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[蓝光原盘] 小丑回魂/灵异魔咒 [蓝光原盘] Stephen Kings It 1990 1080p BluRaycd AVC DTS-HD MA 2.0-FGT 45.36GB








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黄金嫖客 发表于 2024-5-28 23:36:11 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
In 1960, seven pre-teen outcasts fight an evil demon who poses as a child-killing clown. Thirty years later, they reunite to stop the demon once and for all when it returns to their hometown.. ]; \3 T+ p) i9 A  N  L$ d
* x0 }4 Q! s8 b6 e1 u6 m/ {
* C3 W8 t8 m+ I/ _- g4 X* T  i

; R" m6 P8 Z; Q, B$ ?7 f1 F◎译  名 小丑回魂/灵异魔咒(台)
5 |1 ?) i: ?' z+ d; }) B◎片  名 IT / Stephen King's It
1 J6 |& E, O) v& A- p◎年  代 1990, W) p7 V0 z( h. j: p$ O
◎产  地 美国/加拿大+ x- |+ ^. t" y
◎类  别 剧情/悬疑/恐怖6 B4 k. v$ \9 }! w% V4 {; T5 O+ c
◎语  言 英语7 ?$ Q# X, c. V# _# f
◎上映日期 1990-11-18(美国)- s7 ^9 X$ K2 {& y/ f, N, d
◎IMDb评分  6.8/10 from 141,226 users) I6 e" z; L: h
◎IMDb链接 ]+ M7 `  E" W6 F% o; k
◎豆瓣评分 7.3/10 from 9,331 users
9 z# F8 K4 E5 L4 x5 c$ _7 E- k◎豆瓣链接 H* G8 ]; ^# N( T- U
◎文件格式 x264 + DTS
" O! b. }' F6 V# o& r: i/ c5 W0 Z◎视频尺寸 1920 x 1080
/ o2 s5 c2 g, n9 o6 {* q; A; f◎文件大小 1DVD 45.36 GiB) g! E( D/ |) }) _' F. X$ g: F
◎片  长 3:07:25.067 ( k1 c  M7 _. B7 ?
◎导  演 汤米·李·华莱士 Tommy Lee Wallace0 y9 N+ |9 C1 A! k2 Z" J
◎编  剧 汤米·李·华莱士 Tommy Lee Wallace
" H  [1 `" H1 y+ _0 @* D       劳伦斯·D·科昂 Lawrence D. Cohen4 l& |: q7 U; U8 e" O# a% f9 W) S, g4 [
       斯蒂芬·金 Stephen King
* e* B7 t* Z) ^, t◎主  演 蒂姆·克里 Tim Curry: k! L5 m! t" K) @2 L9 y
       理查德·托马斯 Richard Thomas/ g  |. n' ]3 e% _7 h: s
       约翰·瑞特 John Ritter. w0 d& K9 {+ W$ y
       安妮特·奥图 Annette O'Toole
: X  m! x  Q" p' V3 {       哈里·安德森 Harry Anderson
  R2 }% s5 g: j& g) m       蒂姆·里德 Tim Reid( J) C& N4 E: R. y: E7 Q
       丹尼斯·克里斯托弗 Dennis Christopher3 I3 h& i2 R, J2 L0 I
       理查德·马苏尔 Richard Masur9 T$ }6 R: V; m+ l# Y
       乔纳森·布兰戴斯 Jonathan Brandis0 t, S6 L; V) {. v9 m' {+ U( d5 }. T
       布兰登·克兰 Brandon Crane
' t4 ~0 D6 O# d8 P3 ]9 P       艾米莉·帕金斯 Emily Perkins
! B( _% B: T( x# c% X8 d       赛斯·格林 Seth Green! `: H0 [  R) Q" r" P: x: I
       马龙·泰勒 Marlon Taylor7 W1 D* X4 }; K/ P5 q
       亚当·法莱兹 Adam Faraizl9 h! f4 A/ f9 B- w: [. o7 ]
       奥丽维娅·赫西 Olivia Hussey- a: A4 k, j2 ?6 Z. \* l
       本·埃莱尔 Ben Heller
& h" r# Z& Z  \) ?: A' e       维努斯·特雷佐 Venus Terzo
% j, u' L+ c" C4 R# }# e
6 Z1 z; |. Q, B& p( w◎简  介   
2 \- ?1 b6 s2 y+ T$ h- S& K  v# u0 z- b. O  q* a. o! z. K) G
  马里兰州德瑞镇,是一座籍由伐木业形成的城镇。但从建镇那天起,这里似乎就有一个小丑(Tim Curry 饰)存在,但他绝非善类,反而以残害儿童为乐。
# A1 ]! k- `/ b" v& r" `7 t) m. Y8 K  p
  被坏孩子们欺负并称为窝囊废俱乐部的比利、麦克、史坦、贝芙、艾迪、本和瑞奇组成了幸运七人组。比利(Jonathan Brandis 饰)的弟弟乔治雨天玩耍时撞见小丑,失去了性命。他们从麦克(Marlon Taylor 饰)的家族相册中得知小丑的存在,而小丑也开始威胁孩子们的生命。七人组的孩子为了给乔治报仇,并保护镇上的孩子们,他们决心消灭小丑。经过一番激战,小丑带伤逃遁,三十年后,这个邪恶的魔鬼重返德瑞小镇……
* i3 P+ l( p1 c6 E+ q/ r3 l1 U; u
  A malevolent force in a small New England town takes the shape of a clown, but he's not clowning around. Instead, he terrifies youngsters and brings some to their untimely doom - until some wily kids fight back. The evil resurfaces 30 years later: meaner, angrier, deadlier. And friends who vividly remember youthful terrors reunite to battle It. Based on the 1986 novel.3 a4 I7 F1 A2 G0 q1 Q* y0 V6 t8 T
- O7 O" v+ e! Z6 A6 F6 n0 J  W
  1. DISC INFO:: ^1 i( g, R4 ~- C
  2. 7 P% k* K  R/ S. s. o8 j1 X
  3. Disc Title:     Stephen.Kings.It.1990.1080p.BluRayCD.AVC.DTS-HD.MA.2.0-FGT4 F. X- ]4 {7 Z$ p% Y& `
  4. Disc Size:      48,700,098,571 bytes1 {$ e$ p: e& i3 h2 ]$ h
  5. Protection:     AACS- i" }3 B* e* h' a, `/ C+ ^
  6. BD-Java:        No
    9 y, W6 G" k6 k4 B  j/ J
  7. BDInfo:         0.0.2
    $ c$ W) M$ z* o
  8. " @. \/ M- U8 U4 ?) n0 F, V" ^
  9. PLAYLIST REPORT:5 o0 Y& \3 L9 j$ `
  10. ; C% q% M  U5 p! w
  11. Name:                   00100.MPLS; V# p* R* Q  v% H& I6 Z% o
  12. Length:                 3:07:25.067 ( G7 E- k, c1 B
  13. Size:                   48,272,873,472 bytes
    2 b* a" p: ^3 I" I2 m5 E* T
  14. Total Bitrate:          34.34 Mbps+ `$ t+ D+ R3 |& O8 h3 y
  15.   S2 U4 h  K: s; E6 B- Y
  16. (*) Indicates included stream hidden by this playlist.
    6 h/ q9 S8 l% n. k# V( t; |1 }

  17. - S. ^4 D) ^8 x: Z! a
  18. Video:
    * j" m. v4 ]. ^+ W- v0 a
  19. * l/ e/ {1 u& f# K; F
  20. Codec                   Bitrate             Description   
    $ }+ q: w  }6 ^: ?) u# \% s4 ^& {
  21. -----                   -------             -----------    3 z  ?+ A' D# `/ d7 G
  22. MPEG-4 AVC Video        29939 kbps          1080p / 23.976 fps / 16:9 / High Profile 4.15 K# E  w* ^( {( d
  23. ) n+ }# D& j5 O4 N3 O# _1 b
  24. AUDIO:
    8 K  i: E1 u/ W: \) g0 `$ s: Y
  25. 9 \9 h9 R9 e* O3 Q, h* v3 r  [
  26. Codec                           Language        Bitrate         Description   
    5 D+ Z- K+ G! m. x
  27. -----                           --------        -------         -----------    & L3 N; r2 B9 {1 ]% h9 j" d" v& @
  28. DTS-HD Master Audio             English         829 kbps        2.0 / 48 kHz / 829 kbps / 16-bit (DTS Core: 2.0 / 48 kHz / 448 kbps / 16-bit)& ^3 e1 p! ^1 V
  29. Dolby Digital Audio             French          192 kbps        2.0 / 48 kHz / 192 kbps / DN -4dB / Dolby Surround8 ^1 k' D$ ?$ c5 Z4 h( Q
  30. Dolby Digital Audio             German          192 kbps        2.0 / 48 kHz / 192 kbps / DN -4dB / Dolby Surround
    2 y1 P% [) N9 J" j$ j3 M/ i3 k* W
  31. Dolby Digital Audio             Italian         192 kbps        2.0 / 48 kHz / 192 kbps / DN -4dB / Dolby Surround6 J1 `( G$ J3 ~
  32. Dolby Digital Audio             Spanish         192 kbps        2.0 / 48 kHz / 192 kbps / DN -4dB / Dolby Surround
    3 ^; i; t! ]- o
  33. Dolby Digital Audio             Czech           192 kbps        2.0 / 48 kHz / 192 kbps / DN -4dB/ l9 g/ `% U) ^6 x
  34. Dolby Digital Audio             English         192 kbps        2.0 / 48 kHz / 192 kbps / DN -4dB / Dolby Surround
    : P7 S! S- k2 m1 Q. y9 b. @
  35. ( [$ i# P; N7 Q% @7 Y8 {3 j
  36. SUBTITLES:* V/ ]/ \# f1 F% m; b- f" {$ S- Z
  37. 1 f0 s9 _: A" o! U
  38. Codec                           Language        Bitrate         Description    & j9 O+ q6 ~3 s) N; \3 i) p" G
  39. -----                           --------        -------         -----------    - i+ i+ H" {4 [
  40. * Presentation Graphics         Japanese        19.060 kbps                    / e4 U0 ]; o/ k9 S& l
  41. Presentation Graphics           English         36.095 kbps                    
    ( }$ n8 X8 a* h! `
  42. Presentation Graphics           French          27.143 kbps                    
    4 I6 C( ^) ]9 b% B# l1 n
  43. Presentation Graphics           German          31.438 kbps                    8 c1 z; q3 d# R# F. Y
  44. Presentation Graphics           Italian         31.019 kbps                    7 W/ \$ d+ G3 H4 {. B
  45. Presentation Graphics           Spanish         25.277 kbps                    $ z# h+ j$ N  C  G# z" n
  46. Presentation Graphics           Dutch           25.554 kbps                    # X7 U$ a& A) c" q$ Z; Z& P
  47. Presentation Graphics           Spanish         27.797 kbps                    
    , K4 S2 g& L+ h+ z: K
  48. Presentation Graphics           Portuguese      27.080 kbps                    3 g# J% t- e7 _  N$ t
  49. Presentation Graphics           Czech           24.308 kbps                    
    ; h1 Z2 h, N+ U  M% ~0 K! i
  50. Presentation Graphics           Danish          27.809 kbps                    7 a/ X6 }1 |& L4 K! z4 ~
  51. Presentation Graphics           Finnish         24.832 kbps                    
    1 B4 C1 {& g+ G& i$ K) X! U
  52. Presentation Graphics           Norwegian       20.031 kbps                    ' Q# }8 f; v: s9 S% ^
  53. Presentation Graphics           Polish          20.105 kbps                    
      D( c( r: O! @. `
  54. Presentation Graphics           Swedish         22.656 kbps                    
    . I2 S6 v1 ^9 i0 V" K7 Q
  55. Presentation Graphics           Thai            27.125 kbps                    
    ) T6 |2 D; z8 [; O6 ?1 G
  56. * Presentation Graphics         Japanese        39.104 kbps   
It Blu-ray, Video Quality   $ w# Y+ {, ~! o1 }
# ]) E& I* x) N: F) c( R( ~
  x* y) V  Z, m& g3 m
Presented in its original TV-friendly 1.33:1 aspect ratio, It looks excellent on Warner Bros.' Blu-ray. This production was shot on 35mm film and composed for a tube television format, although previous DVD editions by Warner Bros. -- dating all the way back to 2002 -- were all presented in matted 1.85:1 widescreen. It's good, then, that this Blu-ray finally gives this mini-series back its original shape and, although It never achieves the look or feel of a big-budget production, it's competently framed and I've never felt that it was "missing" something in that regard.Any way you frame it, though, this is a top-quality transfer and easily holds up to 2019 standards: the 187-minute main feature is given its own dual-layered disc and looks great from start to finish. Film grain appears incredibly strong and stable here, jumping higher during a few dark scenes without overpowering, while the complete absence of excessive noise reduction is certainly a good thing. Colors are also quite bold, from the bright primaries of Pennywise's hair, nose, and costume elements to lush green foliage, vivid yellow rain slickers, and even the occasional balloon. Skin tones also look very good here, and even a few dimly-lit interiors during the 1960 segments accurately replicate the era-specific interior design colors. All of this is especially important due to the fact that It was shot in frequently overcast Vancouver, BC (home of the earliest X-Files seasons, among countless other productions) and would have devolved into a drab, homogeneous palette if treated carelessly. Luckily that's not what we get here: these strengths, combined with excellent black levels and a strong level of image detail -- especially in close-ups, several of which are included as screenshots -- give It a deceptively pleasing, film-like, and robust appearance overall.
; `  x+ S& L( a0 e
: Z7 c7 F  y$ E( H& KIt Blu-ray, Audio Quality   
! y+ H; v+ m1 L  L: c1 {% J; |
2 p  @# N  L. ?9 D9 ?
6 @$ S9 j. [2 aLikewise, the audio presentation stays true to its roots and is all the better for it. Warner Bros.' DTS-HD 2.0 Master Audio (Stereo) is a serviceable effort indeed, prioritizing dialogue and overall atmosphere while remaining well-balanced and fairly immersive. Much of it is divided evenly but there are a few nice pans and other uses of channel separation, from vehicle drive-bys to some of the creepier atmospheric moments. The original score by composer Richard Bellis also sounds great when it kicks in, as do a few of the 1960s era pop tunes (which are thankfully kept to a minimum). Overall, it's a good enough presentation that does justice to its modest source material.Optional English SDH subtitles have been included during the main feature and are formatted nicely.
+ k* S6 u$ s2 P% M
( z/ t7 t& t' j8 M/ }) a3 X4 x3 q
7 I4 F0 L8 G7 K
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xpg050811 发表于 2024-5-29 08:24:14 | 显示全部楼层
, n$ ~: Z: x3 m  Z; D5 o+ m1 x7 u. ?The decisive Replies sink is I get the sinking feeling great sense of accomplishment!
0 |! L6 R* J2 X0 X* X7 I








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shiji1973 发表于 2024-5-29 12:47:28 | 显示全部楼层
7 c- r5 q0 F1 B8 I" K( R1 ]至少是现在,我一天没有访问蓝光电影论坛就不爽!At least now, my day did not visit the Blu-ray Film Forum on unhappy!$ w; E7 ^/ y* J' d+ E; O) c1 h! k
' I5 q+ I/ C7 v' k. J# CYour resources, well, I am very satisfied!
1 f9 i' w+ n: o5 v( c6 M



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