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[蓝光原盘] 华纳精品动画系列3:兔巴哥全集 [REMUX无损版] Looney Tunes Volume 3 1936-1959 1080p BluRaycd REMUX AVC DD1.0-EPSiLON 38.70GB & 15.57GB








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黄金嫖客 发表于 2020-12-16 21:53:15 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
The characters of Looney Tunes get themselves into crazy situations.* p) b( t- e; D. E1 j: m

1 T3 K. E4 n1 p* {& Y( X  U 01.jpg % r/ N' ?4 V: O+ Z6 e- a# g4 ?5 j: Z

( z3 v. t/ s: `8 ?& V$ w9 e) [◎译  名 华纳精品动画系列3:兔巴哥全集5 c" H: ^: l4 l3 l* F5 Y
◎片  名 Looney Tunes Volume 3
, D* F$ t& R; t+ d◎年  代 1936-19594 \9 k: E# Q+ J  A! {4 k  G3 c6 X8 ^
◎国  家 美国" c7 ~( ^/ C$ o1 D
◎类  别 动画
" B) @% {  P9 d% P; b5 X◎语  言 英语9 S0 y6 G3 R& y" B/ |% C
◎字  幕 英文
& g8 u4 J0 D% ]* [4 Q  f1 Z9 K◎IMDB评分  N/A
, D. v  A5 D% u◎IMDB链接  N/A
8 K$ S" v' S7 ]4 D, s◎文件格式 x264 + DD1.0
3 L8 y: l9 [2 D/ w/ l& K' j◎视频尺寸 1920 x 1080% b  d$ r" W* W, m: ^% _
◎文件大小 1DVD 38.70 GiB & 15.57 GiB
  i0 O! Y& N" F) d◎片  长 90 Min1 M8 i& i/ T$ V+ d, `+ C' \' G
◎导  演 乔·丹特 Joe Dante5 Q# ]) c: r% _/ j: ?% d/ C! c
◎主  演 希瑟·拉克里尔 Heather Locklear
7 _7 w$ o: s2 |% }/ Z1 S7 |8 F       史蒂夫·马丁 Steve Martin0 E' d+ ]+ d9 H: K, b* s- o
       琼·库萨克 Joan Cusack8 H; T# G) t, R' _. G1 ~

6 }4 F. a, D. e+ p; y! ?' E◎简  介 
3 i9 A- B' {% g: K7 p/ H
2 n5 [# R' o/ g4 Y6 A9 [   兔巴哥(Bugs Bunny)又译宾尼兔、兔巴哥或兔宝宝,是一个在Looney Tunes动画系列里出现的一个虚构的卡通人物。根据他的出生日期,他1940年在纽约的布鲁克林出生。同时美国华纳兄弟公司也有同名书籍,内容也是关于动漫角色兔八哥的。1942年NEA辛迪加开始连载《兔巴哥》报刊连环漫画,波基猪、佩图尼亚以及西塞罗一直在这个专辑中不断出现。
6 d: w& s+ h4 S  Z4 u. e. M( H
8 p* f5 f. m& f  兔巴哥(Bugs Bunny)(其实英文直译过来就是 疯狂的兔子,个人认为也比较符合其在片中的形象) 1936年在《波基猎兔》中出现了一只机智的兔子形象,这个形象大受欢迎,于是导演本?哈戴维与卡尔?多尔顿以这个形象为主角又制作出动画片《兔子-嗯,受惊-嗯》、《快变—噢!》。1939年在动画片《埃尔默的偷拍相机》与《一只野兔》中这只兔子成了走红的电影明星,而在《一只野兔》中的这只兔子形象已与后来的兔巴哥十分接近,并且第一次使用了它的著名口头禅:“怎么样,伙计?”在英文中被译为:"what's up,Doc?"在为这只兔子起名字时,因为导演哈戴维的绰号叫“巴格斯”,于是在大家的提议下这只兔子就定名为“巴格斯”(通常译为“兔哥”)。4 ]3 L6 a- E6 l7 b+ k

" r& J0 H) z* J0 `' ~  傲慢的举止,离群的独步以及溢于言表的优越感是兔八哥鲜明的性格。特别是在反抗侵犯者时兔八哥表现得格外突出,人们喜爱兔巴哥与邪恶的约塞米蒂?萨姆斗争,尤其是兔八哥与萨姆的船搁浅在凶残鲨鱼出没的荒岛边的那些情节,在每个紧要关头兔巴哥都以机智战胜了对手。 银幕上的兔八哥妙语连珠、俏皮逗人,获得了巨大的成功,1958年兔巴哥终于获得奥斯卡奖,成为米老鼠和唐老鸭之后最为著名的动画形象。华纳兄弟公司发行(后来还负责制作)《兔八哥》动画片一直到1969年。; y# W  L# n+ y3 D3 C
$ L7 ]4 m4 D6 m# R4 M; _! ^
: f$ d# `* @: Q
1 ]4 c" p5 X4 J+ ^$ b  1942年周日版《兔巴哥》报刊连环漫画问世,每日版《兔巴哥》报刊连环漫画专辑则问世于1948年。
; O  b& u" u  j$ G* b4 }! O5 X, K
  兔巴哥的形象还被制成许许多多的玩具和商标,至今还大量出现在市场中。/ ~0 D' U. k. [. J. H, K; j

4 }+ G4 b( d4 i% ?% D! f, @6 ?0 b  《兔八哥》(Looney Tunes)系列卡通形象由被誉为“好莱坞最伟大的动画大师”之一的查克?琼斯(Chuck?Jones)创造,其创造的形象还有被人们广为流传的《猫和老鼠》、《达菲鸭》等,其中Tom猫和Jeery鼠为他捧回了三座奥斯卡奖杯。
' j, C  W6 ~- d5 G  L% r/ z+ O: `. M# F9 z- w8 V
Screens:; t- Y( o9 e) E) s! l* `$ C

# o4 h3 W! B+ I7 ^$ P# M1 o! k* QLooney Tunes Platinum Collection: Volume Three Blu-ray, Video Quality   
  K1 i2 z7 }+ ?+ f# W3 ^& p( V5 W( u" M6 e; S" u, x
0 [! i- a2 G+ X7 h6 ~
Although the quality of the various shorts struck me as more inconsistent this time around, Volume Three's 1080p/AVC-encoded video presentation is still no slouch. The only issue to report is print damage -- all of it inherent to the source elements -- some of which can become quite a distraction, particularly in regards to the oldest animated shorts. Fortunately, grain has been lovingly preserved, detail is excellent, the integrity of the animators' original line art is crisp and fully intact, and none of the specks, scratches, nicks or hairs that appear are really all that troubling in the big scheme of things. Colors are bright and bold, once again stealing the show. Primaries pop, with vivid Acme reds and striking blues. Black levels are rich and inky, without much in the way of muting. And contrast and saturation are nice and vibrant, with only a handful of shorts' palettes coming on a bit too strong. Add to that a complete lack of macroblocking, banding and other encode-related anomalies and you have yet another volume of the Looney Tunes Platinum Collection that impresses. Again, not quite as much as volumes One and Two, but still well worth the cost of admission./ ^$ t$ @# B) F3 w) M. j
: X( @. S, H1 u0 @4 z
Looney Tunes Platinum Collection: Volume Three Blu-ray, Audio Quality   
' }9 l# D$ i5 R" x3 q1 q
6 ?1 C$ x1 M6 A6 K- \) i! a( W1 V* z( C" J
Like volumes One and Two, the only real disappointment to be had with Warner's 2-disc Volume Three set is its lossy 192kbps Dolby Digital Mono track. Though more than serviceable -- particularly when bolstered by the work that's gone into cleaning up the shorts' original elements without sacrificing the clarity of the voices, effects and music -- the Dolby offering begs the question: would a lossless DTS-HD Master Audio Mono mix sound better? Significantly better? It would certainly be more ideal, and ensure a higher quality and purer presentation. But when dealing with decades-old animated shorts, there just isn't a whole lot to gain, other than perhaps peace of mind. Lossy or no, the soundscape is thin, and no amount of restorative work could make the shorts sound as if they're anything grander than products of their era. I'm content. Not 100% satisfied, but content.
$ E% C; n9 M2 M4 B
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21cn 发表于 2020-12-17 04:49:00 | 显示全部楼层
5 V6 \5 t5 U, n+ f6 O至少是现在,我一天没有访问蓝光电影论坛就不爽!At least now, my day did not visit the Blu-ray Film Forum on unhappy!6 i6 J  `  J- q








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lanpanshuma 发表于 2020-12-17 18:56:15 | 显示全部楼层
; }6 J7 ]3 ?; N- dNot see, I am a novice, the inadequacies of the first Please bear with me!3 S( {; h" g6 m! V/ {



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