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[喜剧爱情] 致命的艳遇 Une aventure 2005 FRENCH 1080p NF WEBRip DDP5.1 x264-playWEB 3.12GB








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kmvodys 发表于 2011-7-1 19:34:36 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
01.jpg : \  W! Z8 x3 f' N

" _2 b. x, p6 S8 \) X- [◎译  名 致命的艳遇
. G# j) ?: t) y- i$ L◎片  名 Une Aventure / À cause de la nuit6 K7 }* F8 _7 v# G
◎年  代 2005. }# B' B% o, s3 E! t& c' Q: l
◎产  地 法国/比利时
" C& l/ L" Z! }& ^! G7 l' M' l( @◎类  别 剧情/爱情1 a4 C1 d9 L# ]2 h, U/ W
◎语  言 法语2 G% A, g8 z# u7 A# Y( e
◎上映日期 2005-08-31(法国)
% r$ P" q& i/ j: j  m! Q6 }  B; T" S◎IMDb评分  5.1/10 from 438 users* M- X1 {- m# z, e( N
◎IMDb链接! [  q' s# h- K' m3 X8 ^' P' Q5 D3 h+ Q
◎豆瓣评分 5.4/10 from 248 users- {: }; [/ n% E0 j3 ]* F
◎豆瓣链接 g/ B- X% `6 r
◎片  长 1 h 40 min
7 v( S0 M$ M( d& l, A( w. v  ]" O* f◎导  演 泽维尔·吉亚诺利 Xavier Giannoli
. h% y; \6 @$ Z8 m( A◎编  剧 泽维尔·吉亚诺利 Xavier Giannoli+ i% R% ?& \- M" S3 v" d: V. v7 `7 U5 G
       雅克·菲耶斯基 Jacques Fieschi
' P5 \9 H, p  ]4 ~9 ]- ~) Q◎主  演 露德温·塞尼耶 Ludivine Sagnier% \- F- T% t! x* @% Y
       尼古拉斯·迪佛休尔 Nicolas Duvauchelle0 m! Y: T2 h( n4 C# ]' Y$ p* u6 E5 @
       布鲁诺·托德契尼 Bruno Todeschini
% s2 L+ c$ {, w9 O$ f( }" A- g       弗洛伦斯·卢瓦雷 Florence Loiret
" t& ~" m. Q& f! k: d% M* Y       Antoine de Prekel
& b/ z3 q% r2 o; z* h1 c: \
1 H7 n: I9 K. j  R: N◎简  介   ( Q) O+ }- W( o) N2 W# C/ ~; b2 g
9 D* ^. I) t4 E' n+ E( j
  《致命的艳遇》 (Une Aventure)2005年 法国引起巨大争议的情欲电影白日梦式性幻想、超现实的艳遇之旅导演:克萨维.吉阿诺里《渴望的肉体》《当我还是歌手》演员:吕迪薇娜·萨尼埃《游泳池》《莉莉的诱惑》简介:朱利安(尼科拉·杜沃歇尔饰)夜里在一间录像带资料馆工作。一天晚上他回家时隔着楼房前厅的玻璃看见一位穿睡衣赤足的少妇加布丽埃尔(吕迪薇娜·萨尼埃饰)。女人似乎向他求助。次日,朱利安购物时再次遇到加布丽埃尔,他说不出所以然地被她吸引,他随后得知她患有梦游症,她和她的儿子就住在他家对面的楼里,她有一个情人,名叫路易,是一个已婚男人,他供养她生活。+ z, j6 Y" l& r4 y% G8 I

* l: h. @3 l9 W0 w3 ^7 {! @  Cecile and Julien begin their new life together. Julien works long hours in a Video library, a world full of pictures. Coming home late one night, he encounters a young, beautiful, disturbing woman in front of his building. She seems lost, as if in a dream. She mumbles something to him, like a call for help, and vanishes. Since this strange encounter, and maybe for the first time in his life, Julien is confused, becoming obsessed by the mystery surrounding this intriguing woman, Gabrielle. He discovers that she lives across the street with an intimidating, violent-looking man, Louis. Following her at night, Julien sees Gabrielle sleepwalking, perhaps a refugee from the distressful, dangerous world she must inhabit. Risking everything, including Cecile's love for him, Julien plunges into Gabrielle's strange but fascinating life, determined to save her from Louis, even herself, somehow hoping to avert the catastrophe that awaits her.
7 A) r) N4 o5 B9 w" j1 I% `4 S  b) R/ y
- Q- D) U2 D$ Z, T# Y8 ]0 l
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