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[剧情悬疑] [2009][剧情][荣耀三九年/烽火家族情][BD中英双字无水印[1024/1G]

论坛网友  发表于 2011-3-11 18:58:11 |阅读模式
5 Z9 Z' P0 Q( Z& ]7 J: b' `0 M7 |# D& k: g8 ?9 q
◎译  名 荣耀三九年/烽火家族情/一九三九# C4 W' O& ?9 @2 m
◎片  名 Glorious 39/1939
: F0 e( H9 [2 a7 V◎年  代 2009' A. `' z3 i( F* u
◎国  家 英国
; M6 o- C! m5 ?* [$ E◎类  别 剧情/历史/爱情/惊悚/战争% T, {+ C2 u) Q2 V  \  t, k
◎语  言 英语
/ a& C1 O' W- U+ C7 e7 ~◎字  幕 中英双字
9 S+ n/ L& N' D: e2 P0 G2 \, R◎IMDB评分 6.7/10  186 votes" v: b* G8 X* n( O8 P/ c
◎文件格式 BD-RMVB" r* y% [1 U* Y
◎视频尺寸 1024 x 576
' g* B. }  Y$ P◎文件大小 1CD4 _5 }' S6 W: @0 F2 [
◎片  长 124 min3 Q$ W" E( Z& D- q0 M+ q6 A* A
◎导  演 斯蒂芬·波利亚科夫 Stephen Poliakoff
5 N- J: v/ M; J+ B◎主  演 比尔·奈伊 Bill Nighy  ....Alexander
. J3 |* F3 U$ y4 Z      萝玛拉·嘉瑞 Romola Garai  ....Anne Keyes
3 e6 v+ o' {; e% T+ k. _      朱莉·克里斯蒂 Julie Christie  ....Elizabeth  v9 ~4 O. a- M
      大卫·田纳特 David Tennant  ....Hector
" E3 m6 z5 N& L; v- ~      克里斯托弗·李 Christopher Lee  ....Walter2 P( c. g) w. {
      杰瑞米·诺森 Jeremy Northam  ....Balcombe( b* `5 Q" q! K# P# E% j
      朱诺·坦普尔 Juno Temple  ....Celia
! k$ n) t6 U. ~      查理·考克斯 Charlie Cox  ....Lawrence
  c! w, D: W+ J) S6 v, E      埃迪·雷德梅尼 Eddie Redmayne  ....Ralph- [) b( X+ K! s& s6 M
      珍妮·艾加特 Jenny Agutter  ....Celi
2 A* e  j) @! R7 A      休·博内威利 Hugh Bonneville  ....Gilbert
$ t6 d, }, Q5 i% q  S      阿斯尔·纽曼 Asier Newman  ....Mick
6 l7 T3 _+ i( q5 R8 U" _' ~      汤姆·古德曼-希尔 Tom Goodman-Hill  ....Reginald Payne - Director# [' Q2 [2 T. }" p
      托比·瑞格波 Toby Regbo  ....Michael Walton9 I% l* [& g! H2 {$ i( o8 R9 V
      Sam Kubrick-Finney  ....Young Walter
5 W8 J  T9 C; i8 z- L8 y; T      Sam Heydon  ....Henry Appleby
  e) K& ]4 G' {5 ^0 v. O# s6 z      Catherine Balavage  ....Sleeping Girl / Debutante (uncredited)6 n# [! {8 c, b$ n' I+ M
      James Bartholomew  ....Police Photographer (uncredited)
( v  g4 |! g. K( a      Anthony Flanagan  ....Military Policeman (uncredited)8 n) O" E+ y! o: e! K/ U
      David Frost  ....Male Film Technician (uncredited)7 }8 m' x6 P2 b& h- Y. t/ j- D( F* a
      Alyn Gwyndaf  ....Plain Clothes Detective (uncredited)
6 c% }6 B  K, Q$ y4 o9 n      James Bartholomew  ....Police Photographer
% v$ v$ S! }+ A◎简  介3 v+ m8 v) M$ I8 ?3 m
# c& Z! W" i4 T" }
影片在现今和1939年二战前夕的英格兰之间穿梭,展现了传统的凯耶斯大家族的的命运。大女儿安妮是一名有前途的女演员,她爱上了名叫劳伦斯的外国军官,然而她完美的生活在偶然发现几盘有关反英国纵容纳粹政策的秘密录音带之后急转直下。调查录音带来源的过程中,阴暗的秘密被触及了,造成一位好朋友的死亡。战争爆发后,追寻真相的安妮逃到伦敦为自己的猜疑寻找证据,但直到她被抓住并且囚禁,她才明白自己被背叛得究竟有多深...5 s- @& j) M" n3 {7 w

; V4 w' z4 @% o; c6 MThe film now and 1939 on the eve of World War II to shuttle between England, showing the traditional fate of a large family Keyes. Daughter Anne was a promising actress, she fell in love with a foreign military officer named Lawrence, but she happened to find the perfect life in several dishes on the anti-Nazi policy of the British secret connivance nosedive after audio tapes. The process of investigating the source tapes, dark secret to be touched, causing the death of a friend. After the war, fled to London to pursue the truth of Anne to find evidence for their suspicions, but until she was captured and imprisoned, she came to understand exactly how they have been betrayed too deep ...  U0 Y. u  V% [; G$ E
  1. gvod://荣耀三九年BD中英双字.rmvb
    8 N$ v7 _( v% \% J! N/ l$ ^  F% e
  2. gvod://烽火家族情DVD中英双字.rmvb
    5 D/ Y4 Q" D1 m
  3. qvod://1167151543|9E7C064C83B3C00ED028B584F40335F1C3AF83AC|荣耀三九年BD中英双字.rmvb|9 |) B9 K% k. K
  4. qvod://516685811|84D3A9B08BE29AD261CD4E6FC9E6AE1951BB1CAC|烽火家族情DVD中英双字.rmvb|
  1. thunder://QUFmdHA6Ly9keWdvZDE6ZHlnb2QxQGQwOTIuZHlnb2Qub3JnOjMzNzIvyNnSq8j9vsXE6i5b1tDTosur19YuMTAyNLfWsebCyl0vW7Xn07DM7MzDd3d3LmR5MjAxOC5uZXRdyNnSq8j9vsXE6kJE1tDTosur19Yucm12Ylpa


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