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[蓝光原盘] 地狱来的芳邻/符碌敢死队 [蓝光原盘] The Burbs 1989 REMASTERED 1080p BluRaycd AVC LPCM 2.0-OLDHAM 32.31GB








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黄金嫖客 发表于 2021-1-9 21:08:41 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
An overstressed suburbanite and his neighbors are convinced that the new family on the block are part of a murderous Satanic cult.. |: N- j$ Q: \$ F/ J- _8 c

4 }" V: _) A- l2 }) e* w 02.jpg
5 q3 e6 u, h9 K
$ O9 O) D8 h# t) f$ j◎译  名 地狱来的芳邻/符碌敢死队/邻居/飞越古怪屋9 R* Q% Y6 o' |" P1 g
◎片  名 The 'Burbs/ b7 V7 @( H6 |! w
◎年  代 1989
7 B3 T/ w. S% x! @◎产  地 美国
4 v$ j& Q/ Y& R- r0 K$ f◎类  别 喜剧/惊悚/恐怖1 T, p3 V( Z( V; q1 c
◎语  言 英语
* y1 Z; u# p6 M# L8 ~◎上映日期 1989-02-176 i  X$ I, W) @$ G, m) v' T
◎IMDb评分  6.9/10 from 68,154 users" k/ N. b7 z. }/ ?2 M
# c4 e2 c" R' m# u◎豆瓣评分 6.7/10 from 397 users: I. x- d7 S0 t
◎豆瓣链接! a3 s) |9 n6 K6 |
◎文件格式 x264 + LPCM ; ]' u0 M9 ^) z
◎视频尺寸 1920 x 1080) G9 L) y/ t: W5 X8 Z$ J; x! [
◎文件大小 1DVD 32.31 GiB
3 g& k- x  Z' H2 {, @3 E9 g( y+ k◎片  长 1:41:42.930 ( |2 s4 y- F3 a: \3 z! u
◎导  演 乔·丹特 Joe Dante
4 \8 b( K% k  t" t  S◎编  剧 达纳·奥尔森 Dana Olsen
) L6 S  `, p0 D1 \◎主  演 汤姆·汉克斯 Tom Hanks$ W& D  b+ E. D
       布鲁斯·邓恩 Bruce Dern
' D& C3 p- X! J7 M# I" j6 H& v% I       凯丽·费雪 Carrie Fisher+ W0 J# H3 Z; P; g( W" x+ i
       帕特里卡·达博 Patrika Darbo3 t+ ?) F! l! |- G+ A
       迪克·米勒 Dick Miller6 T1 n2 _# B# P
       罗伯特·皮卡多 Robert Picardo
! @- {. p% y) c) \) s       富兰克林·阿贾伊 Franklyn Ajaye  `: v7 O% [( u. W3 Z  Y
       兰斯·霍华德 Rance Howard
( o  i9 S6 c1 x' f) Q       希瑟·哈泽 Heather Haase
$ w- f, Z$ f! y       尼基·凯特 Nicky Katt0 D8 m" H! M: l
       西奥多·戈特利布 Theodore Gottlieb2 j$ u7 S' l1 k* o
       科里·丹齐格 Cory Danziger
& }3 r7 t! ~' d0 s3 ~3 w       盖尔·高登 Gale Gordon' M8 Z2 H3 Y5 V/ Z4 j3 ^% j6 [
       达拉 Darla
$ q2 K5 A# d8 o1 Y" d6 b  F* x       里克·杜科蒙 Rick Ducommun( [# g9 o! a' @
       科里·费尔德曼 Corey Feldman
- Z+ m/ |3 a4 l% w" E       温迪·夏尔 Wendy Schaal
" r0 J- k4 ~$ L' q3 t       亨利·吉布森 Henry Gibson9 r' Q. O& v; H1 V1 v
       考特尼·盖恩斯 Courtney Gains$ @- y; W/ ]0 d/ F( v8 u8 b2 S
; a- G* Y+ J% G1 @6 b0 [8 R
◎标  签 喜剧 | 美国 | 惊悚 | 汤姆·汉克斯 | 美国电影 | 1989 | TomHanks | 恐怖
% Q# v& r9 Q2 e0 N4 i, t* P5 R9 }' @2 f/ y# s* |' B! T3 Y
◎简  介   
, e" R7 |& O' B! G" L+ W0 `
4 F% l* I1 c! W9 k  故事背景是乡下的一个社区,雷特别来到乡下享受一周假期,却发现新搬来的邻居古先生一家行踪怪异,经常昼伏夜出,屋子的气氛亦恐怖得有如鬼屋。此时恰好另一邻居华特先生神秘失踪,雷猜疑是否古做的好事?于是趁古家一家人外出时,亲自摸进古家内一探究竟……
- l, K0 g& W; z1 x" ]1 K+ J' C# s2 {8 A  F$ A
  An overstressed suburbanite and his paramilitaric neighbor struggle to prove their paranoid theory that the new family in town is a front for a cannibalistic cult.
' t8 w% U  L" P4 w' D% }+ g  f4 S8 w* f% g- |& u
  1. DISC INFO:: a* Q  J# e# ]
  2. 6 L/ L2 F9 k1 x) g
  3. Disc Title:     The.Burbs.1989.REMASTERED.1080p.BluRayCD.AVC.LPCM.2.0-OLDHAM
    ) V  Q( o* c8 Y. _  O0 {
  4. Disc Size:      34,693,259,214 bytes
    7 A0 {& |; f9 A$ D+ G8 U: Y1 j
  5. Protection:     AACS
    ( T7 f. A, }, h: G( S! O
  6. Extras:         50Hz Content
    9 l3 d* L' @8 F! q2 Z* w# s
  7. BDInfo: (compatible layout created by DVDFab Z' T7 x% h% P, V5 L! Q2 A( j
  8. + R$ L! w1 n% U4 @( Z7 Z. `
    * K5 R2 T! T: |9 l/ I$ F& Z9 x

  10. ) U7 x9 ]7 A, |) |% ?0 K
  11. Name:                   00020.MPLS  
    9 ]+ k6 K* A6 M/ ?* ^
  12. Length:                 1:41:42.930 ( W& @5 w4 \/ @$ O; O. O
  13. Size:                   33,304,553,472 bytes
    * Z( ^0 P% L0 v  v& j" ^" n2 f( h% F* c
  14. Total Bitrate:          43.66 Mbps
    : M1 q0 G. ^6 Z0 J
  15. : l8 X& U0 {& i
  16. Video:  f+ b! m/ i; P7 s; B) p3 g
  17. 4 I; P! I# g% l* O$ Z
  18. Codec                   Bitrate             Description   
    " M) n4 _; E2 t7 ~# S: T
  19. -----                   -------             -----------   
    0 z6 {7 V2 ?" `% E1 J5 ^/ p
  20. MPEG-4 AVC Video        36389 kbps          1080p / 23.976 fps / 16:9 / High Profile 4.16 o# n2 }* J4 H6 p0 ]5 J

  21. * P1 k! O' b( ~
  22. AUDIO:
    4 C. i( y4 S( I' \2 s
  23. / u4 A9 m  d$ o( B- _0 ~
  24. Codec                           Language        Bitrate         Description    % B4 X" l; r2 q# g
  25. -----                           --------        -------         -----------    ; P& m# O5 F- Z/ {% u$ }
  26. LPCM Audio                      German          1536 kbps       2.0 / 48 kHz / 1536 kbps / 16-bit  Y9 Q4 c% l6 d! z. c" x
  27. LPCM Audio                      English         1536 kbps       2.0 / 48 kHz / 1536 kbps / 16-bit
    6 Q, N! q* O) K
  28. LPCM Audio                      English         1536 kbps       2.0 / 48 kHz / 1536 kbps / 16-bit
    , v9 l! H; ~6 {' I, S8 ~
  29. ' e/ b# n) H% p1 j, _
    ' H. S4 I: f" V/ h, f
  31. 7 V& J# y: i* H( ?: ]1 X$ H- U' W0 U
  32. Codec                           Language        Bitrate         Description   
    # a) x/ Q  I8 X2 o( {
  33. -----                           --------        -------         -----------   
    " ?1 z$ W+ ]1 {& ^: O
  34. Presentation Graphics           German          39.701 kbps                    % d; L: U' j" t8 p9 h
  35. Presentation Graphics           English         36.413 kbps
The 'Burbs Blu-ray, Video Quality   ! F/ Q4 B" S( C# {' @
  G) _$ Y5 c" W/ y2 I- y1 |

: q$ ~/ W: Z% I5 E6 cThe 'Burbs occasionally looks good on Blu-ray, but the presentation's problems, in most scenes, are hard to miss. Detail fluctuates between slightly above average and middling, with crisp, well-manicured grass, scrapes on a trash truck, and old and weathered wood and accents around the Kopek home showing enough raw definition to please. Facial and clothing textures rarely find much tangible definition, often appearing not so much smooth, just abnormally flat and devoid of all but the crudest, most basic details. Color fluctuation is also commonplace. Green grass, an American flag, and other truly bright colors sometimes come across with plenty of punchy saturation, but the palette can be equally dull and fatigued. Black levels follow suit. Occasionally deep and dark but often favoring a pale, worn-down, desaturated appearance, nighttime exteriors struggle to maintain depth and authenticity. Grain is uneven, thicker and buzzing in places and virtually absent in others. The image looks processed and wildly uneven, favoring the lesser qualities. It's more than watchable, but it's almost never fully agreeable.
0 V8 O% D2 C8 l! N; X' S: a+ k3 O" F% F6 ]0 S1 z$ K
The 'Burbs Blu-ray, Audio Quality   8 Z2 J5 [! g" F  ?7 [
7 }) v! x5 _# {# S3 v( W0 m9 a
9 f' z' m- r: Z% H/ v' f
The 'Burbs features a pedestrian, straightforward, crudely simple, but baseline effective DTS-HD Master Audio 2.0 lossless soundtrack. The presentation at least manages to stretch a fair ways out to the sides. Music's push isn't substantial, and neither is clarity, but there's enough distance and definition to satisfy the broadest of needs. Light nighttime ambient effects, such as hooting owls and chirping crickets, enjoy a generally satisfying shove out to the edges. Heavier elements like driving rain, booming thunder, and a few other more aggressive effects in the film (not listed to avoid spoilers) present with muddy clarity but enough punch and push to the sides to offer an illusion of place. Dialogue manages to drift to the middle with enough definition to satisfy requirements.
/ x) [7 G! x, F* x4 v7 c" ]
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