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[剧情悬疑] 爱情故事 Tied 2013 1080p BluRaycd x264-ROOR 5.46GB








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迅雷电影 发表于 2014-4-14 02:14:16 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

% f$ ^, E0 f( I7 v4 _* I8 R- h! q; I, N4 x
◎名  称: 爱情故事
" w: D2 q& C. {( q9 H8 c◎其他名称: Tied / Une histoire d'amour/ X, g. }3 F5 d: \1 B4 t
◎发行年份: 2013
# w5 m) ~/ R6 V- U5 O% j◎视频类型: 剧情 , 爱情 , 情色 , 黑色电影
( z* T1 s* `, J+ C% P1 g◎国家地区: 法国 , 卢森堡 , 比利时
# q, m9 o. v8 ?9 }) W, m◎上映日期: 2012-01-09(法国)
0 o1 L2 J2 v' k2 Q+ q7 _◎语  言: 法语2 t& D' S# a/ W8 U8 M
◎字  幕: N/A
  ~& V9 }0 G* A. ^9 \◎评  级: N/A# m( n" N6 r# C! Y6 `  M
◎IMDB评分: 4.3/ x) m# J4 |; k! G5 n+ m
2 j2 j, S: w) E- ^" T◎文件格式: x264 + DTS5 I, N$ y$ {1 V# ^3 y. P( k! B. J
◎视频尺寸: 1920 x 808
/ @. U* N; _/ A) N! n◎文件大小: 5.46 GB
2 S: s  c( z. S# }6 [( a4 D! {0 u◎片  长: 1h 19min3 H; {- e4 \9 x
◎导  演: Hélène Fillières
' x# ^4 m+ Y) [' m  _0 ]◎编  剧: Hélène Fillières
- u- M" c" j5 w! m5 A: b% |◎主  演: Laetitia Casta5 g+ h4 o6 @& i& U" Y
      Benoît Poelvoorde
* k" |7 q$ g4 f  x# I; j7 {- s1 L      Richard Bohringer
/ q; K# I" \  l9 J; l( L◎简  介:5 w: A/ J' K  _# {1 C( k  }+ n$ |+ F

4 F# C* g/ f! z, [) ~  v- a4 y" u  年轻妹子偶遇熟男银行家,做了后者的情妇。他送了她一套皮装,给自己一把手枪。某天他向她提出一笔百万美金的“交易”。她决定令他信守承诺。6 n1 {! K* s" v

! ]- ?3 P: E! {2 l4 t0 l  I) }Elle l’a rencontré un soir de printemps, elle est devenue sa maîtresse. Il lui a offert un revolver, elle une combinaison en latex. Imprudent, il lui a proposé un million de dollars. Insatiable, elle est venue lui rappeler ses promesses...# u% U' T& ]; u
  g0 m1 h- H2 z; z
A wealthy French banker and his dominant mistress have made a routine of pushing each other to their limits through increasingly extreme and dangerous desires. But tension in the relationship grows when they negotiate a marriage contract that may be more than either of them are willing to fulfill. When negotiations stall, the banker's fetishistic interests start to bleed into their personal lives, threatening to destroy them both. Passion, power, and violence eventually become one and the same for the doomed lovers.
1 w. Z8 i- v1 m0 B$ H/ K; ]6 K* W) Z) ~9 J2 b4 G8 L; q  y4 G
  1. Tied.2013.1080p.BluRayCD.x264-ROOR% R, |$ _; `, u) ]

  2. 6 ?9 @1 C  d$ H+ |/ Y; T
    / e# |2 B2 a4 C( x6 i
  4. 2 g- c, J6 j9 g( V" A
  5. Length..............: 1h 19min
    , Z2 L0 _5 t# L  L
  6. Video...............: 1920x808 (X264 @ 23.976fps)1 M; v0 I+ C) h, c2 z, N
  7. Bitrate.............: 9827Kbps8 g+ N/ n) s/ q# }) Z
  8. Audio...............: DTS 1509 Kbps
    , [) {! E" [' m3 A8 n
  9. Language............: French% L5 q) N' ^6 U" e
  10. Subtitles...........: N/A$ U" F+ C. @0 l  C
  11. Genre ..............: Drama
% v: U. p7 s! B, z& v. [

+ t( O  c1 R! \+ T
% M( _% d( D2 b+ _& v1 s2 A& g' E. E& S) i4 n
  1. magnet:?xt=urn:btih:QJYX2HJGKI7YGGHC5J5XBO3E6OPQL7TE&dn=Tied.2013.1080p.BluRaycd.x264-ROOR&tr=udp://



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