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[蓝光原盘] 心灵投手/棒球新秀 [REMUX无损版] The Rookie 2002 1080p BluRaycd REMUX AVC DTS-HD MA 5.1-BluRayCD 23.49GB








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黄金嫖客 发表于 2024-4-16 08:47:56 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
A Texas baseball coach makes the major league after agreeing to try out if his high school team made the playoffs.9 J6 v4 s& k+ j: f6 }

# `- v, A. e1 T8 o* w# e 1.jpg
2 @  a/ d( q* y8 U1 v
$ w: I# S; k! c  R◎译  名 心灵投手/棒球新秀/新手
6 u" V# c9 x9 h8 U◎片  名 The Rookie / Çaylak1 A5 R- C! _0 Q* [" P
◎年  代 2002, Y7 V- d0 J( {$ X/ E/ n- S  Q1 z
◎产  地 美国' m2 `3 o. z' J& W1 U2 |
◎类  别 剧情/家庭/运动- Y1 Z. k1 _, G5 D7 [5 V
◎语  言 英语3 ~$ |/ T7 q9 @; E( h: a2 z
◎上映日期 2002-03-29(美国)  [+ [) B$ P2 T+ q
◎IMDb评分  6.9/10 from 37,128 users6 o) x: k" S5 K% v  f! @: U4 H
◎IMDb链接 Z0 \  x2 U% z1 [: Y8 r# M* H0 v. F+ w
◎豆瓣评分 7.9/10 from 2,075 users
8 U! d& k( S9 A0 _9 s◎豆瓣链接
0 M2 j, b  F: K1 D& |7 ]/ r5 P◎文件格式 x264 + DTS
: u3 S" c: j; _# i0 i* j& U1 D◎视频尺寸 1920 x 1080- A6 B/ @# n, Y) M$ r( e
◎文件大小 1DVD 23.49 GiB
3 t8 l& ?/ w! i& t  B" ]& L5 D/ S◎片  长 2 h 8 min
# M1 _+ J# A4 \. ~◎导  演 约翰·李·汉考克 John Lee Hancock
8 {: B8 U+ W: s* s) j+ }◎副  导  演 H. Gordon Boos
; T7 ?4 Q+ a1 ^8 h  n◎编  剧 迈克·里奇 Mike Rich) C/ @% ~- B) D" S- b4 l
◎制  片  人 马克·约翰逊 Mark Johnson
5 l, A4 d" J0 ^; E1 }" a◎音  乐 埃尔维斯·普雷斯利 Elvis Presley9 Y+ h! d( [+ U0 x
       卡特·伯韦尔 Carter Burwell! w' j3 Q3 I  Q) a/ F* L0 X# h
◎视觉特效 Patric Kenly 5 ^# x2 i' @, L$ b, \6 W4 F% H
       William Koshowany ; y' P- p; i  e/ Q, {
◎演  员 丹尼斯·奎德 Dennis Quaid
  W5 N; \: q: R! d       瑞切尔·格里菲斯 Rachel Griffiths0 i5 }) y/ H+ v  f! J5 V( D% E
       杰伊·埃尔南德斯 Jay Hernandez
7 ]4 s8 T% b# D( r' J8 E& m* {$ J7 j' c       贝丝·格兰特 Beth Grant
5 w* y' |# p- N! ^- ~6 s       安加斯·T·琼斯 Angus T. Jones* O" Y# g! O& t0 x
       布莱恩·考克斯 Brian Cox
0 I4 i; d. z) Z, N       瑞克·冈萨雷斯 Rick Gonzalez1 I( b2 f; [4 k( h$ ?
       查德·林德伯格 Chad Lindberg, j1 c) B3 ?4 S1 D
       Angelo Spizzirri
' x/ G) h9 h: S5 A       罗伊斯·D.阿普勒加特 Royce D. Applegate
+ e- R+ _5 [3 w) t6 a- ?$ t# u7 K       Russell Richardson
+ j- o. q' h5 Z% }       雷纳·希茨 Raynor Scheine( M1 O" v7 a- a# k/ `9 e9 z; |
       戴维·布莱克维尔 David Blackwell
* T+ O% i+ W) u( u: u       丹尼·卡明 Danny Kamin
/ E" w/ ]. F8 s6 u9 z4 Q       Jade Hanley
5 Y# k- P1 z9 P- ~0 N( e( [7 g       Eric Nadel
# _7 t% o& q# Z; D       John C. Hogwood 0 y. X- T2 ?* W+ V6 O2 I8 S7 Q4 c
       Jim Morris 9 y6 g# u& d# P/ z# p: O8 \, R
       克里斯·谢菲尔德 Chris Sheffield/ F$ v7 N8 v: f, w) C! V  Z1 Q
       Michael S. Koenig
$ s7 z, Z! P9 a6 g0 X' _       Jason Bohn
, k; Z1 P& _- r7 G3 l       Matthew Brown) C3 `7 }4 t0 f0 j
       查尔斯·吉布森 Charles Gibson3 F/ f' g) ~+ d5 Z7 j
       Royce Clayton + n% U2 E- `& n! P6 z9 G( q
       Keith Mears
- [. _% w4 j- M       约翰尼·巴蒂 Johnny Bartee
/ l1 [' ~! ?" S+ J       Robert Rosado ' I3 x, t! {& F: D. D
       特拉沃·摩根 Trevor Morgan
2 r$ x) `& f& H  p. M; h: d5 W, ?8 ]" b       兰道尔·华莱士 Randall Wallace0 `; M/ K( x: [8 U
       Anthony Moore 5 _1 C. U6 ^) c. t6 [
       马尔科·桑切斯 Marco Sanchez
% R$ g" L( L* p- k% j( k$ Z       比欧·霍顿 Beau Holden0 p$ d) z  _, }' N. }
       布兰顿·史密斯 Brandon Smith
# V! v! ]# N: P" ~       布伦特·斯米加 Brent Smiga
' f- A6 \* g; m       辛西娅·多恩 Cynthia Dorn% a6 v+ }' @( E. Z, r
       J·D·埃弗摩尔 J.D. Evermore
( f7 q. G7 _$ u* m6 {: [- Y7 f
/ \) @! L9 a" C◎简  介   F+ d1 |8 ]7 @/ c" A! c

$ K2 h4 M) Q7 `% v  肩部受伤令吉姆(丹尼斯·奎德 Dennis Quaid 饰)不得不放弃了自己在棒球事业上的大好前途成为了一名教师。幸福的婚姻生活和平静的教师生涯都没能熄灭吉姆内心里对于棒球的热情和喜爱,可是在现实之中,他只能无奈妥协。学校组建了一只棒球队,吉姆是教练这一职位首当其冲的人选,在和队员的接触与训练之中,吉姆渐渐发现,心中有些热烈的情感正在渐渐复苏。/ F/ M7 I$ Z/ }

& H+ v* F& {0 X  q" a  为了鼓励队员们训练,吉姆和他们打了一个赌,如果球队能够获得全国赛的资格,他就会重回大联盟。没想到,队员们实现了他们的承诺,现在轮到吉姆了。在吉姆面前的,不仅仅是来自家庭的反对和压力,还有自己30岁的“高龄”,重重阻力面前,吉姆能够实现自己的梦想吗?* X1 ^  W5 c5 q2 q0 F( h/ B
2 O% w% c9 Y' R5 _
  Jim Morris never made it out of the minor leagues before a shoulder injury ended his pitching career twelve years ago. Now a married-with-children high-school chemistry teacher and baseball coach in Texas, Jim's team makes a deal with him: if they win the district championship, Jim will try out with a major-league organization. The bet proves incentive enough for the team, and they go from worst to first, making it to state for the first time in the history of the school. Jim, forced to live up to his end of the deal, is nearly laughed off the try-out field—until he gets onto the mound, where he confounds the scouts (and himself) by clocking successive 98 mph fastballs, good enough for a minor-league contract with the Tampa Bay Devil Rays. Jim's still got a lot of pitches to throw before he makes it to The Show, but with his big-league dreams revived, there's no telling where he could go.
; ~. A1 R2 J6 o& A8 {( u  j9 ^
6 P1 ~7 {8 q! O# f9 x' H* f
  1. The.Rookie.2002.1080p.BluRayCD.REMUX.AVC.DTS-HD.MA.5.1-BluRayCD/ [. A$ t9 j3 R0 r. M
  2. : V9 {8 F: E# }8 n% G9 ]
  3. Video:
    ' B, V0 h1 z* R, ?
  4. Framerate: 23.976fps0 n& Y& M: O# I1 o4 f
  5. Codec= MPEG-4 AVC
    4 H- S- M9 i! u$ t! ^% V' S5 T
  6. Bitrate: (23.9 Mbps)7 Z- S/ r9 J5 R/ B
  7. Maximum bitrate: (35 Mbps)
    : L! p$ N( {- n" e
  8. 7 e; P: O! y8 T6 |, _
  9. Audio:
    ' v& X( ^" B' Y  I
  10. English DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1 @2309 kbps/ g9 d. F# Z5 A: q7 J: O, y
  11. ( c/ ~0 p7 [* L9 \
  12. Subtitles: English, French, Italian, German, Portuguese, Polish, Russian, Arabic (PGS)
    # ^0 S; ~: }3 @8 q0 ^% j- l, V6 y% Z
  13. 2 A' h1 s9 N: S  Z, f
  14. Chapters: 161 W/ B: g3 B8 a5 |
  15. / \9 l  I  A5 W
  16. Runtime: 2hrs 8mins
    5 q8 e4 c0 T; I2 F% [8 d

  17. " q- E+ I4 C& f; {3 _, Q
  18. Audio & Video Muxed with MKVToolNix GUI v83.0 ('Circle Of Friends') 64-bit
    $ U; _8 w1 P& x3 s
  19. ( x8 S$ |/ q8 a: `& `/ d) n
  20. Please do your best to help Seed so I can bring you more! Thank you... Enjoy!

4 ^0 N5 c; D; q  V8 s
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