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[剧情悬疑] 滑稽表演/舞娘俱乐部 Burlesque 2010 1080p BluRaycd x264-SECTOR7 7.94GB








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24xs 发表于 2013-9-25 15:09:51 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
01a.jpg 2 H& G, l1 }( P; b" x: _

. `3 }' u- E3 i5 N◎译  名 滑稽表演/滑稽戏/舞娘俱乐部0 B1 S9 ]: g' q( q7 G$ r# ?
◎片  名 Burlesque
4 P! @3 ~4 G1 }4 M◎年  代 2010; T5 R! t$ U1 B2 [0 z$ G
◎国  家 美国
# ~+ z, ?: C$ g% ~4 ?4 o% K◎类  别 剧情/歌舞/爱情1 \4 N: l7 R3 f4 ~. B+ e
◎语  言 英语
' D; Z1 R5 d* \4 ]! R4 N% V◎字  幕 中英双字( h. b% A( h! Q% ?
◎IMDB评分 6.2/10 (4,637 votes). i  Q2 q1 H2 J: d
◎文件格式 X264 + DTS
/ R% R0 o8 d; z0 X; r◎视频尺寸 1920 x 8000 L4 Z2 P8 M' Q' T
◎文件大小 1CD 7.94 GB
7 S- Z3 s" i: M8 j4 j, K◎片  长 119 Minutes' Z0 L! f4 O9 I  Q" ]3 ^5 a: S% j: D
◎导  演 史蒂夫·安汀 Steve Antin+ C- q: D2 m& a
◎主  演 克里斯蒂娜·阿奎莱拉 Christina Aguilera  ....Ali Rose
0 n  e0 }, X' v      雪儿 Cher  ....Tess
% y, a* k' R6 `1 p      克里斯汀·贝尔 Kristen Bell  ....Nikki
( ^7 K% ~4 a# K: {1 q      凯姆·吉甘戴 Cam Gigandet  ....Jack0 i) E2 Q* ?$ A6 _8 q; y% A% F
      艾伦·卡明 Alan Cumming  ....Alexis0 w% k/ l& V9 ^6 W) H' D/ Y
      史坦利·图齐 Stanley Tucci  ....Sean7 V) e( s, C; t7 s, C+ l, v. d
      埃里克·迪恩 Eric Dane  ....Marcus Gerber- R' a" k9 M: {+ d: c1 M1 S
      彼得·盖勒 Peter Gallagher  ....Vince Scali
. {( o) N- N3 q8 W      朱莉安·浩夫 Julianne Hough  ....Georgia
2 M# n  u1 c+ y2 x      Blair Redford  ....James
) j: s. o4 Q" |7 o0 f      大卫·瓦尔顿 David Walton  ....Mark'The DJ'" X" A6 |: t2 n' H" ]0 g6 b% S- m4 `
      Tanee McCall  ....Scarlett7 P' b) \; b* n, z: W% O
      Wendy Benson-Landes  ....Marla8 L) j* \) n& J' j
      Black Thomas  ....Dancer: b" o6 C& G$ r2 ], G8 p- S
      Stephen Lee  ....Dwight
* z' D* a& v" D3 r: d2 P3 g      Katerina Mikailenko  ....Brittany  ?" G  ]6 ~, `: W
      Baldeep Singh  ....Hotel Manager
# f. E  D3 X3 H, e4 k) Z% E      Tyne Stecklein  ....Jesse3 {2 U7 x. V) R6 y7 g* {' U& {* f( H% f
      Sarah Mitchell  ....Dancer 'Sarah'- @9 a- _: t# M8 N6 [
      Anastasia Soaresh  ....Waitress: `: ^, x' i, Z1 C' C
      Jacquelyn Dowsett  ....Cher's Double
. {, t: s# J& @      Elise Jackson  ....Rehearsing Dancer5 P) n5 D6 T9 k. _0 d# k2 {# D
      Chelsea Traille  ....Coco
9 H8 `3 [/ }% x0 k# ]; L) \$ R      Matt McAbee  ....Bartender, a- w! G) h  t
      Bryan Dodds  ....Bartender
" ]$ q  F1 u+ x. b& d      凯西亚·埃尔温 Kesia Robles  ....Rehearsing dancer  w# ]( y& r8 z1 Y, ~; d
      Tisha French  ....Exec Secretary# S; j. \5 B  J4 b  g- I
      Jenny Barbosa  ....Burlesque club patron
1 ^+ Z  X9 C2 T, k1 c5 }/ t      Paula Van Oppen  ....Anna
. s. M( r7 J$ q      Michelle Maniscalco  ....Burlesque Dancer& o) L  E! F2 s9 j
      Catherine Natale  ....Woman at bus stop% F  L$ r  j0 K
◎简  介
" l2 n6 `0 o6 @  A, p# O
3 A. C" J5 g# g# g8 r7 P; ^4 F  Ali is a small-town girl with a big voice who escapes hardship and an uncertain future to follow her dreams to LA. After stumbling upon The Burlesque Lounge, a majestic but ailing theater that is home to an inspired musical revue, Ali lands a job as a cocktail waitress from Tess, the club's proprietor and headliner. Burlesque's outrageous costumes and bold choreography enrapture the young ingenue, who vows to perform there one day.3 M' j$ V" e* e! M' h
0 R* v) `. q! D+ t7 v) C
/ `) B+ d: d: v$ Y% c
$ i  O3 Z, c/ j) U8 G$ f7 }4 b  要想追梦,就要先想办法养活自己,罗斯来到了一家夜总会里工作。虽然她想和其他的女孩一样能在舞台上歌唱和跳舞,但是她最先从老板娘苔丝手里得到的工作却是给客人端端鸡尾酒送送水的女招待。这家名为滑稽剧院的夜总会虽然装修豪华、设备俱全,但却难掩其衰败的事实。客人越来越少,舞台上的歌舞表演一成不变。作为夜总会的老板,苔丝力求改变,可总是找不到合适的人来将表演班底更新换代。而心怀梦想的罗斯虽然没有能一蹴而就,但她一直为自己的梦想而努力--她坚信自己总有一天能站到那块属于她的舞台上。
+ N9 B& [+ |( M# F0 K( o
+ L# ^' j) H" V, P" G7 J  很快地,罗斯勤劳的工作让她获得了一个好人缘,她和舞蹈队的台柱子乔治亚结成了好朋友。舞蹈队并没有看上去那么和谐,这个小团体里充满了明争暗斗。不过,罗斯却总是能左右逢源,得到大家的喜爱。时间一长,罗斯的舞蹈和歌唱天赋渐渐得到了大家的了解,而且,她还和酒吧里的酒保杰克坠入爱河。在夜总会同事的帮助下,罗斯用自己的才华打动了苔丝,完成了从服务员到演员的转变。( {7 b# N* O2 u$ e

3 _7 G& [* [- T0 H  罗斯的第一次登台堪称完美,她用自己无与伦比的声音和舞姿倾倒了众生。在她的支撑下,滑稽剧院恢复了以往的光荣和热闹。而且,罗斯的表演甚至还引起了大公司的关注……
$ ?' B# B, \; h- R" ~$ K% b3 N/ d: L* ?2 S" H; ?' n

! b; X0 b' ^* H2 M9 [- P, i5 `. o: J6 L◎剧  照* l) z/ L0 Y" c  x4 n  ^
7 u: P8 d+ @3 O6 j4 e

) M# w( @6 P! }- Q8 Y0 u& ~
: I& H9 N/ M$ G  H' h
2 j" ^. {& W4 j, Z8 U% F) j1 I  Z9 N0 d# _9 V" ]

  }$ y! H# P2 ~1 V9 @5 L; `, O% X$ c2 I& x8 v+ \3 Y

# i3 B# i% Y1 c- v; J
8 \$ Y0 ~! K1 ?, `! n1 Q1 p0 I' m
# k4 G4 L4 E% A. ?  X
( D4 l, b3 L  f, R" H8 B4 Q0 n( U/ \2 m9 H0 ]/ [: l' k$ m$ U
7 F0 f; k6 \3 ^
( j0 m$ o, h( @# B) O3 t& M0 H% N# D4 U( f
9 X! _, N  E% ~2 B8 ]5 I$ d( C+ }& m8 G+ W
1 o8 }- r3 e( b/ N
. ?6 `* p3 o' d$ v2 r  在影片中,阿奎莱拉扮演的罗斯拥有一副天生的好嗓子,她从小镇来到洛杉矶,为了追求自己的梦想而努力。影片中所有的故事和情节,几乎都围绕着罗斯的生活、爱情和成名展开。毫不夸张地说,《滑稽表演》是一部送给阿奎莱拉的"定制电影"。影片的编剧兼导演是在好莱坞混迹多年,但是只拍摄过一部电影的史蒂夫·安汀。谈到这部影片,安汀说:"的确,我被克里斯蒂娜·阿奎莱拉的才华打动,所以我才萌生了要为她制作一部电影的念头。我的想法很简单,尽量在影片中展示阿奎莱拉的个人魅力。所以,我设置了很多能体现她的舞蹈基本功的段落,比如说端着服务生的托盘跳舞等等镜头。我没有太在乎情节,没有把影片的情节编写得太过于复杂,而是尽可能地把情节弄简单。不管什么镜头,只要有阿奎莱拉在里面,我都会把他拍摄得唯美。我想展示得是一种近似于MTV的质感和色彩。因为整部电影几乎就是由几大段歌舞组成的,所以MTV的节奏,是再恰当也不过了。实际上,这部电影并不能算是传统意义上的歌舞片。因为歌舞并不参与故事的讲述,而只是影片的一种背景。所以,在这样的影片中把歌舞拍摄得美轮美奂、奢华以及诱人才是最重要的。"% @. h$ a8 E; g! ^  S

+ P4 m5 ~9 r6 B) E5 v* {7 s1 O  老天后雪儿提携新人6 E) k; Q& _- A+ |, Q+ B
* y# H/ {( Q2 d; _
  除了天后克里斯蒂娜·阿奎莱拉外,与其配戏的,在影片中扮演夜总会老板娘的是祖母级的歌手、演员雪儿。雪儿在年轻的时候,一样是一位能唱、能跳、能演的全能型女艺人。有评论认为,她是女演员里最会唱歌的,也是女歌手里最会演戏的。虽然今年已经60有4,但是在银幕上,雪儿依旧是耀眼的明星。: l+ t" v5 O4 C
( t3 c8 d2 v4 A
. E/ ^1 g: ~& }- L: x" D* {  I3 v& S, ]: p% C: K/ u
& w1 t4 i2 K7 o1 C
2 G' b1 \% ?4 X& ]. \. S, l7 @花絮
* f; V4 z- H# w" f9 y" W& X9 L, R4 _
. \% [1 [& i; C1 L·本片是歌坛小天后克里斯蒂娜·阿奎莱拉的大银幕主演处女作。在以前她参演的影片中,她要么给动画配音,要么是在银幕上扮演自己。
% Q+ u  a; M& c" {5 z4 B+ }
* b4 X% n7 t2 i1 \( B·杰西卡·贝尔和琳赛·洛翰曾经是扮演Nikki的人选,最后确定为克里斯汀·贝尔。
# |8 ?5 E# V5 n" p6 ?# v" w6 i% ^9 D" ]: Z3 {) b6 h, P
- E+ n3 s$ r0 _
" A7 U7 J4 Z4 ?5 _$ J·罗伯特·帕丁森,凯南·鲁兹和泰勒·洛特纳曾经是扮演Jack的候选人。不过这个角色最后被凯姆·吉甘戴得到。
6 s! a% |! j' }' a" }* j( W0 S' I7 K( I+ d% s. n* Y5 l5 D
·帕特里克·德姆西、萨姆·沃辛顿、卡西·阿弗莱克和杰米·福克斯都曾经是扮演Marcus的人选。不过这个角色最后被埃里克·迪恩得到。! I' [; s, _" _

1 L; x$ K/ V  C4 i0 Q·在影片中,苔丝问西恩,洛杉矶好的舞蹈演员都到哪里去了。西恩回答她说,全去了《与星共舞》。《与星共舞》是一档真人秀节目,曾经参与过这档节目的舞蹈演员朱莉安·浩夫也在本片中扮演了一个角色。+ F4 O2 x+ V, ?9 t: Q9 @3 M# Y, A+ d
6 [8 D' z3 B0 b* X: G& ?9 w
·本片的原声带一共有10首歌曲,其中8首由影片主演克里斯蒂娜·阿奎莱拉演唱,另外两首的演唱者则是影片里的老板娘的扮演者雪儿。' Q( q0 N. S2 Q$ O0 ~( p& D  Q- C

& g7 B$ c, v( x- d* q+ p% P! t3 y·影片的主题曲,由克里斯蒂娜·阿奎莱拉演唱的Express于11月3日登陆欧美的各大广播电台。' F7 e# z; K; b, _

- T% R% \- r; U精彩对白 - S- K5 @* D7 s* o

$ Z$ m9 o8 ~% SSean: So, is Ali short for anything  
, ~- R* T# S3 U- N  j* z2 F
% ^' ~% k9 x9 N4 |Ali Rose: Oh, yeah, it's short for Alice.  
$ S+ ^0 B6 v) v% t0 j' G0 e3 _6 a/ w
Sean: Alice, hm  Well, welcome to Wonderland.  ! h8 ~$ Z8 Y4 t4 H

9 U2 _- V' J5 f$ V+ n西恩:那么。爱丽是什么简称么?
( K1 Q  y9 ^7 G" H! V' f$ i" b
% ]% `6 [6 T/ w
, J3 B5 r5 M+ @8 @) n7 i西恩:那么,好的。欢迎来到梦幻世界。
* D( I9 p# @/ P; D
& U' a& M" Z4 t/ l6 x6 V! Y
7 h5 S7 O$ p0 X5 I% y1 T$ p+ x# U8 |  i. [
Burlesque isn't as razzle-dazzle as potential viewers might be led to believe by the gaudy and bright posters and advertisements.  This is actually a fairly low-lit and somewhat soft movie.  Sony's 1080p Blu-ray transfer nevertheless handles the picture's style quite well.  Much of the action takes place    inside the club where low lighting, shadows, and soft details are the norm.  There's simply not much for the transfer to reveal in terms of details and colors; everything is fairly vanilla, but that appears to stay true to the picture's intended visual structure.  Detailing improves in those scenes outside the club and away from the dusty old diner where Ali works at the beginning of the movie; even a scene outside in the pouring rain and under overcast conditions, as gray as it may be, delivers more in the way of discernible details than does the average scene inside the club.  With that in mind,  the transfer appears incredibly faithful to Director Steven Antin's vision.  Shadow detail is critical in this film, and Sony's transfer handles blacks with great proficiency.  The transfer does manage some bright, sparkly scenes on occasion, but "low key" seems to be the order of the day, which does allow for the film to emphasize its music over its visuals.  The image is a little flat by nature and slight banding is evident from time to time, but this is an accomplished transfer from the top-down that might not dazzle viewers, but should instead satisfy film enthusiasts who wish to replicate the theatrical experience at home.4 A5 H* h  f. x

; V8 g/ K& y1 E6 E8 ^2 ~* a3 H1 q; m$ M. \$ {
; _/ ~3 [0 S- R
% z1 d* f( @+ r) I5 e
Burlesque features a dazzling, exuberant, powerful, big, crisp, kicking, and spacious monster of a soundtrack.  Use whatever adjective comes to mind, but this one really belts out the energy and still has something left in the tank when the movie comes to an end.  Sony's DTS-HD MA 5.1 lossless soundtrack will push the best sound systems to their limits with energized music and hard-hitting vocals in every musical tune, and things are just quiet enough in the downtime that the big boys have room to recharge while the center channel handles dialogue like it was made for the movie.  Sure the track is obviously jazzed up a bit, but wo cares?  It's fun and passionate, an exhilarating listen that's sure to put a smile on listeners's faces even when the movie has them singing the blues.  The track also delivers a wonderful spread of city atmospherics; passing cars, honking horns, driving rain, and background music beats coming from a closed-door club all immediately place the listener smack-dab in the middle of Los Angeles.  Of course, the track makes excellent use of every speaker to create a seamless 360-degree field of sound during most every segment, both loud and reserved.  The low end belts out plenty of accurate and strong but not excessively rumbly or sloppy notes.  This is a complete package of a soundtrack, a dazzling listen that's easiy the best part of the Burlesque experience.
% ?7 ]; W* N) l+ b) L* f5 o! l
" A" g8 ]" j9 X* I) A7 S: W/ `


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