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[动作战争] 1024分辨率《60号高地之下》BD中英双字无水印








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24xs 发表于 2011-1-30 02:40:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
4 p4 n! P7 ^; K" K/ X: `, N$ G6 l' Q$ P6 [! ^- y5 i
◎译  名 60号高地之下
2 |+ V% c. {6 C& Q: o$ t% N◎片  名 Beneath Hill 60
1 v* ?+ x( A* t/ ]% u◎年  代 20109 U* e; Y& ?) O# I! @: n; K. [! E
◎国  家 澳大利亚- k7 L; F) v: D1 z4 A7 ^
◎类  别 剧情/历史/战争4 T# Y/ w& C3 W" J- v5 x$ k
◎语  言 英语$ R" j. Q; a6 m& R' x$ b8 W
◎字  幕 中英双字; B" O3 ?/ e3 c* I; _
◎IMDB评分 7.6/10  214 votes
) _  K& P$ u6 ?2 N, o8 |◎文件格式 BD-RMVB
; e9 o  m9 z* g6 j5 n. `: x+ s◎视频尺寸 1024 x 5766 ~8 b0 R  k, k/ F! r: D# p
◎文件大小 1CD. W" W' Y. t) X7 I  \3 S
◎片  长 118 minutes* F; s0 g/ s- f
◎导  演 杰瑞米·西姆斯 Jeremy Sims' X2 |% o# h8 J; ]* h
◎主  演 杰奎琳·麦根斯 Jacqueline McKenzie  ....Emma Waddell9 R7 c0 M- W% W2 `0 L4 o
      杰拉德·勒帕斯基 Gerald Lepkowski  ....William Waddell  L, `; L- F( m& l! Y! x
      阿登·杨 Aden Young  ....Major Brady North+ P. C5 i: F; W& j
      布伦丹·考威尔 Brendan Cowell  ....Captain Oliver Woodward
& V. U9 P2 B' s* ^      盖东·格兰特利 Gyton Grantley  ....Norman Morris. Y& A% }$ V! N" [8 [$ B4 V- ~
      哈里森·吉尔伯特森 Harrison Gilbertson  ....Frank Tiffin) v0 R5 k/ @$ ~% L
      Isabella Heathcote  ....Marjorie Waddell
. }' [) S3 h: J3 T      Steve Le Marquand  ....Sergeant Bill Fraser
8 Z8 H$ _$ {# x3 L. `  h+ G  u      Anthony Hayes  ....Captain William McBride5 x" O7 ]8 y! w  {1 o. R8 x0 R: r
      Leon Ford  ....Lieutenant Robert Clayton
9 k/ s- Z+ R5 Y/ I# E( B7 s      John Stanton  ....General Lambert+ ~* m3 i; l* o) O7 m" W" i0 ~
      瓦维克·杨 Warwick Young  ....Percy Marsden
, r3 P! R3 b& ~4 w6 S      Bob Franklin  ....Potsy4 p/ z, s9 O% `. ^. F" l
      Dennis Kreusler  ....Australian Soldier on Parapet
3 X2 v% `! Z  F1 Q; E      Tom Green  ....Hutchings  b" U5 r/ d/ G! f. m1 x
      David Ritchie  ....Kommandeur Fusslein5 j# x3 D7 _/ u; O
      Samuel Ross Forbes Wright  ....Core Soldier
# V+ r) h3 ~% N      Matthew Wollaston  ....British Soldier Leading Wounded
# {( Y4 M( K2 E0 m/ E* ^      Mark Coles Smith  ....Billy 'Streaky' Bacon
3 f3 X$ D' L" u      Alex Thompson  ....Walter Sneddon
) x# b  E- i# ?! o* `  [      Marcus Costello  ....Ernst Wagner
7 H1 L& H/ ]+ I$ p$ ]0 ?      Martin Thomas  ....Ginger' Mick ODonnell  _  I: @% w% w! k6 ]& z8 r) S+ Z
      Oliver Leimbach  ....Screaming Soldier  X5 Y' Z6 k4 H
      Anthony Ring  ....Stoa
3 S& U7 s9 J8 {. u" ^      Kenneth Spiteri  ....Karl Babek0 [+ K. X# T- e& s. _
      Alan Dukes  ....Jim Sneddon
  X5 D6 y% [2 l) t3 A1 ^3 g      Andy Bramble  ....Wilf Piggott2 ~; z$ {4 r& J0 n1 K3 P9 W& o
      Chris Haywood  ....Colonel Wilson Rutledge/ t& T$ A# \* M  H2 w: n; ]% w
      Juliana Dodd  ....Isabel Waddell
. x7 h$ ?( ^% r& e+ E' x, o& S  T      Fletcher Illidge  ....Colin Waddell& y; }7 I- G$ {( t5 N& p
      Morgan Illidge  ....Gordon Waddell
1 M5 v( v, l/ m) Y  @4 r- |" C      Nikki Fort  ....Mrs Thorn6 j0 k( K" R$ z. k; D- f
      Jessica Robertson  ....Dotty" g0 a6 h# l/ c) e
      Alice Cavanagh  ....Agnes0 ^& |1 F1 S$ R  f7 \1 q8 L! |9 y
      Mahala Wallace  ....Eunice: f. N0 [7 _" C  X5 S0 `) d' c! N
      Tim Sawatzki  ....Lambert's Aid8 {' P) G7 Y# Z0 R& o) r
      Kristopher Bos  ....Core soldier #4
- z& V% B, C" j8 N3 A! l5 H, J' I      Timothy John Sawatzki  ....Lambert's Aid
$ G* e" p5 l6 Y5 p) V      Ian Sparke  ....Padre8 U$ v8 `; x$ f( U" A& s
◎简  介' }3 ^' }1 A4 A) `3 n
0 {0 g& w, F# v0 ?1 p0 E& x% `
奥利弗伍德沃德的非凡真实故事。这是1916年,德沃德泪别他的年轻女友,从军前往西部前线,其间还要穿越德国阵地。德沃德和他的团队从事秘密隧道工事,铺设炸药。他们的努力将改变战争的进程。+ N: r+ `+ }, Y+ P" `, O
! J5 F6 r' d% l4 s# d% @0 W& Q; ~( `6 K
The extraordinary true story of Oliver Woodward. It's 1916 and Woodward must tear himself from his new young love to go to the mud and carnage of the Western Front. Deep beneath the German lines. Woodward and his secret platoon of Australian tunnelers fight to defend a leaking, labyrinthine tunnel system packed with enough high explosives to change the course of the War.
. V6 s, ^9 H% t  k+ ~( ?# g
6 @; C! x% J; g- ]9 c
- B2 S* a4 [- p" J3 ]; |
6 K: |" R6 j/ `% I) l" [
- O8 ]7 i. M- h6 p: W
4 F: l6 o3 M. n8 P$ B5 |
& k# r" `. k8 t. E' O6 U; {: ~3 N1 @. N
  1. gvod://号高地之下BD中英双字.rmvb
  1. thunder://QUFmdHA6Ly9keWdvZDE6ZHlnb2QxQGQwNTcuZHlnb2Qub3JnOjEyMjcvNjC6xbjftdjWrs/CLlvW0NOiy6vX1i4xMDI0t9ax5sLKXS9btefTsMzszMN3d3cuZHkyMDE4Lm5ldF02MLrFuN+12Nauz8JCRNbQ06LLq9fWLnJtdmJaWg==



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