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[4K极清电影] 奥本海默 [4K REMUX无损版 自带中字] Oppenheimer 2023 UHD BluRaycd 2160p DTS-HD MA 5.1 HEVC HYBRID REMUX-FraMeSToR 82.98GB & 90.16GB








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黄金嫖客 发表于 2023-11-19 18:41:22 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
The story of American scientist, J. Robert Oppenheimer, and his role in the development of the atomic bomb.$ i" O, K6 }5 e! `
7 }/ z8 \4 J* {  M6 Q
# v* K  W5 D- F8 T- \' w. v9 T/ U- Z- D1 J0 e+ L2 L
◎译  名 奥本海默$ L+ ]( \' G' T4 C- W& G% _; o1 [
◎片  名 Oppenheimer
( y( ^" l4 p% P+ q% C2 V7 h& M◎年  代 2023
" {! z; L6 r* E; u* e' O◎产  地 美国/英国# [; f: n2 g9 l. m
◎类  别 剧情/历史/传记# e3 r' |  P; w( D7 ?+ s9 c
◎语  言 英语/德语/荷兰语/意大利语/意第绪语/ H4 Y, a6 Q! G
◎上映日期 2023-07-21(美国)/2023-08-30(中国大陆)
. J, ~/ z5 x7 Z* C. y9 D◎IMDb评分  8.5/10 from 501,118 users
1 G6 S- A" T2 w) B8 l$ y% Y2 F◎IMDb链接
& J+ U: m, m, q' M  U: Y' X, o◎豆瓣评分 8.8/10 from 574,588 users
1 r4 t9 ~) Q. }; `: o* _7 [. S◎豆瓣链接 J5 j/ b4 n2 [3 `
◎文件格式 x265 + DTS
' p+ I5 H# l3 O1 J* Y- l- e+ F◎视频尺寸 3840 x 2160
, j6 T5 R) ^, j7 w: Q5 f◎文件大小 1DVD 82.98 GiB & 82.21 GiB & 82.53 GiB & 90.16 GiB' c! ^! ?4 Y3 k
◎片  长 3 h 0 min
2 C) o* e4 S  W1 K' `, `0 }! K◎导  演 克里斯托弗·诺兰 Christopher Nolan
% o2 L0 V  g9 C, R4 i/ X◎编  剧 克里斯托弗·诺兰 Christopher Nolan
  D9 n$ P* m# Z+ n4 u       凯·伯德 Kai Bird
! D' f: Q' D, |9 _. n       马丁·舍温 Martin Sherwin
7 U8 ~3 R5 j# ~7 x! e" T◎音  乐 路德维格·戈兰松 Ludwig Göransson2 H9 a2 o* s+ J8 ]: k, E
       亚历克斯·吉普森 Alex Gibson% D5 b2 U) g' Z  e! s# i3 p1 r& M
       Felipe Pacheco
; S. f7 v1 [# O$ `. B3 N( n       Eric Wegener
4 ~" h2 c  z# ]/ a2 u# X◎演  员 基里安·墨菲 Cillian Murphy | 饰 罗伯特·奥本海默 J. Robert Oppenheimer
7 I% N5 C' D5 @       艾米莉·布朗特 Emily Blunt | 饰 凯蒂·奥本海默 Kitty Oppenheimer# e! G; W- |2 A4 X
       马特·达蒙 Matt Damon | 饰 莱斯利·格罗夫斯 Leslie Groves Jr.
/ R  `7 F/ |3 \/ B8 F       小罗伯特·唐尼 Robert Downey Jr. | 饰 路易斯·施特劳斯 Lewis Strauss
" @9 W! n3 V# x: ]! X       弗洛伦丝·皮尤 Florence Pugh | 饰 琼·塔特洛克 Jean Tatlock
/ k9 m/ y, `: u3 k       阿尔登·埃伦瑞奇 Alden Ehrenreich | 饰 参议院助理 Senate Aide5 O" @6 i! G/ s( [
       大卫·克朗姆霍茨 David Krumholtz | 饰 伊西多·拉比 Isidor Isaac Rabi
) j0 s# B: R. z6 M4 [! q       乔什·哈奈特 Josh Hartnett | 饰 欧内斯特·劳伦斯 Ernest Lawrence$ R, u. c+ o6 i$ o
       杰森·克拉克 Jason Clarke | 饰 罗杰·罗博 Roger Robb
  f" J' M! J$ Q+ m       卡西·阿弗莱克 Casey Affleck | 饰 鲍里斯·帕什 Boris Pash$ f+ Q+ j! W: i% t1 n7 M  q4 v
       戴恩·德哈恩 Dane DeHaan | 饰 肯尼斯·尼科尔斯 Kenneth Nichols
2 X) Z( z$ q8 E& z       本·萨弗迪 Ben Safdie | 饰 爱德华·泰勒 Edward Teller
% g% f  z  ]0 {% ]7 S       大卫·达斯马齐连 David Dastmalchian | 饰 威廉·博登 William Borden& ]- Q5 b$ P) l
       拉米·马雷克 Rami Malek | 饰 大卫·希尔 David Hill
& e* c& J9 e$ k/ I9 f6 P       汤姆·康蒂 Tom Conti | 饰 阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦 Albert Einstein# R7 c) ~8 N6 l1 Y
       肯尼思·布拉纳 Kenneth Branagh | 饰 尼尔斯·玻尔 Niels Bohr
9 P, t/ R# N* Z6 L2 N$ I) T       加里·奥德曼 Gary Oldman | 饰 哈里·S·杜鲁门总统 Harry S. Truman/ Y9 y' E0 @& f2 K
       詹姆斯·达西 James D'Arcy | 饰 帕特里克·布莱克特 Patrick Blackett
( j8 V; G: y* x3 ~. v       梅肯·布莱尔 Macon Blair | 饰 劳埃德·加里森 Lloyd Garrison
) f: T2 i& o7 V( x# U$ r# Q       杰克·奎德 Jack Quaid | 饰 理查德·费曼 Richard Feynman5 g0 U( f+ n9 e. C, ^9 X# Q
       迪伦·阿诺德 Dylan Arnold | 饰 弗兰克·奥本海默 Frank Oppenheimer) s8 j' p6 |6 I$ L
       艾玛·杜蒙特 Emma Dumont | 饰 杰基·奥本海默 Jackie Oppenheimer
7 X, S( E0 v" w3 a! E3 b       杰佛逊·豪尔 Jefferson Hall | 饰 哈康·舍瓦利耶 Haakon Chevalier& {# Q' |* W+ A7 N1 u" N6 ]" N/ V7 q$ k
       乔什·祖克曼 Josh Zuckerman | 饰 乔瓦尼·罗西·洛马尼茨 Giovanni Rossi Lomanitz, B% M% m1 Z! d
       马修·莫迪恩 Matthew Modine | 饰 万尼瓦尔·布什 Vannevar Bush# q( h+ j5 h4 v/ B. D/ u
       马提亚斯·施维赫夫 Matthias Schweighöfer | 饰 沃纳·海森堡 Werner Heisenberg( Z+ t' }# P/ h- o  t% }
       亚历克斯·沃尔夫 Alex Wolff | 饰 路易斯·阿尔瓦雷茨 Luis Alvarez+ U2 D) H& G, q
       托尼·戈德温 Tony Goldwyn | 饰 戈登·格雷 Gordon Gray5 k9 q, I6 g) s. d: a
       库尔特·克勒 Kurt Koehler | 饰 托马斯·A·摩根 Thomas A. Morgan
- a+ ?0 w  M; n       约翰·高恩 John Gowans | 饰 沃德·埃文斯 Ward Evans
1 u  j" E' Z# C' c+ @) J) q" n       蒂姆·迪凯 Tim DeKay | 饰 约翰·帕斯托雷 Senator Pastore" S- l$ O: x; M  b
       泰德·金 Ted King | 饰 参议员巴特利特 Senator Bartlett" K9 A; p2 B* p3 S
       古斯塔·斯卡斯加德 Gustaf Skarsgård | 饰 汉斯·贝特 Hans Bethe
& S! w2 a' z& W$ q       迈克尔·安格拉诺 Michael Angarano | 饰 罗伯特·瑟伯尔 Robert Serber$ ?# P& H% J9 }
       丹尼·德费拉里 Danny Deferrari | 饰 Enrico Fermi7 g7 f' x' H" a$ E
       哈里·格罗内尔 Harry Groener | 饰 盖尔·W·麦基 Senator McGee
" y! o1 C' u* e7 u       莎蒂·斯特拉顿 Sadie Stratton | 饰 玛丽·沃什伯恩 Mary Washburn
! Y# R+ f  r' c- v- e0 Z# o       克里斯托弗·邓汉 Christopher Denham | 饰 克劳斯·福克斯 Klaus Fuchs/ V$ z8 }9 t- T+ C( |0 j
       马泰·豪曼 Máté Haumann | 饰 利奥·西拉德 Leo Szilard
6 h. N+ p" K" P0 |       奥莉薇·瑟尔比 Olivia Thirlby | 饰 莉莉·霍尼格 Lilli Hornig  H5 o& a- h$ Y& ]5 ~! E! [% B8 J
       弗洛拉·诺兰 Flora Nolan | 饰 核受害者 Burn Victim- r5 p1 k. ?, ^3 i$ h
       詹姆斯·乌尔班尼亚克 James Urbaniak | 饰 库尔特·哥德尔 Kurt Gödel
$ L8 [6 y6 f7 D2 i6 d       盖·布耐特 Guy Burnet | 饰 乔治·艾丹顿 George Eltenton& j( z, k$ d- V! y# h# m
       路易丝·隆巴德 Louise Lombard | 饰 鲁丝·托尔曼 Ruth Tolman
8 b1 G4 d( g6 z$ j' `; x* D) g       杰夫·赫普内尔 Jeff Hephner | 饰 国会议员 Congressman( {/ i) ]/ G" P$ F. Q0 I
       奥利·哈斯基维 Olli Haaskivi | 饰 爱德华·康登 Edward Condon
4 v% Y# \0 Q8 a  O: {       大卫·里达尔 David Rysdahl | 饰 唐纳德·霍尼希 Donald Hornig
# T  n/ C0 C2 L- Z$ {       乔希·佩克 Josh Peck | 饰 肯尼斯·班布里奇 Kenneth Bainbridge" e9 o$ o& P1 z! _  f3 u8 u; D# A# q
       布雷特·德尔布罗诺 Brett DelBuono | 饰 Concerned Scientist
/ }  [6 i- e" w" ?" {7 Z. i       斯荣德·福斯·奥瓦格 Trond Fausa Aurvaag | 饰 George Kistiakowsky( q* m1 R4 v% e9 P9 C" i- O
       戴文·博斯蒂克 Devon Bostick | 饰 Seth Neddermeyer. w* g3 n. h5 D) {- A# m' s4 u
       格里格瑞·贾巴拉 Gregory Jbara | 饰 Chairman Magnuson
8 H0 `" h* z2 X3 m2 c2 K: l       罗纳尔多·奥古斯特 Ronald Auguste | 饰 J Ernest Wilkins; Q! ~( o8 S4 R* r. P$ C
       杰克·卡特莫尔-斯科特 Jack Cutmore-Scott | 饰 Lyall Johnson
6 j0 N  l6 a6 w0 l' H; [       哈里森·吉尔伯特森 Harrison Gilbertson | 饰 Philip Morrison, n! h. _5 g) N7 S& x
       詹姆斯·瑞马尔 James Remar | 饰 亨利·史汀生 Henry Stimson
* v( j7 b4 f8 E3 |1 n$ o4 q       斯科特·格瑞恩斯 Scott Grimes | 饰 律师 Counsel
& k/ `8 F0 k# a       斯蒂芬·考特尔 Steve Coulter | 饰 James Conant7 G( v) S% e. {* k0 I& {' N
       杰米·约翰·韦尔斯 Jeremy John Wells | 饰 AAF Officer
  G! a' N* t/ n       肖恩·艾弗里 Sean Avery | 饰 Weatherman: w+ `  ?( N/ S$ P% J" y# x- o
       拜斯·约翰逊 Bryce Johnson | 饰 Army Air Force Officer. i4 X' c: _' d
       凯瑞·威斯特科特 Kerry Westcott | 饰 Laughing Woman+ \: I# q. f" K( v. h6 G; m0 Y
       凯特·法兰奇 Kate French | 饰 Presidential Aide
* H' ]" h8 e: V: N: @' v9 u       戴维·贝尔图奇 David Bertucci | 饰 Janitorial Crew: Q2 H. I2 o9 _+ k" D7 }6 w3 r7 t
       汤姆·詹金斯 Tom Jenkins | 饰 理查德·托尔曼 Richard Tolman: h/ x. D2 Z5 m8 G7 E4 D
       哈帕·劳伦斯 Hap Lawrence | 饰 林登·约翰逊 Lyndon Johnson+ l" F  J" T) |' d0 g6 Q, v
       史蒂文·霍斯卡 Steven Houska | 饰 Senator Scott
" ?/ e+ ^0 y- \; z; @       罗里·基恩 Rory Keane | 饰 Hartland Snyder
0 B4 b8 r+ B8 r$ @       皮特里·威林克 Petrie Willink | 饰 Dutch Student; x1 O! {/ A8 D( u
       迈克尔·安德鲁·贝克 Michael Andrew Baker | 饰 Joe Volpe) I" q( c: O" c0 l. c. I
       布里特·凯尔 Britt Kyle | 饰 Barbara Chevalier
8 R3 B; x' l! t2 `8 b       杰西卡·艾琳·马汀 Jessica Erin Martin | 饰 Charlotte Serber
- Q/ v0 [& B6 W       威尔·罗伯茨 Will Roberts | 饰 George C. Marshall/ V9 e% v4 h0 g; I3 B& G
       帕特·斯基珀 Pat Skipper | 饰 James Byrnes
: J& }2 [) L; N# X  w" P$ V       亚当·克罗格 Adam Kroeger | 饰 Army Captain
' d9 K6 }. s2 k0 }! C8 W       德鲁·肯尼 Drew Kenney | 饰 Soldier7 O. U9 }4 R. i! t  \
       克里斯蒂娜·霍格 Christina Hogue | 饰 Kissing Woman  L* {, H6 S- b, [
       塞缪尔·科德 Samuel Code | 饰 Lecture; D6 @4 F8 L' y4 d6 D" z# B
       迈克尔·德巴托罗 Michael DeBartolo | 饰 Oppenheimer Party Guest
# G/ P& T( @* |) l# x       以利亚·迪尔金 Elijah Dierking | 饰 Student" n. v, M, {2 d
       拉塞尔·多纳休 Russel Donahue | 饰 Cambridge Student
0 n: T* l" m6 j  U, W5 _       亚当·沃克·費德曼 Adam Walker Federman | 饰 MIT Student5 |1 ^. s, q- a1 ?* n; m% M( ?
       道格·弗里德曼 Doug Friedman | 饰 Commission
$ F, Y. ?' d. [9 ?; j       布雷登·凯尔西·吉尔 Braden Kelsey Gile | 饰 Berkeley Student
! F( [: P! `! k- p6 W       米歇尔·加坦 Michelle Ghatan | 饰 Cambridge Student& K7 o8 i* j- Y/ [1 D$ b1 @7 z" F
       詹姆斯·保罗·格雷戈里 James Paul Gregory | 饰 Berkeley Student
4 L. ?7 M) W. m8 U5 M( u       克里斯蒂娜·亨尼丝 Christine Heneise | 饰 Lady Bird Johnson! |# w( F3 e* M- r+ C3 j& Q
       卡莱布·克里夫顿 Kaleb Clifton | 饰 Congressman* d% e0 |; H& D' f7 D3 c/ o. o
       安德鲁·布西亚加 Andrew Bursiaga | 饰 Male Student' C. U& m$ U4 e1 N( q) b. f9 B- v
       罗斯·布兰 Ross Buran | 饰 Lewis Strauss Jr.
- p& ?) |7 T9 M8 S# ]       克莱·邦克 Clay Bunker | 饰 Kissing Man# {9 X& v$ A6 n# A6 |3 t& k
       泰勒·比尔兹利 Tyler Beardsley | 饰 Weeping Man* R7 d; e, Y/ }( s' K- T; t" m+ W
       玛丽亚·特蕾莎·祖佩塔 Maria Teresa Zuppetta | 饰 Consoling Woman
: q9 [" m( r' f: z% l% C5 C" H       亚西尔·阿尔·奈尔巴 Yaser Al-Nyrabeah | 饰 Berkeley Student. m6 r9 B/ y  l9 Q4 O7 F5 F' T  A& i$ p
       亨特·埃文特 Hunter Avant | 饰 Army Support Soldier
0 A  F6 y4 j. f+ h! w7 o: r       艾夫雷·巴林 Aevrey Balin | 饰 Lecture Attendee( X0 z# U; |+ D# V
       凯文·伯恩特 Kevin Berndt | 饰 Professor
; [9 J5 U% M6 ]# T       特洛伊·布朗森 Troy Bronson | 饰 Joseph W. Kennedy
4 B( O  }2 T) d       史蒂文·布拉德 Steven Bullard | 饰 Scientist
6 B3 \# y( X& V. X+ A# \3 V       约翰·T·希尔曼 John T. Hillman | 饰 Berkeley Professor6 d* S0 ~7 \! c/ Z" k6 ?' ]5 g' A
       梅格·希梅尔芬尼 Meg Schimelpfenig | 饰 Senator's Assistant+ b' d7 G4 B1 U/ b; ^
       Susan Elizabeth Shaw | 饰 Strauss's Fiancée
, f7 h- }% N3 U       Travis Siemon | 饰 Hall Press; x' j. M  [+ f+ {# {
       瑞恩·斯图博 Ryan Stubo | 饰 Paul Dirac
* K5 M( b6 F9 l       Jacob Taylor | 饰 Lab Student* B7 y) f! I+ C* i7 R
       Scott Valentine | 饰 Courtroom Audience
+ c* _* I! S1 X       Jack Wang | 饰 Cambridge Student
2 z" _' T0 @, t       Kyle Williams | 饰 Lab Student* G4 D' J6 W* f7 A- J( d7 U
       Ansa Woo | 饰 Female Student #701 V( P8 g& K' z6 q, o! n  Z
       Aamir Yusuf | 饰 Cambridge Student6 Y( P) O, `2 p

* D( r1 v% N  X% E◎简  介 ! K$ Z- s$ F& ^6 M+ W; T

, y! ?' g; I7 [' Q% C3 t  当我们为权力金钱焦虑、兴奋与愤怒时,却根本想象不到“他们”在谈论着怎样更重要的事情。
8 J, L( m: q0 Q) t. `2 u7 I* H
: U1 d* ]( C! e* t3 v/ [( C  随着战争阴云笼罩世界上空,各国紧锣密鼓抓紧军事竞赛。为了抢占先机,美国陆军中将莱斯利·格罗夫斯(马特·达蒙 Matt Damon 饰)找到量子力学与核物理学领域的扛鼎人物罗伯特·奥本海默(基里安·墨菲 Cillian Murphy 饰),力荐其担任曼哈顿计划的首席科学家以及洛斯阿拉莫斯国家实验室的总负责人。经过两年争分夺秒的研发,硕大的蘑菇云终于在荒原的上空腾起,也宣告着绞肉机一般的二战即将落下帷幕。奥本海默有如将火种带到人间的普罗米修斯,可是对人性的参悟和对未来的担忧迫使他走向与政府相悖的道路。更可悲的是,凡人钟情的物欲也将一世天才裹挟至炼狱之中,永世燃烧……/ B8 h# P$ R; l, ~
1 [; v8 Y9 P+ i; E) a
  During World War II, Lt. Gen. Leslie Groves Jr. appoints physicist J. Robert Oppenheimer to work on the top-secret Manhattan Project. Oppenheimer and a team of scientists spend years developing and designing the atomic bomb. Their work comes to fruition on July 16, 1945, as they witness the world's first nuclear explosion, forever changing the course of history.6 U5 |3 u. t: t6 @. V0 ^! K: P# U
1 ?% {% S4 I' l
Oppenheimer.2023.Eng.Fre.Ger.Ita.Spa.Cze.Pol.2160p.BluRayCD.REMUX.HDR.HEVC.DTS-HD.MA.5.1-SGF 90.16 GB: R$ k9 i- Z/ ~; P; V
" o7 }, Z* C, C+ O: u* x- t
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+ B0 g, {: E, v9 i! p: oID: 2& Q! U+ q) z' v' L4 A; x( ]8 d
Format: DTS XLL
% T0 {9 F3 \8 p+ K! y; t  C# fFormat/Info: Digital Theater Systems
3 Q  V+ K4 Z/ X  f6 ^5 V: BCommercial name: DTS-HD Master Audio
* _# @4 [; `# e( \Codec ID: A_DTS
$ Q( s8 t5 n& ]Duration: 3 h 0 min0 e  ~9 n% x# r1 e4 P/ ]/ z& P
Bit rate mode: Variable! p- j/ |8 b" g# b! U
Bit rate: 3 567 kb/s
0 I$ w. g- x8 v& S# u4 CChannel(s): 6 channels
3 E( ~. `6 {- D3 }) P8 {3 B$ hChannel layout: C L R Ls Rs LFE
. a$ }" |- p7 V# D9 U8 G7 @) pSampling rate: 48.0 kHz
4 P6 D6 r; _, i: C5 i0 xFrame rate: 93.750 FPS (512 SPF)
2 W8 a3 q5 ~& z9 }/ F; BBit depth: 24 bits
1 C5 {6 ^% L. q6 JCompression mode: Lossless) i: r/ j7 M, `
Stream size: 4.49 GiB (5%)
. n# L3 I* m* A# e$ X' A% kTitle: English [DTS-HD MA 5.1]) G. F. |1 c" |% j
Language: English
! a/ H1 L1 E. d3 t# K9 N; bDefault: Yes
/ p$ m$ V8 w& R) W! g! |! uForced: No
$ n/ y% ^5 g! K; A' E2 y: k
3 E/ ]2 r3 w  R! i& g' OAudio 2
7 I3 l# A; q: N( b* b/ eID: 3" H; K- y8 g+ e7 L2 c
Format: DTS9 h- `: m! o0 f- v% N9 ~
Format/Info: Digital Theater Systems
/ u9 \' P! A; j2 [# Y4 u3 ICodec ID: A_DTS0 A- W7 b$ S3 p
Duration: 3 h 0 min
- i& L3 N. ~1 }6 m4 c' G8 i/ X4 sBit rate mode: Constant
" }7 W* `- e$ hBit rate: 768 kb/s
2 W" x! y! Q- d: p. t6 RChannel(s): 6 channels
2 N  r% f9 O6 P' @) O, fChannel layout: C L R Ls Rs LFE
9 t6 c  E3 f2 w2 J9 d: b, {Sampling rate: 48.0 kHz/ }  ^* Z( X% e' P1 |! _3 h
Frame rate: 93.750 FPS (512 SPF)) a* F2 z# V; k  L3 H
Bit depth: 24 bits8 {- ?; n* u" ?% g
Compression mode: Lossy3 }8 K7 x$ u. Y
Stream size: 991 MiB (1%)5 {# y! y- Y+ N. l
Title: French (France) [DTS 5.1]
* r' [9 a4 v; k' X5 f- y, fLanguage: French (FR)
5 q  B9 E' o3 }! xDefault: No
7 q! _- J+ _) D  k) L( MForced: No
6 l. I/ y9 k6 e$ n4 O
0 I" `( T8 T! Y3 MAudio 34 N& h" r! l" y0 M
ID: 4
  c: k) x" ^) kFormat: DTS
; @* j) Y9 e3 Z8 w% C0 L4 [0 L0 UFormat/Info: Digital Theater Systems, Z5 P0 m. i7 A+ L8 ?
Codec ID: A_DTS
2 y/ {& N( P0 ]' b+ |/ {) fDuration: 3 h 0 min6 {8 c$ Y$ P7 _- w* E) H
Bit rate mode: Constant
! J3 p+ _1 h5 T% u( [' K3 L3 ~Bit rate: 768 kb/s
9 W' X' g! ?& B; q8 aChannel(s): 6 channels
: H, n; ?7 G2 _5 RChannel layout: C L R Ls Rs LFE" l; k5 \# I8 v3 U
Sampling rate: 48.0 kHz
8 ^4 b: J- h4 _5 C9 k: i# CFrame rate: 93.750 FPS (512 SPF). b) A/ N( `1 u; I
Bit depth: 24 bits
% Y9 e* V! G$ K- D+ V* ICompression mode: Lossy6 A( |( [$ m: h9 [) ?) o
Stream size: 991 MiB (1%)0 n7 g/ p1 W0 c# z: L) G; ?
Title: French (Canada) [DTS 5.1]
" i* n' X6 L% SLanguage: French (CA)0 \2 t+ a  [* \  u
Default: No% D6 r# u& e) x( _6 ^
Forced: No: k8 i. q) R* a: c5 M/ z& g

  t4 a6 ]: N$ F6 _, s) D7 gAudio 40 _% E5 M# E3 z6 Y& _; T
ID: 5
1 a4 W1 O9 L% m# d) S7 _+ XFormat: DTS
" I; k% ~$ s) S' [4 P( v1 `Format/Info: Digital Theater Systems
  [" g" \8 B0 \" DCodec ID: A_DTS
; q# a" G7 D4 n( l  \+ k2 vDuration: 3 h 0 min
, W. V$ t) ]1 X6 K. y) O" ^Bit rate mode: Constant
; _3 l! d+ _9 XBit rate: 768 kb/s, _, Y! k+ X2 j: Z4 k  I
Channel(s): 6 channels
* i% f5 q! x- Q: \Channel layout: C L R Ls Rs LFE
' K, I$ `4 J! x5 w4 ?Sampling rate: 48.0 kHz
$ E( O% v7 \1 IFrame rate: 93.750 FPS (512 SPF)
( A- T( u9 G4 I. EBit depth: 24 bits
9 |1 Y$ f: S+ b5 |- r- P. E, ACompression mode: Lossy
1 A2 y" q6 v& C* a" ^Stream size: 991 MiB (1%)5 I6 B( o: I# Q' z# b
Title: German [DTS 5.1]
, d* b9 V1 R/ z- r+ v) E9 DLanguage: German
5 a  ?) _1 H5 e5 v  t) NDefault: No6 ]' g' K: }9 V  P# d: F6 m( c
Forced: No
6 J6 S- O% f- R7 E& b, S2 z5 [- S' v' J/ K
Audio 5, W6 @3 N! G" Q3 V2 ]  e
ID: 6: R9 |" P9 o& ?3 h
Format: DTS
9 |0 E! s2 }% p6 \, J+ l$ g& x/ c$ bFormat/Info: Digital Theater Systems1 z3 }; l) g3 S  `, H
Codec ID: A_DTS( U* U- t( {/ Q6 P
Duration: 3 h 0 min5 o3 n' m+ W8 r# o5 {3 P: x
Bit rate mode: Constant
, ^; P: T/ ?- K; }Bit rate: 768 kb/s. w; |* a! \% \. T) _3 z
Channel(s): 6 channels. _' a7 ?5 x% P! e
Channel layout: C L R Ls Rs LFE! b6 j4 ?, y1 B5 O  r9 H
Sampling rate: 48.0 kHz$ y* K2 N+ P) c  d1 _( ?
Frame rate: 93.750 FPS (512 SPF)
( @  G2 V( P0 {$ zBit depth: 24 bits) ]) Y3 F2 h5 |9 ^& y9 Y' e* \
Compression mode: Lossy- ?& i  b5 C$ p' d
Stream size: 991 MiB (1%)
" z) y* O9 Y. WTitle: Italian [DTS 5.1]
+ F8 |. u. b0 g! u8 YLanguage: Italian
9 w) k8 S! g: N! A. V4 F1 ]Default: No7 `: |% W: l3 ^' ]! W) w* i4 I4 n
Forced: No
7 E) j1 D& B) p- D% I* t, a) H( h9 J7 ?9 O: {6 G
Audio 6
, }  T3 i9 F) Y8 F& u1 HID: 7- _& ~; R) ]  ~% Z% K3 i
Format: DTS
5 M9 s6 Q. K- X6 p0 |7 ?Format/Info: Digital Theater Systems) ?4 t' o* w  K8 j" @* p
Codec ID: A_DTS$ v' G: W! M" e: a
Duration: 3 h 0 min+ k1 c9 U8 y: X" e8 B
Bit rate mode: Constant
: T9 k3 U" W1 e, IBit rate: 768 kb/s& G. j  P+ B$ l- @
Channel(s): 6 channels# `; x* X. U; E! ?
Channel layout: C L R Ls Rs LFE4 H, n1 E! \$ L, z5 {) r
Sampling rate: 48.0 kHz( ?* D7 _9 N) U  A2 `3 e: Q0 w
Frame rate: 93.750 FPS (512 SPF)% j. n" k4 r7 e/ y
Bit depth: 24 bits  F7 X; J! n2 {$ f
Compression mode: Lossy
7 f' M5 i5 J* JStream size: 991 MiB (1%)
& V* K9 i1 n3 T+ }* \  V' `) p1 \Title: Spanish (Spain) [DTS 5.1]  e' x6 [0 Y( N% V, n' p
Language: Spanish (ES)8 Q; k" m9 [, o! V/ t7 e
Default: No
5 C0 @) |( p; x6 T3 N. _& J9 lForced: No
/ |% K! x5 Y" i: R6 Y& s$ w8 n# @' g& Y* D
Audio 7( _% B5 D: ~2 P3 \  i5 e% I, E
ID: 8
) p  F" e7 K6 x' E0 b' l) o' JFormat: DTS
' b. e& l$ R- ]7 Q8 ~1 R) Y  dFormat/Info: Digital Theater Systems( P9 c  q6 r0 T) `
Codec ID: A_DTS( E( k& G" e- r: w; N1 T5 D8 z/ Y
Duration: 3 h 0 min2 u: B! ^  ^: w
Bit rate mode: Constant3 E5 l/ r1 v  C+ d; f7 l
Bit rate: 768 kb/s
) {' |0 h$ H6 v5 G, o6 HChannel(s): 6 channels
  P4 h4 g, E5 T4 y% W3 X/ y+ VChannel layout: C L R Ls Rs LFE
& G/ }/ g# E( t  y: S' BSampling rate: 48.0 kHz
  r5 [( e' n( d9 x" U2 H) ZFrame rate: 93.750 FPS (512 SPF)+ F; D, n; y" I  E, n/ k2 u5 ]
Bit depth: 24 bits
* K& N+ P7 m' _1 D( ACompression mode: Lossy; R/ Q7 f8 z1 e& @" B1 A
Stream size: 991 MiB (1%)
7 s9 t6 d6 H/ d9 t' XTitle: Spanish (Latin America) [DTS 5.1]. }& e+ L9 _  d( Y5 R0 B# T/ T
Language: Spanish (Latin America)4 P5 E% ?7 A- g# {% `2 n5 D
Default: No
, I5 l  n! M2 m% W2 ?8 n) iForced: No+ E( H" f" V- h  ?- I$ y

/ ?0 H9 d5 `% x6 u* t; z, _+ J6 GAudio 8" u# S$ z* g0 R2 i
ID: 9& G8 y% a3 M* c9 [/ v5 v8 X
Format: DTS* i. o( U2 U) s( \8 x
Format/Info: Digital Theater Systems2 X7 `' T3 C1 ^1 m9 ~/ X% z* h
Codec ID: A_DTS$ O  B9 E& q% W' [( T' @2 C9 z
Duration: 3 h 0 min
* S! T8 S; K! B8 T" D0 E0 U1 G- WBit rate mode: Constant* \) m) P5 q. Z* h
Bit rate: 768 kb/s
, Y0 [2 U; J2 e  |( `; \! wChannel(s): 6 channels  ]" P0 W+ P1 M- D
Channel layout: C L R Ls Rs LFE: p4 ~4 k$ x( _9 A! p3 A
Sampling rate: 48.0 kHz
" R) r' R! w" b  \* }Frame rate: 93.750 FPS (512 SPF)$ J* s3 S: s& Z" g1 e) U
Bit depth: 24 bits
& K7 T; {$ P6 D% J( jCompression mode: Lossy
8 A6 v5 }* _7 x: w9 jStream size: 991 MiB (1%)8 x2 a& f& O+ \# r8 y  k/ e$ V
Title: Czech [DTS 5.1]( Y  C& f# P$ M- J! E
Language: Czech
! S  u& {! t  M# _; QDefault: No
7 e; h1 s1 ~# W  f  sForced: No
4 o1 A, D; h/ d$ z1 W+ r9 e( F6 {1 M" [" x2 I* @  O( |/ J
Audio 9) U( Y- n; f4 z! s$ L6 Q$ }3 d
ID: 10' e: `( g1 N* ^% Y- {' L6 E
Format: DTS
; U! k/ c7 B7 ^Format/Info: Digital Theater Systems6 o, K& ~- t2 L0 O9 i
Codec ID: A_DTS
6 K: o' i8 D% k" h( GDuration: 3 h 0 min
6 _* @2 o+ g8 ]' RBit rate mode: Constant
4 n6 ?8 G( V, c- `+ \5 ~Bit rate: 768 kb/s
' t, T) ?6 |' \  k  G0 p( C: jChannel(s): 6 channels2 P/ m; l" m) |9 z- S1 \3 j
Channel layout: C L R Ls Rs LFE+ m5 c+ g$ j( A6 N
Sampling rate: 48.0 kHz% z0 A: O- a% w, O9 A; Z8 [+ p" r* f
Frame rate: 93.750 FPS (512 SPF)
- u' N/ C# ]( t% eBit depth: 24 bits
' S6 N  x+ T  ECompression mode: Lossy
5 w5 F, v1 r0 B' U' z5 M& {" |Stream size: 991 MiB (1%)
# H+ D$ c0 x% j& x: w4 ^  q2 pTitle: Polish [DTS 5.1]& Y% b' a! B2 m: k. J
Language: Polish3 ~3 @5 f& c% c1 ^
Default: No
/ m1 Z5 }( q4 S2 ^Forced: No
  y) h$ ?2 c! |" l% I8 }
2 t, |5 }- v$ L6 Q! ~9 Q8 FText 1
$ `  H, ~% C- S- Z2 Y" I7 b4 P9 |ID: 117 Z; B6 M: @& Y1 ~0 c2 x
Format: PGS
* L* q. R3 Q8 T. z# O7 h- MMuxing mode: zlib
# R7 w; ~4 P" YCodec ID: S_HDMV/PGS# j& m6 |" p7 n9 I" h/ Q
Codec ID/Info: Picture based subtitle format used on BDs/HD-DVDs
7 P2 g  }# A" q6 j4 ~  nDuration: 2 h 53 min
4 p3 d# Y0 N, j1 LBit rate: 61.7 kb/s
' c8 [% D# O% F: ?7 m- X# @( QFrame rate: 0.594 FPS
- Q% U, {  _8 q  UCount of elements: 6172/ G5 V) ~( j: j; a! l# V/ {* {) W8 u
Stream size: 76.4 MiB (0%)& V" n0 z% k  p( s! F, }& Z
Title: English [SDH]
  M4 G* X$ e% _* BLanguage: English
' x6 f8 I0 Y& g1 ADefault: No
2 G6 n; A7 s$ h: i+ _# YForced: No1 w; i7 `. G( t' t5 N. H! l) |0 K

2 ~- g) p; z$ `Text 2
* d4 [0 ?& Q  K) D( }$ M( fID: 12
, ?% B; y  g# w, `3 TFormat: PGS' k8 j- D- k: O0 B
Muxing mode: zlib
2 s. s- ~* O" k6 S7 _6 |Codec ID: S_HDMV/PGS: W. D4 a, A- O6 L$ }
Codec ID/Info: Picture based subtitle format used on BDs/HD-DVDs
2 O1 B4 Q5 c6 K% i! \( ~& z' fDuration: 2 h 59 min) Z. e0 v, A6 d5 A% K9 |8 `9 T
Bit rate: 47.7 kb/s
0 I& L1 j: H# \; P& |Frame rate: 0.539 FPS7 R) k+ @/ f, @/ ]! W9 ^
Count of elements: 57964 W+ j4 [4 D0 M
Stream size: 61.2 MiB (0%)
/ B% R9 b" h. Q. R, J. ~( FTitle: French (France) [Full]7 b0 X# B- T+ R. }# U. ]
Language: French (FR)
* k' K8 G/ B/ h( fDefault: No
  R3 |, G% X# d4 |* @, i9 V# k+ OForced: No
/ A9 U2 s9 {5 D7 G
+ z- D, }* b6 n. _5 q: ~2 @Text 3' F9 H* |- ^% l3 P8 E- `; H
ID: 130 `, u/ N3 F9 D$ C- h5 I
Format: PGS6 J5 r* A% R4 d
Muxing mode: zlib0 g' K: G+ `7 y
: Q$ Y1 L9 r/ z* q% K- y: k& wCodec ID/Info: Picture based subtitle format used on BDs/HD-DVDs( u7 ~( t) O( \& s3 |# Q
Duration: 2 h 59 min- C& i; t5 I8 d; c
Bit rate: 205 b/s
, W1 h+ S) O; W5 YFrame rate: 0.002 FPS0 O3 @6 _( M8 ]2 x
Count of elements: 20/ Z; v4 c% m4 s9 B) _" l" M
Stream size: 270 KiB (0%)
( k* V( R  [! F2 n# }% |3 ITitle: French (France) [Forced]6 q. o+ L) x" N+ n2 ]* P1 U
Language: French (FR): \) r6 Q1 e# b* R' _+ s
Default: No+ i* i( e  E# N2 F9 b* _
Forced: No; [# K, m' _" W1 Q

- O6 u% d9 G( n- Q/ B, RText 4
, c' u% e6 q" V6 I$ UID: 14+ T; z- A% q6 R. U5 Q: T
Format: PGS) z3 C" X/ s! [
Muxing mode: zlib
' i# w6 J& z8 {2 z7 D1 i8 NCodec ID: S_HDMV/PGS
) H$ x$ A  V9 Z% S3 p$ ZCodec ID/Info: Picture based subtitle format used on BDs/HD-DVDs
( f' g" K  `  j& k/ QDuration: 2 h 59 min
: b- Q& I; k! f) a+ S9 K* kBit rate: 53.9 kb/s
0 ~$ s( H, q3 o2 A# D6 D& RFrame rate: 0.547 FPS# q" s! j9 y. [4 s7 G2 [
Count of elements: 5888' G2 ^  t0 @5 w1 _
Stream size: 69.2 MiB (0%)) n5 |$ ^0 K, [7 e! d8 p
Title: French (Canada) [Full]+ f  [+ N9 U8 X
Language: French (CA)! X. d; Z9 U( M; w# ^7 ^: E
Default: No9 L' |: E3 Z  {! g
Forced: No" f* z8 z3 ?# K

) X2 K$ i& L( Y( f; NText 52 l* M" ~9 y6 f
ID: 15
/ z( a0 ]: V5 z! X, z/ q: E5 GFormat: PGS) B! o' f; ]  K- V! i; }+ {6 u
Muxing mode: zlib% G8 C1 m: P0 d0 ~
Codec ID: S_HDMV/PGS& G- u" q4 N# B/ V4 g
Codec ID/Info: Picture based subtitle format used on BDs/HD-DVDs
# P0 W8 X* m. t% BDuration: 2 h 59 min
  [- T/ u+ Z/ R$ x. XBit rate: 393 b/s
- N$ S$ I+ d- }9 f9 @# bFrame rate: 0.003 FPS
0 b( e- l( k' x0 g0 ?- Z, Z& KCount of elements: 36/ I6 i* @4 W- h! r
Stream size: 516 KiB (0%)8 M: c) ?$ |% k1 A, x4 O
Title: French (Canada) [Forced]
; m" x9 k8 q* SLanguage: French (CA)( O5 Q1 {0 F' I/ g; X9 ~
Default: No
# q/ g* I& E: x; s& vForced: No9 @" I1 D; w% f
6 D, J  ]1 J, c- r5 w
Text 6; d8 R. ]" R( P
ID: 165 }8 s/ ?" U+ T; [
Format: PGS
3 w8 k& X' h  ^, lMuxing mode: zlib. X9 ]+ g7 H, X  R& Z( O' J
Codec ID: S_HDMV/PGS& e8 h. S4 J1 n
Codec ID/Info: Picture based subtitle format used on BDs/HD-DVDs. ?+ s% N- {& i. `  W
Duration: 2 h 59 min, s4 K7 {& d, }6 X# O: U$ s
Bit rate: 55.3 kb/s
; D$ l7 ~  [  X* u6 TFrame rate: 0.464 FPS
3 c9 M, b+ {, f5 f$ HCount of elements: 49966 Y  C' j5 v* O3 P6 v& U/ G5 w
Stream size: 70.9 MiB (0%); u4 B  }& m5 ], W8 A3 X
Title: German [Full]
/ m% k; m8 U% F! f1 uLanguage: German: R) A5 D9 f. l+ |0 l2 x, u# A
Default: No
8 l$ V3 O7 Q4 gForced: No3 E% S' }) ^. ?# `
8 H3 |% _- b) L- c' g8 k
Text 7$ k9 c1 \# p/ J! j: y* p( X6 n( E
ID: 17
. b! D2 {: _. {) fFormat: PGS) w" X, G, P, J! N% z9 `
Muxing mode: zlib
1 D# d( c2 f- L: zCodec ID: S_HDMV/PGS4 i' H6 R# I- D* i" `
Codec ID/Info: Picture based subtitle format used on BDs/HD-DVDs9 C+ n# M: i7 y$ Y$ |3 L
Duration: 2 h 59 min! y  S3 Z+ ]6 g2 d
Bit rate: 101 b/s$ }: t  O# e* }
Frame rate: 0.001 FPS5 I" N3 S2 B, r# @8 C5 Q# M) b8 }, _
Count of elements: 12
0 v$ d$ q1 Y% P: x2 n: v' AStream size: 133 KiB (0%)
* Q2 T; T/ M) I. mTitle: German [Forced]
, e- J  A* R' z2 LLanguage: German9 G) t% N. @  u& z7 D
Default: No
; H  }0 Q% ]1 NForced: No
5 ?) s, G1 J: K( B3 A5 \- u3 c1 I) A( f1 \1 y: _
Text 8" s& y  R# R9 H4 V  k
ID: 188 S+ H' X% h+ Z" V7 S7 Q9 I
Format: PGS
2 R! |5 E: E9 ?7 Q& u; s4 OMuxing mode: zlib
) |% e& F0 G. M% }Codec ID: S_HDMV/PGS
- t# X) ^6 P. g4 a$ W! s7 j8 k0 iCodec ID/Info: Picture based subtitle format used on BDs/HD-DVDs
3 N9 D) L1 _$ p' _* L+ d9 |4 lDuration: 2 h 59 min2 H+ w9 D: ]2 q$ A% C  R
Bit rate: 55.6 kb/s' M4 W* w2 M# t" r& n
Frame rate: 0.546 FPS0 \5 z: O3 @* ]/ ]* k# G" h
Count of elements: 58707 L/ [* s) V  }  u
Stream size: 71.4 MiB (0%)
) U" M! P) h8 T# n7 Q7 H8 UTitle: Italian [Full]/ C% [4 R& m% ~9 _( W( u
Language: Italian6 e5 Y, P: I1 O( c! y
Default: No+ R; V6 B2 S/ c( q" @# r# n" B/ @
Forced: No
- c% E. g* f+ \0 n$ u
2 X% s5 j# |4 B( R; ?5 uText 9* m: V; E+ Y9 P  v
ID: 19
, U. d1 @4 |* U0 ?8 ~/ L8 [Format: PGS2 k4 o! }! I/ P! [' X
Muxing mode: zlib% q( e8 L! A7 s6 {& f. q. {
Codec ID: S_HDMV/PGS- g- t+ J0 L8 {
Codec ID/Info: Picture based subtitle format used on BDs/HD-DVDs
0 [7 r# z" p: P+ z8 ]; r4 ODuration: 2 h 59 min9 o0 U$ c) x+ D1 J3 h. B- E
Bit rate: 323 b/s; S4 t0 J% K. N) g
Frame rate: 0.003 FPS9 S3 u7 u2 v0 G/ r3 [: j5 \- a# T/ _
Count of elements: 32
/ Z& ?: ?+ b/ P5 ~! |Stream size: 425 KiB (0%)
/ @$ J& r( V0 n# ]Title: Italian [Forced]( i' u9 u6 w  v: Y
Language: Italian
4 Q$ B' W8 k4 R0 T8 }9 u3 N& u( b& iDefault: No* l) c+ ~$ B/ M# [' {% a$ ]
Forced: No9 |  |( I! J' }% W
# Q" l( ]" \. V- `) j
Text 10
" ]9 r3 x$ Q  C. _: T4 RID: 20: o- K1 z1 @3 `0 P1 n0 T6 r
Format: PGS( k4 D( Y8 z( C) n
Muxing mode: zlib( }1 t' t7 K, w
( D5 {7 Y* ]" Q% L. ?, wCodec ID/Info: Picture based subtitle format used on BDs/HD-DVDs
+ P$ S6 s& ?: zDuration: 2 h 59 min
8 P* g. h& _) U& WBit rate: 53.6 kb/s' i3 \4 c9 @) m
Frame rate: 0.505 FPS
4 Q3 @- X" F0 ~3 c5 \- U* |Count of elements: 5434& U, k- E4 E0 N" q  F* V- N
Stream size: 68.7 MiB (0%)3 H0 W! H+ Y4 ?) ~' ?; S2 I
Title: Spanish (Spain) [Full]6 O* t* o  R' [8 z( d- u. Z
Language: Spanish (ES)
7 {  `4 B2 F+ \) NDefault: No
: ]  Q/ X& L: L, \! y# YForced: No# [# w7 f3 {* L, R! [

: a+ A. v3 e8 R+ k& sText 11
/ ]! A2 U4 I! @, zID: 213 u) J; @/ s- \
Format: PGS
8 \. Z# P  c9 L% [, Y2 o, p# G  G  ~Muxing mode: zlib/ F" o6 Z* z" f$ |
Codec ID: S_HDMV/PGS6 X( S7 T* ?6 f
Codec ID/Info: Picture based subtitle format used on BDs/HD-DVDs
/ P# t/ ]: M+ W/ n+ n( y4 _$ n& ~8 CDuration: 2 h 59 min
; |9 D* y- ~4 q' ~# PBit rate: 261 b/s
1 v( X- [+ L0 S' TFrame rate: 0.002 FPS4 `/ b1 t* G* r0 L9 r/ k
Count of elements: 240 c2 T" p4 c% E( @2 B9 D
Stream size: 344 KiB (0%)3 N3 g# b8 q$ {7 l
Title: Spanish (Spain) [Forced]
7 {) r" ^, H9 u( f- KLanguage: Spanish (ES)* j4 E- o+ i; `; r8 A9 p. d5 L
Default: No
$ C. Z8 ~6 k! |/ iForced: No7 G8 X7 V! C6 ?
. [6 C6 D8 R$ ^& e6 K
Text 12
2 ]% I' t( b1 N$ V; P# B# GID: 22' k+ h3 A7 D- [" U8 J" T2 ~4 c6 U
Format: PGS5 i* g6 y! x) Q0 P. c" m- r
Muxing mode: zlib% A$ x8 C4 S6 k4 e3 l- N
Codec ID: S_HDMV/PGS6 V. v- h. r- P1 k+ j
Codec ID/Info: Picture based subtitle format used on BDs/HD-DVDs
* Y& H5 O, B) H* W3 EDuration: 2 h 59 min
: G6 v2 K$ W7 kBit rate: 55.4 kb/s! s/ [) z0 H9 p7 K. W' J# c
Frame rate: 0.548 FPS& o" h* k( Z+ B
Count of elements: 58922 a$ S' m: ~2 {: o) W7 q8 Z
Stream size: 71.1 MiB (0%)
* ^$ D' D% A$ Z$ ]( i# M! Y) JTitle: Spanish (Latin America) [Full]
" I7 O! L: J7 G4 v3 @Language: Spanish (Latin America)
5 X8 F  p2 w7 n; K/ T0 W6 ?Default: No  l8 P# E6 o$ U- D( Y; `
Forced: No
& G0 M6 k- k% F7 H( S2 e7 z' Z) o$ k; q' V" a- s1 r, I6 d
Text 13
$ _& [4 M' ^& wID: 23; h  D! V$ X" a5 U4 ^
Format: PGS
/ D. ^" P; h! \& r. z% oMuxing mode: zlib/ C6 a* m' e- f; ?! m$ I" p
" o9 s. q8 h- }8 H4 r; ]Codec ID/Info: Picture based subtitle format used on BDs/HD-DVDs
4 o4 ~# I( U( xDuration: 2 h 59 min" |# }. {- B: j" f& t4 s4 ]
Bit rate: 259 b/s
9 g2 D$ d: e  k. f* j$ bFrame rate: 0.003 FPS
- w; p3 x4 R% Z. ?- sCount of elements: 28
' L7 b( B8 \3 m) O- S, iStream size: 340 KiB (0%)1 S) D0 a+ }1 p1 h" P
Title: Spanish (Latin America) [Forced]
8 K5 k1 Q8 S8 j3 F, M1 \2 qLanguage: Spanish (Latin America)
) Y* U8 R" u6 K/ k; w0 BDefault: No
1 v% y5 [! M  i0 G, M( p8 q# G1 ]9 YForced: No
. h, w7 [1 R& F. P4 J5 L3 w6 M$ b* l2 R6 T' I
Text 14# W- U; R7 G) }" }: f* t+ Y
ID: 24" H, h( E2 d4 N4 K& {
Format: PGS2 Y5 y4 K3 W5 r
Muxing mode: zlib
1 x! T& _* c  WCodec ID: S_HDMV/PGS9 a3 f" f9 p; @% L* Q: F
Codec ID/Info: Picture based subtitle format used on BDs/HD-DVDs7 ^2 ]' M" M% w# j3 N5 I
Duration: 2 h 59 min
) G3 m. u% V- |Bit rate: 49.4 kb/s6 r1 o6 X# o; v# A# w* f* l0 b3 V
Frame rate: 0.546 FPS
  |% j' b, M* A3 q6 U+ D: uCount of elements: 5880) M( ?" @& \% w( N. T7 k, G9 J/ B
Stream size: 63.4 MiB (0%)
/ l3 ^% j# `# e5 E0 T9 j- {Title: Czech [Full]" l& [% v2 W+ j! J$ x) Y" f
Language: Czech$ b; \9 Z. p* G
Default: No
# T) h) H5 w- a: t" K. e$ cForced: No; Q( H8 g5 f; G( T' }

$ M2 Y, f' m( u/ {' IText 15
$ s) Y9 I/ k1 n7 E2 }ID: 259 A) B9 D9 C7 [+ a+ U5 q7 a
Format: PGS, l7 d$ h0 B% m  T$ X0 b
Muxing mode: zlib4 D- _$ J* |$ m: Q, v" B
Codec ID: S_HDMV/PGS; @3 |( w* N9 J/ L) G
Codec ID/Info: Picture based subtitle format used on BDs/HD-DVDs- A. T# u$ y3 D% M; V* r
Duration: 2 h 59 min
2 m& `* x0 B8 f6 Y7 kBit rate: 392 b/s0 q. Q) r! f$ l+ Q
Frame rate: 0.005 FPS5 o1 K! ^/ Q0 a
Count of elements: 52
  }8 R: W$ ?7 `: d. y1 ~Stream size: 515 KiB (0%)
3 O7 \( r' G* l9 r. F; BTitle: Czech [Forced]
2 r; E( L2 N4 Z/ ?; M" lLanguage: Czech
  m7 H5 h# B; h# zDefault: No
/ F6 |" G. B( K2 Y4 t. I. D, g, iForced: No: h+ h1 a; s; s

3 c6 c- N* y# _, h. z5 k7 z. ~Text 16: x7 o( [& L5 h- j! ]/ }+ j
ID: 26- a  Z5 o; g3 E
Format: PGS8 p  h; V, `, a% T% p2 V! K0 B
Muxing mode: zlib. Q7 {+ E0 g/ k$ n2 i7 @2 @
Codec ID: S_HDMV/PGS2 X$ l" G* k2 b' y4 |, H5 Q
Codec ID/Info: Picture based subtitle format used on BDs/HD-DVDs
, ~( F* @3 |& Y1 v( j: C: kDuration: 2 h 59 min' _! y7 j3 |' V4 X7 C$ B2 M
Bit rate: 48.5 kb/s. d- D; v% x8 d. F" K
Frame rate: 0.535 FPS
: B2 T" [# K% _# ?Count of elements: 57549 L' x% N% W6 ?
Stream size: 62.3 MiB (0%)
, E; g. y  V0 H- y" Z$ rTitle: Polish [Full]. V3 U3 L" D) |& i- f" [  d
Language: Polish
' g( T2 m- s" X: R5 k8 N+ TDefault: No
, r2 E: A. F( R/ N4 O) MForced: No
/ h6 E; U2 e+ y
- s! h. I7 e9 ]7 N( B/ fText 17& s6 {/ b3 r  p8 m  N- b6 p; V
ID: 27
- V( }# ]) v2 H' s; {. gFormat: PGS
/ _' Y: X5 e# @Muxing mode: zlib: J( F3 t/ E& q8 ]
Codec ID: S_HDMV/PGS  Y+ T6 K! b& M, ?
Codec ID/Info: Picture based subtitle format used on BDs/HD-DVDs
, J4 e) Y$ S. x" u$ C6 |Duration: 2 h 30 min7 U; ~! b: X8 A- b, }, M# _
Bit rate: 121 b/s
+ \# d* p6 h$ pFrame rate: 0.002 FPS
, B  M) \6 j9 Z2 g* E$ UCount of elements: 14
4 S- Q# j+ L8 \Stream size: 134 KiB (0%)
2 e9 B+ b, r$ U8 a# CTitle: Polish [Forced]* `8 n7 Q3 G$ p' H' ^
Language: Polish3 i. ?0 G2 @# [# ?! Q
Default: No
! Q' [) s/ G) @9 {Forced: No8 P- C9 }" I- y1 ^4 [
; m7 _  V' X" k  u3 l, n" d$ t
Text 18% T+ N* K8 {* D5 A
ID: 28% V: X% S! J  Z
Format: PGS
* q9 |+ \3 {3 w- d: v5 CMuxing mode: zlib! E2 A5 W1 C8 U& [
Codec ID: S_HDMV/PGS6 s# U5 T" J- E+ Y
Codec ID/Info: Picture based subtitle format used on BDs/HD-DVDs/ L5 h9 p% |0 S& g9 ^& z# I
Duration: 2 h 59 min
% T; j% w) R9 K! @" _Bit rate: 44.2 kb/s
+ U, P. t; `( F6 jFrame rate: 0.549 FPS# u0 N2 V# U9 ?- G: A
Count of elements: 5904
& }5 y1 J8 z5 r( [" p1 Q! W0 }8 oStream size: 56.7 MiB (0%)
, x  ]- M7 D9 lTitle: Chinese (Cantonese) [Full]- E. o- n$ W( F# ?3 b. T. [7 ~
Language: Cantonese (Hant)! b4 t3 x3 y6 F1 F' [- g; N% j
Default: No& J- q* Q( C" ^
Forced: No" ^+ ?/ ?8 q- u
* S; t# L' k& u. m+ {& w4 ~
Text 19
" m1 A5 {* D2 j0 q6 DID: 29
* C6 v/ H1 o! HFormat: PGS
! j7 [" J6 g0 N  s* ?" i/ H9 ^Muxing mode: zlib  G* X) [& m* W) m
7 a1 W- ?$ _( ^8 ]  UCodec ID/Info: Picture based subtitle format used on BDs/HD-DVDs1 X( S, X% R2 V, e% R5 O
Duration: 2 h 59 min- r; G0 b7 H8 w- R  O
Bit rate: 41.4 kb/s* u+ \$ x$ W! u
Frame rate: 0.557 FPS. v" f8 o! x! ~5 l
Count of elements: 5992
( I3 O0 F  y: ~: X6 }Stream size: 53.2 MiB (0%)0 j  V. \% K' e( Y: y& n9 {! F
Title: Chinese (Traditional) [Full]
/ x9 j1 a- c( j6 G2 O2 d6 QLanguage: Mandarin (Hant)7 K' _6 A, ]+ v) O- M5 ]7 w9 n
Default: No& k% J( x6 l9 n3 G
Forced: No
) l3 R3 F: g5 K' M2 b* S0 o* r: o9 j7 ?3 X7 l. N6 C
Text 201 H* m" d4 R0 r2 C" y3 ?, f# m3 j
ID: 30
( g8 D- c: P9 _& s# jFormat: PGS6 Z: Q: h* n0 q1 f* G2 \
Muxing mode: zlib
/ {/ G& S: C8 c7 r8 ACodec ID: S_HDMV/PGS
: l& g9 n! B3 C+ }$ p, T2 d4 HCodec ID/Info: Picture based subtitle format used on BDs/HD-DVDs
* q$ e7 o0 B  m, x: l6 MDuration: 2 h 59 min7 H. P$ D7 D/ g& Q" X
Bit rate: 49.2 kb/s+ ~& i$ Z8 ]! d4 }, e' ^/ Z
Frame rate: 0.387 FPS2 _- u$ P% z" \) C
Count of elements: 4160
! `3 F# z7 L6 K; P- Y  zStream size: 63.1 MiB (0%)9 e" r  [# b+ h( U: u# z9 |( n
Title: Danish [Full]8 K5 r- ?. W! ]* h
Language: Danish$ J2 Z3 S, f, ^' X) Y
Default: No
4 r/ X" d+ v8 l- j. a7 ]! T( YForced: No
9 o' K; `% w. q# t6 I" I- a' B+ D
Text 21: ~. Q' h* b% A( w
ID: 31
" {! C0 v7 \; {  u; ]* i6 lFormat: PGS8 t. _( C* ^# F
Muxing mode: zlib
6 M2 ]) M! ^) t1 p2 v  oCodec ID: S_HDMV/PGS1 q: G# ~5 r0 k
Codec ID/Info: Picture based subtitle format used on BDs/HD-DVDs
  m, s" [/ N0 c8 ?( ]5 xDuration: 2 h 59 min
2 z8 E6 D! D5 T& e0 WBit rate: 50.1 kb/s3 a$ c$ h. U% h$ P
Frame rate: 0.398 FPS
$ k# ]" x& P3 S, G  ?Count of elements: 4280( h0 R" K( p' d2 S$ y# ^9 _
Stream size: 64.2 MiB (0%)
9 v8 \! }8 M$ Y& B2 N) x) w/ Z1 kTitle: Dutch [Full]3 X+ d' _1 B+ Y0 {5 N" a( L
Language: Dutch: U" q7 `- f9 l1 ]' n
Default: No
5 l/ B* U$ r$ N( n# y: UForced: No
; [6 d1 i, Q& H: s2 K! ^
: }7 U. M( k6 e1 ^7 T8 D) f9 PText 223 ]) ^# H) c  Q7 @+ j- O  |  u
ID: 32
8 m; ^1 m" x! M* w8 V- CFormat: PGS
$ T: e0 f3 z7 d. CMuxing mode: zlib" H$ n6 v5 _1 h/ S0 Q0 I9 e, Z
Codec ID: S_HDMV/PGS) }6 q7 a& U+ w# i
Codec ID/Info: Picture based subtitle format used on BDs/HD-DVDs/ w% t( \8 H$ k& D- e% e( O
Duration: 2 h 59 min/ I+ C/ r; Q2 Z8 P
Bit rate: 50.2 kb/s
7 e$ F& u' C- v7 n, Y9 H" NFrame rate: 0.591 FPS
/ E' F/ x0 n) A5 P) TCount of elements: 6356
2 C) b9 `6 G9 \% `Stream size: 64.4 MiB (0%)
; V" p4 M0 Q! q9 o9 JTitle: Finnish [Full]
4 R7 p# c2 q3 u6 U3 x& BLanguage: Finnish
0 r; k& Y# j* ~* DDefault: No5 G8 W* W$ h* d% N
Forced: No" Q# G* ~. A4 e% p/ k% b2 s% i

8 X' ?5 I* b+ |: }/ fText 23$ V# c4 f& p  e$ e7 W+ P
ID: 33; N4 S( p9 m2 e7 A8 j! f/ U
Format: PGS
* ?! G1 N9 v! c7 J' _( p- b# bMuxing mode: zlib$ v5 X7 T8 v6 Q2 |# l
Codec ID: S_HDMV/PGS" U4 _, Q& B0 R3 c! C
Codec ID/Info: Picture based subtitle format used on BDs/HD-DVDs  g7 Z3 K! d# l2 I* e9 G
Duration: 2 h 59 min+ Q) f, m4 P5 z7 N
Bit rate: 37.3 kb/s9 {: B* v% o# S
Frame rate: 0.543 FPS7 n. ?+ z- G1 {
Count of elements: 5868
' W6 w4 Y1 S  O' L3 d5 H4 z1 f4 J" ZStream size: 48.1 MiB (0%)
2 B; K' m5 c8 ?( VTitle: Korean [Full]9 c5 d4 h* b- `) h' S
Language: Korean
2 C# D3 _1 V  h) k9 _/ E" ~3 lDefault: No$ X" Z$ i7 k% A3 z
Forced: No
0 @, ^" R. A9 |" I- f/ |4 R: z3 o4 ?5 }
Text 246 W, ]! a$ D1 T  A& d% x6 t  W
ID: 34
! T5 r/ s- c; C# G! |Format: PGS
) l5 ?. G+ D2 U$ y# TMuxing mode: zlib
" L: C3 t' M- RCodec ID: S_HDMV/PGS6 F" B9 b  C- }* P6 O% G
Codec ID/Info: Picture based subtitle format used on BDs/HD-DVDs
% B  m- S( R$ V3 t( w) nDuration: 2 h 59 min
2 h3 w* f$ g2 m5 q! qBit rate: 48.0 kb/s3 c. Y. N5 O0 Z# g
Frame rate: 0.454 FPS3 g/ W2 e, H- y. Q
Count of elements: 48843 @. R; ]# B( A8 ~- O( K
Stream size: 61.5 MiB (0%)
; ~8 {: A) q. c* [8 K" j* h9 ATitle: Norwegian [Full]- |( Z  b9 C* i! B- E1 d" C
Language: Norwegian7 T9 N; Z: ^' m, V2 u
Default: No
0 I! W7 W. q  ?8 B0 TForced: No
. J5 ?# b* J. I2 F3 P% m' N. Z+ Y4 Q8 j6 `1 @% u0 x2 X& r: S1 E$ N5 _
Text 25
! Y  k; i: X8 Q6 q1 c/ ]) C- eID: 356 l4 L* y+ |5 k6 e
Format: PGS
8 x) V2 T& x6 h- M9 {. @- OMuxing mode: zlib( J: V; ]6 z8 ~* v- J/ ?6 q
Codec ID: S_HDMV/PGS( \% _  A% `# D- V, v$ ?
Codec ID/Info: Picture based subtitle format used on BDs/HD-DVDs$ p8 M& O7 j: ?7 n# o
Duration: 2 h 59 min8 Z. w! P& b% M+ O1 O8 n3 u
Bit rate: 45.7 kb/s
6 |: U# S: y7 B$ r6 h9 cFrame rate: 0.375 FPS+ H  E* T; b, G2 d$ ^7 n$ y
Count of elements: 4032
, c. B/ X1 Y% ]Stream size: 58.7 MiB (0%)
- ?/ V6 U8 ~# Y; V; `* k( wTitle: Swedish [Full]+ B+ k  L: j( ?( G' `
Language: Swedish
& ^& u' e& I% [. NDefault: No
  h9 K& ~; D# h) _" jForced: No& V. z7 P: g6 l! N
) x, S2 e" u, Y$ H  s* |# C
Menu4 A- k  A4 ]; U* D
00:00:00.000: en:Chapter 01
6 M& i/ H: U. j- G4 r; i00:07:23.526: en:Chapter 028 \- g) S; r( Z, I4 O
00:16:36.370: en:Chapter 03: T$ L" v3 h3 y
00:27:23.975: en:Chapter 04/ ?) J* Y9 q, |( v+ O1 h4 G
00:36:01.534: en:Chapter 055 o0 r( L$ D2 j) _: b* E0 v9 V
00:42:51.569: en:Chapter 06
- _  D" \' [" l3 i( J00:52:31.606: en:Chapter 07
. M7 G! S, V6 @6 F; {9 K& c/ C& s00:59:56.217: en:Chapter 08; }: h! P; }# e2 }* n# ]
01:10:53.749: en:Chapter 09; G9 s" V' R6 k& q) v  L' q2 V. Q
01:17:57.839: en:Chapter 103 R7 q/ Q5 d6 d# G4 Y& U. ]
01:24:14.340: en:Chapter 11* o' d! C4 L1 V  j7 U3 H  s9 h
01:36:06.927: en:Chapter 12; Z4 Z! }# I- J" A" @
01:43:06.555: en:Chapter 13
6 l! t9 ]& d+ h2 G/ B01:51:19.297: en:Chapter 14
$ b+ e% \0 g2 E: R, z02:00:18.169: en:Chapter 15: \8 Z: ?& O3 k) F# r/ u3 I
02:09:02.192: en:Chapter 16
, @' \/ C% w! {; A5 t# Y! x02:17:08.303: en:Chapter 17) U$ |0 x4 ?. P. L5 L; y" Y  c
02:32:04.824: en:Chapter 18) ~( x4 ?/ E; h! s) e- e
02:47:40.592: en:Chapter 19% t5 F' T# A. V5 O
02:54:12.191: en:Chapter 20
Oppenheimer.2023.UHD.BluRaycd.2160p.DTS-HD.MA.5.1.DV.HEVC.HYBRID.REMUX-FraMeSToR 82.98 GB
7 ^% f# I5 R9 ^8 [& b* q1 }- w- y, v: z, Y. l, Y! o: ]$ g4 v
8 e2 {, O" e& t; W6 w+ k; RSOURCE                  : UHD Blu-ray Disc EUR ESiR | EUR GLK | USA B0MBARDiERS (Thanks!)% h; _8 X2 K% y3 d; I, O
FORMAT                  : MKV (Matroska)! f) b% j: \/ F/ o. O2 b/ b
SIZE                    : 83.0 GiB
  k! K! U6 U1 lDURATION                : 03:00:22 (h:m:s)
$ Q' [/ I/ b1 F3 l6 xCHAPTERS                : Numbered (01-20)
% o1 r2 r- Y6 OIMDB                    : }" s& S3 B% T: W: X8 J& ~* u+ K

# i1 T6 v, a7 {: gVIDEO! b, C! E+ R" z7 |2 I% R1 Z
CODEC                   : HEVC
; m; L( {2 s7 s; s) D; j/ Z1 ]TYPE                    : 2160p+ h# n* b2 ]: Z! M' T% ^; [
FRAME RATE              : 23.976 fps
; a2 f& I4 L* r* L; \* tDISPLAY ASPECT RATIO    : 16:92 Y' X4 M# m  _& x: z
FORMAT PROFILE LEVEL    : Main 10@L5.1@High
; ?! ~1 f9 I% Y. [7 nBITRATE                 : 61.5 Mbps
' `" @* S. R1 k5 Q; lWIDTH x HEIGHT          : 3840 x 2160 pixels3 ?0 p0 w5 r4 }+ o/ V
HDR FORMAT              : Dolby Vision Profile 8 Level 6, HDR; N( P  Z0 F+ _* B6 R1 U
COLOR PRIMARIES         : BT.2020; }7 o1 o  O2 Y
& E, `  R" p# x2 ^3 @
3 t- P; L  i  f1 bCODEC                   : DTS-HD Master Audio) c, Q; e: y5 A/ A4 r
LANGUAGE                : English, Q; w( a. F( [0 X& u' w1 S
CHANNEL(S)              : 5.1' r: y2 B+ F) O: D
BITRATE                 : 3567 kbps2 ^" s  c! d, _9 |
SAMPLING RATE           : 48 kHz
% k8 @* v* ], L0 Z" [# v0 RBIT DEPTH               : 24 bits
$ y' j, Q$ C6 c& ~. kOTHER INFO              : DTS Core: 5.1 / 48 kHz / 1509 kbps / 24-bit
0 M  {, F2 |8 g  e: s
8 @  Y! A$ W& x0 l5 uSUBTITLES8 [2 _+ j6 {; u+ ^
English (SDH) | Chinese (Cantonese) | Chinese (Traditional) | Czech | Danish | Dutch
; ?4 x% [6 i7 Q) xFinnish | French (Canadian) | French (Parisian) | German | Italian | Korean | Norwegian7 a0 z/ `# m+ o
Polish | Spanish (Castilian) | Spanish (Latin American) | Swedish/ T* y- `' s6 H0 W8 U' H
4 c5 z$ W+ Z% G6 S, V
The subtitles have the following format PGS (Blu-Ray) / .sup that are6 J$ @4 H$ h4 g$ U5 Q0 e
merged with the video and audio.% w3 y# d9 y4 S8 T5 `0 D9 J9 {
- H9 I0 X. u% k- {/ S+ u" P
RELEASE NOTES- ?- p( P* X* Z4 Z, e. q, e( @
Disc was fully supported by latest eac3to for creating the .h265 stream!; ^) N/ G& C- G1 g2 K$ j
DV metadata from the MA WEB-DL (Thanks FLUX)! Additional subtitles from all discs!
6 }* x3 Y# ~. u7 F) _5 A# s+ ]
: n- Y( y: A2 M% s$ `GREETS
1 l2 y7 O. c& _" O: l3 PTo all those that have made us what we are today!
, W- t4 e- F3 {7 u: q& L% I
; {. L  |( ~" y5 w4 sBig Shout Out to all who support our group, our fellow colleague Encoders / Remuxers
( [2 H; l* R6 Pand our community members, No FraMeSToR without you guys.
  1. Oppenheimer.2023.2160p.UHD.BluRaycd.REMUX.HDR10.HEVC.DTS-HD.MA.5.1-GHD 82.21 GB) `% ^; f, ?8 B# l( V
  2. , [0 k) z4 B3 u. R
  3. IMDB - `; ?2 Q7 `* G5 ~

  4. 0 k" |$ d* f$ ~7 ~% P' e) G/ ^
  5. MEDIAINFO1 P0 _& Q  x. A: M9 u0 r
  6. Container = Matroska (mkv)
    1 }' p5 k0 z- \8 K
  7. Duration = 03:00:22.187
    # O' G5 K/ o4 f% Y1 d) B
  8. Filesize = 82 GiB1 A, @7 M% I" x; e! t
  9. Overall bitrate = 65.3 Mb/s
    1 M1 d1 j0 N7 s

  10. - e2 P6 e$ _# I5 o' F* U
  11. Video
    3 ?7 H  ?4 ~! j0 u3 ]; C
  12. Codec info = HEVC Main 10@L5.1@High | V_MPEGH/ISO/HEVC' K/ k) I: c& L3 E
  13. Resolution = 3840x2160( F# y$ ^, @6 E0 B
  14. Display AR = 1.778 | 16:9/ {( s6 i& \, G/ |( ^
  15. Bitrate = 61.4 Mb/s
    / f" _) x5 @9 r0 k2 K& l: o
  16. Framerate = CFR 23.976
    / Y1 J8 c' g' R4 @
  17. Color space = YUV" L0 w, N7 s# @1 A, s6 C
  18. Chroma subsampling = 4:2:04 l; j; Z0 }2 v2 l! K& @0 ]
  19. Encoder =
    ) A: J. `# J8 X" D
  20. & v- I; V0 h' w
  21. Audio- _8 X# [" i  m! F% p" A% e# }
  22. Codec info = DTS | A_DTS
    * C$ o( `. s7 c5 ]/ q: F5 p' E
  23. Channels = 6
    , x4 A- f% o- b2 W6 Q, t% w
  24. Bitrate = VBR 3 567 kb/s
    ; A' \7 |# ~9 j, K% v9 J4 a- ~
  25. Samplerate = 48.0 kHz
    4 l" S( C8 I) }& u/ M
  26. Language = English
      S6 R9 _& k9 n! e1 W

  27. $ n1 E0 _& B" Y1 ~8 m% s( E6 e8 X
  28. Included subtitles
    ; {1 m) V% R- \9 f! b( E8 D- u
  29. English, Spanish, Danish, Finnish, Norwegian, Czech, Polish, Chinese, Chinese, Korean, Spanish, Czech, Swedish, Polish
Oppenheimer.2023.UHD.BluRaycd.2160p.DTS-HD.MA.5.1.HEVC.REMUX-FraMeSToR 82.53 GB
4 s% l' u5 E8 v2 o" `6 t! L# M6 U& ?9 J  D/ r0 w4 D
GENERAL INFO% S: I' N# U# o; A! x, ?
SOURCE                  : UHD Blu-ray Disc EUR ESiR (Thanks!)2 Y, D7 c; d1 [* K
FORMAT                  : MKV (Matroska)5 X3 t! a( i  q
SIZE                    : 82.5 GiB& G8 w6 \3 p2 p. S
DURATION                : 03:00:22 (h:m:s)1 P, X. P1 f9 D6 G* |
CHAPTERS                : Numbered (01-20)
% w" p& A5 w. k9 f/ rIMDB                    : y. [) h1 ~( a: n1 N3 T

, O: |) x* E8 L9 I) C, mVIDEO
# y. l9 r) d$ Y# c  b% sCODEC                   : HEVC
  c! k  w1 r: O/ K8 w+ S; pTYPE                    : 2160p5 ?( }- a7 l- t8 a+ R# Y
FRAME RATE              : 23.976 fps
6 o1 o) `2 Z' [* ]# g* x" aDISPLAY ASPECT RATIO    : 16:9
) ^( c/ E0 Z! d+ ]6 EFORMAT PROFILE LEVEL    : Main 10@L5.1@High
) T* V9 M( a9 O& C' ~BITRATE                 : 61.4 Mbps
4 r3 l+ }4 }# \2 H+ ^WIDTH x HEIGHT          : 3840 x 2160 pixels& H) C% A/ _# w6 r) d
HDR FORMAT              : HDR10/ P" A% L/ k8 m; a5 J, ~
COLOR PRIMARIES         : BT.2020
) [3 m$ m9 x$ K* Z
( a  q9 D  z1 m& q3 qAUDIO
) T$ x; O% ^7 W6 F8 J  a+ f- zCODEC                   : DTS-HD Master Audio6 s6 g- E, c7 m5 h1 ~3 N
LANGUAGE                : English# c1 g% `1 B9 |4 x& e
CHANNEL(S)              : 5.1
! L: x, l/ V$ Y/ I- h$ ~BITRATE                 : 3567 kbps
7 J5 s! o! A" |( J4 q8 Q' y6 q0 CSAMPLING RATE           : 48 kHz
# k2 ^5 D  J: s( f% ?+ S* H0 UBIT DEPTH               : 24 bits
5 f' h* O+ e5 V: O' O8 l% J7 DOTHER INFO              : DTS Core: 5.1 / 48 kHz / 1509 kbps / 24-bit7 M) R% r8 s# y/ I
- T7 k* V$ y. h3 l  {/ O( }: n
6 y' G) }1 ]2 q1 L" W8 ~English (SDH) | Chinese (Cantonese) | Chinese (Traditional) | Czech | Danish | Finnish
/ g3 A1 k8 m+ @% X! BKorean | Norwegian | Polish | Spanish (Castilian) | Swedish8 p$ M  L4 d# L) a

1 T. U0 u: g: C- ^The subtitles have the following format PGS (Blu-Ray) / .sup that are; J/ _& q1 d  F" k' F
merged with the video and audio.. p2 {+ ?& _. H
/ A& @: F5 n2 x: w! l& ?
0 \) ~" q5 {4 b5 p. V; W9 a& zDisc was fully supported by latest eac3to for creating the .h265 stream!5 f. r$ ]9 L0 g9 p8 |
, W" G1 _$ q# V+ ^; Q% \7 ?
1 T- x3 @: o" _2 ]+ A( ]To all those that have made us what we are today!, m7 ?- f( \( J/ Y4 z. n: Q; Z

- Q+ n& }; j( y' m" yBig Shout Out to all who support our group, our fellow colleague Encoders / Remuxers
$ Q) ]+ G% B4 |; T1 pand our community members, No FraMeSToR without you guys.

1 i" a* P3 ?) q7 f: E1 @9 M& q
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60 枚
1218 点
XN15 发表于 2023-11-19 21:34:00 | 显示全部楼层
Oppenheimer 2023 2160p UHD BluRaycd REMUX HDR10 HEVC DTS-HD MA 5.1-GHD 82.21GB & 82.53G








578 枚
1737 点
sawas 发表于 2023-11-19 22:55:36 | 显示全部楼层
That was awesome!








165 枚
3788 点
xpg050811 发表于 2023-11-20 15:19:05 | 显示全部楼层
啥也不说了,楼主就是给力!' L: S! \  W1 u/ c. R
Not see, I am a novice, the inadequacies of the first Please bear with me!
$ q' }+ K$ A5 e; W. V# j: a) [* N5 d








452 枚
3729 点
ccfys888 发表于 2023-11-21 09:45:31 | 显示全部楼层
1 T) F+ E8 w; K4 `+ x1 T, cAfter reading the posts have nothing to do I Amoy posts!
! _; x$ i3 G' f, L2 I# @








3246 枚
10416 点
shiji1973 发表于 2023-11-22 14:59:46 | 显示全部楼层
% c& z% w, h# s7 J6 wThank you for sharing such a good resource polite reply, very sorry for myself!
. C9 s* ]' ~6 A  D2 `$ h" e








247 枚
4126 点
fangfang789 发表于 2023-11-23 15:04:18 | 显示全部楼层
, k+ J7 X( `- ~6 kI love your Blu-ray movies Forum!
# Q9 n; U& p3 P& r5 x( s0 T6 ]1 a







VIP advanced

2901 枚
6018 点


21cn 发表于 2023-11-26 22:23:36 | 显示全部楼层
其实我一直觉得楼主的品味不错!呵呵!" f2 G. x" ~0 t0 F7 S5 x
Blu-ray Film Forum is now my home!
1 i9 C+ I. ?* m0 O7 p% N








52 枚
3564 点
wyyo 发表于 2023-12-1 11:07:07 | 显示全部楼层
啥也不说了,楼主就是给力!8 ?$ I: L! D0 _# d& ~% T7 a
Your resources, well, I am very satisfied!
& P2 n2 U% T8 i% \4 }8 c+ ~








99 枚
140 点
key8280 发表于 2024-1-23 00:30:20 蓝光论坛 | 显示全部楼层
Awesome position



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