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[4K极清电影] 第五元素 [4K蓝光原盘] The Fifth Element 1997 2160p GBR BluRaycd HEVC TrueHD 7.1 Atmos-AdBlue 78.73GB








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黄金嫖客 发表于 2020-10-13 00:24:31 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
In the colorful future, a cab driver unwittingly becomes the central figure in the search for a legendary cosmic weapon to keep Evil and Mr. Zorg at bay.
- o' k  f% u# ?9 V4 D
2 [& x8 I. z4 R: a" I
  Q9 c4 p$ L: B7 A+ V/ W* X$ ~) k# ?+ W, d: z
◎译  名 第五元素) E# e# I  y- y
◎片  名 The Fifth Element / Le Cinquième élément / The 5th Element
% U. @7 l6 N3 v9 m1 E4 b◎年  代 19979 ^+ G/ ]; M! z. t
◎产  地 法国
- \% ~- ~4 j( {◎类  别 动作/科幻/冒险
  e2 @# [4 f5 i3 t8 Q◎语  言 英语/瑞典语/德语/阿拉伯语/古埃及语: S- Y$ n* N1 [; r4 {+ C! K, {7 C& ~
◎上映日期 1997-05-07(法国); k( a. E3 V. U9 a5 V
◎IMDb评分  7.7/10 from 427,601 users& q; X' G! y2 S' S7 i) Z: s# z
' w5 V/ `4 r2 F+ _4 q! @' k1 C, G◎豆瓣评分 8.0/10 from 170,911 users4 h+ }: u9 E8 u5 d' Z+ e
  P# ^2 y3 p8 q- e, p+ D2 K◎文件格式 x265 + TrueHD
8 p" c. e/ |- ?  Z" O◎视频尺寸 3840 x 2160
# s0 B3 C1 _/ D9 `4 |◎文件大小 1DVD 78.73 GiB9 ~3 P% O! l6 k; B9 y" f- V
◎片  长 2:06:42.166 ( y' j- p( L" E/ o; R$ X3 k2 y7 m
◎导  演 吕克·贝松 Luc Besson
2 S4 ~  j6 v4 a# X0 C' F◎编  剧 吕克·贝松 Luc Besson
7 `- u' c+ ]  K( v2 X) L$ d       罗伯特·马克·卡门 Robert Mark Kamen
  o+ D4 z. _9 u◎主  演 布鲁斯·威利斯 Bruce Willis
$ J# }/ B. |6 v! V; N       加里·奥德曼 Gary Oldman
7 o8 S& A6 G. l, `! H9 e( @! G       米拉·乔沃维奇 Milla Jovovich; F6 K+ N9 x  Q$ {6 Y: ?/ n2 a
       克里斯·塔克 Chris Tucker
7 a/ c4 ]) L2 C! U       伊安·霍姆 Ian Holm
4 z: }! [$ O! C. ^4 y       卢克·贝里 Luke Perry1 ~8 A* a3 w: ~: b$ A  b5 k! j
       布里翁·詹姆斯 Brion James' N' X  h/ ]" B. M6 @9 J
       汤米·利斯特 Tommy 'Tiny' Lister
! d4 v2 v6 R! S       李·伊万斯 Lee Evans
. s" {7 K! b9 s       查理·科里德-米尔斯 Charlie Creed-Miles, S8 }& M* K- b2 C2 {
       Tricky( D, D( Q3 T  a& J1 r
       约翰·内威尔 John Neville5 T6 u/ u' d/ s3 K, T/ V
       约翰·布鲁塞尔 John Bluthal
' u) d. e& ]6 l6 g# n       马修·卡索维茨 Mathieu Kassovitz
/ l3 B' I( i# p7 ]       克里斯托弗·法里班克 Christopher Fairbank" E. {( p7 J( F
       麦温·勒·贝斯柯 Ma?wenn Le Besco
- v/ T8 p! D, o0 u  ?       Kim Chan: G( W$ N6 r0 G8 M! O, U  @2 a+ P1 m
       阿尔·马修斯 Al Matthews
5 h5 j1 t* z7 {) v. g0 N       约翰·贝内特 John Bennett  A% |8 ~: R8 R# a. _
       Richard Leaf2 r* X7 ~/ D7 F- N6 h7 z
       朱莉·T.华莱士 Julie T. Wallace
' }* f! ~3 K+ {0 P       Ivan Heng, ]) ?. s% L$ w( z

* B  G* H/ J# g/ ~1 z. ?◎标  签 科幻 | 吕克·贝松 | 法国 | 第五元素 | 经典 | 动作 | 法国电影 | LucBesson
$ U& b! Y7 k5 T* y7 z. U( x+ I
( j7 v; H* R( Y7 F% [( Z◎简  介  
: `2 [2 I& i6 l7 M, \1 Z1 a$ w/ I3 D
  一头红发,perfect的“第五元素”莉露(Milla Jovovich饰)受命来到地球,她要协助人类与每隔五千年降临一次的邪恶力量对抗,联合风、火、水、土四块神石击退敌人。
. x. D! w* Z2 K  X, G  F! Z4 Y1 e0 B& A3 u. r
  在实验室被复制出来后,言语不通的莉露在躲避人类的追捕中搭上了退役特工科本(Bruce Will is饰)的出租车。科本带莉露找到了负责接头的神父,两人也渐渐的产生了好感。
" F9 o# w6 Z+ U1 W- x% e% o; F
! X1 }, h( p- e  莉露与科本一同前往一个叫“失落天堂”的星球找寻另外四种元素的神石。但是,在战斗中莉露受伤昏迷,而且由于人类的暴行和无知杀戮,莉露陷入了内心的迷惘。大敌当前,科本究竟用什么力量才能唤醒莉露呢?
+ ]9 j/ H5 W% a/ k1 W, `/ U) I4 Y+ {* s
  Set in the 23rd century, New York cab driver Korben Dallas didn't mean to be a hero, but he just picked up the kind of fare that only comes along every five thousand years: A perfect beauty, a perfect being, a perfect weapon. Now, together, they must save the world.- K; }1 _4 n' z
6 W6 O6 g) j8 k: c' D1 T
- F- s7 }4 w, j+ ~, j
7 L8 a$ v, s, s9 E" Q# Y* ?3 b- W, E  第70届奥斯卡金像奖(1998); F9 C- C) T# T4 N* |, M8 ~( F$ [: e7 i
  最佳音效剪辑(提名) 马克·马基尼( {  b  ]6 W& z; @5 Y
6 Z  ^2 p, j1 V4 ~
    & t. ^3 G$ @( u0 K" G- t
  2. ; R7 b0 ?  N' I% L8 ~8 R
  3. Disc Title:     The.Fifth.Element.1997.2160p.GBR.BluRayCD.HEVC.TrueHD.7.1.Atmos-AdBlue
    . @/ J1 ~0 q/ e3 w4 w  |; }& Y
  4. Disc Size:      84,534,987,559 bytes3 T4 o+ V3 S9 _  V% P
  5. Protection:     AACS2
    ( h0 K( {) U% b1 B  ?' x/ D6 c% @
  6. Extras:         Ultra HD' G# i, m+ m; Q' s7 f
  7. BDInfo: (compatible layout created by DVDFab
    7 T& ]9 R2 V9 V6 u9 o! s) Z5 \  v

  8. ' U9 J! u# b1 w( m2 x$ a
    ' J3 q8 o  H" s$ m$ d. o
  10. 5 k2 j' `, ]4 i# q# G! ^
  11. Name:                   00002.MPLS  
    9 z. h* f! h! q# w/ }+ [# O/ ]/ a
  12. Length:                 2:06:42.166 ( c( V6 s' g" E
  13. Size:                   83,755,395,072 bytes
    5 u7 {" J8 S  }/ G
  14. Total Bitrate:          88.14 Mbps/ |" H# \) K+ q( j1 A3 m1 \
  15. # ~8 x$ p0 u" A7 g: Z5 ?( S
  16. (*) Indicates included stream hidden by this playlist.
    6 ]5 E# `: q. h2 r0 a4 m
  17. - Q0 o- W  h7 E* ^) P! k
  18. Video:
    ; |8 T- `; M+ L' S5 I
  19. ( e$ }4 P5 e6 l& B* ], l; m0 [7 v
  20. Codec                   Bitrate             Description   
    ) z: u; K9 _* a% T5 c# z8 f- o, w0 A
  21. -----                   -------             -----------    0 c' X  @  V2 e6 n
  22. MPEG-H HEVC Video       78926 kbps          2160p / 24 fps / 16:9 / Main 10 @ Level 5.1 @ High / 4:2:0 / 10 bits / 1000nits / HDR10 / BT.2020
    4 G0 Y* j9 _3 b0 K! c) C9 N$ v
  23. * MPEG-H HEVC Video     87 kbps (0.11%)     1080p / 24 fps / 16:9 / Main 10 @ Level 5.1 @ High / 4:2:0 / 10 bits / 1000nits / Dolby Vision MEL / BT.20200 |1 p$ a& L* @& Y+ t  M
  24. 0 J& H2 ?0 M) z1 p% v# C! b* I: T' L
  25. AUDIO:$ k2 h5 o7 c) u# {

  26. - i2 T9 \& Q& h# E! n9 W2 F
  27. Codec                           Language        Bitrate         Description    ' c9 L) _$ y, S
  28. -----                           --------        -------         -----------    " J3 r9 W0 t: m# e8 B; n
  29. Dolby TrueHD/Atmos Audio        English         4251 kbps       7.1+11 objects / 48 kHz / 3611 kbps / 24-bit (AC3 Core: 5.1-EX / 48 kHz / 640 kbps)4 g, W3 d9 B% t$ ~' G

  30. ! f3 Z4 k% N( z# a8 l
  31. SUBTITLES:* R  _- @; w3 g  P( G% U

  32. ! J$ u" i4 U/ |( s+ ~
  33. Codec                           Language        Bitrate         Description    & y& K6 T2 Z7 V0 W! G3 T
  34. -----                           --------        -------         -----------   
    , L/ i- `' i2 p/ z% q+ s8 x
  35. Presentation Graphics           English         35.904 kbps
The Fifth Element 4K Blu-ray, Video Quality   7 |/ `& e+ R8 Z5 }9 U
: L  w' L- w# J& ^: _9 U; h

: ~4 G  U/ }/ k+ a, S$ g7 TNote: The included screenshots are sourced from a 1080p Blu-ray disc. Watch for 4K screenshots at a later date.$ B' [& _: |* p: |3 b

1 w8 A. b8 Z3 P* X2 X/ A5 w  s, hTo be perfectly frank about it, the average new release UHD isn't that impressive when compared to a top-of-the-line Blu-ray, which most of today's major studio releases that earn a companion UHD generally are. With a barrage of digitally photographed movies finished at 2K and presented at an upscaled 4K picture and tweaked with HDR coloring that sometimes seems to just darken the image, it's occasionally hard to remember how special the format can be when it's done right, when the source is of a high enough quality (which much more often than not means the movie was shot on film) to really make a difference. The Fifth Element is one such movie. Sony's UHD is so good it doesn't even need the usual A-B comparison. Right off the bat, the overall quality of the image is obvious. The desert and rocky terrain, the earthy colored clothes, and skin are all so remarkably sharp, purely and organically filmic, and insanely detailed that the difference between this and practically any high end comparable Blu-ray is unmistakable. The image is beautiful. Grain is constant, very light, and complimentary. Details are sharp as a tack and effortlessly presented. HDR colors are very complimentary, darkening the image a bit but, here, offering a significant increase in contrast and depth. Brighter shades, whether Dallas' orange shirt, Leeloo's hair, the blue singer, or plainer backgrounds offer exquisite nuance and saturation that's amazingly deep and detailed with incredibly fine transition and clarity.& E6 t4 e9 l& ^" ?) u/ U% q

1 k# |/ ^  q9 ^2 g  M9 z0 zMaking that largely needless comparison to the Blu-ray anyway -- and the "Mastered in 4K" version at that -- does indeed show just how special a presentation this really is. While the 1080p disc is of reference quality for that format, the UHD destroys it in every way imaginable. Immediately, the striking difference in textural detail is obvious. Rocky formations and skin textures are practically smeary by comparison on the Blu-ray. The elevation in detail is substantial and the increase in color depth and saturation, even if the image is a bit darker overall, is obvious. On the slight downside, a few high contrast edge halos are visible, very minor print debris is exhibited at times, and effects shots show their age and limitations (though such is inherent to the elements). Nevertheless, this is easily a reference UHD and Sony continues to dominate the arena with its classic, shot-on-film re-releases that truly demonstrate UHD's full potential.2 t2 Q6 p" W. Q. @. O8 A

& W6 o7 G8 [  R' q/ V& lThe Fifth Element 4K Blu-ray, Audio Quality   
9 d2 K: q1 @2 G- C- E( L) Q, m' I; p  ]& a- S( e7 A- G' v' c" |, E: y
! `) [7 A6 J! C: J1 n
While the previous "Mastered in 4K" Blu-ray featured a Dolby Atmos soundtrack, was then not equipped to cover it. While this is not a full-fledged review as most everything from the previous review and the core Dolby TrueHD 7.1 track still applies, here is a brief update. The Atmos track does indeed expand on the track in meaningful ways at several junctures. Right off the bat ("Aziz, light!"), the increased overhead saturation is obvious as voices marvelously, almost sonically miraculously, filter overhead in a full, detailed sort of way that almost literally transforms the listening area into the location and places the listener right in the middle of the exchange and some of the more intensive elements to follow. Various action scenes find additional, and suddenly crucial, top-layer components as well and the track in general presents with a much greater sense of overall place and space even in more reserved scenes, but that opening, as simple as much of it may be, is a clear-cut reference moment for Atmos. Please click here for more.# e+ v5 ]  j) C5 @6 f5 t( a! E

6 o6 ?% j, r( d1 s! C8 F$ D( }2 o2 U2 i- I. ~
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21cn 发表于 2020-10-13 01:12:00 | 显示全部楼层
, g7 u* ?+ }1 D" j6 [$ ]8 _After reading the posts have nothing to do I Amoy posts!
+ w; O5 F# b9 X0 T, s








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lanpanshuma 发表于 2020-10-13 07:15:01 | 显示全部楼层
Bluraycd又有新电影发布了,激动中……!$ L# _4 r9 d( w% T" ^$ M
至少是现在,我一天没有访问蓝光电影论坛就不爽!At least now, my day did not visit the Blu-ray Film Forum on unhappy!
) ~, y. P7 E( L/ o1 w% A' g







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