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[4K极清电影] 强殖装甲/变身斗士凯普 [4K REMUX无损版] Guyver 1991 2160p UHD BluRaycd REMUX HDR HEVC FLAC 2.0-Hiei 56.32GB








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Young man merges with mechanical device, becoming cyborg superhero. Strange creatures emerge, seeking to reclaim device. He uncovers plot to genetically engineer monstrous creatures.
. X3 [2 }! C9 R3 \7 F  l; V1 a( L0 T  y& [& t2 K$ W' l

. t( G( q7 P" F( i9 `, b5 M
) Y- \4 C2 w( W' d6 `◎译  名 强殖装甲/变身斗士凯普5 L; K, c+ c6 Q9 G
◎片  名 Guyver / The Guyver
" G2 V$ C7 V$ i+ L& p◎年  代 19924 G8 r; Y6 [0 T0 [- Z
◎产  地 美国/日本7 t" y( K6 G5 ]& T1 p8 z8 K: H
◎类  别 喜剧/动作/科幻, K1 k6 _% N5 N7 R1 N
◎语  言 英语; B% Q# \* A3 r' m' R  j% c
◎上映日期 1992-06-03(法国)/1992-09-10(美国)
0 n  s5 R9 ^: h( {4 V& @* u◎IMDb评分  4.9/10 from 6,162 users( [6 o" h  J# T7 W% l
) r1 K' V7 I2 a" m◎豆瓣评分 5.5/10 from 517 users
: L  T; W- [) S- `$ e◎豆瓣链接
  @9 u$ X* G) z& H◎文件格式 x265 + FLAC
( X0 V6 N1 R4 g% z& y  c  @◎视频尺寸 3840 x 21600 Z6 o7 C$ b" G$ A
◎文件大小 1DVD 56.32 GiB; b5 i& R6 X' h+ u& V4 G: ]4 W
◎片  长 1 h 32 min
7 `9 R9 {+ J! _◎导  演 Screaming Mad George 9 p+ |: L1 c* U8 F
       王孙杰 Steve Wang+ X' `! M* {" q5 @! {2 Q7 o: w6 y
◎编  剧 Jon Purdy
) c* U& |# W2 X# ^       高屋良树 Yoshiki Takaya! l; I4 y& ?1 S/ X0 r: X' a) ?. }
◎制  片  人 布莱恩·尤兹纳 Brian Yuzna
* ^( c9 [: D0 w  p- ~◎视觉特效 Ted Rae Ted Rae( S2 p/ Y7 a2 s  i7 z& |
◎演  员 吉米·沃克 Jimmie Walker1 `$ i, K! L  p# y- ^
       Spice Williams-Crosby
# Q5 W3 ?) Z+ l( W% g# @7 D9 m       Brian Simpson 1 X1 D& R. _& v+ i  z8 R4 z
       威拉德·E·普 Willard E. Pugh/ B- \$ w3 [9 N  a
       丹尼斯·马达洛尼 Dennis Madalone
( I" G: Y# p* a* k" ?( {& o3 x7 d       迈克尔·迪克 Michael Deak
( g7 ^5 `, Y: O& c0 t1 M& }* [       迈克尔·贝里曼 Michael Berryman
/ w  O9 C+ P% t       杰克·阿姆斯特朗 Jack Armstrong
4 i, Z$ d; [" z       杰弗瑞·考姆斯 Jeffrey Combs
- S' p( ]: X1 Y       大卫·盖尔 David Gale$ t; K1 T. W, {; N
       马克·哈米尔 Mark Hamill
+ F7 n; [; E; d  I, V% g/ m, Y       Jack Baker $ }( L9 |% T! O& O2 ]& \6 u" Q
       琳妮·奎格蕾 Linnea Quigley
) V' p3 h, l: [, N- `2 |5 R/ z       邬君梅 Vivian Wu0 W# Q. j# x7 [4 t; i! q% r

4 V* ]8 x5 i8 [" F3 u/ T/ I◎标  签 强殖装甲 | 科幻 | 美国 | 美国电影 | 科幻片 | 1991 | 电影 | 漫画改编. n1 q8 i7 }( C! K

! H- A8 e* a8 b7 X/ A6 d8 V% Y/ X◎简  介 . o% M' e9 {% C3 M1 ?8 i
1 e2 p5 t  o% [6 h& s7 t
1 x) \: y9 j3 s* }0 l  L) v: D( A' ^& O  P5 ?, x+ z! v
  Based on the Japanese comic-book character created by Toshiki Takaya, this hyper-kinetic science fiction fantasy plays like a live-action cartoon. The title initially refers to a mysterious piece of technology capable of generating a powerful bio-mechanical exoskeleton around the body of its operator. After scientist Tetsu Segawa (Greg Paik) is murdered while trying to deliver it to CIA agent Max Reed (Mark Hamill), the device is stumbled upon by Sean Barker (Jack Armstrong), a friend of the scientist's daughter Mizki (Vivian Wu). Sean discovers the object's power when it encases him with protective power-armor during a fight -- armor which comes in handy when the similarly-clad minions of the diabolical Chronos Corporation come after him to reclaim it. The technology they employ is revealed to be from another planet, which has enabled the head of Chronos (David Gale) to transform his henchmen into reptilian creatures known as Zoanoids (whose ranks include Jimmie Walker from the '70s TV sitcom Good Times!). In the ensuing battle, Sean's consciousness becomes merged with the power of the Guyver, bestowing him with remarkable strength and agility, as well as the convenient ability to regenerate himself when damaged. Helmed by Kung Fu Rascals creator Steve Wang and special-effects wizard Screaming Mad George, The Guyver is a colorful but ultimately clumsy comic-book adventure, bogged down by a pedestrian "Hollywood" script that seems out-of-lace amid the exotic premise and fanciful creature designs. Apparently targeted at younger audiences -- who may enjoy the broad comedy and wild monster effects -- this is relatively safe sci-fi fare compared to its ultra-violent source material. Look for "Scream Queen" Linnea Quigley in a brief cameo.4 Y- t4 c/ T, d# D# R, t
Guyver.1991.2160p.UHD.BluRayCD.REMUX.HDR.HEVC.FLAC.2.0-Hiei# @" t! k. Q- r3 b/ R, \
% A: X/ v* w" N. R2 s) m2 `
General: w# |( ^- B. N* m" I& n
Container: Matroska
1 \2 |9 d% }7 o) |7 G* g% @Runtime: 1h 32mn
9 U0 c6 F, `7 z! r8 ?3 jSize: 56.3 GiB, K$ C: x, W$ K/ U) D' q
9 l" A+ R* x! |/ `8 h3 q
Video& z8 w/ |0 Z- G5 t5 Q$ n
Codec: x265 (HDR 10-bit)$ K4 B  n5 |6 k( G  G& S
Resolution: 3840x2160
0 i9 F$ _# y! T8 {+ ?0 E) t6 hAspect ratio: 16:9
& c. O+ V# S- }' b0 T  S6 JFrame rate: 23.976 fps
; }0 \7 u: [* k% F1 e  fBit rate: 84.1 Mb/s
- ^3 y! k3 [2 V/ F, v0 i5 r9 ~, w) M; r- q  R% h
Audio: \; @: d/ h- L) a% n! V
#1: English 2.0ch FLAC @ 633 kb/s (Original Mix)' F3 [, a; ?0 O9 ]/ m. X
#2: English 5.1ch DTS XLL @ 2 084 kb/s (Surround 5.1)
! E3 G+ H! m% j2 A#3: English 2.0ch AC-3 @ 192 kb/s (Commentary with co-directors Screaming Mad George and Steve Wang, moderated by Dom O’Brien, the author of Budget Biomorphs: The Making of The Guyver Films)
% C; [' j' E/ t# i* N1 N#4: English 2.0ch AC-3 @ 192 kb/s (Commentary with actor/SFX artist Evil Ted Smith and creature shop lab tech / miniature supervisor Wyatt Weed)% n. u+ t5 a# Y' v; x
6 u! s2 T6 K1 \2 E5 T& r' S
Subtitles: English

" T: `. I) M+ k% b; l8 Z4 v
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