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[蓝光原盘] 博物馆奇妙夜3 [蓝光原盘] Night at the Museum Secret of the Tomb 2014 1080p BluRaycd AVC DTS-HD MA 7.1-RARBG 41.30GB








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kmvodys 发表于 2011-5-30 06:50:47 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Larry spans the globe, while embarking on an epic quest to save the magic before it is gone forever.
" A8 D% ~% A" S- ]" m
- i8 v" l3 @, w) C& |6 U( J- u! t8 S, Q
& b' E7 H5 D% g7 }; I
◎译  名 博物馆奇妙夜3/博物馆奇妙夜3:墓葬秘密/博物馆惊魂夜3(台)/翻生侏罗馆3:古墓的秘密(港)4 B3 t6 J7 J6 w4 G- r" }
◎片  名 Night at the Museum: Secret of the Tomb / Night at the Museum 35 ~2 a' z% X0 r
◎年  代 2014
( a/ X) l% Q# p+ R( [/ a2 ]  _) r◎产  地 美国/英国) U* V/ a, L/ C2 j  ]( r- [% w% h
◎类  别 喜剧/奇幻/冒险
! n% P# \0 F2 R- ^◎语  言 英语/匈奴语
( n' D% v3 W1 a◎上映日期 2015-01-04(中国大陆)/2014-12-17(埃及)/2014-12-19(美国), K* f  x5 R- g2 P( Q* l
◎IMDb评分  6.2/10 from 107,988 users, J8 E) B4 r. @/ ?  q4 ]' D; K
) l0 U9 g* u; N. y◎豆瓣评分 7.2/10 from 144,185 users
/ I: ^* ?8 u9 A◎豆瓣链接
% o  ]- F3 {+ P% _◎文件格式 x264 + DTS
- x# B0 l" N  x: d, B2 u◎视频尺寸 1920 x 1080
( q2 n5 g( G8 B& t( a◎文件大小 1DVD 41.30 GiB
, F6 }- T* y0 U! t* K2 A$ t◎片  长 1:37:48.779 ( `9 g+ V/ X) p; M; c
◎导  演 肖恩·利维 Shawn Levy  ]2 w- X3 L# M8 V, V
◎编  剧 大卫·盖恩 David Guion
" ]5 h3 J2 @; s' w/ x7 B* T       迈克尔·汉德尔曼 Michael Handelman
& B9 W6 j* I+ r       马克·弗里德曼 Mark Friedman
. X; Z) b) ^; H: a       托马斯·列农 Thomas Lennon5 {* c1 A6 J* O0 ]
       罗伯特·本·加兰特 Robert Ben Garant
2 }3 P( Q0 a$ v◎主  演 本·斯蒂勒 Ben Stiller
% U6 u: `! T5 p( H# w: V       罗宾·威廉姆斯 Robin Williams: P6 D; G* ^7 H0 G- @  Q* w, |
       欧文·威尔逊 Owen Wilson
8 G1 J/ \" l% z; V9 f# ]       史蒂夫·库根 Steve Coogan2 W  I; y* I0 O% G4 v
       瑞奇·热维斯 Ricky Gervais
; X/ F' x, _& m- R/ @; J1 M       丹·史蒂文斯 Dan Stevens
9 T+ J0 R/ @. ?, q$ C8 @3 K5 s$ e       蕾蓓尔·威尔森 Rebel Wilson8 N1 T, c" D/ y1 ~
       斯凯勒·吉桑多 Skyler Gisondo
1 K. m& S9 g& X, M: O# L       拉米·马雷克 Rami Malek
" }! z1 f+ Y+ j. ^6 `1 F$ r       派崔克·盖勒 Patrick Gallagher5 N2 v3 X- `2 l9 \
       米苏·贝克 Mizuo Peck
# n/ Y  [. _$ i. X3 z& ^9 {1 P: H; L       本·金斯利 Ben Kingsley
- m" E& c: F  j; V8 g+ T3 |  p       水晶 Crystal the Monkey
5 @1 n' K4 L; ~8 L* y       迪克·范·戴克 Dick Van Dyke8 |4 v/ C: Y) V
       米基·鲁尼 Mickey Rooney4 X" U' _' v) y9 N  k! M: H. e8 Z
       休·杰克曼 Hugh Jackman/ o* c2 N0 j- h% q, z1 o. ]
% a1 ^) h# N" B/ X9 g0 a
◎简  介5 Z4 }+ }; W- R6 I. b, K! J# v

0 O5 K9 A2 u. K. A  纽约自然博物馆重新开张,小保安赖瑞·戴利(本·斯蒂勒 Ben Stiller 饰)带领泰迪·罗斯福(罗宾·威廉姆斯 Robin Williams 饰)策划了精彩的开幕演出。谁知演出刚刚没多久,泰迪、猴子他们便陷入混乱,所有博物馆的伙伴们大闹会场,赖瑞为此焦头烂额。事后他 发现,复活黄金碑正被绿色的物质腐蚀,而这种情况似乎导致了藏品们的疯狂。赖瑞查找资料,断定黄金碑背后隐藏着不为人知的秘密。为了阻止混乱情况的蔓延,他决定前往大英博物馆求助法老王阿卡曼拉的父亲,当然那堆搞怪的藏品也都尾随而至。途中他们遇见了圆桌骑士兰斯洛特爵士,还和屋大维等伙伴走散。/ Q; l/ B- `' R( I1 S8 I% Y1 Z
1 }& j) u, Z* e- k: E1 Y3 L8 a9 P3 T
  ~; z4 S  B& ~8 y$ W  J# G9 A8 X+ R  I0 G* t9 Z
  Larry spans the globe, uniting favorite and new characters while embarking on an epic quest to save the magic before it is gone forever.
9 r7 _. L) D3 D& g
; W0 k8 f: u, y0 D: |* @
  1. DISC INFO:, p9 ?# W( m5 H/ j, W
  2. Disc Title: |9 h/ }, ?( t2 H8 u
  3. Disc Size:      44,342,705,541 bytes& l# C# {+ [% t1 X, f+ O- s
  4. Protection:     AACS- h* `; h; U+ W4 U" j5 g  p# E
  5. BD-Java:        Yes
    3 e: p4 q6 k+ r: P3 j; a
  6. BDInfo:         0.5.82 _5 }" g5 X( O3 ~
  7. PLAYLIST REPORT:) v! d: t3 R) \
  8. Name:                   00800.MPLS
    " {1 J4 n! ]. [! l
  9. Length:                 1:37:48.779 (" f3 t% a/ e7 Z% c. x% q- S3 n
  10. Size:                   27,625,297,920 bytes
    9 y6 S# c1 y1 B$ B
  11. Total Bitrate:          37.66 Mbps4 W  S" d; m0 |3 K5 l9 G! M4 C
  12. Video:9 |  O8 v  D0 x& p. ^# E
  13. Codec                   Bitrate             Description   
    + {- Y/ y1 x; I, F7 _
  14. -----                   -------             -----------    ' G6 l5 Z- I7 n4 u
  15. MPEG-4 AVC Video        29184 kbps          1080p / 23.976 fps / 16:9 / High Profile 4.1
    ' t- m; Q! ~- a; _7 I& R
  16. AUDIO:1 \; e2 S7 @% `# j6 E7 Z
  17. Codec                           Language        Bitrate         Description   
    , w) j; I# X0 C
  18. -----                           --------        -------         -----------   
    - D: `9 i. ^, J: |
  19. DTS-HD Master Audio             English         4847 kbps       7.1 / 48 kHz / 4847 kbps / 24-bit (DTS Core: 5.1-ES / 48 kHz / 1509 kbps / 24-bit)+ M7 |: e, x. Y; X+ x; f/ c
  20. Dolby Digital Audio             English         448 kbps        5.1 / 48 kHz / 448 kbps
    ( }1 a* @! s" q
  21. Dolby Digital Audio             Spanish         448 kbps        5.1 / 48 kHz / 448 kbps/ C6 v3 i' r0 q; [/ q+ l" i
  22. Dolby Digital Audio             French          448 kbps        5.1 / 48 kHz / 448 kbps
    0 |: O8 v- d1 z% u" m3 b
  23. Dolby Digital Audio             English         224 kbps        2.0 / 48 kHz / 224 kbps
    / D6 p8 ^( y  c
    9 I+ h7 G% ]8 k. t
  25. Codec                           Language        Bitrate         Description   
    # e1 q+ M+ ?0 N) g; o! G# Q: ]
  26. -----                           --------        -------         -----------    2 e7 L! N. B* d9 X
  27. Presentation Graphics           English         46.802 kbps                    
    , Y, Z- Y; s" s$ ?% v4 b* b
  28. Presentation Graphics           Spanish         35.149 kbps                    4 \4 t% Y4 U$ S' w( u- }
  29. Presentation Graphics           French          0.223 kbps
Night at the Museum: Secret of the Tomb Blu-ray, Video Quality   ; D3 B8 Y2 U  j  X8 c: Q1 C( l
0 w: _6 {3 k4 q4 N. Q
2 U$ \( {5 w, W2 a5 n
Night at the Museum: Secret of the Tomb is presented on Blu-ray courtesy of 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment with an AVC encoded 1080p transfer in 1.85:1. This is a sometimes problematic transfer, though not having seen it in its theatrical exhibition, I can't state definitively whether the anomalies are an inherent part of the film's digital photography or some issue in the encode of this Blu-ray disc. According to the IMDb, Night at the Museum: Secret of the Tomb was filmed with Red Epic cameras and boasts a 4K DI and at least some source material at up to 6K resolution, but a cursory examination of several screenshots accompanying this review (notably 11, but take a look around at others) shows that the image is often afflicted with splotchy yellow artifacts. These often crop up on digitally shot films in darker sequences, but what's a least a little concerning about this is that these are readily apparent even in scenes boasting fairly bright and natural looking lighting (look at Robin Williams' cheek in screenshot 2 for just one example). The good news is that these are not quite as problematic in motion as some of the screenshots might suggest. Aside from this somewhat distracting issue, the rest of this transfer is really sharp and nicely defined. Fine detail is excellent in close-ups and the CGI is often nicely crisp and precise looking. Aside from the requisite color grading (e.g., the yellow tint to sequences like the opening Egyptian prologue), the palette is warm and inviting and very natural looking. The film's neat looking M.C. Escher sequence (see screenshot 4) boasts a very sharp and well defined image that doesn't dissolve into moiré or aliasing.
6 B) P+ T( B4 M" m: Q2 c
/ ?" h& e6 E/ _/ X# `' lNight at the Museum: Secret of the Tomb Blu-ray, Audio Quality   
* P. G& K# O! f/ L1 q) P& z. q( @& e0 L5 H0 A
5 ?2 T7 I9 J; c. S- z
Night at the Museum: Secret of the Tomb features a boisterous and immersive lossless DTS-HD Master Audio 7.1 mix. The surround activity can be rather frenetic at times, as in the opening celebration sequence or, later, in a nice set piece involving Lancelot and a many-headed snake (isn't that Hercules territory?). The set piece taking place "inside" an iconic M.C. Escher work also features great surround placement. Dialogue and score are both presented very cleanly and are well prioritized. Fidelity is top notch, dynamic range is extremely wide, and there are no problems of any kind to report.9 C' L# R" G6 D) f! j( g
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21cn 发表于 2021-3-13 02:12:07 | 显示全部楼层
- D/ f! }( t; e) p9 l7 \+ n: MThe decisive Replies sink is I get the sinking feeling great sense of accomplishment!
) V0 n. g9 V! [0 ]



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