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[科幻恐怖] 人世下游 BD中英双字1280分辨率








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kmvodys 发表于 2011-3-6 03:25:24 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

* B+ j  z0 f. f$ S7 f
. Y4 L- u3 p0 k: {: u1 W【中文译名】人世下游
' ]  A* x0 D( q【影片原名】Downstream) A" h" C) E) Q+ Y( o; Q2 H
【出品年代】2010 年* W' r3 j! g) U$ _/ X  B
【IMDB评分】6.2/10 (12 votes)3 p* r7 L5 E0 e7 U: M. \; w( j' ~
【国  家】美国
) {' p( N/ y  H【字幕语言】中文/英文5 a8 g' J  d+ d: F  h
【视频尺寸】1280×720+ n& ^) Q0 a' ?( {2 P3 p3 \
2 d# ?9 z1 c# M9 Y( A3 u, @1 G【类  别】动作/科幻
; d. P& h6 b: N/ i1 a: B! \【导  演】Simone Bartesaghi                 8 x& V: K! A- ]& P8 m
      Philip Kim   (co-director)
6 ]2 W7 `1 K$ l" Q+ ]) K8 z      Neil Kinsella   (co-director)
* c" G1 G; s  i3 h5 B【主  演】乔纳森·特兰 Jonathon Trent ... Wes Keller: g) U+ B( \3 f2 r; r, a
      米雪儿·朗 Michelle Lang ... Janice
' Q' Q( G: H: @, m% e; X4 W; i      Elizabeth Roberts ... Sara4 R$ K  X; y. o* H' d' b% q0 O% F- f) S
      Jonno Roberts ... Tobias7 x" Q8 f# E: t% i+ `- L; l% u" t
      林尼·冯·多伦 Lenny von Dohlen ... Elder Daniel
" x5 F1 r6 B# q0 B/ y" l) j# e" @      Mickey Jones ... Meat Vendor; j% E0 D: Y0 _6 H
      Frederick Bartholomew ... Lugosi
& j+ P/ b  o* f【内容简介】
8 ]9 [3 O/ d3 p, R! H3 H- Y
( ?! B7 l! \8 T& C1 `6 g未来的美利坚合众国,当世界耗尽的石油。% ]5 j  R2 T& s5 M" ?+ o. l
& w6 a- V& V) Y. n
) o( c. i% f/ b0 z. d# C9 [% A0 i7 ]( k9 r* m

" h% U' b) g: f0 v" l
$ U: F+ R& _9 C" b' b6 fThe future of America, when the world runs out of oil.
4 `* q' `) ~% Y$ @6 z% l) h9 P- v! q. @' P# H. R9 g1 M% e
Wes Keller is a young man living in a world where oil has collapsed, the food supply has been wiped out, and cancer rates for women have skyrocketed, depleting the female population. In a barbaric environment where bio fuel, batteries, bullets and people are currency and marauders roam free, Wes tries to escape to a mythical world run on cold fusion "Plutopia", a place that may only exist in the mind. THE BILL IS DUE. 'Downstream' is a view of the not so distant future. We follow a young man (everyone's son) as he pays the price for society's decadence.
$ z3 j. ]2 V0 e2 |, z3 l' l) Z$ U4 C1 W7 ]! }1 W
影片截取图:4 E+ `. `8 G9 w

. k) l3 ~  f+ M8 `
4 L, H. `% _& \" D, x' F% V" G$ w& f: T: g- E" b3 Y- {
2 D& G1 q) C* v3 l

2 U  ^3 B! [& i

相关影片搜索: 《 人世下游2010 》Related Movies

  1. gvod://人世下游BD中英双字1280高清.rmvb5 Y8 E/ Q, F4 G# K4 ^1 O: Q
  2. qvod://1365938850|B3F12A60A8EF9C05CF748ADD2A20062A5A7205E5|人世下游BD中英双字1280高清.rmvb|



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