' r# M4 ]0 I+ g5 ]$ x) d
D3 S2 I& ^3 J* V中文名稱:發現新大陸/美丽中国
+ w/ }* C# O/ _- }3 U: S3 S, E英文名稱:Wild China
' @3 M; x6 m) g( k, g播出時間:2011.09.24-2011.10.29 星期六 05:00PM 高清翡翠台
/ r2 k( l# B. O; o集數:6
% ^# o$ e8 E/ t. v! z語言:粵/英* K3 a( ^7 d* M9 L# H
字幕:繁/簡1 o0 ~8 d, q6 z1 A+ B
0 ]6 h3 }3 E9 `
簡介" z! F: }$ @# R5 U/ O3 a
7 |9 r0 R+ Q; g1 e2 ] t
Documentary that brings pioneering images that capture the dazzling array of mysterious and wonderful creatures that live in China's most beautiful landscapes.7 T' R0 b0 A' O& U0 B. d2 T8 W
Ancient tea-growing cultures, traditional seaweed-thatched villages, bird-filled wetlands, rare white dolphins, snake-infested islands and futuristic cities jostle along China's fertile eastern seaboard which marks the front-line in the scramble for resources and space between seven hundred million people and a surprising wealth of wildlife.
$ o3 X% |6 c+ D# x8 S+ l( }
: X* s& D8 Z2 C: i+ A# g r+ x- \人物) P/ l0 k* Z) M2 R1 h
監製 Mike Gunton
& E; C5 P9 R$ M編導 Martha Holmes4 ]* U# E9 E9 O
. z5 v& y: X9 j4 ^
所有集數 (6)) p6 i% Q3 z( {/ Z& ]0 I
% s3 o3 q' l) Z5 l/ l) ^& {+ N
Sharp Wild China
+ d9 A1 _1 C9 O6 F4 i. z& wTides of Change 發現新大陸 30 Sep 2008 at 08:30p.m.& ]! ~6 N1 w: W3 h U
5 r* ]3 A# Z- e8 q) Y+ m' D
今集《Sharp 發現新大陸》將帶大家探索那些依靠海洋的生物。傳統海草蓋的村莊和狂放的沼澤地陸續被現代城市掩沒,然而罕見的野生天鵝仍能生存。他們多以上海作為冬天避難所,沿路線牠們避開淺渤海海灣,從肥沃泥土收集貝類、並且在浩大的海草農場寄居。遷徙鳥也喜愛使用海島作為休息的地點,由於海灣水沉積豐富,農業肥料促進浮游生物成長;同時更吸引大量水母,因此每個夏天,漁船的艦隊均會設置網設陷阱予水母。
" ~6 a. V4 d- x) Q. E% h3 u& t& W+ W: F) `& f! P
7 f7 O' }# x/ Q% o% k+ I: H7 `% p7 X$ _' Q
From the eastern end of the Great Wall, China's coast spans 14,500 kilometres and more than 5,000 years of history. This is a place of huge contrasts: futuristic modern cities jostling traditional seaweed-thatched villages, ancient tea terraces and wild wetlands where rare animals still survive. Each year, endangered red-crowned cranes make an epic journey along the coast between their northern breeding grounds and their winter refuge close to Shanghai. Along their route they skirt the shallow Bohai Gulf, where traditional seaside communities collect shellfish from the fertile mud and cultivate vast seaweed farms which they share with wild swans, known as ‘winter angels'.' e$ ^2 y6 k" w
9 [' [4 h; q( Y. ~3 d. y! FOut in the gulf, rocky Shedao Island is infested with venomous snakes lying ambush for the twice-yearly influx of migrating birds, which use the island as a resting point. The gulf waters are enriched by fertile sediment from the Yellow River, boosted by agricultural fertilizers which stimulate the growth of plankton, in turn providing food for plagues of jellyfish. Each summer, armadas of fishing boats set nets to trap the jellyfish, which in China are eaten as a delicacy...
8 ?* E; u' p: F4 w4 l1 y7 {% ~
5 j- j, K5 h8 d0 N/ f
b c1 _+ A9 D9 k' ^Sharp Wild China# b2 _% B1 y8 `" H% {& J
Beyond the Great Wall 發現新大陸 23 Sep 2008 at 08:30p.m.
7 ?% S5 D* l' J6 w
: B) U4 L$ j- O5 R7 Z今集《Sharp 發現新大陸》與大家遊歷長城,中國長城由古中國皇帝修築,把居住在北部的外族關在外面。長城成為屏障的原因,是中國北部有可怕的西伯利亞冬天和枯萎;夏天則有風雨如磐的沙漠守護。這些情況的原因是塑造了一些人民和野生生物,如有密集的森林與野公豬和幾隻西伯利亞老虎。而少數族裔通過冰川的小孔釣魚,甚形至成群馴鹿。
2 Y+ U# {" A' c) f9 B' z9 K0 \5 Y0 r8 F8 O6 |
1 o6 @: n0 s, _+ {2 t0 }" l
4 S! c, z! }8 {the fifthth episode looks at the lands north of China's Great Wall. Here, nomadic tribes from a variety of ethnic groups still roam, but their traditional ways of life are changing as people move to modern cities. In ancient Manchuria, the last Hezhe fisherman still cast their nets beneath the thick ice of the frozen Black Dragon River. The forests here support wild boar, which forage for walnuts in winter, and the last remaining wild Siberian tigers in China. Ewenki reindeer herders came from Siberia hundreds of years ago: now, only 30 remain. Further west lie the rolling Mongolian steppe grasslands, and at Bayan Bulak, the livestock of Mongoliandemoiselle cranes and whooper swans. Continuing westwards, the land becomes increasingly hot and dry, turning first to arid grasslands roamed by rare goitered gazelles, and then to the Taklamakan Desert, the world's largest shifting sand desert. Here stand ruined towns, a legacy of the Silk Road, and many yardangs, sand-sculpted rock formations.
# H1 z' b- |# U0 x
: t5 U m; w+ k9 uUnderground irrigation canals at Turfan oasis enable grapes to be cultivated, and red-tailed gerbils are quick to take advantage. Kazakh nomads spend the summer in the Tian Shan before descending to the Junggar Basin, an arid land bordering the Gobi Desert, to overwinter. Here their livestock shares the meagre pasture with the last wild horses on earth. A Kazahk demonstrates the 6000-year-old tradition of hunting with golden eagles. The closing scenes show the Harbin Ice Festival horsemen share the pastures and wetlands with breeding.
E7 M B ?7 D! G) C
0 N' x0 U5 s" W: p! X+ c5 U2 h" R% U( U5 R( h+ L Z
Sharp Wild China
0 a" j8 U1 b0 [7 X2 vLand Of The Panda 發現新大陸 16 Sep 2008 at 08:30p.m.
|: b& g+ {* Q0 z( y! b: a/ V) @. o) }
中國西部是多山多地、人口密度比較低的地方,而東部在黃河和長江之間則是個物產豐盛的城市,重視工業化和密集的農業。中心區如長城、天壇貴為中國地標長達五千年,然而在這個人口密集的地區中仍見一些罕有的生物……7 q7 P- f$ A6 \' a0 Q
野生大熊貓一直被公認為難以攝製,它們當遇到敏感的吵鬧,能立刻通過密集的竹林逃離現場,攝製隊為近距離拍攝愛隱藏的熊貓,不僅搜尋凍竹葉子鋪成的雪山,還發現了其他罕有的生物。. C' A, k+ z- g- J1 z* U8 S9 d M
$ B, t0 m" \# z( @, I( ^; a: J6 uWhile much of western China is mountainous and relatively thinly populated, the eastern side, between the Yellow and Yangtze Rivers, is a place of great cities, of heavy industrialization and intensive agriculture. China's heartland with its predominantly Han ethnic population is the centre of a 5,000-year-old civilization which has created landmarks such as the Great Wall, the Temple of Heaven, and Beijing's Olympic Stadium. But this densely populated area is also home to some of China's most charismatic creatures.
$ M5 {, P1 E9 S d E8 C8 m9 J, A# T: r! \! V
The elusive giant panda has always been considered incredibly tricky to film in the wild. It's so secretive and sensitive to noise that researchers have barely caught a glimpse of one as it moves swiftly through the dense bamboo. However we were able to film not only pandas foraging for frozen bamboo leaves in the snow covered mountains of the Qinling Mountains, but also the entire courtship and mating rituals of these wonderful creatures, never filmed before. The sounds were like Chewbacca in a pub brawl! We were also able to film the rare golden snub-nosed monkey and the formidable and aggressive golden takin – a fabulous creature said to be the original owner of the Golden Fleece. When male takin clash horns during their rut, the sound reverberates around the mountains like a gunshot.- @) @4 @3 q, Q0 V X: X3 J
& m# b" J4 s# s: Y4 M5 I4 }0 K0 J
Sharp Wild China
, t& `$ T0 G, t: mTibet 發現新大陸 9 Sep 2008 at 08:30p.m.
|+ @: { X0 `5 @! T
- f1 N3 C. n# e+ s/ K9 {: U今集《Sharp 發現新大陸》為帶大家遊覽西藏。西藏高原佔地中國四分之一,相等於西歐的大小;這個浩瀚的大原野亦是世界上其中一個最偏遠的地方,共長達2,900公里,尤如中國的另一條長城。( Q3 v% D6 _' M5 {
4 Q) ~4 J" Q% ^8 D0 z, k9 r9 P' M- ?' ~0 h: @4 I
The size of Western Europe, the Tibetan plateau covers a quarter of China. This vast windswept wilderness is one of the world's most remote places, defined by the glacier-strewn Himalayas. But this brutal region is home to incredible wildlife such as rare chiru, brown bear, wild yak, and even the highest predators on earth. There are more large creatures here than anywhere else in China. Tibet has a unique culture, defined by over one thousand years of Buddhism. This strange looking culture has nurtured remarkable beliefs. We will understand why this landscape and ancient culture is the life support system for much of the planet.
8 E* j% h) z0 F3 U9 W4 ]8 w8 O3 O
8 q& ^6 D# C9 Z2 n7 n# I- H4 A8 a jSharp Wild China+ s* k- l9 C7 Q. a0 e
Shangri La 發現新大陸 2 Sep 2008 at 08:30p.m.
: x3 o! `+ E0 y9 l' h# q% \# g% k5 O+ Z% C; c3 u
香格里拉(Shangri-La)是英國小說家詹姆斯·希爾頓1933年的長篇小說《消失的地平線》中虛構的地名。書中描寫香格里拉位於喜馬拉雅山脈西端一個神秘祥和的山谷,而當地的居民信奉藏傳佛教。在西方文化中香格里拉通常意指帶有東方神秘色彩祥和的理想國度。由於香格里拉概念的流行,中國境內一些地區也爭相宣稱是香格里拉的真正所在,其中包括雲南的麗江-中甸,四川的稻城-亞丁以及西藏的相鄰區域察隅、波密、林芝等。其中雲南的中甸「搶注」成功,於2001年12月17日被中國國家民政部批准改名爲香格里拉縣,令其他競爭對手頗有微辭。/ R. M. i6 p8 e6 T7 b! B
# O( C: W# P$ e# rHidden beneath billowing clouds, in China's remote south west, are perhaps the richest natural treasures in all China. Immense rivers carve their way south below towering peaks. The wind-swept slopes are home to the highest living primates in the world, and hidden in the valleys below are jungles with a diversity of wildlife comparable to those around the Amazon. Jewel-coloured birds and ancient tribes share forests where wild elephants still roam. The mystery is that Yunnan's remote forests stretch into northern territories where normally deserts would be found. How can these northern forests exist? Perhaps the rugged landscape holds the key...
( ?; e# ?. {. C' K% }) {; M* Z ^+ P
, M$ K, |2 d' k
Sharp Wild China7 m5 Z: J& y( M+ F @2 m( Y H
Heart of the Dragon 發現新大陸 26 Aug 2008 at 08:30p.m.
# ~3 N) M- E' w4 ^/ q- M: J8 z
' n4 G$ z7 s9 Y6 {3 ]. ^《發現新大陸》由英國BBC與中國中央電視台合作拍攝的,一部關於中國野生動物和自然風光的系列紀錄片,其中有些野生動畫和風景的鏡頭從未在銀幕上出現過。* p) A2 o7 i6 o. }! D0 X9 K* t- O
0 k4 J; b" ?( l& z/ M
* t% k& [2 b$ s) Z) K, m4 w7 \" M1 c2 R" o9 ~& O, d. K
0 ?) B6 b* T& v. H% `. s$ C' i3 p, g% j
For the first time in a century, China is opening up to the world. This landmark series gains unprecedented access into this most enigmatic of countries, to reveal a land of astonishing complexity.
0 {. B" e5 A- y. t7 D# @. b' p/ x" |& {
High definition cameras capture unique images of the mysterious creatures and diverse human communities that live in China's varied landscapes.
* Q( p' @: z# r, X+ A
+ C2 S' @& l# X1 ], w- h& g1 I/ z, UThe glittering peaks of the Himalayas, the world's highest mountain range, tower over the desolate Tibetan plateau. Deserts range from searingly hot to mind-numbingly cold. Rivers roar through steep-sided gorges and cascade down forested waterfalls.
8 V- _; } r% f" X. \8 L: ]7 k, a& S* d& U7 ~' l
Emerald rice paddies form a glistening patchwork between clusters of egg-box hills. Flocks of cranes migrate along a coastline studded with bustling high-tech cities. Steaming jungles harbour wild elephants, colourful birds and strange tropical flowers./ K) ]8 i6 Z/ F5 i0 c
8 X: Z: U1 R0 F' i! {Journey through this breathtaking place, from the Himalayas to the barren steppe, the sub-arctic to the tropical islands, and discover the cultural diversity of China and the mysterious, beautiful, wild and rare creatures which live here.3 r& c* f6 F7 j8 x/ { U9 m
2 R5 t& _0 M: X+ \In Episode of HEART OF THE DRAGON, the improbable egg-carton hills of Southern China seem to float in a sea of glistening rice paddies. This is a landscape full of surprises – next to peasants ploughing with buffaloes are rivers concealing dwarf alligators and giant salamanders, trained cormorants that catch fish for their masters, bats with unusual tastes, and monkeys that hide in caves. But this isn't a nature park - almost 300 million people live here, with a tradition of eating wildlife. So what forces have shaped this remarkable landscape and how do farmers and wild creatures manage to coexist among the rocks and the rice fields?6 z l, L0 k/ d4 u" A6 g
( r# o% z# _/ s0 j" S% {
: u8 I0 e7 j9 q. J! g# l- ?4 B发现新大陆/美丽中国[全6集] 粤英双语/内置简繁中字 HDJ Wild China HDTV 720p x264-HDSTV 8.95GB: m* N1 |7 S$ h$ h) u0 A
下载地址3 c3 D! j; h) a& p7 D3 e- H