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[蓝光原盘] 八仙饭店之人肉叉烧包 [美版原盘 国粤音轨 DIY官译中字] The Untold Story 1993 1080p BluRaycd AVC LPCM 2.0-TAG 43.41GB








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Macau cops begin to suspect a man running a pork buns restaurant of murder, after tracing the origin of a case full of chopped up human remains that washed ashore, which leads them to him.
) G0 k. n) X6 d3 r, [# n' X! `, }: c5 I
. w6 `- o/ z- F: Q: f
4 D2 Y" o5 ]) m
◎片  名 八仙飯店之人肉叉燒飽 / The Untold Story$ v/ a. n2 z, ^( k8 C8 s; {2 }! @
◎译  名 八仙饭店之人肉叉烧包! ^; @: j  M; n3 Y
◎年  代 1993( o& c& Z, l9 G3 t2 K/ ?- g: d4 ^' b
◎产  地 中国香港
# F' P& D" h. `, t5 m( n8 X" A7 s2 w◎类  别 惊悚/犯罪/恐怖
- d8 q8 k* I; t◎语  言 普通话/粤语
5 A1 M# A: l/ q* D8 X& X, Q◎上映日期 1993-05-13(中国香港)) t. {$ d5 ]" J( W" Z1 n" e; L0 `
◎IMDB评分  6.8/10 from 4,722 users  2 L% H8 A- a. C: R1 Z2 C
◎IMDB链接 X3 n# j& K) _# t4 w; I. r% \
◎豆瓣评分 7.3/10 from 48,145 users/ o3 ?8 X  P' E+ h, s
7 t- r5 \$ c% v◎文件格式 x264 + LPCM % t% h% U) r) z
◎视频尺寸 1920 x 10801 d# |7 ~; R3 a  g
◎文件大小 1DVD 43.41 GiB
6 N+ S# N9 ~+ c% M* J( ?- x◎片  长 1:35:49.125 (
' _( H) n. f* Y! a3 Y; e◎导  演 邱礼涛 Herman Yau
0 p' N9 f6 U3 q# g" @$ y2 r- V◎编  剧 罗锦辉 Kam-Fai Law % s! ]! k: }5 s) ?6 q" @- ~4 @
       刘永健 Sammy Lau Wing-Kin
4 q5 M2 V% @3 {0 h: T◎主  演 黄秋生 Anthony Wong Chau-Sang
, B. B7 Y, J: }3 Z* p4 n$ }4 L       李修贤 Danny Lee. K5 P# ~. W) X8 r* s# i
       关宝慧 Emily Kwan
" j$ z* b" Q& ?& f2 f0 h3 e" n       刘兆铭 Lau Siu Ming  ?3 w; n" k6 }9 _2 h
       成奎安 Fui-On Shing
  G% p  }" w7 g4 o% ~$ }$ H" z       李华月 Julie Lee
1 G+ i" y4 w/ c! u  J2 w* ?       伍国健 Kwok-kin Ng6 R) N- T# t9 [4 c6 P$ i
       夏占士 James Ha/ o& P1 m" q! `7 w0 P
       苏伟南 Wai-Nam So
$ ?" ]" c: w5 V; I2 U* C/ m% P       许思敏 Si Man Hui
3 M, R. i4 R* N  [8 H$ c       黄天铎 Tin-Dok Wong' A$ B$ O& g9 g! ~1 ?6 K6 G( _: n
       纪家发 Eric Kei
6 I: h; r4 d' r" G       黄柏文 Parkman Wong
) s9 A" O4 J4 ~, ~. t: n       林敬刚 King-Kong Lam
. N/ d: S! h- [       梁鸿华 Tony Leung Hung-Wah
0 [6 h0 _: Z3 z  t3 I1 P! S0 J1 C2 h
& f6 ^4 ^" H* N, i◎标  签 黄秋生 | 香港 | 血腥 | 恐怖 | 暴力 | 香港电影 | cult | 犯罪
7 ~* [: J8 S' Q+ p. s# S
% Q5 l. p! `* _, S8 u. b" r◎简  介
5 O: r8 y# r4 A5 H1 R% c  m  
, ^9 c6 D8 f( s6 Y& a4 u# Q% J  1978年,香港人陈子良(黄秋生饰)向人借钱不遂,遂起杀机,将老友阿强烧死后潜逃回大陆。多年后化名为王志恒的陈子良在澳门做老板,经营八仙饭店。
: \3 A% T" g% w/ p# H% Z
, w0 H1 ~! ~, K  V) u6 {& l  一日澳门警局李探长(李修贤饰)接到海边的报案,到达现场发现一袋断肢。被海水浸泡许久的残肢已经无法辨认。3 G" D4 t8 G: q

4 s, p, c3 A, k) E2 d  八仙饭店总是接到来自大陆寄给郑临的信,同时警察局也接到大陆寻找郑临的寻亲信,而郑临正是八仙饭店以前的老板,而他们全家人已经神秘失踪。. L$ `; m; g. r

" t& |1 `8 B: G  王志恒形迹可疑,李探长遂率领全组人员跟踪监视,最终发现了一个天大秘密......
. Q* J4 T- T0 _! E3 D( A
, p  F3 Q5 |3 y7 E  片中黄秋生演技精湛,夺下当年香港电影金像奖最佳男主角,成为香港电影史上第一个凭三级片拿奖的影帝。  W$ E/ n& `: G+ C' {% |! D: d5 ~

& h! p: Q/ e' L+ Q  In 1978 in Hong Kong, a grisly murder takes place. Eight years later, on a Macao beach, kids discover the severed hands of a fresh victim. A squadron of coarse, happy-go-lucky cops investigate, and suspicion falls on Wong Chi Hang, the new owner of Eight Immortals Restaurant, which serves delicious pork bao. The hands belong to the missing mother of the restaurant's former owner; he and his family have disappeared; staff at the restaurant continue to go missing; and, Wong can't produce a signed bill of sale: but there's no evidence. The police arrest Wong and try to torture him into a confession. Can they make him talk? And what was in those pork bao?. L' U9 B2 S1 V  Y& ~
$ F2 g' U+ {7 I# Z; K6 V
◎获奖情况7 V) o8 @4 @% x- z/ {3 W$ z: p

* l. X0 y$ ~" I) c+ p3 B" G  第13届香港电影金像奖  (1994)
. |4 a# t. X. |4 J, L6 \2 C/ k  最佳男主角 黄秋生
& k& f: p6 Z7 W0 n# s8 U0 i8 ?6 F, ?$ u7 N% ^8 p+ _& j* c
  1. DISC INFO:. F$ }) T  @# F# ^" G& y
  2. $ Z) I' o* n1 s5 {. R) O
  3. Disc Label:     The.Untold.Story.1993.1080p.BluRayCD.AVC.LPCM.2.0-TAG [美版原盘 国粤双语 DIY R3HK官译简繁字幕]
    . ?2 C4 P. U8 A/ z5 t% O/ ?
  4. Disc Size:      46,607,079,420 bytes
    8 Z, ?* R! o7 B5 I6 U8 C, j  U% A( }
  5. Protection:     AACS5 Z8 d# A8 s5 b* O1 m- J
  6. BDInfo:
    ) `" ]) r8 M5 M# j3 v# n! ^
  7. 9 `( v: A- W4 n7 @8 z/ H: ]
    4 J4 }: I1 l8 ]$ o6 W6 x

  9. 2 T: w. Z& b" ]' H' v' G9 p
  10. Name:                   00000.MPLS$ A+ k; r$ @- F. x5 ]- B& Q8 R
  11. Length:                 1:35:49.125 (
    , O; e3 L* _/ r/ U
  12. Size:                   27,106,959,168 bytes
    0 F3 g: I( H6 n- x7 w3 d
  13. Total Bitrate:          37.72 Mbps
    3 g- q" M- l5 W8 V$ s& R! z( N
  14. 7 y* [9 `2 \  N
  15. Video:
    3 H9 S+ e. o5 ]# a/ N7 u4 e0 E
  16. + H) `/ ]- S, Y& V7 [4 l1 x
  17. Codec                   Bitrate             Description   
    3 M( k9 H) G0 ]5 Q& G
  18. -----                   -------             -----------   
      o' W8 |" U& E
  19. MPEG-4 AVC Video        29990 kbps          1080p / 24 fps / 16:9 / High Profile 4.1
    3 U+ e7 }* A: I
  20. 2 g! P" U7 r9 P7 J& K( _5 X
  21. AUDIO:# P+ B/ v8 l5 Z
  22. ; D, A; E3 L4 d, E& {7 O5 }
  23. Codec                           Language        Bitrate         Description   
    7 _, s3 g" i6 s8 x  {+ L- |
  24. -----                           --------        -------         -----------   6 I4 w, z( m  |" I" _2 \0 q
  25. LPCM Audio                      Chinese         1536 kbps       2.0 / 48 kHz /  1536 kbps / 16-bit
    4 n1 e2 Q8 \' N" {
  26. LPCM Audio                      Chinese         1536 kbps       2.0 / 48 kHz /  1536 kbps / 16-bit
    7 x% h- u+ D. R
  27. Dolby Digital Audio             English         192 kbps        2.0 / 48 kHz /   192 kbps / DN -31dB, Q, G; [5 G& r, B) e8 A
  28. Dolby Digital Audio             English         192 kbps        2.0 / 48 kHz /   192 kbps / DN -31dB
    & f. m8 k3 e8 t
  29. Dolby Digital Audio             English         192 kbps        2.0 / 48 kHz /   192 kbps / DN -31dB
    : w! u" @- X3 D& G7 [2 K( y8 }' I3 B
  30. LPCM Audio                      English         1536 kbps       2.0 / 48 kHz /  1536 kbps / 16-bit+ l& s" H1 }8 ~5 @" R

  31. 4 J/ @9 l! q# c- X5 ~2 U. f" ]8 i
    + v2 p' ?! B) y
  33. 5 t; z  r) z8 I0 N$ l
  34. Codec                           Language        Bitrate         Description   . F1 z2 K9 M( ?! |" ^' {' t
  35. -----                           --------        -------         -----------   
    * h$ @5 @% D' r& P& c, h
  36. Presentation Graphics           English         20.272 kbps                    / b. z" M6 R( M
  37. Presentation Graphics           Chinese         35.696 kbps                    
    , l) t2 b5 _! |# |
  38. Presentation Graphics           Chinese         36.528 kbps
The Untold Story Blu-ray, Video Quality   
8 o/ x3 Q4 e) o. j. z9 ~0 [: X
4 q/ f4 {! U4 v2 ]5 R" u6 a( z
; H" p- W+ c) m" W* N  u. G0 NThe Untold Story is presented on Blu-ray courtesy of Unearthed Classics, an imprint of Unearthed Films, and MVD Visual with an AVC encoded 1080p transfer in 1.78:1. This is a somewhat variable looking presentation that can occasionally look fairly rough but which at other times offers rather substantial detail levels and a well resolved grain field. Clarity can ebb and flow, especially when masked by at times rather splotchy looking grain (in the rougher moments), and there are also some fluctuations in color temperature, though quite often the palette looks nicely vivid. There are some kind of curious moments of boosted brightness which can add an almost milky haze overlaying the imagery (see screenshot 13). In its best moments, this transfer offers generally nice detail levels and a solid, organic appearance.
9 E7 ~- Q" s4 R/ b! G& |4 _/ [* |0 ~' x2 ?# E% c
The Untold Story Blu-ray, Audio Quality   - i' Y, a; V/ p4 k+ B

2 s  M, J7 D$ B+ y. A9 O5 s9 V, w' k( z  B5 `# j, h' {$ ^
The Untold Story features either Cantonese or Mandarin tracks in LPCM 2.0 Mono. Other than the spoken languages, I didn't hear huge variances in the tracks, and as with many other Hong Kong productions, it appears that no matter which language you choose, you'll get dubbing for at least some of the actors, leading to "loose sync". Fidelity is fine throughout, supporting dialogue, effects and score. Optional English subtitles are available.
, p+ k! q* g9 q. F. V9 e8 k% j2 ^0 F$ y3 V

9 i; a+ B9 r% Y* [& \% M
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