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[剧情悬疑] 胡佛 2015版 Hoovey LIMITED 2015 720p BluRaycd x264-AN0NYM0US 3.3GB








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迅雷电影 发表于 2015-6-7 14:04:17 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
2 q2 j& p/ v5 A' T; [
  o4 s: c3 M2 \, {( k" p9 H2 f
◎译  名 胡佛6 z, M2 Y, [6 p/ w' z6 X+ ?7 q4 M' n
◎片  名 Hoovey
( }2 ^) Z+ `$ A5 Y7 Q0 y. R% ^  N' t◎年  代 2015! Y! y) c' D- B2 g! R
◎国  家 美国
. T- T+ _" V0 V◎类  别 剧情4 ~! ~% j2 C, ^. G3 g3 L! n
◎语  言 英语
7 a! v) `+ U- \; @; A: Y9 z5 W, q* t◎字  幕 N/A
+ y  p) ?7 {: `8 x0 z0 {◎IMDB评分 7.0/10 from 48 users  " a- S: j! W8 r6 I* _; H
◎IMDB链接' K& A/ d1 j8 L1 C3 _
◎文件格式 X264 + AC3% \9 Q# O4 H- p
◎视频尺寸 1280 x 536
" j& Q. z8 k2 [: m◎文件大小 1CD 3.28 GiB
( }/ M4 v0 z6 f  o7 s0 ]◎片  长 1h 32mn
$ Q3 L. P( Q: ?◎导  演 肖恩·麦克纳马拉 Sean McNamara8 ?4 v. O" k& {
◎主  演 帕特里克·沃伯顿 Patrick Warburton6 m; q. O0 H9 A' e
      罗伦·荷莉 Lauren Holly
4 t! G1 U5 S& A2 R) v! N8 t# G      科迪·林雷 Cody Linley
/ @3 e! W. [/ x      艾莉森·斯通勒 Alyson Stoner
5 ^( S, q3 h2 A9 g# N6 t      布兰登·史密斯 Brandon Smith
$ Q5 w% w1 b7 ^- ?' o, y( A- l4 W      Charles Robinson
, M  N# m) l2 M" u. t      Elise Baughman
" Z- F1 E* k% v) S  |      格伦·莫肖尔 Glenn Morshower" {5 q* _$ _$ L7 n2 T
      Jordan Farris( d- Y* x( b# d) U7 C/ m
      Avery Stock
. m' A/ G/ ]- G) F, O; c      史蒂芬·鲍德温 Stephen Baldwin
/ o' B( h* d. T' ]      亚历山德里娅·德伯里 Alexandria Deberry
1 W/ D* i9 K! z      肖恩·麦克纳马拉 Sean McNamara0 s' ^% m1 b! X0 k' f( D' c
      Bethany Blakey
( R5 h/ M2 O$ \+ ?( i% B& J      Tim Childress
9 a+ H6 _$ c+ [" w; ?8 l4 K! ^: P& t# d/ S4 T: [9 i+ ^- R2 q
◎简  介 0 `8 u1 ~4 m1 s9 a0 i" Q) m
5 T: J: }: `6 C* W
    Life can change in an instant, and turn your whole world upside down. And that is exactly what happens to firefighter Jeff Elliott and his wife Ruth who are living their dream in the golden Midwest; high school sweethearts, married with two beautiful and healthy children, family farm, horses, sports, church groups, the whole American Dream come true. And one winters day, teenage son Eric "Hoovey" Elliott collapses at high school basketball practice, is rushed to the hospital, and the doctors find a tumor the size of an orange at the base of his brain. They're down to hours-if surgery that risks the boy's ability to walk, talk, and perhaps even survive is not performed immediately, Hoovey's young life will end before it truly even begins. In a grueling 8-hour procedure, the tumor is removed. And he survives. But for the Elliott family, life and dreams will never be the same.$ b+ H, E( i: L. Q2 z6 Z

0 o( i- |4 V: b
' z& h2 ]/ n5 N+ p- F- D* x4 _: z4 ~
    - T' d# \9 L7 F' T4 L0 @# }3 u$ M
  2. * O. M& `7 _' x* a, z6 r) y
  3. Hoovey.LIMITED.2015.720p.BluRayCD.x264-AN0NYM0US
    # m9 Z5 I' g6 _: l9 ^
  4. % Q  }. ^$ L) `% l8 p; N2 D9 B7 D
  5. RELEASE DATE: 2015/06/05
    / }6 R6 l  M' Z. [
  6. STORE DATE..: 2015/06/02
    5 f* x) T( R1 f% F/ w7 d
  7. SOURCE......: BD REGION 2
    / G- O1 t8 {1 }: j4 J& n
  8. RUNTIME.....: 1h 32mn
    * A9 q  H& i' Q, {
  9. Video.......: x264 2pass 4 613 Kbps
    9 b4 y( |& }2 k/ T; z
  10. RESOLUTiON..: 1280 x 536
    4 V. y0 Z' X0 G( I0 U8 N. k0 Q, |
  11. AUDiO.......: EN AC-3 5.1 @ 448 Kbps' O! a/ B: c" f4 ]  i; u
  12. SUBTITLES...: -2 D% K. _1 A( j5 j0 V6 g
  13. GENRE.......: Drama
    2 {; w$ I2 `6 u$ H: ^" t
  14. RATING......: 7,6/10 from 39 users
    4 D: @" o3 p7 G- J9 A
  15. ( X. f! g; [7 ^" `
  16. G1 S) p8 _( W
  17. 6 e, H# B. i' r6 R  z
  18. We are Legion!% N' D6 S9 q! M
  19. We do not Forgive!
    * \, W# t7 [; d+ ]; E) R
  20. We do not Forget
      N( |5 Y: X! B7 T: w, L

  21. : ^+ [# b0 ^. c
  22. AN0NYM0US!
    $ f. _" C" j3 D1 Y

  23. & R% D1 l- T1 q! Y0 ^- o" r; K1 @
  24. pH7&0ND/SiLK                                                  2012
3 k% x# n7 L' v+ M1 {, ]
0 P' C, o) x. p# U( E- C
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