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[4K极清电影] 惊奇队长2/漫威队长2 [4K蓝光原盘] The Marvels 2023 4K UHD COMPLETE 2160p BluRaycd HEVC TrueHD 7.1 Atmos-MassModz 48.45GB








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黄金嫖客 发表于 2024-2-27 14:53:29 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
5 j2 z' z3 D# c9 o$ r  W8 F

- T, ~) k7 Y$ o! _◎译  名 惊奇队长2/Marvel队长2(港)/漫威队长2/惊奇女士2/惊奇联盟
5 J! l5 b, R& F1 Z  {' d◎片  名 The Marvels8 ]1 U5 P$ |$ B* H' t1 s
◎年  代 2023. S( l* a' x' H+ ~6 B
◎产  地 美国
! y  A# n& @/ x* t" s◎类  别 动作/冒险/奇幻
* y1 y" r2 P; _- z! u$ A9 J◎语  言 英语/乌尔都语/阿拉伯语
1 d6 Y; v- O. r) V4 ]◎上映日期 2023-11-08(中国香港)/2023-11-10(美国/中国大陆)0 O$ w; \5 @7 D9 A6 ^' {
◎IMDb评分  5.6/10 from 110,028 users! @; L* I3 R1 j$ b
◎IMDb链接 A8 K% U* V7 h+ M. }
◎豆瓣评分 5.0/10 from 63,262 users
9 s% r+ u7 X8 N4 H( O◎豆瓣链接
4 k5 D9 B3 R# X1 z) S/ j◎文件格式 x265 + TrueHD
0 C2 u  p* q5 [6 E◎视频尺寸 3840 x 21603 ^1 ?; z- p3 P! F! v: B
◎文件大小 1DVD 48.45 GiB
$ V* g% {, P( f) `: {6 i◎片  长 1 h 44 min
/ C( R$ I" J( Q5 f. N$ C, ^6 p+ O◎导  演 尼娅·达科斯塔 Nia DaCosta% M& `& \, i/ E5 W) I' W
◎编  剧 尼娅·达科斯塔 Nia DaCosta
( a; E9 O1 i3 L- O0 u       梅根·麦克唐纳 Megan McDonnell5 u% @  F; @+ t( m
       艾丽莎·卡拉西克 Elissa Karasik: y/ C9 Z/ q. R& X+ k5 `% W6 h
       扎布·威尔斯 Zeb Wells
6 b( ]4 H9 p/ Z2 ?! Z: e0 s) [       吉因·科兰 Gene Colan3 f8 s9 j+ e' A( x
       罗伊·托马斯 Roy Thomas( F9 D' q$ |' z( D- ]
◎音  乐 劳拉·卡普曼 Laura Karpman
- x* g1 \$ i. u8 f6 ]◎演  员 布丽·拉尔森 Brie Larson
( X' o$ |; [$ u/ r+ D% H9 V       泰柔娜·派丽丝 Teyonah Parris , U0 G: j* \0 z! m- a
       伊曼·韦拉尼 Iman Vellani
! c, y9 h* M+ o; Q5 R+ S, b! Y! v+ y       塞缪尔·杰克逊 Samuel L. Jackson  
. |4 L) {' X  c+ \       扎威·阿什顿 Zawe Ashton 9 _/ _( M% u: Y9 j( \& s
       加里·刘易斯 Gary Lewis  
. E/ G# I: l! X9 I5 \3 t       朴叙俊 Seo-Joon Park
4 N5 i2 \5 |2 [. j0 k* d" I       泽诺比娅·谢罗夫 Zenobia Shroff ( K" g7 C3 e6 f, w+ s) l1 e
       莫汉·卡普尔 Mohan Kapur 8 u$ B+ G, \/ x! G
       萨加尔·谢赫 Saagar Shaikh 0 F) d, V, R; x0 n" k$ S4 D+ Q
       蕾拉·法扎德 Leila Farzad
2 p* D5 M" U. r( y2 N       亚伯拉罕·波波拉 Abraham Popoola
3 X6 C# z; H" x, }0 g; E       泰莎·汤普森 Tessa Thompson % o9 ?- i; ]) v% q
       海莉·斯坦菲尔德 Hailee Steinfeld * ~% o- A6 h9 u) S' M
       拉什纳·林奇 Lashana Lynch
$ |! o& G) c0 U: r       凯尔希·格兰莫 Kelsey Grammer " E( A$ J: W) Y9 N, Q' c2 \
       丹尼尔·英格斯 Daniel Ings . u4 m* A9 {& p4 L6 p- A
       亚历克斯·休赫斯 Alex Hughes " D- }/ ?4 M6 d0 a- T$ w
       莎迪娅·萨加拉 Shardiah Ssagala  
, B4 ~/ B( Y$ i, w# u       塞西莉·克利夫 Cecily Cleeve
( H4 t% f8 {1 k+ z       雷米·达比利-麦克奎德 Remi Dabiri-McQuaid
! d; p* c& o5 K       菲恩·乔利 Ffion Jolly
- f; \  E. C, y' A) h. f7 b       肯尼迪·麦克卡勒姆-马丁 Kenedy McCallam-Martin   V0 z  x: v. r& |6 `4 \* j
       萨凡娜·斯基纳-亨利 Savannah Skinner-Henry
" T3 A# W) M8 o, I/ ]" p       卡罗琳·西蒙内特 Caroline Simonnet 8 r/ h6 C" \$ l1 _+ e/ J5 E
       艾米莉·吴 Emily Ng 6 [3 j5 J! g* ~% }1 R$ U, H8 F
       乔纳森·科普 Jonathan Cope , o) L/ n, f/ {0 Y( H$ c
       科林·斯通利 Colin Stoneley
1 A4 v* W# s, }: i; u       市村光 Kei Ichimura  
7 |1 C) N$ {; F$ d0 T       维诺德·达瓦勒 Vinod Dhawale
( D" b9 t% ]8 y, i' R5 `       卡玛拉·本杰明·巴内特 Kamara Benjamin Barnett ( g1 T6 N6 P2 t+ ?  O
       肯尼-李·姆巴内福 Kenny-Lee Mbanefo - l( Y2 X. C/ H: o
       托尼·麦克卡锡 Tony McCarthy ) S# T9 z3 w6 u. Q/ h
       迈克尔·奥拉德勒 Michael Oladele
4 o$ [3 c8 P7 ]9 ]- U, ~6 Q9 q, c& z& F/ m+ D; t
◎简  介 7 U9 H. O% M9 u. S

. k+ A6 k, h2 H9 J  “惊奇队长”卡罗尔·丹弗斯(布丽·拉尔森 Brie Larson 饰)从残暴的克里人手中夺回了属于自己的身份,也对至高智慧完成了复仇。然而,意想不到的后果出现了。面对动荡脆弱的宇宙,她毅然决然地挺身而出。执行任务时,她来到一个神秘的特殊虫洞。在这里,她与另外两位女英雄产生了能力纠缠——一位是来自泽西市、惊奇队长的超级粉丝“惊奇少女”卡玛拉·克汗(伊曼·韦拉尼 Iman Vellani 饰),另一位是曾与卡罗尔亲密无间的小侄女、如今长大在天剑局(S.A.B.E.R.)担任宇航员的莫妮卡·兰博队长(泰柔娜·派丽丝 Teyonah Parris 饰)。看似不搭界的三人必须齐心协力,以“惊奇联盟”的身份拯救宇宙。
/ W3 L4 i) W  F/ C
# ^# T9 }0 l9 ?  Carol Danvers gets her powers entangled with those of Kamala Khan and Monica Rambeau, forcing them to work together to save the universe.! t6 H) J: I4 `

! J- M+ R% o. m4 V8 @
5 x  f8 A! f! ]  p+ u* q4 h- ~; H  P; m# F. g. w- q$ D& c
( E) {; s5 w5 T* g! KFormat: BDAV2 n& t/ P2 n1 j7 N& p6 R4 ^4 c% I2 o  M
Format/Info: Blu-ray Video8 N4 D3 Q5 M# z1 x6 b
File size: 47.4 GiB! {3 Y# p5 ]7 {1 S' P; Q
Duration: 1h 44m7 J3 Y: b" a( B8 X7 `
Overall bit rate mode: Variable% F: @. y- C% k2 T4 O
Overall bit rate: 64.8 Mb/s
, U; K+ M9 D% w, `3 q: LMaximum Overall bit rate: 128 Mb/s9 a* z0 C$ n' r  M% l6 i+ I2 d9 `
Frame rate: 23.976 FPS
' m! b: D  D7 g. S! z: Z0 V  N7 p& y5 ]- @9 s
Video #1
7 L7 p# @$ O. c; p3 YID: 4113 (0x1011)( {% R" ?! \; i7 p/ _  \
Menu ID: 1 (0x1)
. Q. y  O1 D; u, V7 ^+ H1 AFormat: HEVC: y' g# m4 R1 C" s# j
Format/Info: High Efficiency Video Coding" W- \: ?' K  W. {8 _5 r* O
Format profile: Main 10@L5.1@High
4 ?  p7 s' ^" ^, x+ L' x$ A0 wHDR format: SMPTE ST 2086, HDR10 compatible
+ H8 E' x' s) Y& vCodec ID: 363 p: T( ]$ C9 p: m* {
Duration: 1h 44m
5 }* i3 B2 w+ c( EBit rate: 58.3 Mb/s
1 `5 x' L( n8 P% g7 ?. wWidth: 3840 pixels% N2 v5 `* A1 D7 f9 b% t* ^0 F
Height: 2160 pixels
$ ]; T9 `, t# dDisplay aspect ratio: 16:9
3 v2 b/ R& M: P  ?Frame rate: 23.976 (24000/1001) FPS
! }$ c: f& B! a7 e5 W7 C) L  iColor space: YUV
8 r$ k. L& }6 [3 Z  J! j' DChroma subsampling: 4:2:0 (Type 2): \- y+ [1 S5 t! R3 ^
Bit depth: 10 bits# s. ?, P0 c6 e% e
Bits/(Pixel*Frame): 0.293* n3 R# y. k" d6 Z' q; l
Stream size: 42.7 GiB (90%)  ]! n* R; i# y: {: B
Color range: Limited
* H& h' M8 Y8 Z2 P. B1 vColor primaries: BT.2020
$ m5 Z4 ~& z& g( BTransfer characteristics: PQ# i! @# n* \6 ]7 V
Matrix coefficients: BT.2020 non-constant
- q& A  }, X! y! sMastering display color primaries: BT.20208 W. w; t6 r/ Q  j; z* v
Mastering display luminance: min: 0.0050 cd/m2, max: 1000 cd/m2# O& h( K0 t* P0 O6 W) |
8 v5 Q, P* r3 b) N9 h2 _
Audio #1
) N, @) W4 B0 I# t3 T& ZID: 4352 (0x1100). c3 e- x  X% p2 ^9 S  D7 y
Menu ID: 1 (0x1)
4 k2 m7 _# X' _2 {' ZFormat: MLP FBA AC-3 16-ch$ N- o/ |2 q1 M; _1 D
Format/Info: Meridian Lossless Packing FBA with 16-channel presentation3 W& w. i6 g9 c- G
Commercial name: Dolby TrueHD with Dolby Atmos
, t( K- g# s. V" K% {5 @- zMuxing mode: Stream extension
* D9 q' [  l* [Codec ID: 131
& M7 _/ C. u6 @+ V0 x& qDuration: 1h 44m
' u. m6 Z! Z4 K# m! O: z6 \( a8 r, FBit rate mode: Variable
; W2 O8 j+ O$ X8 Y- K3 }Bit rate: 640 kb/s
* _) ^. w1 K( p: q9 mMaximum bit rate: 8028 kb/s
& I- V6 q, J; E* s2 G7 cChannel(s): 8 channels0 B. Z: N9 `% x# n* E' _, B
Channel layout: L R C LFE Ls Rs Lb Rb4 u8 i6 V  M* j! m; h) d4 N5 G0 R
Sampling rate: 48.0 kHz; t$ E, J) q7 R. ^3 q
Frame rate: 31.250 FPS (1536 SPF)) [' x# j0 B( y4 U- B' S9 V
Compression mode: Lossless
, L2 z5 h4 g: E0 ]( f! AStream size: 480 MiB (1%); \0 J% v$ s+ r/ y) j
Service kind: Complete Main
) Y; b  W1 e2 Q2 m$ cNumber of dynamic objects: 13
. U/ X. S, O8 y! @4 k. K+ dBed channel count: 1 channel* J7 d+ u# S# T, x
Bed channel configuration: LFE
  ~2 a8 K5 T5 N' ^. ?; m9 {4 h3 M$ x$ z$ f2 |4 W
Subtitles: English, French, Spanish, Japanese' q% H% w3 P% j: L& E
Audio Channels: English Dolby Atmos TrueHD 7.1 channels, English  AC-3 2.0 channels, French AC-3 5.1 channels,
2 b$ x( c0 Z: E$ vSpanish DDPlus 7.1 channels, Japanese DDPlus 7.1channels, English AC-3 2.0 channels (commentary)! H6 F7 C0 \+ k. q
7 h' S, v; {3 p  o- Z
The Marvels 4K Blu-ray, Video Quality   
* |8 h  ], y7 z9 R  C' e6 t$ l2 l( l+ X3 t
) D" \4 L& z: t% q. E
Note: Screenshots are sourced from Disney's 1080 disc.
5 G) Q5 S' [" @! `
, Q1 p! D3 R( E) c# K6 LThe Marvels is presented in 4K UHD courtesy of Disney / Buena Vista and Marvel Studios with an HEVC / H.265 encoded 2160p transfer in 2.39:1. The IMDb lists Arri Alexa cameras but perhaps just a little surprisingly given source capture resolutions of over 4K, only a 2K DI. That may arguably have deprived this 4K version of some amount of improvement in fine detail levels, but overall, this is another stellar looking release of an MCU production, one that offers secure and at times kind of jaw dropping detail levels on practical items like sets and costumes, but which also has some rather nicely rendered CGI. As I mentioned in the review of the 1080 version of this film, if there are any qualms to be had in terms of overall sharpness, they're probably going to be aimed mostly at some of the VFX work, and that softness and occasional lack of convincing detail is probably more overtly noticeable given the increased resolution of this 4K UHD disc. There's a beautifully wide array of hues suffusing the palette which offers some of the most observable upgrades on this disc courtesy of HDR, and everything from some of the rather subtly graded material, as in the opening vignette with Dar-Benn which has a kind of cool slate gray to blue ambience, to some of the more brightly lit and naturally graded Earthbound outdoor scenes all offer superbly vivid tones and remarkably consistent levels of fine detail.
$ j; |2 ~* ?9 }& v5 {, i+ J6 `7 ?; l3 M( e& p! m1 o- w
The Marvels 4K Blu-ray, Audio Quality   8 Y" B" L; u6 T, o' V
9 E8 B! x) J& M

* R8 a! `) O. X0 TThe Marvels features a nicely immersive Dolby Atmos track that frankly may not be that much different from the DTS-HD Master Audio 7.1 track on Disney's 1080 release of the film, but which offers clear surround activity from the get go. As I mention in our 1080 review, there's somewhat intricately designed surround activity that almost offers "teases" in terms of what permeates various channels, so that, for instance, some of the booming thuds and weird ambient whistling noises in the opening sequence can dot various speakers just for a moment before "moving on" to somewhere else, and that includes some kind of intermittent sounds emanating from the Atmos speakers. The glut of action scenes and some flying material (including both spacecraft and individuals at various times) also offers great opportunities for enjoyable panning effects and provides some of the more noticeable verticality that the Atmos track can offer. The interweaving of sound effects with Laura Karpman's score is also very artfully handled and adds to the layered quality of the track. Dialogue is rendered cleanly and clearly throughout, even in some of the noisier action scenes, where it's nicely prioritized. Optional English, French, Japanese and Spanish subtitles are available.
5 G5 n3 Z0 b7 P& j7 a
. d! Y; S6 ?1 Q/ V4 s3 q) m
  P% K: T& F% o7 [
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