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[蓝光原盘] 上帝下凡2/噢,上帝续集 [REMUX无损版] Oh God Book II 1980 1080p BluRaycd REMUX AVC LPCM 2.0-BluRayCD 23.08GB








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黄金嫖客 发表于 2024-3-25 01:30:17 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
God asks a young girl to help spread his word and influence with a slogan.. W+ `2 x0 D. W4 f7 R- R
) q+ A0 @4 ?( j
4 j8 o8 d2 V/ F/ i- s% D5 c1 E

- K# e$ G2 R! H5 b. k% X  N◎译  名 上帝下凡2/《噢,上帝》续集9 N3 r. T8 m" Y7 Q/ }
◎片  名 Oh, God! Book II / Oh, God!, Oh, God!
( Y+ J/ T' t7 p7 W◎年  代 1980
! z( o4 N/ n: Z$ H: B) N◎产  地 美国- ]7 c7 a& V- [9 k4 ^3 J) R
◎类  别 喜剧/奇幻/ v! T. u4 C8 P, `6 x0 n
◎语  言 英语) p* }! g2 a) x0 X% a2 L! S3 n
◎上映日期 1980-10-03(美国)
+ W4 ?- y1 l$ I) K+ s; Y◎IMDb评分  5.3/10 from 2,558 users1 A  R* o( c# S
" b6 e+ a5 ^+ W◎豆瓣评分 0/10 from 0 users' m; Q+ I, j0 T! T! X: h
◎豆瓣链接 {& _$ @$ r& t( G
◎文件格式 x264 + LPCM % X3 a, K1 X' }$ U
◎视频尺寸 1920 x 1080; v% `$ ?' h1 T1 p! I
◎文件大小 1DVD 23.08 GiB
: I& V' A# L# s% |" Q. [◎片  长 1 h 33 min
- P- d8 C2 g! m; G. a) w◎导  演 吉尔伯特·凯茨 Gilbert Cates
0 W' i( V8 ?3 I0 B◎编  剧 埃弗里·科尔曼 Avery Corman2 s+ B4 l% {6 @
       Fred S. Fox
1 U; @% r) [5 `0 h3 @3 H       乔希·格林菲尔德 Josh Greenfeld* F% K% _8 D, d  W
       Hal Goldman
  A+ P4 L" G! V$ |) q       西曼·雅各布斯 Seaman Jacobs
( q; A/ x) a3 y; ?# F◎演  员 康拉德·詹尼斯 Conrad Janis
2 u2 _5 B( ~7 }. d3 p8 Z       乔茜·布拉勒斯 Joyce Brothers# Z: x8 v0 Y. [2 c8 Z& l6 S0 x
       Marian Mercer
# b+ \8 W, C$ J" m& D, }; x       约翰·路易 John Louie
. M, ?$ ^" D; d0 B5 K7 }       Louanne Louanne
+ T0 N& R+ P! }! z" h       苏珊娜·普莱舍特 Suzanne Pleshette# K( v& m+ u" G, `. j- A- u. V
       James Kirkwood Jr.  Y( T8 v1 ]0 c$ O. ?
       安东尼·霍兰德 Anthony Holland; a  N( K. t9 P/ r
       霍华德·达夫 Howard Duff
  G. E2 f/ p* e, {" ?, f0 |       Deborah Allison. T! h) V3 v+ x/ F' s$ Y
       阿尔玛·贝特兰 Alma Beltran
- E% c! ]9 w/ ]+ J) z' Z9 L       大卫·班尼 David Birney2 P$ H2 X9 W" G  T5 }2 X
       乔治·伯恩斯 George Burns* @/ m$ g) A, |) Q8 C
       汉斯·康拉德 Hans Conried
/ c; [( {& D8 h! w       休·唐斯 Hugh Downs
% q* v* R/ r' s! k4 d       Tad Horino
7 T  \2 h1 v) E9 U; q1 E       马里·戈尔曼 Mari Gorman" U8 I1 T: B( E6 p( c; {* W
       维尔弗雷德·海德-怀特 Wilfrid Hyde-White$ n7 g5 ~: d6 P" X) f
       苏珊·科尔布斯 Susan Krebs
. y& w+ \5 V" a: B) ^& v       伊迪·麦克勒格 Edie McClurg$ F6 j3 b! q. k1 T
       Sunshine Parker
( }2 f. _& l% g) b8 t& _2 J; v7 u+ d       Andre Philippe& D/ H) v+ y0 {! h- r' C6 c
       Henry Polic II
% N# O* ?; h& z' y7 I       Richard Reicheg
. J- T) G/ v9 i1 s& Y- |       Rodney Allen Rippy  v+ c/ ?9 [" [- k+ Y1 K
       Al Rosen
- H3 `+ I2 }" P! N& r7 x- m       Rick Segall
" q8 O2 C; e# o: k, @4 O/ P       Bob Terhune
- g' N3 n6 b$ g! V5 z* R, D) q4 B& D( @
2 O5 I6 L) B" m5 \7 O# S; K◎标  签 喜剧 | 美国电影 | 美国 | 李欣频 | 80s | 电影 | 1980 | 神
' X/ M/ n2 s: h( z0 n
# {6 y5 y4 d3 i1 j* k1 H" ~7 \◎简  介   * c( i" P  V6 x+ U
) ~( ]9 e1 y  ^- x
  故事讲述在战争年代从不来访的上帝突现,找来一个父母离异的早熟小女孩帮忙出招,搞搞宣传推广“上帝”,小女孩伙同邻居屁孩风风火火地在四处把宣传牛皮癣办大,引发了校友乃至全社会的高度重视。校方停了她的课,心理医生则认为小女孩精神病发作,准备送她去疗养。同时邻居屁孩则发动了一个反罢课游行。而这一切,得上帝再次现身才得以解决。( R" x: S! s+ |3 J2 J/ D% o! W
, ^- k6 S+ T1 V  D3 P. g
  In this mild sequel to the 1977 appearance of George Burns as God, the Heavenly Father shows up again, this time to talk to Tracy, a young girl whose earthly father is in the advertising business. God's intention is to promote himself among the children first. Tracy comes up with a way to further awareness of the Supreme Being with posters and graffiti that say "Think God." She and her classmates set out on this campaign, but Tracy ends up facing a phalanx of psychiatrists for talking to an invisible God. Being who He is, God decides to finally make an appearance for the benefit of everyone.% y; J# `8 ~/ \2 `+ u) b( l

# d/ \- y+ u1 d! t0 d$ ~
  1. Oh.God.Book.II.1980.1080p.BluRayCD.REMUX.AVC.LPCM.2.0-BluRayCD
    / H' w$ \! b$ ~* F5 ?" N! i1 P
  2. ! ^2 U9 Z0 o+ e7 t8 L
  3. Video:: G1 q4 c7 p  ?+ Y8 G; t- I
  4. Framerate: 23.976fps" m+ i! _+ p8 `/ a, C: I# {
  5. Codec= MPEG-4 AVC, H0 v# d- P% Q9 P% X' F
  6. Bitrate: (34 Mbps)
    " k4 R. h/ L- U' d$ j  b

  7. , O/ ~3 _; {3 H
  8. Audio:
    ( W7 ~; B# u1 Z! r) T4 ~8 v$ ^
  9. Track#1 - English LPCM 2.0 @1536 kbps( F- N0 i; a2 ~8 a# W% c
  10. Track#2 - English Dolby Digital (AC3) 2.0 @320 kbps  *Encoded Via clever FFmpeg-GUI v3.2.0*$ T2 j/ m+ s/ e  p2 x; Q4 a

  11. + C" y" l6 Q, K  ]- w( r, L
  12. Subtitles: English  (PGS)
    1 ~- Y+ G+ S7 M

  13. 4 \2 D; e* Y" |$ z5 W
  14. Chapters: 12
    6 {( c( F1 Y: o0 `

  15. * A" [: w! z$ e+ Y5 I( T
  16. Runtime: 1hr 33mins% B6 N4 _2 \+ z- H  v
  17. * K  Y" d% n: G# |+ R) w  c, a2 A: G
  18. Audio & Video Muxed with MKVToolNix GUI v83.0 ('Circle Of Friends') 64-bit2 Q# M, k" d% s, [0 L0 W

  19. ; H7 C( E5 P, n7 M
  20. Please do your best to help Seed so I can bring you more! Thank you... Enjoy!

$ r4 j* W. [0 G; p9 x: W
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