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[动作战争] 迷失马尼拉 Metro Manila 2013 1080p BluRaycd DTS x264-PublicHD 8.74GB








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黄金嫖客 发表于 2014-3-30 11:56:52 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
: Z- i4 d  f$ f" I( [) E6 ^( }$ q) \: R1 c/ W3 |+ w/ f& o
◎译  名 迷失马尼拉/马尼拉地铁惊魂
0 L  j$ A4 `  n7 q◎片  名 Metro Manila) t8 ]6 V7 o$ n3 W: Z  [* M
◎年  代 2013
' L# ?% y3 P2 l1 H+ H8 s' n9 y◎国  家 英国/菲律宾
; `, U0 T* }0 F, W0 s: B4 ?' E◎类  别 动作/犯罪/剧情/惊悚
% C" ~5 C) c- F2 d6 i◎语  言 他加禄语6 {3 m& y, t" p8 x
◎字  幕 英文0 F$ `. ], k: y. `- H; N
◎IMDB评分 7.5/10 from 670 users
( |9 k- k5 k  D5 X3 \8 Z◎IMDB链接
! R- @/ m( E% Y3 N: y+ C" ]◎文件格式 X264 + DTS
. R. b  g% S5 F. n" Y3 u- }◎视频尺寸 1920 x 10367 C) R9 c" h7 \& h3 w# s! L
◎文件大小 1CD 8.74 GB- ~4 e: X  Y/ s
◎片  长 1h 54min: Z8 e5 [. _) r, ~* V4 w1 z5 x
◎导  演 西恩·埃利斯 Sean Ellis+ G, H  e, r6 j2 Y6 O+ @  H) g
◎主  演 Jake Macapagal ....Oscar Ramirez
  ^( r, ^" G2 W# ~5 a' x      Althea Vega ....Mai Ramirez8 Y& ^* @' b, ~( S1 p' D
      约翰·阿西拉 John Arcilla ....Ong
+ V5 ]+ I$ N1 s" @4 Y5 \      Miles Canapi ....Charlie (as Mailes Canapi)
* W1 ?! ?) ?  l      Ana Abad-Santos ....Dora Ong
# q% l4 L1 s2 B9 t0 [      Moises Magisa ....Budda
, {7 l3 ?' T* {/ D6 m  p7 Y      JM Rodriguez ....Alfred Santos
  T& x/ s' J$ I' C+ Z( U      Erin Panlilio ....Angel Ramirez: F4 w* n1 l+ S' {7 ^7 K
◎简  介 ; v/ ~+ N. P& f' ]$ h' {" d

7 J' g2 t7 ^! n) g2 m% L8 g        影片用菲律宾岛的他加禄语拍摄,全程也在菲律宾取景拍摄。讲述了一位可怜的农民举家迁往菲律宾首度马尼拉,为了养家,他费尽力气找到一份装甲运输车司机的体力活,渐渐和菲律宾地下的犯罪组织有了瓜葛。影片获得2013年度圣丹斯影展观众选择奖,福克斯公司已买下影片的翻拍权。
1 `, i) G5 Y/ o$ q7 d9 o% W6 A9 [$ a" o, Y. P4 x9 k1 R2 d! H
  Seeking a brighter future in megacity Manila, Oscar Ramirez and his family flee their impoverished life in the rice fields of the northern Philippines. But the sweltering capital's bustling intensity quickly overwhelms them, and they fall prey to the rampant manipulations of its hardened locals. Oscar catches a lucky break when he's offered steady work for an armored truck company and gregarious senior officer Ong takes him under his wing. Soon, though, the reality of his work's mortality rate and the murky motives of his new partner force Oscar to confront the perils he faces in his new job and life.8 p1 W; C, O* U

( z0 O  z: W* s# w2 U获奖记录7 F1 o/ o6 i! {  f
' P$ h. `0 r, u* \8 G
- \" b7 _4 a: f' K2 b# ?8 o评审团大奖 世界电影单元剧情片(提名)  西恩·埃利斯- e; e9 \# j+ n- H! n4 p
; Q- [! p/ d( {! q最佳英国独立电影
( D* {" F7 p5 u9 U5 z# x4 y3 V第18届金卫星奖( e* Y3 M, @2 Z- D& Y
电影部门 最佳外语片(提名)
' V" k, D1 H" i% ]
1 I- Q: R* A. @$ ]- Z! k. K- f9 D7 v3 ?% N' V0 j7 Z. w. v
$ ^4 |2 n2 l+ J
  1. Metro.Manila.2013.1080p.BluRayCD.DTS.x264-PublicHD
    0 Y- S3 T. h* Z1 C4 `3 q% E

  2. * F  O$ J) [# V
  3. F/ _# i6 s6 c
  4. & l# _0 N- X$ L3 C
  5. Rating .............: 7.5/10 from 670 users   
    , ]' |. i. z& [$ C
  6. Screens.............: Opening Week - 2013
    + g1 y& J, ?& S( ~6 ?3 Y
  7. Genre ..............: Action | Crime | Drama | Thriller
    2 r7 P+ J4 h# A
  8. Runtime ............: 1hr 54m
    " O4 S8 P, S% }- E6 [. O. C
  9. Size ...............: 8.74GB
      r$ D5 @  @+ @7 o- E$ @
  10. Video ..............: 1920x10364 {/ f7 A" k, y2 B
  11. Bitrate ............: 9965kbps (x264 High@L4.1)
    " X$ R$ u" G8 L& F! H
  12. Audio 1.............: Tagalog DTS 5.1 Ch 755 kbps
    ( O# ~7 _! F( [- j# H( v) j8 v
  13. Chapters............: Yes
    . w# W1 M6 ~4 e3 Q6 g; @
  14. Source .............: 1080p.BluRay.AVC.DTS-HD.MA.5.1-PTWINNER
    7 E0 D; d; j- |, F. {- l: [0 [8 e
  15. Subs ...............: English Hard-Coded

4 X+ t5 N, t) U  [; @
$ F% E2 @9 Q: {- N0 n: C
$ C8 V% L$ S( ]$ n' q# m0 J% D
8 T# x. b. C9 w, P, U4 B" Q


* T. u0 l. c; O# {+ n6 Y1 @! u& ^
% `5 P) U, S+ c" ^: E& J  l0 X7 D
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