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[喜剧爱情] 印度爱情故事/伴我同行 Ek Main Aur Ekk Tu Blu-Ray 1080p x264 DTS-DDR 8G








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24xs 发表于 2012-4-24 16:40:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

8 F) O) ]" T, [# ^7 z9 f5 Z
- i3 P1 ^! b' O$ `9 m◎译  名 印度爱情故事/我和你/守护爱情/伴我同行( e& n7 b" m8 `3 [
◎片  名 Ek Main Aur Ekk Tu- |  O8 K/ e6 n; q3 }1 I- d8 J  Z
◎年  代 2012
+ L4 G9 T3 e; ?◎国  家 印度! I; m; l7 h9 F7 P% _' K
◎类  别 喜剧/爱情* a  i. _4 @7 A/ `
◎语  言 北印度语
' t* \' i* ]; o◎字  幕 英文/阿拉伯文( Q$ ?, I3 o# |+ s! z( E
◎IMDB评分 6.2/10 from 1,038 users
# ?4 ?5 j- h2 Q6 u( k◎IMDB链接 v& z/ H3 J$ ]7 t
◎片  长 1:52:00
) l( r; P: y1 f/ E, ^/ P◎导  演 Shakun Batra
0 m, V3 C5 y5 }; {- z3 q◎主  演 Imran Khan ....Rahul$ }% U) v1 C5 i1 j( k  j
      卡琳娜·卡普 Kareena Kapoor ....Riana Braganza! f6 n3 F. A0 t( |
      博曼·伊拉尼 Boman Irani3 X7 \" k# f0 e% n% z1 u
      Ratna Pathak ....(as Ratna Pathak Shah)
& z- t1 n, q  y" [      拉姆·卡普尔 Ram Kapur! w) N: |  J" P- q0 p3 o2 z% X
      Randhir Kapoor% k! B, V! _: k. E9 U0 A
      Zenobia Shroff ....Nicole Braganza+ N2 ^1 l8 }. B# \: Z
      Rajesh Khattar ....Mr. Shah
1 A: x& K5 k; b- o& b% O* c% |  u      Sonia Mehra: U3 e3 D$ Q9 p( m, X, b/ o
      Kevin Flaherty ....Christmas tree father
  q! K' L# a/ h! O& O. r  G6 v      Dana Lewis ....Mrs. Bulani) E( j3 k* {0 t* d: |& R/ q
      Rob Darren ....Passerby
& t9 d2 J# P% O) z3 g" i0 r9 a' C      Noah Rotroff ....Christmas tree son
" i; d6 E. F1 M1 c      Ben Fama Jr. ....Patron) S/ X6 v8 O8 m
      Dwayne Kennedy ....Cute Guy% i& i6 N1 ^+ h- Q
      Joan Riegert ....Passerby (uncredited)
6 U# ]0 a9 [3 u( r5 g5 R( g      Melisa Sawtelle ....Girl observer (uncredited)$ {, M  J# I, k3 \
◎简  介: n  T% s) r0 T6 t, V3 V% w; s( m4 l
5 }" u5 k' D9 C4 T8 S. |
  Rahul Kapoor (Imran Khan),25岁,他失去在拉斯维加斯的建筑师工作,但是又担心让父母失望,Rahul Kapoor 决定隐瞒**,去寻找一份新的工作。 因为命运的捉弄,他遇见Riana Braganza(Kareena Kapoor),26岁,思维敏捷的发型师。因为一系列的事情,他们一起度过的圣诞节,并且喝了点酒... ...
, ?$ t; u/ q3 e8 \, e( I$ c: e
) @* M! H6 P) c  H  z8 B  Rahul Kapoor (Imran Khan), 25, is on his way to become a carbon copy of his parents when he suddenly loses his job as an architect in Vegas. Afraid that he has let his parents down, Rahul decides to hide the truth and find another job. When by a twist of fate, he meets Riana Braganza (Kareena Kapoor), 26, a quick-witted hairstylist, who is everything he isn't.
( T" R3 T. L3 O6 i4 O& X
& w* i) L, h7 L3 L$ S$ `  r: ~  A series of events lead them to meet on Christmas Eve over a few drinks… but like always, it's never a 'few'. Following this night of debauchery, they wake up to discover that they've gotten married. Now, Rahul has more than just his job loss to hide from his parents.4 x! }0 P" O& c' N6 I3 X5 n

0 L# Z* r) ~: M. [8 c" K  They both decide to get it annulled as soon as possible and get an appointment from the court in ten days. Over the next ten days they have their share of arguments, moments and laughs that results in an unlikely friendship.8 }: V6 V* n9 C  k; u
1 S0 ~' L, c& F  F% w
  Will this friendship turn in love? Will her warmth and fearlessness give Rahul the courage to face a long-simmering confrontation with his parents? Will a marriage that started as a drunken mistake help two people find themselves?  
$ _  a8 W8 o5 Y3 O1 m( d1 X1 c2 y1 P4 G) l5 H& s; @+ Z
[xz]印度爱情故事/我和你/伴我同行 Ek.Main.Aur.Ekk.Tu.Blu-Ray.1080p.x264.DTS.DDR.torrent 8.1GB[/xz]9 V+ M& h/ K' v7 s/ q9 ~4 i# ?# V
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