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[蓝光原盘] 野人来袭/凶恶猛兽 [REMUX无损版] Abominable 2006 1080p BluRaycd REMUX AVC DTS-HD MA 5.1-BluRayCD 17.35GB








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黄金嫖客 发表于 2024-3-29 07:47:19 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
A man, crippled in an accident, returns to the woods after rehabilitation, certain that he'll not see Bigfoot again.6 z! Y3 v, \' k( `

, g0 S3 F& M3 a2 d/ s8 x$ X# {; f6 L" ]: G* G

8 E9 j  h6 A0 \◎译  名 野人来袭/凶恶猛兽
( u4 W/ j; ?3 `. I; w1 l3 t◎片  名 Abominable / 어바머너블
, {4 `. R' [+ y" |◎年  代 2006
) a# F8 U; q2 [" \- n" r◎产  地 美国
; v, Q& a2 P' P( u& B◎类  别 恐怖/惊悚
* \) j0 m5 R0 t. s( G, S. y◎语  言 英语
" o, ~2 h5 J/ h" J◎上映日期 2006-05-24(美国)/2021-06-06(德国). Y- k! j# ]: J
◎IMDb评分  5.1/10 from 4,906 users8 C& e, T- g2 ^
◎IMDb链接 I6 ?* p8 h! v. K
◎豆瓣评分 7.8/10 from 120 users
8 a7 Q/ _# G3 V; Q* Z◎豆瓣链接
) r0 B; r1 D1 R2 `, R$ [◎文件格式 x264 + DTS 3 h7 {- h4 K- ^; V+ Q
◎视频尺寸 1920 x 1080, b- a$ Y9 p4 b: x. V
◎文件大小 1DVD 17.35 GB
9 c& _1 r6 R( M0 t% v◎片  长 1 h 31 min
! v8 U4 w" p* |" G. h6 k0 j◎导  演 瑞安·希弗里 Ryan Schifrin( @8 V$ P) J- A* o+ |
◎编  剧 James Morrison
' m" Q) w' }, Y& D/ A       瑞安·希弗里 Ryan Schifrin
& E# I" i0 k# j- A" B& k5 k◎主  演 马特·麦考伊 Matt McCoy
! j% c! G2 x7 p+ W+ V) V       Haley Joel* }9 ~; q% S+ \9 Z; W  S
       Michael Deak
, x/ T% J* L& {' b6 I% D5 [       瑞安·希弗里 Ryan Schifrin
( x5 H2 y, f: f1 Y, q2 Y       兰斯·亨利克森 Lance Henriksen. a5 a$ ?: ?' E) S- r2 V7 @
       克里斯蒂安·汀斯利 Christien Tinsley; W* a9 O, |8 s# g" V+ a) R
       James Morrison9 K, G8 Z- [6 f
       Ashley Hartman
2 J& n' P1 }+ Y" Z8 {       杰弗瑞·考姆斯 Jeffrey Combs2 G: A8 g# b& [& a( i
       蒂凡妮·谢皮斯 Tiffany Shepis! J3 g: P, i* J) R. D1 I
       迪·沃伦斯 Dee Wallace
+ X  r% A; r; B3 s- M# @       卡琳·安娜·张 Karin Anna Cheung0 s6 q9 e9 ]- Y- W
       瑞克斯·林恩 Rex Linn6 Z1 f8 }0 |  O7 O( U0 H
       保罗·格里森 Paul Gleason
  r0 {! v# X/ a" P3 g+ ?       菲尔·莫里斯 Phil Morris
5 s* Z. V8 B- a9 H
( a% ]. j7 W0 g' }7 i! Z◎标  签 恐怖 | 血腥 | 美国 | 惊悚 | 野人来袭 | 怪物 | 2006 | 野人
8 f3 t' o1 A9 c: ^5 N( R6 N% h7 c' I5 j# l" c+ x' e1 C7 X
◎简  介   
+ N) p0 _/ I/ F9 D3 g
7 Q9 g2 \, G  A& W3 Z- v, ^& p  一名因攀登事故致残的男子为了康复回到了他在森林里的小屋,但他没有准备好迎接即将来临的攻击。3 w4 t1 c0 F7 m5 Q7 k9 l/ w
, v$ K+ P& P9 c* M' H7 Q% c
  A man, crippled in a climbing accident, returns to his cabin in the woods as part of his rehabilitation, but he wasn't prepared for the imminent onslaught.
, v* m' d: s" e( ~  O- r* p0 K' `3 t, C) s# ?" w+ h
  With 42,000 sightings in 68 countries, the elusive woodland creature known as Sasquatch, Yeti, and Bigfoot is one of the most enduring natural mysteries ever known to man. Hunted by humans for hundreds of years, the formerly reclusive man-like beast strikes out against his would-be captors in a mountain-based tale of survival and horror.
' x3 p5 d, F8 x- S
* b) X+ X7 D, t6 n* K
  1. Abominable.2006.1080p.BluRayCD.REMUX.AVC.DTS-HD.MA.5.1-BluRayCD
    - U! V2 P! U& V* v, Y4 V7 v

  2. 8 Z& e7 _6 @! y) t
  3. Video:7 \1 C& j( l1 [
  4. Framerate: 23.976fps9 e1 X" F; I; Q1 n1 r, }% K% @8 i3 I
  5. Codec= MPEG-4 AVC2 g- `$ D+ y5 {. x6 b- _9 I
  6. Bitrate: (25 Mbps)
    * I$ j; D- |$ K3 A6 m' P: d4 Z# x
  7. Maximum bitrate: (40 Mbps)9 J. E5 }5 f/ l5 J* }6 y

  8. 9 j/ x' w# j$ a* G
  9. Audio:
    " L4 x7 {3 Q9 E: `
  10. English DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1 @2037 kbps8 `4 z" @% S" K; ~- t

  11. , W0 q1 f- a$ y, _- x
  12. Subtitles: English (SubRip/SRT))
    3 ~: r6 F7 a$ a* k9 ^# S
  13. # w" [* T! b+ L! [( i. _7 G
  14. Chapters: 12& S2 m9 m" D: G( L
  15. 1 C3 o& u' t8 B
  16. Runtime: 1hr 31mins2 `( {$ z1 _! W/ D: J; ~2 F/ f
  17. * Q5 z9 U4 I- P7 ~& b
  18. Audio & Video Muxed with MKVToolNix GUI v83.0 ('Circle Of friends') 64-bit
    2 ]: V; E  Q" j9 k! ?# p
  19. : ?1 X8 Y5 P$ `6 r' S5 T, v
  20. Please do your best to help Seed so I can bring you more! Thank you... Enjoy!
! z1 s/ L* b: e+ h5 {$ T+ d% U7 V( m4 Z
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191 枚
3749 点
fangfang789 发表于 2024-3-30 10:19:06 | 显示全部楼层
沙发是抢的而不是占的!! A! O: W  ]# u! o5 p0 M
In fact, I have always felt that the landlord of good taste! Ha ha!
3 i" y7 _  V* Y  m# [4 v








116 枚
3461 点
xpg050811 发表于 2024-3-31 15:30:25 | 显示全部楼层
啥也不说了,楼主就是给力!$ r. M: A, U2 P0 f: D
Blu-ray Film Forum is now my home!
: k8 r3 x% T/ `








676 枚
3484 点
zzk980220 发表于 2024-4-8 10:23:33 | 显示全部楼层
# v# j: L. I) N/ BYour resources, well, I am very satisfied!
9 z6 I4 f) i% M! O4 w



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