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[4K极清电影] 第四阶段 [4K REMUX无损版] Phase IV 1974 Theatrical Cut 2160p UHD BluRaycd REMUX HDR HEVC FLAC 1.0-CiNEPHiLES 54.79GB








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黄金嫖客 发表于 2024-3-6 22:21:26 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 黄金嫖客 于 2024-3-6 22:23 编辑 . ~5 N- I! d# o7 O: R# Y& q

! @9 n1 u5 d- e3 ^1 X& k; {3 ASuddenly, desert ants form a group intelligence and wage war on the humans. It's up to a couple of scientists and a girl to stop them.7 ~) Z6 S& ^$ p2 Z0 m, I' m

0 f( v6 s6 L: r" ]8 q 01.jpg
, F! |: m$ T8 Z, g
( s8 B/ y* Y/ f& t, F$ X4 z8 `/ v◎译  名 第四阶段
& L: X; t# g3 v: m' Z  S◎片  名 Phase IV / Phase Four / Phase II
8 J  X8 H0 N0 u7 M% I. ~; j6 N8 M◎年  代 19758 k  i9 C  e* ?* A0 O" j
◎产  地 英国/美国9 a1 |! {( y( P6 |
◎类  别 科幻/恐怖/惊悚1 `1 d$ c) s7 x7 ?. f- V+ O. H
◎语  言 英语
. q2 |# Q, F4 Q- E& Q( A◎上映日期 1975-10-01(美国)
1 x: ~# f9 l' X* M% Z3 t( Y◎IMDb评分  6.4/10 from 9,428 users
  w) U3 v9 F6 N◎IMDb链接
8 e/ z* h( ]0 V. f# G◎豆瓣评分 6.7/10 from 480 users$ ~. I* Z. v- e* P" o
◎豆瓣链接 X! q8 `) H% S$ _: S$ F/ D' v
◎文件格式 x265 + FLAC; Z1 [( B8 O$ q7 q5 q# q
◎视频尺寸 3840 x 2160
( n% u7 a2 J0 B  a, q9 I◎文件大小 1DVD 54.79 GiB; {" @! e8 m$ @2 f( J: Z
◎片  长 1 h 23 min
4 U! }1 W6 N2 W) i1 |◎导  演 索尔·巴斯 Saul Bass; u$ \, P  H6 Q" q. h* d9 G
◎副  导  演 William P. Cartlidge
0 r/ O9 X, C8 l) E6 k- Z" a$ w7 `" O  w◎编  剧 Mayo Simon
% J) _6 K& @. R+ y9 R0 z◎制  片  人 Paul B. Radin 1 B! [# V5 S* Z2 {
◎音  乐 Brian Gascoigne + l" m$ O- v$ e" ]2 E! R% q& R! i
◎演  员 迈克尔·墨菲 Michael Murphy( K  G8 G$ l6 D# X
       奈杰尔·达文波特 Nigel Davenport* C* y9 ^0 y; L$ F
       罗伯特·亨德森 Robert Henderson6 ~% A* W% g" _! ~! ?
       艾伦·吉福德 Alan Gifford
2 k& K; b7 p; d4 I: R4 a6 _' M( C8 O       林恩·弗雷德里克 Lynne Frederick: J! Z+ R4 y# i, R
       海伦·霍顿 Helen Horton/ m1 @$ `& F% d/ G9 Z7 O9 D  Q3 f

) w& q0 T. l/ Y% z0 J◎简  介 2 Y# k% p! ^+ j3 ]; {8 E+ U

2 a# U+ R) N+ A$ v# M6 W, y5 g  号称是美国七十年代最非著名的一部科幻电影杰作,导演索尔·巴斯是设计师,还曾两次获过奥斯卡奖,但不知为何这部经典的心理科幻片至今都没出DVD。- W; p1 U. v. }. t. x
* Q/ j# q9 _$ w* N
  Desert ants suddenly form a collective intelligence and begin to wage war on the desert inhabitants. It is up to two scientists and a stray girl they rescue from the ants to destroy them. But the ants have other ideas.
9 V; b$ T7 t2 T3 [/ u
# X! T: F3 |0 T7 ]6 l8 V# u  Phase IV is an incredible full length feature film by Saul Bass who is most acclaimed as a graphic designer who's work can be seen as the opening credits from The Seven Year Itch, Vertigo, West Side Story to Alien, Broadcast News and Casino. Phase IV is a much overlooked film that is very much in the style of The Andromeda Strain. What it perhaps lacks in story, it gains in the photography of the millions of ants.# m' J1 J+ B% V7 P. N; W+ r

& U- o6 K* H- V5 e; C  索尔·巴斯,美国动画片绘制家、美工师、导演,1920年5月8日生于纽约市,少年时曾经在布鲁克林学院学习绘画,毕业后从事过十年自由职业设计师的职业,1946年在洛杉矶创立索尔·巴斯合作公司。他在为一些影片进行美术设计时,猜出心裁地为片头片尾的演职人员表配上生动活泼的动画人物,这些动画人物的形态动作巧妙地提示了影片的主题,反映了影片的基调,从而使单调乏味的演职人员表和谐地成为了影片不可或缺的一部分,这种大胆的创新丰富了电影的表现形式,广受观众们的喜爱,其后为不少国家的影片所沿用。索尔·巴斯设计片头片尾的影片以《卡门·琼斯》(1955)、《红衣主教》(1963)等片最为著名。此外,他还监制和导演了很多电视广告片、动画片片和纪录片,如《敏锐的眼光》(1963)、《第四相》(1974)等。
9 w' K1 Y5 u* @6 K+ R/ D5 `: D, J4 P( c0 c4 E0 X0 I" W, r6 H
  Desert ants suddenly form a collective intelligence and begin to wage war on the desert inhabitants. It is up to two scientists and a stray girl they rescue from the ants to destroy them. But the ants have other ideas.& a# r( B/ b  ]8 I6 N
/ b) ^% ?: ~- H+ g
9 o- }# U( H- e1 u7 Q0 U" J# }' v0 n
* x, y# D' p- r7 f0 Y, n; B# H: xFilename.......: Phase.IV.1974.Theatrical.Cut.2160p.UHD.Blu-ray.Remux.HDR.HEVC.FLAC1.0-CiNEPHiLES.mkv$ D- m. W) u  X$ l( d/ o/ }
FileSize.......: 54.8 GiB1 {. G. ^: V* D$ I
Duration.......: 1 h 23 min
+ q% k- b# W& y2 v: a1 i9 j& ~2 w' |5 f. k; Z
. y/ l6 P* ^8 b  UCodec..........: HEVC  Main 10@L5.1@High( ~* b' e( l* l
Resolution.....: 3840x2160
- w5 V5 N: L, PAspect ratio...: 16:9
2 }$ z0 e! Y# G, gBit rate.......: 92.1 Mb/s. O6 `, _" u' e/ b4 B, Q7 M/ r3 p
Frame rate.....: 23.976 fps3 e  [1 [7 R, S0 o
Color primaries: BT.2020 - HDR103 _' ]0 [, z0 p/ h
4 r; _9 ]# I. m) a; F) x; V
Audio* e4 W2 _/ {: K9 w
Language.......: English  
5 K3 ]+ \3 V1 q: L& `+ p5 _Channels.......: 1 CH- g& ]- N& W5 P3 t: M
Format.........: FLAC
  [/ T' n% e3 v2 N4 @Bit rate.......: 722 kb/s
! n, b/ N& w0 |! }5 R3 Z( U/ h6 s(Original Mono). E/ S- a' j7 L

  f: _7 b, Q' p' G" hAudio (#2)  F) l! b* ?2 l5 A; {  u$ k4 ?
Language.......: English  2 h) A7 X. C! M5 v$ o3 G# T
Channels.......: 1 CH! q  U8 ^) y6 \( ^" \
Format.........: FLAC. P) q$ Y; ~% E. l
Bit rate.......: 347 kb/s3 C9 W! C$ `7 c$ O
(Alternative Sound Mix)" _! @# N' b8 q% S, g

9 a  ], t- Y$ F+ rAudio (#3)
3 i6 n5 Z& [5 h4 l" e" b" w! J& MLanguage.......: English  8 l- m$ C4 a3 C+ x# y: t% j
Channels.......: 2 CH
" b( B* ~. h5 t2 H6 iFormat.........: Dolby Digital
$ D4 ?; f/ b2 E9 k4 ~  iBit rate.......: 192 kb/s
9 b; r3 n2 n4 w(Commentary with film historian Matthew Asprey Gear)5 W) {4 i8 E% z4 e3 N  }6 _! ~

8 c+ N. y7 n* H. X$ IAudio (#4)
" x+ l! [6 W5 u$ b; y+ y- d3 n2 d  `1 JLanguage.......: English  # U' \! V2 S" w: \+ ^$ V
Channels.......: 2 CH$ n' c- c. ~% }! Y2 W% ~
Format.........: Dolby Digital
& X) n) A; }; S/ @' E1 E$ e, j3 l3 bBit rate.......: 192 kb/s
6 ^0 [6 [( y9 a5 @6 N(Commentary with editor/publisher Alan Bryce and film historian Richard Hollissprey Gear)
* e2 c9 e; F# X3 c' w  |
8 L" Y2 x4 a/ _- DSubtitle.......: English
0 v) x2 `1 B8 J) @Subtitle.......: English (SDH)
7 T  u, w# Z" R5 @& uSubtitle.......: English (PGS / SDH)
+ M" v; G; e  o$ kSubtitle.......: German

/ X4 ^7 U4 T( L1 M" m2 P
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shiji1973 发表于 2024-3-8 13:14:46 | 显示全部楼层
Bluraycd又有新电影发布了,激动中……!/ k% I, r; Z# J; G
The decisive Replies sink is I get the sinking feeling great sense of accomplishment!* j' a5 Q; k& r% e" s- h








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