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[剧情悬疑] 5号四分卫/五号四分卫 The.5th.Quarter.2010.LIMITED.1080p.BluRaycd.x264-PSYCHD 6.50GB








Forum Admin

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admin 发表于 2009-6-24 04:24:50 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
2 M, Y, {5 l$ G6 V

6 ~3 z9 t/ T2 J3 O+ r◎译  名 5号四分卫/五号四分卫
1 f( ]: I& Y3 ?! x◎片  名 The 5th Quarter
7 t0 I5 c' G3 u( l* Z, M◎年  代 2010
# r2 X4 [9 ?; `* F◎产  地 美国
- c" c5 T, x! m) V  J$ p2 ~◎类  别 运动
' l: m0 j- U5 o9 r◎语  言 英语; y$ y! r/ S5 V" T$ w# R1 n
◎上映日期 2018-07-13(美国)
" i+ [# d( f( g$ d) a4 f0 s◎IMDb评分  5.7/10 from 1,259 users2 a/ F2 h9 V5 M1 z. \8 W5 f9 ?
+ |4 d0 l: |) M; W6 w5 q( F◎豆瓣评分 0/10 from 0 users* Q5 _$ `1 `" r
◎豆瓣链接$ l8 D- T# U* _* `' K0 G
◎片  长 1 h 44 min6 A9 T+ a, ~7 ^# M: o
◎导  演 Rick Bieber( w, c" _' L) [9 z( a
◎编  剧 Rick Bieber
+ |& S& h8 k" p  I/ K5 c◎主  演 瑞恩·莫里曼 Ryan Merriman
4 z7 G+ K9 T6 n' h( i: U4 a8 Z2 E' w       安迪·麦克道威尔 Andie MacDowell
8 F1 V) [* h7 [  n( p- y       艾丹·奎因 Aidan Quinn8 l( q, Z$ V: `% L/ Z( a  b& Q
       Jason Drago
) j+ [. v  t3 m& @9 P       Eli Spruill# ^, X+ R6 [8 M* Z# ~: B
       David Stewart Cowles II* ?) Q, ?! X7 Q* O" e$ j
       Jerry Cashman) N& Z2 u, C7 z  g
       Angela Simmons-Morgan' F2 u0 M3 D9 w7 j

4 l5 C0 e. _& S0 i% {◎简  介  . T$ }8 x3 J, U% G7 F

% v' }2 _. ]: p& H% Q  In February 2006 young Luke Abbate accepted a ride home from a fellow student following his high-school team practice. In a severe case of irresponsible and reckless teen-age driving and over the objections of Luke and the other young passengers the driver lost control of the car at nearly 90 miles-per-hour spinning off a narrow road and landing in an embankment some seventy feet below. Luke suffered irreparable brain damage and died in the hospital two days later - just four days before his sixteenth birthday.! w3 c$ ~, u2 e& o5 e  _

6 {6 b6 ]; D. x* E
  1. The.5th.Quarter.2010.LIMITED.1080p.BluRayCD.x264-PSYCHD- _2 N& ]9 l! b  C- D
  2. 8 V+ y  d9 W2 E" Q) @
  3. Date..............: 22/08/2011- p8 j+ [/ z7 S
  4. IMDB..............: C0 O# a/ x8 Q" J3 `
  5. Ratings...........: 4.7/10   87 votes: y+ f2 _% f& h, {
  6. Runtime...........: 01:29:40
    9 }3 H1 ~9 F7 E7 A7 i3 ^" o
  7. Video....,........: 1920x1040 / 23.976fps2 k3 A. _' O9 `( @0 G3 x) C
  8. Audio.............: DTS 1509& H% t9 ~- G# y
  9. Size..............: 6720mb

' {& ~( w( g  h2 z& F' w$ h0 r! I) ~/ R- r; \( k

9 _, H! T' @* B: A6 a% D/ e; S; M
* A4 J% |0 k# I, f+ m& O( E
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0 X* p- J$ ]& y, m# I8 T



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