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& W2 f1 k9 A0 u8 T% u5 I; Z
7 M# ?, ~2 a4 `% u: o! o+ H& N【中文译名】沉默的羔羊
- a) N% X: K% \2 T+ k& S+ S【影片原名】The Silence of the Lambs
! s+ u# `1 H+ E4 [( H1 T2 _【出品年代】1991 年# D# {' K- }7 l3 L n. Z* {; Z! K
【IMDB链接】https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0102926/$ p$ n0 y5 o9 y3 L; _9 o/ C4 V
【IMDB评分】8.7/10 from 448,064 users Top 250 # 24- ^& H7 ]$ |1 V0 b8 @* Y) Q
【影片时长】1h 58mn( H0 e0 l+ Q/ c2 W5 x" J3 S* [* W1 }
【国 家】美国: ^9 _' y1 g+ x: ?% A1 S
【语 言】英语
( C/ u3 z: S( ?; t; A【类 别】惊悚/犯罪
; @. v/ |4 P" r7 M1 ?【导 演】乔纳森·戴米 Jonathan Demme
" B8 \( n$ J, n- f【主 演】茱迪·福斯特 Jodie Foster .....Clarice Starling
+ T+ A. x) t& {" H 安东尼·霍普金斯 Anthony Hopkins .....Dr. Hannibal Lecter
# {- Q) K5 Y! Y; g1 Q, F" }: S 斯科特·格林 Scott Glenn .....Jack Crawford
- }3 Z$ A; z; a8 _" S 布鲁克·史密斯 Brooke Smith .....Catherine Martin ?5 K! N# G, [2 o
乔治·A·罗梅罗 George A. Romero .....FBI Agent in Memphis (uncredited)
% y& w7 V9 I+ ~4 X% p, D9 s8 F Anthony Heald .....Dr. Frederick Chilton0 M$ w5 T7 q: a/ X6 s% B6 ^
Ted Levine .....Jame 'Buffalo Bill' Gumb+ }! c& g* A, l' X7 Y3 ^. f, f
Frankie Faison .....Barney Matthews
; E t: Q# ^! o9 U# P: e1 r Kasi Lemmons .....Ardelia Mapp
2 F+ v1 x G, ^3 [ 保罗·拉扎 Paul Lazar .....Pilcher
9 \& `' q2 b9 n0 t- j ]' q& S: K j【内容简介】
* u' x0 `8 @/ R6 Y# C3 X+ v, ~
3 x3 [" ~' J, ?* n, v A psychopath nicknamed Buffalo Bill is murdering young women across the Midwest. Believing it takes one to know one, the FBI sends Agent Clarice Starling (Jodie Foster) to interview a demented prisoner who may provide clues to the killer's actions. That prisoner is psychiatrist Dr. Hannibal Lecter (Anthony Hopkins), a brilliant, diabolical cannibal who agrees to help Starling only if she'll feed his morbid curiosity with details about her own complicated life. This twisted relationship forces Starling not only to face her own inner demons, but leads her face toace with a demented killer, an incarnation of evil so overwhelming, she may not have the courage or strength to stop him. Horrific, disturbing, spellbinding. This thriller set the standard by which all others are measured.
$ e% a0 X0 T. C' L, ^
% o. M) M/ ]. p6 d/ @0 m' M J
4 e4 D( r j- F. q$ s+ C1 L 年轻的联邦调查局官员克拉丽斯·斯达林接受了一项任务:帮助寻找一个失踪的妇女,而这个妇女正受到一个把受害者的皮剥下来的变态系列杀手的威胁。汉尼伯·莱克特以前是位受人尊敬的精神病医生,现在却成精神变态者。克拉丽斯想通过与汉尼伯谈话来了解心理变态杀手的扭曲的心灵。联邦调查局警官杰克·克劳福特认为汉尼伯非常聪明机智,通过与他谈话有助于发现案犯。克拉丽斯必须在汉尼伯透露任何情况之前努力赢得他的信任。; D O* T& ^' d7 f
# T& L5 X% r7 N5 k【看 点】$ n7 w, G4 R1 [" }& F8 A% D
6 t- }% A$ F$ X ^ 1992年3月30日在第64届奥斯卡金像奖颁奖揭晓中,经过一番激烈地角逐,《沉默的羔羊》获得最佳影片奖,乔纳森.德默获最佳导演奖,男主角安东尼.霍普金斯获得最佳男主角奖,女主角朱迪.福斯特获最佳女主角奖,特德.塔利获最佳编剧奖。
/ S( x% X4 r0 w5 \+ _7 ^# r 《沉默的羔羊》一片影响持久不衰,引起了公众对社会犯罪、恐怖以及邪恶势力的憎恶和谴责。该片中联邦调查局的特工以及罪犯多数取自生活原型。拍摄前,主要创作人员全部到联邦调查局实地体验生活,女主角克拉丽斯的扮演者朱迪.福斯特在那里会见了她的原型,联邦特工玛丽.克劳斯;而朱迪.福斯特本人是曾刺杀里根的凶手欣克利追逐的目标。由于对犯罪的痛恨以及杰出的演技,朱迪成功地塑造了一个不畏强暴,勇敢而不失温柔经得住考验的女特工形象。3 [& s0 i) q, ?8 H4 G
在《沉默的羔羊》这部影片里,最使人惊心动魄的场面是汉尼巴尔的扮演者安东尼.霍甫金斯的表演,他不愧是一位杰出的演员,其表演才能让人惊叹不已。在谈到《沉默的羔羊》时霍甫金斯说:"我的方法十分简单,我记住对白,然后分析、思考角色,当我找准了角色的基调时一切都迎刃而解了。"当朱迪.福斯特扮演的联邦局特工克拉丽斯第二次去精神病院见汉尼巴尔时,只见汉尼巴尔沉静地坐在铁栏后面,目光呆滞而深远地久久凝视着前方。突然他伸出舌头,口头发出"嘶噜嘶噜"的声音,仿佛在舔食着什么美味。这段表演既无对白也几乎没有动作,却产生了令人毛骨耸然的强烈效果。在《沉默的羔羊》中,霍甫金斯凭藉只有三十分钟却令人着迷的表演,把汉尼巴尔这个智商极高、思维敏捷、患有精神分裂症的食人魔的形象刻画得非常出色。这是个颇具挑战性的角色,非一般演员所能驾驭。霍甫金斯之所以如此成功,完全得益于他与生俱来的一个伟大演员所必需具有的艺术禀赋和几十年的舞台经验。8 q9 D3 {( V2 R) A/ b0 V
; B! {9 S# l( n) D+ p" V1 ~. |
" P8 T x6 H5 y8 M; m# G% z( {" _& P, D2 }

% h6 q i" @8 W3 K; j4 [- _+ n- S! r7 w- g0 I! R* ]
The Silence of the Lambs finally debuts on Blu-ray with an MPEG-2 encoded 1080p high definition transfer, presented inside a 1.85:1 frame. The image is fairly grainy, and black backgrounds generally see a spike in the level of visible noise. The film has a bleak, depressed look about it through much of the runtime, setting the tone for the feel of the film and the grisly characters that inhabit it. Colors, too, are slightly dulled in some scenes but a bit brighter in others. They are always stable and strong and never too harsh and overblown or underdeveloped. Fine detail is adequate but not stunning. The rough textures of Lecter's cell walls and the pit where Bill keeps his victims are fairly well defined, but there are no earth-shattering levels of fine detail seen here. Other objects look better under the right conditions, a tape recorder and several drawings seen in Lecter's Tennessee holding cell, for example, offer higher levels of visible detail than do those in darker, danker, grimier locales. Flesh tones look good throughout. Blacks, aside from seeing a rather heavy level of noise, are dark but not always deep and inky, and there is occasionally a slight loss of fine detail in the darker corners of the image. The Silence of the Lambs offers a bland visual style that will never sparkle on any format, and it is reproduced fairly well on this Blu-ray release. 1 [% `0 y) V9 W6 v) x: t) T
' ]* w- v/ z/ d2 {& r2 F5 g1 }: s
1 D- ~( @6 z5 f% _ T6 u
1 m0 P# B% u! J
{+ I& p- u1 |8 t: y* ?The Silence of the Lambs chews into Blu-ray with a stable but not overly impressive DTS-HD MA 5.1 lossless soundtrack. Music and effects sound slightly rough around the edges and somewhat undefined; the tussle in the prison after Starling's first meeting with Lecter, for example, features a ruckus from the prisoners who rattle their cages and beds while shouting obscenities, but it's never all that clear and pitch-perfectly defined in its presentation. Gunshots, heard primarily during training sessions at Quantico, are loud enough but seemingly lacking in the utmost clarity. Some sound effects move around the front of the soundstage with decent precision and clarity, speeding vehicles for example, which make for a bit of a reprieve from what is otherwise a front-heavy and dialogue-centric audio experience. In a film like The Silence of the Lambs, the audio presentation is meant to do little more than reinforce the story, and it does so admirably here. It's fine where it counts, offering strong dialogue reproduction, decent sound effects, and appropriately-placed and clearly-presented musical cues. None of it will push a sound system to its limits, but many viewers will likely be too enthralled in the story to notice what is a fairly lackluster sound presentation, though one that seems to stay in line with filmmaker intent. - g) X- [' M+ r1 m
7 g5 V# T* G, R
( g+ b6 V* L, |' m8 n1 I: _