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[4K极清电影] 冰雪奇缘1/魔雪奇缘/冰雪皇后 [4K UHD蓝光原盘] Frozen 2013 2160p BluRaycd HEVC TrueHD 7.1 Atmos-BHD 57.0GB








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黄金嫖客 发表于 2020-4-9 07:32:28 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
When the newly crowned Queen Elsa accidentally uses her power to turn things into ice to curse her home in infinite winter, her sister Anna teams up with a mountain man, his playful reindeer, and a snowman to change the weather condition.
2 [! I. n7 [0 W# O2 I1 [4 [1 F
6 G  W  O) ?0 {6 ^5 s6 W7 y
1 r' V8 Y5 k$ B% a& ]# L: D: p, a# `$ h- _
◎译  名 冰雪奇缘/魔雪奇缘(港)/冰雪大冒险/冰雪皇后/白雪皇后/冰雪女王/冰冻公主
5 ]* N, y: N- z2 O' e, D- s6 E9 Z( Y◎片  名 Frozen
2 `' ]! ]. G; \  s◎年  代 2013: a) `/ M* q4 o
◎产  地 美国
3 F  I" h" L; s  B: A◎类  别 喜剧/动画/歌舞/奇幻
; h2 S' r2 @6 o% A◎语  言 英语/冰岛语' Z! e; W4 h( v1 V0 S# h6 [) z
◎上映日期 2014-02-05(中国大陆)/2013-11-27(美国)% a: ?2 v1 F( Z6 \0 u
◎IMDb评分  7.5/10 from 550,043 users4 b, P' C3 i! F1 s
  y6 Q# g5 ?/ |6 i2 Q◎豆瓣评分 8.4/10 from 516,508 users
% q1 c- l; m, ]* `- K◎豆瓣链接
1 {/ f5 o+ b9 {, C( c+ k. ~6 n6 A$ \◎文件格式 x265 + TrueHD
9 {  S$ `) N6 |1 ~. e$ x9 N◎视频尺寸 3840 x 2160
5 k# i. v) X. W/ L( L5 ~" s/ X◎文件大小 1DVD 57.01 GiB
" x$ f6 W% {) P8 f' L" x◎片  长 1:42:12.876 (
  v5 u( _- ?( w, f2 ]# [, J◎导  演 克里斯·巴克 Chris Buck
1 `! C2 j- w4 E: F9 N0 W       珍妮弗·李 Jennifer Lee( @. s/ U) e+ d" @! M) f! w
◎编  剧 珍妮弗·李 Jennifer Lee) q6 F* s; s( }$ c% \  f- x" R, P
       克里斯·巴克 Chris Buck1 t7 m% t% a  l) C$ b4 F1 S# M  t/ n
       安徒生 Hans Christian Andersen
/ v/ o; l3 T- N- |6 L. c! A" E+ X8 b◎主  演 克里斯汀·贝尔 Kristen Bell
6 {' j1 E6 K2 I# Q! d       伊迪娜·门泽尔 Idina Menzel
- m5 M! }) L" F       乔纳森·格罗夫 Jonathan Groff# W# d; i8 o1 P. a( U: H" B
       乔什·加德 Josh Gad
& X1 U+ i$ C# G/ V       圣蒂诺·方塔纳 Santino Fontana
9 H3 m& \1 J0 ]! |6 w# N" L; o       艾伦·图代克 Alan Tudyk) ~9 F) P( p/ i/ Q2 v8 a3 k/ B/ s
       塞伦·希德 Ciarán Hinds
. [; P$ J# G9 m5 U) \  \% F8 W       克里斯·威廉姆斯 Chris Williams9 r, x$ z) a( m* k4 |
       斯蒂芬·安德森 Stephen J. Anderson2 {. Q& D7 j& Y
       玛雅·威尔逊 Maia Wilson! }0 ^: X& ~6 i) X
       伊迪·迈克莱尔 Edie McClurg5 d6 `1 u+ Z- Z0 p% L
       罗伯特·派恩 Robert Pine9 S9 S; h% z% b) d  z# A$ x
       莫里斯·拉马奇 Maurice LaMarche
- ], P2 ^4 M% D, W3 J2 f, L/ @       珍妮弗·李 Jennifer Lee1 \8 j6 C" }& \6 m- f
       莉薇·施图本劳赫 Livvy Stubenrauch
( i. e) `! @5 k- l$ y1 q       伊娃·贝拉 Eva Bella
4 S# P. V) q5 ^: b; W& \       斯宾塞·莱西·加纳斯 Spencer Lacey Ganus( j/ G. E% r8 V; \, x4 x2 Y
       泰里·布朗 Tyree Brown! j1 w  t& E6 R$ v1 f
       杰西·科尔蒂 Jesse Corti: F2 c9 O$ i  j
       杰夫·马库斯 Jeff Marcus
3 j$ t5 S* j) S( d% E; G* i5 J       塔克·吉莫尔 Tucker Gilmore1 _/ x" N" y/ \3 _$ C  [9 D1 J
       保罗·布里格斯 Paul Briggs3 A; |3 N- e2 w4 F' E; k& U) k

; z9 {/ e: S# j/ O, i◎标  签 动画 | 迪士尼 | 美国 | Disney | 迪斯尼 | 2013 | 温情 | 音乐" n. F  a( c% ?' P* ^- Z
; \5 {9 ]5 q0 ], h% m
◎简  介  
/ n4 o/ Q# S8 A0 U/ Z. M3 u
* F  S4 |( Q1 T: {- i: T  在四面环海、风景如画的阿伦黛尔王国,生活着两位可爱美丽的小公主,艾莎和安娜。艾莎天生具有制造冰雪的能力,随着年龄的增长,她的能力越来越强,甚至险些夺走妹妹的生命。为此国王紧闭宫门,也中断了两姐妹的联系。悲哀的海难过后,艾莎(伊迪娜·门泽尔 Idina Menzel 配音 )终于到了加冕的年龄,各国王公齐来祝贺。艾莎战战兢兢,唯恐被人识破隐藏了多年的秘密。然而当听说安娜(克里斯汀·贝尔 Kristen Bell 配音)将要和初次见面的南埃尔斯王子汉斯(圣蒂诺·方塔纳 Santino Fontana 配音)结婚时,依然情绪失控露出了马脚。在此之后她逃到山中,构建了属于自己的冰雪王国,而阿伦黛尔也陷入可怕的寒冷之中。
' Y" ]/ Q/ L3 i2 U- c9 R/ k0 `) o) l9 ?
  安娜独自来到山中,在山民克斯托夫(乔纳森·格罗夫 Jonathan Groff 配音)的帮助下总算来到姐姐的宫殿,她能否让国家重新找回失落的绿意?
# I% [2 p7 F  C5 U2 y: f' }8 n- P2 ^) f: S" q
  Fearless optimist Anna sets off on an epic journey—teaming up with rugged mountain man Kristoff and his loyal reindeer Sven—to find her sister Elsa, whose icy powers have trapped the kingdom of Arendelle in eternal winter. Encountering Everest-like conditions, mystical trolls and a hilarious snowman named Olaf, Anna and Kristoff battle the elements in a race to save the kingdom.
* S' G  j' G; _$ ?" q, @3 @: w+ o0 c! e& M0 ]' u
  Z; N: |% c. T$ w
* l0 \) `+ T! r  第86届奥斯卡金像奖(2014)4 M5 F3 B0 e( B4 E; s3 T) I
  最佳动画长片 克里斯·巴克 / 彼得·德维寇 / 珍妮弗·李: K$ j0 o- o0 U& _
  最佳原创歌曲 克里斯汀·安德森·洛佩兹 / 罗伯特·洛佩兹: `( }8 b) t1 z9 r) {2 W( ^
- J0 `8 O, M, v# Q  U& {/ X" H
& Y$ d4 d6 h, L, i* n  电影类 最佳动画长片0 A& u+ ^( a0 G% u% x* n
  电影类 最佳原创歌曲(提名)
, N4 D( ?1 I- v9 r2 y2 i0 f* G( F% [3 X
8 V7 n4 o* b( b  `" }; v! o" @  最佳外语片& K( n6 q' G: n6 {8 c- Z9 \0 v# r) u9 M% c

+ t* Z) I( h+ t) i) L( P4 t  第41届动画安妮奖(2014)
" t6 z4 S/ x# C. H# b4 z  最佳动画长片6 e: \- S  S% Q$ R: G2 s+ \) F$ Q
  最佳导演 克里斯·巴克 / 珍妮弗·李) C& h* P  k5 C+ t; Y
  最佳编剧(提名) 珍妮弗·李" V/ j$ L$ M+ Z5 u0 v
  最佳配音 乔什·加德
5 T  ~) I( U4 A  最佳配乐' T/ m- S$ P9 R9 q7 X& Q
# D$ i1 h- z7 @  t4 ]  最佳分镜(提名)) @/ h- Z: D) u: G
  最佳艺术指导5 Y* v& E/ R3 l: D
% {- x: r8 ~/ \2 X, N& Y, ~+ M6 p  最佳角色设计(提名)
$ k$ N; F/ @; N6 i% @9 o8 }" j; `( @. v! M& s
) Z" B% e8 B4 \7 ?  最佳动画片制片人奖 彼得·德维寇
- R7 j$ L) L. |' K
8 f, B/ K4 Q# o) ?  第64届美国剪辑工会奖(2014)1 h2 i/ S: C/ P
  动画片最佳剪辑 Jeff Draheim% h- t- D8 u2 q

7 d; d, ^& m; x/ v& K  第61届美国音效剪辑协会奖(2014), s4 {$ }. _9 u
  金卷轴奖 最佳动画片音效剪辑(提名)$ {$ `# |( J" A  l! {
  Angelo Palazzo
/ Q. Q0 C7 B6 h+ T1 ^" u# t# b  Jeff Sawyer
1 L9 K" f  N: n/ j3 K( Y& M( H  伊莉莎·波拉克·泽伯特6 B7 z3 @8 D  b% S$ A: S' A$ u
  Christopher T. Welch) W1 V" m, t% \3 {2 D4 w! K
  Todd Toon" d* `" v3 F- M, C1 ]; \
  Stephen P. Robinson+ P2 F& ~  r3 S8 I* g
  Charles W. Ritter7 Y. g$ }2 u: B; Y! G
7 U2 w& W/ U5 ]. p4 h+ q  John Roesch: C4 M- \) Y4 w
  Greg Hedgepath2 |( _( N9 @$ Y! B5 L: t/ S

, v4 [& x. h, D/ Z  金卷轴奖 最佳音乐片音乐剪辑 Earl Ghaffari / Fernand Bos
" R5 O" e7 m$ _" E/ T3 N% Z: A7 K- m  V+ A6 {9 w4 X6 w: `
# i1 \' k$ h; m6 t2 ]" y' M5 p  最佳动画电影视觉效果 克里斯·巴克 / 彼得·德维寇 / 珍妮弗·李. s9 _9 x8 M. i; O4 K
0 G/ y/ d3 {; t) b  [3 k  最佳动画电影CG背景 David Womersley% E& ~, E7 G6 [  M' c5 N! e* v
' p( i$ H' z, `8 Y& a; M& ]1 ?1 D3 `: X9 g
. i( L4 \0 _7 C% Q  动画电影最佳音效 Gabriel Guy / Mary Jo Lang / David E. Fluhr. G- ]: r, U) N; Y( \2 L
3 m: a' F; ^, I5 A* l& n
2 x4 N1 G2 u3 z" w& ^1 r  最佳动画片5 {$ ]7 J; \, g+ I
  最佳歌曲 克里斯汀·安德森·洛佩兹 / 罗伯特·洛佩兹4 q2 q" V- g0 o+ O
5 l; i+ _# ]7 }/ {: ?/ B0 E
" D7 P: n' _# s3 d) C  电影部门 最佳动画片(提名)
+ \. B$ w2 U6 G( G+ K  电影部门 最佳原创歌曲(提名)3 x9 G5 d( P% R, x' R) f
  Q% h, S$ ]9 O( s! |7 J! Q# ?
! T& V. U0 o7 y! E6 K$ d  最佳动画片9 K/ i6 x9 Q* u3 @
1 q* j$ O& a3 n+ v% l5 G+ ]2 x: k
; O  u, H. E/ h9 B/ Z& ~  最佳动画片(提名)
2 r/ t4 ^: ?. s. s% l/ f/ X4 x' A7 g: t6 R/ s  U8 o6 B2 @4 r
, G4 D, U7 u- V$ Y" y0 B  最佳动画片(提名)- B) T' |4 G$ R7 L- Z

5 E9 `( ~2 [. Y; _+ P$ P0 ]% F+ T  第12届旧金山影评人协会奖(2013)
" {+ S. ~9 i  q  最佳动画片; D3 }3 U, I! i6 K  ~. H2 O7 d* h

' T% E  V' c6 f1 [  第47届堪萨斯影评人协会奖(2013)4 n9 S$ W& j8 \/ C! \9 R
0 |6 n5 Z( p- ?" o1 H
: g" F9 H6 O3 ?6 m/ h5 ~+ b* R7 L  第13届凤凰城影评人协会奖(2013)2 ]- z: }$ q# S3 k4 C
  最佳原创配乐 克里斯托弗·贝克& j$ k' v6 {& H+ h& ], F
; {8 i8 ?( g5 w; I  最佳动画片
- i: L1 d' v! w, E3 A" }$ A
* Q8 i  y3 L% Y( y, d3 b7 ^  第22届东南影评人协会奖(2013)
5 a- D! G6 N2 W1 o6 ^& n3 i  最佳动画片
9 Q5 E4 I; `! [1 t6 {
% m/ |" ]$ O2 q+ S  第39届报知映画赏(2014)
. }4 b- ]7 Y' N. B5 R9 E  特别奖(提名) 克里斯·巴克 / 珍妮弗·李& ^7 Y0 W8 `6 j- V$ v

  Z6 L8 x5 Y! L1 X4 `0 w" ?" i+ J  第17届美国在线影评人协会奖(2013)
* c8 d- I8 w; i' s  最佳动画片(提名)2 G6 T6 @- G' f* K) _9 }
; \" t/ t; G: D& k6 q
  第16届美国青少年选择奖(2014): G! u. @, k, i4 j; j) V
  最佳动画片, p# `$ k; t9 H) g- [( C: o
  最佳动画配音 伊迪娜·门泽尔" v7 c- q3 _  W! P, ]1 {
  最佳动画配音(提名) 克里斯汀·贝尔9 Z9 W  U# y$ B( f, n* M1 B, l4 ^, d: J
; q2 K) m8 q2 O6 w3 ]" C
  第1届豆瓣电影年度榜单(2014)6 h1 a3 I0 d( W, @
  年度电影原声(提名)5 B! {+ c0 @, W" j1 P0 [
  2月最受关注电影% n4 [& E2 x0 W: h5 o

! y. [1 t, A6 s  @+ G  第4届豆瓣电影鑫像奖(2014)$ i) F2 L. ]% P9 B1 _
  鑫豆单元 最佳动画长片, _8 \3 B) |: o) r* F  w
  鑫豆单元 最佳歌曲4 o, z" E* S3 p0 ?6 E% U3 D

9 y) N9 x5 A' G+ t5 T+ ]+ a: ~' z! \, N+ v1 G$ H6 g. y
1 Y) h" p" ]3 D" C
  1. DISC INFO:! t- l* k4 h# E6 q7 }

  2. - }: b+ C0 j/ W7 w9 F/ H- K
  3. Disc Title:     Frozen.2013.2160p.BluRayCD.HEVC.TrueHD.7.1.Atmos-BHD
    8 \$ f5 M8 o' O- k# G  [3 u$ s
  4. Disc Size:      61,209,568,707 bytes) w, m! T5 F; \  ?: g  j
  5. Protection:     AACS2- |5 f- u9 O- f; T7 n. G  H
  6. Extras:         Ultra HD, BD-Java
    1 d0 a( {) I- R. {3 o) D
  7. BDInfo: (compatible layout created by DVDFab u* ?1 N4 i- c% [8 @
  8. ) F( [! c9 O6 b$ u2 |
    2 p) h/ P  o+ E
  10. ( }% a4 g+ v$ x6 g( ]' s1 ^/ [
  11. Name:                   00800.MPLS  
    9 ^: [; g& W+ H
  12. Length:                 1:42:12.876 ( ?: T& h# H$ s9 T/ x: S; ]
  13. Size:                   53,430,558,720 bytes
    6 a8 V4 @, X, A: s$ j7 e* ?: X
  14. Total Bitrate:          69.70 Mbps
    5 v' s3 N2 V  h5 u

  15. $ o* _; i  r! O* a
  16. Video:
    ; }! X& w+ ]8 x0 b" j3 G6 S7 ]5 {
  17. % q' l, n- n  w3 p4 w+ ^
  18. Codec                   Bitrate             Description   
    7 S  b6 j) O* u. W4 h( F
  19. -----                   -------             -----------   
    0 h% }, g! Q* G3 d: W  B
  20. MPEG-H HEVC Video       56793 kbps          2160p / 23.976 fps / 16:9 / Main 10 @ Level 5.1 @ High / 4:2:0 / 10 bits / 1000nits / HDR10 / BT.2020$ m; P: H8 t% U

  21. ! b- D3 X2 p2 [' K' ^) f
  22. AUDIO:! |5 o7 B9 B3 U6 v& i( O! A8 \
  23. 7 A' h/ u) ^& m1 m) B3 }
  24. Codec                           Language        Bitrate         Description    7 P1 A( I4 A2 T# ^' Y
  25. -----                           --------        -------         -----------    % Q/ w! h- N2 H* @
  26. Dolby TrueHD/Atmos Audio        English         5077 kbps       7.1-Atmos / 48 kHz / 5077 kbps / 16-bit (AC3 Core: 5.1 / 48 kHz / 640 kbps)
    $ j% r, ?6 m" W) l1 m9 v
  27. Dolby Digital Audio             English         320 kbps        2.0 / 48 kHz / 320 kbps / Dolby Surround
    3 f  h- `* @) ]$ z' z
  28. Dolby Digital Plus Audio        French          1024 kbps       7.1 / 48 kHz / 1024 kbps (AC3 Core: 5.1 / 48 kHz / 576 kbps ( Core: 5.1 / 48 kHz / 576 kbps))4 ~0 m9 r& c; L" }$ h
  29. Dolby Digital Plus Audio        Spanish         1024 kbps       7.1 / 48 kHz / 1024 kbps (AC3 Core: 5.1 / 48 kHz / 576 kbps ( Core: 5.1 / 48 kHz / 576 kbps))
      s' |% p. ?1 ~8 m5 O3 y- W
  30. Dolby Digital Plus Audio        Japanese        1024 kbps       7.1 / 48 kHz / 1024 kbps (AC3 Core: 5.1 / 48 kHz / 576 kbps ( Core: 5.1 / 48 kHz / 576 kbps))
    : c2 m+ p0 _9 X4 |, ]# K: M+ V

  31. 3 S6 u/ y$ u) e, @
  32. SUBTITLES:$ v6 @$ [8 y1 \' @. c( }
  33. ) k7 o, r% l0 v% m( g, U
  34. Codec                           Language        Bitrate         Description    8 H7 Q5 p$ I1 N7 r, d6 c( w
  35. -----                           --------        -------         -----------    3 e5 H) Z- ?. d9 E+ @
  36. Presentation Graphics           English         43.729 kbps                    ' r- w2 e5 U( O9 F1 m5 {' s, z
  37. Presentation Graphics           French          34.554 kbps                    
    $ {/ {$ i+ [, i7 M
  38. Presentation Graphics           Spanish         34.045 kbps                    5 z# i; r3 ]( e9 K
  39. Presentation Graphics           Japanese        25.45 kbps                     
Frozen 4K Blu-ray, Video Quality  9 F& y- N' G5 V$ s5 B# Q: ?- @
# c3 k2 H+ `! `7 @# W8 ^- b

" I2 N6 b7 d9 e& }; B, u/ s% nThe included screenshots are sourced from a 1080p Blu-ray disc./ g# ?5 \5 M/ X# }3 @8 J

6 @# Z% J' w9 ], }9 Y" J6 AFrozen is a visually stunning but also tonally unique movie made of many shades of blue and gray with plenty of specific points of color and white snowy backdrops providing a bright light source frequently seen throughout the film. Disney's 2160p/HDR UHD transfer does well by the movie, even if its most obvious characteristic is a general feeling for darker visuals, particularly away from the snow and daytime. Most any low light interior or exterior has a much more absorbing, dense, deep look about it. There's less brightness, with the image favoring deeper shadows and less forgiving light sources. Dark clothes and backgrounds are particularly notable. There's no loss in detail but some elements are much harder to see. Take a look at the shot when Kristoff and Anna go to meet the trolls in chapter 10. The dark blue background, his dark gray vest, and the generally lower light and lowered brightness make the clothing details all the more harder to see, particularly the frays around the edges of Kristoff's vest. Even Anna's red and white-streaked hair and her purple attire aren't at all brilliant, not more tonally subdued but just victim to a pervasive darkness. On the flip side, whites are much more rich and intense. The existing 1080p SDR Blu-ray looks creamy rather than pure by comparison, and both ample piles of snow and Olaf's body enjoy greatly increased intensity, most obvious during the day but also evident in those aforementioned lower light scenes. Icy blues (notably Elsa's dress) find greater saturation, fires dance with more intense color pop, and Olaf's orange carrot nose presents as a more finely tuned hue. Colors have been tuned favorably, but not excessively. Beyond the more pure whites and the general feel of darker low light the HDR application is more subtle rather than intense but still, overall, a good compliment to the movie. 3 \7 @$ p% R$ j) A4 c4 G6 t
& r  k6 H  M1 \6 q) ~& P
There has not been a significant change to the movie's textural output or overall clarity. Per IMDB Frozen was finished at 2K. Viewers will note subtle, but not difficult to spot, increases in clarity and textural finesse, including Elsa's icy blue dress and all of its various accents, Sven's dense fur, the well packed snow that gives Olaf's body greater texture, and freckles on character faces (Anna, Elsa, and Hans, for example). Elements inside the palace and around Arendelle enjoy mild boosts in total clarity, too. One of the more impressive points of comparison comes with the trolls in chapter 10. Their earthy, grassy green attire and the pits and pores on the rocky bodies offer some of the most densely packed textural gains the image has on offer. Once again, most of the improvements are easiest to spot in more forgivingly lit shots, scenes, and sequences, though certainly the uptick in clarity and sharpness is evident throughout. Neither color not detail make a substantial difference, but fans should find just enough of a boost in all areas to make the transition to UHD a worthwhile endeavor.
. c% j  F- v- [9 W  `4 s
! ?- }  C4 O# v2 h8 fFrozen 4K Blu-ray, Audio Quality  
  k; H+ |; l6 a! H" L5 c" @1 c1 P4 m( v! Q2 p
, {0 R7 f. P5 r/ L8 n/ B# ~$ S
Frozen's chilly Dolby Atmos soundtrack delivers a fair listening experience, though it plays with a whimper at reference volume. The presentation doesn't struggle, however, to implement decently explored and engaged sound effects, including several actions scenes, and particularly those involving the ginormous Marshmallow or crashing ships and cracking ice combined with blowing winds (find some good examples towards the film's blustery climax). The track cannot deliver the effects to total prominence, however, failing to present beyond the essence. While there's plenty of motion and surround integration, the presentation lacks dynamic authority and intensity. Bass is engaged but not with the sort of full-on weight and clarity one would expect and the film demands. Essential clarity is good, and music presents with commendable stage width and depth. The overhead channels are utilized in a support role. Don't expect a barrage of discrete effects; instead enjoy the added feel for spacial awareness and engagement.  Dialogue is clear and well prioritized with a firm front-center position. The track could certainly stand some reworking, but it's not unlistenable by any means. ! O9 s) d$ U7 X# O& S9 c

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