and other tropical locales that look lush and inviting. (Except for those deadly creatures.)
" I3 ?: t2 h# N  V# o) ?% ~5 }% H2 D% g
From start to finish, it's a tack-sharp presentation that rarely falters, with my only mild complaint being that a few examples of less-than-optimal CGI don't exactly blend well with their surroundings and, surprise surprising, actually show fewer immediately seams on the Blu-ray. Yet it's a fair trade-off for 4K's numerous benefits which also extend to its tighter encoding that ensures no real signs of banding, macro blocking, or other compression artifacts.
7 |2 ~; q. Q; l3 J% W( h; A8 _6 h% R) `; b
Meg 2: The Trench 4K Blu-ray, Audio Quality   
9 F4 ^( w, o7 [
6 I) h. t& g* R% H' n& r/ D
8 Z3 G! S) d! X2 fMeg 2's full-bodied Dolby Atmos mix features all the swirling activity, visceral thrills, and low frequency response you might expect from a recent big-budget production of this type, where fierce underwater action, screaming crowds, and claustrophobic interiors create a nice sonic range than keeps things aurally interesting from start to finish. Explosions below and above sea level carry different but equally impressive levels of weight, discrete activity is ample, the height channels are put to good use in different locals, and the original score blends in nicely while leaving plenty of room for dialogue and background effects. In short, it doesn't exactly break new ground but what's here has a true big-screen size and presence that amplifies the action and suspense at key moments. Turn it up and enjoy.Optional subtitles, including English (SDH), are included during the main feature and all extras listed below.
$ V; U  }4 W) E3 w. {: P  P4 t4 P  ^. M$ l

6 h. E2 n. a1 x# e% F; v" ^3 Y0 W2 W. i! D4 ?7 U' g
高清片段预览: P+ q8 `# b) ^- V9 N  W: U
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598 枚
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sawas 发表于 2023-11-2 20:00:57 | 显示全部楼层
That was awesome!



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