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[蓝光原盘] 足球尤物/她是个男人 [REMUX无损版] Shes the Man 2006 1080p BluRaycd REMUX AVC DTS-HD MA 5.1-FGT 31.78GB








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黄金嫖客 发表于 2021-6-10 17:34:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
When her brother decides to ditch for a couple weeks, Viola heads over to his elite boarding school, disguised as him, and proceeds to fall for his school's star soccer player, and soon learns she's not the only one with romantic troubles.
5 `3 d! W. h4 X) M: s$ ~1 U' X1 b
( Y# n$ f3 i3 h+ T/ B 01.jpg ( S% m6 z6 T1 L8 P& U
8 ]& }& ]. @) ]3 |
◎译  名 足球尤物/假小子/她是个男人/球爱可人儿
! h( e% L) L+ [) ]' J7 @◎片  名 She's the Man. M) y+ A; L) e" H
◎年  代 2006
. h; U! ]. I5 f3 \. p: z- b◎产  地 美国/加拿大
( ^/ S7 A" `  o' F5 a◎类  别 喜剧/爱情7 B# @: S: T4 {5 L
◎语  言 英语
. n6 J; l1 @1 U! ?& M+ D. e◎上映日期 2006-03-17(美国)+ i6 T3 y/ M6 w3 g# a) |" k1 A
◎IMDb评分  6.3/10 from 148,401 users) Z, T7 S, y% K) ~6 b
) I. N3 ~. v% t, b* X9 w◎豆瓣评分 7.3/10 from 59,148 users1 G+ W; T9 ?) }% N: C) J8 x+ k
◎豆瓣链接, m% G8 G' \, j- }$ y: O
◎文件格式 x264 + DTS  
% w# _5 \) N5 @◎视频尺寸 1920 x 1080* Q8 ^; w7 a, J2 G' U& C
◎文件大小 1DVD 31.78 GiB/ t! K1 Y+ D4 Q
◎片  长 1 h 45 min
, V2 P5 j! k: H◎导  演 安迪·菲克曼 Andy Fickman
& e- |8 X7 u( r1 l6 ?◎编  剧 克尔斯滕·史密斯 Kirsten Smith
4 @$ m0 U7 c$ r- }6 h: p◎主  演 阿曼达·贝尼斯 Amanda Bynes
) B. y/ d' q/ W# h       查宁·塔图姆 Channing Tatum8 Z  `; W$ o8 p. j9 m
       劳拉·莱姆希 Laura Ramsey
5 D7 a2 |( c  a/ L6 @       维尼·琼斯 Vinnie Jones
- v5 j/ k( Q* A) }       大卫·克罗斯 David Cross% Y" H5 o" \" Z; e  Q
       朱丽·哈基提 Julie Hagerty
% y# D) G: h! n2 F       罗伯特·霍夫曼 Robert Hoffman9 r* k/ `6 U' x/ L  |
       亚利桑德拉·布莱肯瑞吉 Alexandra Breckenridge
! L9 U, M5 m  \3 p" N       乔纳森·萨多斯基 Jonathan Sadowski
; A. ?3 K9 U1 a2 h. P0 A9 k; r- W       阿曼达·克鲁 Amanda Crew
4 m2 I: {" @' v$ q. }+ a" I       杰西卡·卢卡斯 Jessica Lucas- h7 E6 l( d7 l+ k: N
       布兰顿·杰·麦克拉伦 Brandon Jay McLaren& |+ P  z/ F% M+ c5 [
       詹姆斯·施奈德 James Snyder& e) m3 l5 K- q$ B  k
       詹姆斯·柯克 James Kirk
' b4 w1 S- f/ }! y       艾米莉·帕金斯 Emily Perkins( p- v5 ]3 H" ?3 W+ `7 f3 D
       芭芭拉·科特梅尔 Barbara Kottmeier0 `! W" @! G% n$ q, X* D3 r
       罗伯特·托尔蒂 Robert Torti  q9 m9 a) \# |3 ^- u4 I' P. j
       琳达·博伊德 Lynda Boyd/ b( x" W( ~+ t8 R( f
       凯蒂·斯图亚特 Katie Stuart
! p& G: P" a  u( t       Colby Wilson
4 S: d: }% S& F' c' a& a4 ^  Y2 G9 N       杰弗里·巴拉德 Jeffrey Ballard. @  c, F4 ]% j# l
       Duncan Pattillo
. I5 }& O+ L6 ^- I8 v9 S* n% n       Sandra-Jessica Couturier, d! m$ W+ S5 {/ u
       约翰·派珀-弗格森 John Pyper-Ferguson  T2 Q  f3 k3 L, Y! H$ T  U
       塔尼亚·索尔尼尔 Tania Saulnier
; g9 e) u3 T' T; w, K! H/ m, M4 a2 a' H, J' \
◎标  签 青春 | 喜剧 | 美国 | 校园 | 爱情 | 美国电影 | 足球 | 搞笑9 l5 Q/ I' u1 L  W! L5 t

$ L8 p' x5 \- j◎简  介    $ N* j  G2 k: v* \1 r3 Z
/ F* T' f$ o5 W+ S% l' r' k6 [- g
  维欧拉(阿曼达·贝尼斯 饰)甜美可人,笑容如同一片金色阳光。但她可不是个娇滴滴的小女生。疯狂喜爱足球的她,一直把踢球当作梦想。谁知,可恶的学校竟然取消了女子球队。维欧拉为了继续她的足球梦,乔装成她的双胞胎哥哥赛巴斯蒂去新学校报道,并作为新生加入足球队,准备在球场上战胜那些轻视女孩的男球员们。然而从小女生变成男生可不是一件容易的事,维欧拉故作野蛮的样子着实让人又佩服又好笑。
) U- h0 b$ z* O9 R4 x) V8 }$ n5 U; M+ b4 i7 D- ~
  在室友杜克(钱宁·塔图姆饰)的帮助下,维欧拉足球技术越来越出色。而不知不觉中,她竟爱上了这个和她朝夕相处的阳光大男孩。令人咋舌的是,学校的“万人迷”奥莉维娅竟然疯狂地为她着迷。一件件突发事件接踵而至,维欧拉不知所措。但她始终不变的,对足球的狂热,促使她硬着头皮也要向前走。爱情,足球,皆大欢喜还是全盘皆输?等待维欧拉,等待你我……  w5 H8 |5 f; X
9 T9 v3 l, k+ G% j% V9 m  M- \% z1 G
  When her brother decides to ditch for a couple weeks in London, Viola heads over to his elite boarding school, disguises herself as him, and proceeds to fall for one of her soccer teammates. Little does she realize she's not the only one with romantic troubles, as she, as he, gets in the middle of a series of intermingled love affairs.. k) P/ s( v  g, S5 @1 T
7 j/ `: e+ U' `; L0 K
% G1 V/ L7 M& tID : 1& T2 i" K; D* r' G, ^
ID in the original source medium : 4113 (0x1011)
5 L/ ]# L# F3 T- o$ _% o3 NFormat : AVC5 g: p9 B* U2 `3 x) D
Format/Info : Advanced Video Codec
- t1 w$ j: B9 g! @Format profile : High@L4.1
( ?8 D; h' G5 f7 f# B* ^. u& uFormat settings : CABAC / 4 Ref Frames
! `) s2 r7 n5 |" U# V) a+ Y( aFormat settings, CABAC : Yes5 ]! p9 h- C5 A3 C
Format settings, Reference frames : 4 frames7 i2 ^/ }1 q/ I. t
9 M; [6 c& f- O( g6 u) R% x: ^Duration : 1 h 45 min- E3 @( |5 u. x- E$ f
Bit rate mode : Variable
% _5 k7 a0 t* D& ^8 e! j3 IBit rate : 37.8 Mb/s
8 H( b$ D9 M8 b+ NMaximum bit rate : 40.0 Mb/s
0 t$ s0 H) c1 N/ XWidth : 1 920 pixels
& t3 ]% x, C; K3 J% O& eHeight : 1 080 pixels, ~1 v7 F1 y+ m
Display aspect ratio : 16:9. n/ N8 L8 X) {4 a
Frame rate mode : Constant* l' u6 o1 Z4 p' \* P2 \" ]
Frame rate : 23.976 (24000/1001/189150) FPS$ D! Z, A# I: r" x5 W
Color space : YUV
% F: y- E" @4 f& nChroma subsampling : 4:2:0
( h1 c3 @* m, M' D+ \/ t/ EBit depth : 8 bits9 R5 K, t6 |2 a& R! t: i8 t
Scan type : Progressive
; Z% O9 S5 e  P3 r- O% SBits/(Pixel*Frame) : 0.761' k2 _8 ?3 y' `" D. j
Stream size : 27.8 GiB (88%)
. Q- [( \$ B$ x- v0 \Title : Shes.the.Man.2006.1080p.BluRayCD.REMUX.AVC.DTS-HD.MA.5.1-FGT
+ M6 a" r2 u$ @: b4 v! }Language : English5 f0 v3 D' n$ ?: R. h0 ~3 x! M. T
Default : No( C/ S1 U. C& ?7 J7 T3 J
Forced : No: W9 W. T4 t6 f/ l. }, x, J
Original source medium : Blu-ray3 f: F1 g# ^0 a& u
( {9 v! c2 o8 b) R$ h
Audio #11 h5 G1 l& a: ^- `9 z4 `, N$ D
ID : 2! X+ N4 \* K8 \- Z$ ]& Q6 O
ID in the original source medium : 4352 (0x1100)
7 E. a2 h2 O' M, B( IFormat : DTS XLL
7 c! L6 ~* z6 T! l4 K2 Q4 @; v$ B% ZFormat/Info : Digital Theater Systems# I- b/ k! [( p$ k
Commercial name : DTS-HD Master Audio
; R) p  p9 I0 ]$ j0 U# S! h! |) gCodec ID : A_DTS% `  o: m* X2 |2 _8 J
Duration : 1 h 45 min( n9 v. L1 a( g4 ^- }) ]0 o) x
Bit rate mode : Variable- @% [! L$ g# W5 N- h% i7 D
Bit rate : 4 199 kb/s$ m' A9 f  m! z
Channel(s) : 6 channels
6 c4 P- W2 O( m  Y% f- FChannel layout : C L R Ls Rs LFE4 I* k0 g" l' V3 P4 N1 F; i5 {" `
Sampling rate : 48.0 kHz+ H$ E! g7 ^3 }' f" b/ L! g
Frame rate : 93.750 FPS (512 SPF)
3 `+ i5 D4 N2 ?1 [, NBit depth : 24 bits; q+ n9 u' A9 T0 B
Compression mode : Lossless$ ~1 [: f- P$ q- d2 _
Stream size : 3.09 GiB (10%)" y* \  T' p* e. h. b- h
Title : Shes.the.Man.2006.1080p.BluRaycd.REMUX.AVC.DTS-HD.MA.5.1-FGT
, c# g4 z4 q/ C+ G0 V6 S% B6 O7 pLanguage : English
+ b! L7 b' l% a3 S+ |  O, {- @2 aDefault : Yes
' b! m: }  b$ q7 T* j9 wForced : No% u! L* v7 E% V  O# h+ Q  E
Original source medium : Blu-ray
; V) r! t  M4 s( ^, Z
: t& }+ t0 e, I1 r* ]% I# jAudio #24 p1 D" F8 R, m7 ~
ID : 3
7 }/ A! u/ h& R  o% U; x- Y+ dID in the original source medium : 4353 (0x1101)
0 {" x% b( \( L: S1 o# r. kFormat : AC-3
: t5 |% b" L' T" }3 E& `5 PFormat/Info : Audio Coding 3" F3 }$ u! X6 j
Commercial name : Dolby Digital, F) u; m3 X; {+ W6 l  [7 s- z3 F
Codec ID : A_AC35 X* \4 U# v0 K1 G) G
Duration : 1 h 45 min
9 W; F6 v: u7 H) wBit rate mode : Constant9 K0 G2 j! |2 Y! D" V1 p0 S' N
Bit rate : 640 kb/s& Z. W7 H" Z# X+ Y
Channel(s) : 6 channels8 d" s% ]3 t# F- s- y' R( ]2 M( Z
Channel layout : L R C LFE Ls Rs; m: o- B) M( Q4 J/ h
Sampling rate : 48.0 kHz% S8 k7 Q% q; N$ r5 [
Frame rate : 31.250 FPS (1536 SPF)
. ]/ x* T. n% T( U. t0 @Compression mode : Lossy: k) U: U" `5 {  B  u' h" L$ W
Stream size : 482 MiB (1%), F3 o; Z- Y$ B' B$ X
Title : Shes.the.Man.2006.1080p.BluRaycd.REMUX.AVC.DTS-HD.MA.5.1-FGT
( h8 ^) m# g1 X" d7 TLanguage : French
9 F" @( B% c/ O3 p/ tService kind : Complete Main# z9 i+ x/ n; J" E
Default : No
# @( @# x/ _4 x* J0 mForced : No6 s; @( ~9 M0 a
Original source medium : Blu-ray
+ Q# L5 Q; b: h( g6 V3 B  C4 @2 M( J6 D. h+ J' t; @" D1 l
Audio #3" j* X. R1 i* Q: m' G
ID : 4- f, y* a# l/ n4 I9 L
ID in the original source medium : 4354 (0x1102)
0 u" }) ^- v4 e; I) mFormat : AC-39 }4 i2 l, W: \% L/ X7 M
Format/Info : Audio Coding 3  z* M: [1 z! O' K0 a5 J
Commercial name : Dolby Digital
: ^0 C0 ?9 ~3 Z, l* c' WFormat settings : Dolby Surround+ P, B, k2 e6 x/ k. U: M; L1 s
Codec ID : A_AC3
- o) k! Z& C8 O; }0 Y: w" c5 PDuration : 1 h 45 min
9 d8 B4 z) S+ S' H# kBit rate mode : Constant
& U1 x$ u* q5 A4 I2 a4 OBit rate : 224 kb/s' X1 Z) _9 M% |& Z! N
Channel(s) : 2 channels2 b& `# |7 U' N  N& z8 U
Channel layout : L R
; z6 C2 h2 f* m$ S  R) gSampling rate : 48.0 kHz
( S5 A* D" w. U1 g( O& dFrame rate : 31.250 FPS (1536 SPF): |% }' w. M; p# i, S
Compression mode : Lossy/ z. ?, i& B- B3 U
Stream size : 169 MiB (1%)
/ B, I# l+ {* L5 g5 [3 x/ XTitle : Shes.the.Man.2006.1080p.BluRaycd.REMUX.AVC.DTS-HD.MA.5.1-FGT6 n, L( b8 w8 R  E
Language : English% ~: p0 s' ?) l3 W- [+ n' }) I
Service kind : Complete Main2 y' x4 m  H) k1 i) _
Default : No
7 e6 D0 p, I/ ]* JForced : No
) Y6 r" d% I' {' \Original source medium : Blu-ray  ]$ F3 {/ v4 V2 r* L
' u; f" b' @# F' v5 c; e& C
Audio #46 h' n, l+ z/ i8 ^1 n& o' z
ID : 5
: L, z$ i4 @# s( ?$ v. U: CID in the original source medium : 4355 (0x1103)
' `% f9 j. R3 i$ c( e- ]$ X$ uFormat : AC-38 m4 N6 O  V2 ~+ G/ C
Format/Info : Audio Coding 3* B' I$ x7 `) b% C
Commercial name : Dolby Digital
  E" T+ U  i1 ?" c, WFormat settings : Dolby Surround
! D4 z( E9 R- U  v- m9 `Codec ID : A_AC30 C& }1 N. w% W( P
Duration : 1 h 45 min) h+ G9 i3 }( U: p7 Q. D9 d
Bit rate mode : Constant+ y( _* ]1 `0 o" y; J
Bit rate : 224 kb/s8 c) E2 k% A" S/ p2 T- g
Channel(s) : 2 channels$ n# {6 Y& u2 t5 O
Channel layout : L R2 D( R* w* f& I, d, s
Sampling rate : 48.0 kHz/ O; h- J2 C% X5 R9 R1 ]* A
Frame rate : 31.250 FPS (1536 SPF)7 }4 b8 D5 x3 Z4 o, s1 A" K
Compression mode : Lossy
/ y; ~- D, r6 V: w* y- p0 U8 BStream size : 169 MiB (1%)1 G5 i) I& B7 R+ W+ j
Title : Shes.the.Man.2006.1080p.BluRaycd.REMUX.AVC.DTS-HD.MA.5.1-FGT0 K9 D$ V! W/ Z4 m! A! ~5 S
Language : English" \# D# Y+ U  Y9 c# {4 `
Service kind : Complete Main& e7 V- |% B1 i; @. _# n1 I
Default : No
, e% R# s2 [7 [* l9 e5 O& FForced : No, q  u3 c3 x9 C, I
Original source medium : Blu-ray
/ I2 y% D6 M: V
' a! O! F% K" y/ x3 CText #1
1 A! }* o1 O7 ]! t( |' D! LID : 6
2 `3 }; c; i: n3 W  oFormat : UTF-8, w% F9 D8 R- i( A0 E# q, U  Q* h
Codec ID : S_TEXT/UTF8
5 D) L. j6 [: P( ?3 |" u' n4 X8 ZCodec ID/Info : UTF-8 Plain Text0 ^( f- E3 a0 m" i; E  H& u
Duration : 1 h 36 min
! B- o1 _' h' ~. m6 m0 OBit rate : 67 b/s
% N/ A, X: i  x& ^, VCount of elements : 15898 N* Z% ~, l5 m( g6 {
Stream size : 47.8 KiB (0%)) }7 v. b3 y, @: }) Z- r
Title : SRT
. H5 W; w; k6 B9 x2 W1 ?: u3 pLanguage : English* X/ s1 m) l1 C; ^  h$ Q
Default : Yes8 p6 c  g0 f8 }: T# I" w" ]
Forced : No
9 e8 O5 ^- w6 F1 x
$ X  b; x) \" S# a2 |! NText #2
/ R/ e( M* \; r" wID : 7* J* ~/ v: r, J6 w
ID in the original source medium : 4608 (0x1200)2 a# \4 b2 [' A, O4 s. ]% p
Format : PGS) s& v/ ]. W5 _5 [$ M! }5 ~; Y
Muxing mode : zlib
( W$ k7 }" j; _) F- WCodec ID : S_HDMV/PGS/ _* j% a* M! {2 L
Codec ID/Info : Picture based subtitle format used on BDs/HD-DVDs
2 E3 Q' X" a, c, }. I& t: {0 KDuration : 1 h 36 min
1 N  d: p* E4 Z7 W7 zBit rate : 42.8 kb/s& @2 s  B5 P" R5 Y+ l, Q0 Z( G
Count of elements : 3196
, n: p8 P5 [7 \: [: z4 ?$ ZStream size : 29.7 MiB (0%)
) M8 G  m+ Y$ g) M1 \9 s7 u' qLanguage : English
6 m. ^) u8 M0 Y3 f8 `Default : No
& g6 g' B3 \  ^5 L6 w+ pForced : No
: Z% h6 n: R0 I: q, U  g5 m9 VOriginal source medium : Blu-ray8 S2 S" N3 t# Z' @' g

  O! W9 ^! J/ g" m: ^6 }# ZText #3% k0 [+ R* F' G
ID : 8% {: A6 i% \0 w
ID in the original source medium : 4609 (0x1201)
( y/ m+ P8 [. j9 T6 Z* _" n( eFormat : PGS
5 \- z: A2 }! f4 |Muxing mode : zlib
& F9 K: K2 |" A& U+ ]1 GCodec ID : S_HDMV/PGS: y$ n1 E& D; N6 c/ `: m
Codec ID/Info : Picture based subtitle format used on BDs/HD-DVDs
# }( c1 d  E; O: ^3 g' e1 dDuration : 1 h 43 min
) y1 s2 K4 }8 w+ T: f9 E/ vBit rate : 50.9 kb/s0 {0 y* X7 q5 ]. j
Count of elements : 3980: a0 q. f# p6 S! e/ T4 n4 l8 a: R
Stream size : 37.6 MiB (0%)4 U/ X" f( m8 Q& p8 }; g7 @0 G/ J
Title : SDH  i( u! b8 h; k( A& y$ t
Language : English  y! U6 f6 b9 U
Default : No/ X# A  N& f; M% r
Forced : No
/ ^+ ]0 W! v6 @9 gOriginal source medium : Blu-ray$ o. \4 W  i" r) H% C( [  z
6 F6 ]& n* U* @% Z/ A
Text #4
4 f- l/ w0 Q0 h$ `, DID : 9
$ y# U- d5 Q  B* @1 i9 s: r* T. h9 YID in the original source medium : 4610 (0x1202)
) U7 k' y! C1 ^6 Z' jFormat : PGS9 ]# {' Z! R% o3 e  C
Muxing mode : zlib
0 C7 l& d! j* _* {Codec ID : S_HDMV/PGS
7 ^) Z6 L" I# {; \Codec ID/Info : Picture based subtitle format used on BDs/HD-DVDs6 t' g5 \2 Y! F. q! O; D4 I: m9 L
Duration : 1 h 42 min
* _' m, C( B5 `; w( A/ UBit rate : 39.0 kb/s$ t+ ]/ [$ Z- Q$ [9 P" Y: I
Count of elements : 3192
7 V9 H$ d5 u& q  j* A- |Stream size : 28.6 MiB (0%)
% _  l1 w* j9 G& W' `+ y% P1 y% w- \Language : French- _9 u' T& G. Y4 \
Default : No! H; p; |' u; J! p9 K, e6 d& k
Forced : No
3 [1 m( W/ e5 ^6 K! t4 N. @Original source medium : Blu-ray, T* Z: [# [# B! N4 v1 i5 ~
! p: }! @9 s4 G* W: y
Text #5
# q. m; x# k* S! H% N, CID : 10! ^5 r7 a/ j' a" w7 i) q3 Z2 v
ID in the original source medium : 4610 (0x1202)6 n+ y6 n/ C7 j+ K  l
Format : PGS
9 F, H$ D3 ?2 E+ M! tMuxing mode : zlib
* ]; d. _+ _& V7 x" T% r* |# ^Codec ID : S_HDMV/PGS& c) w% |# |5 T5 m) N: _4 J
Codec ID/Info : Picture based subtitle format used on BDs/HD-DVDs# [2 `1 r# u" I) Z2 h
Duration : 1 h 0 min
+ z2 A$ Q- q: i7 v. d4 X5 VBit rate : 108 b/s) a7 x8 L8 l& \8 c0 d( i) h& Y- n
Count of elements : 61 p6 f+ D% H" [
Stream size : 48.0 KiB (0%)  |* Z& b6 c- w5 j/ _
Title : FORCED
# H& t4 [6 ~: }; M, a' H% ZLanguage : French
# g; M$ h2 h  g0 n! JDefault : No
& Q) d0 s  K4 q# k8 V. U, R; f' QForced : No
+ A: K; B0 X, zOriginal source medium : Blu-ray
) R3 @. \- O) y# ~) w
/ K$ H- A& h" I! W' i# tText #6
& _5 l9 g5 q7 I: }& IID : 11
5 ^1 @0 x& \8 }, E% \ID in the original source medium : 4611 (0x1203); p/ D3 ~4 j. q3 e1 a
Format : PGS
1 [% [$ X3 |( D( r* V' ?5 I4 dMuxing mode : zlib
0 H0 ~1 A6 P; z# K- b  \+ p4 nCodec ID : S_HDMV/PGS
6 P! a8 O$ }# r, m6 _& NCodec ID/Info : Picture based subtitle format used on BDs/HD-DVDs! G4 I, J* z3 ~" Y) B
Duration : 1 h 44 min
3 j& q9 ?: S& _6 K3 p9 t( HBit rate : 65.3 kb/s1 Q7 r2 H. ]# @% X
Count of elements : 4293, R# L* a* D' G8 ?4 Z& N9 w/ [) H
Stream size : 48.9 MiB (0%)
- r; m1 a7 J( xTitle : COMMENTARY& [5 O- x8 g( z1 F3 B+ N
Language : English2 ^7 C) v7 H& w$ x
Default : No8 j4 ^- A9 f% w* R. l3 S  R
Forced : No5 S( r. y7 k+ w! e
Original source medium : Blu-ray9 [. ^7 V7 t! t, E( B/ Q8 V
" a% M' L& k( {9 L
Text #7- L$ F, o% r& q$ v2 u$ M
ID : 12. A! z! m3 f$ m) J
ID in the original source medium : 4612 (0x1204)
  E: n$ q8 N/ b7 L( |9 Q; DFormat : PGS
* c6 D! w1 j/ ?' nMuxing mode : zlib( s) |# l+ @3 k
2 V% R  C& n  v" |3 ?Codec ID/Info : Picture based subtitle format used on BDs/HD-DVDs- x1 ^- `- M# f/ j5 {' a( @' T
Duration : 1 h 44 min2 ?  A( J5 I7 ]( c, p% p
Bit rate : 61.6 kb/s
9 \. z; o1 F0 q6 x6 lCount of elements : 4271+ c+ O& P; I6 m; p
Stream size : 46.2 MiB (0%). J. e6 T3 X5 |- R+ L
+ }5 X9 A( V* O: fLanguage : French  m* ]+ x1 ^+ G% I9 c
Default : No
0 V  a( `: p4 ^' fForced : No* D" U5 o9 G* E
Original source medium : Blu-ray& Q  |' `; ?! }* ?- M2 |
& t' ^8 g7 V1 D% a  V. P5 u
Text #8, x8 B  O3 o% O
ID : 13
. V& J- p& c1 \9 b  \( g' W6 ?ID in the original source medium : 4613 (0x1205)1 k& @: }5 s3 e1 G3 V
Format : PGS
6 B3 H9 e& E. O, @6 a% sMuxing mode : zlib' P# z0 a& r+ {
7 M4 G; |* s* j5 L( C0 M. ^' lCodec ID/Info : Picture based subtitle format used on BDs/HD-DVDs
) q, q1 I/ M" D% ?1 o! mDuration : 1 h 40 min
) _) Q- y+ r. h9 o# c8 \2 z9 BBit rate : 50.2 kb/s
3 h! \# _7 p. f& L; JCount of elements : 2860
" x. H$ g& N# XStream size : 36.1 MiB (0%)7 q0 L* D- B0 Q$ r3 S( S, x% u
Title : COMMENTARY3 o' M5 r3 P9 E9 ^5 B
Language : English/ s: q5 O* g. V: F0 w7 }# t
Default : No
$ |. O% u4 w; B7 C5 OForced : No; W* _3 R" F9 c, l# `+ N8 _: W
Original source medium : Blu-ray! Q/ t1 [& l6 t

1 i. R% ^, j, Y% Z8 ZText #9
" M: a/ t$ v1 T7 b0 I! N" A# KID : 14
" A" k* `1 `4 gID in the original source medium : 4614 (0x1206)
# `  q) Z) q" ^9 c* Q- D+ z; F6 nFormat : PGS: T2 \- m/ ^/ `" C$ @
Muxing mode : zlib
: p, Y' a* h/ ?5 g% Q" gCodec ID : S_HDMV/PGS
% z' \: d* ~: I& y$ _+ n# [  `Codec ID/Info : Picture based subtitle format used on BDs/HD-DVDs8 v  i: p3 _( K& ^$ A
Duration : 1 h 44 min( a: Y' w5 H: F9 d; V' T
Bit rate : 45.2 kb/s( b3 g( G' x* m
Count of elements : 2853
- B4 Z$ N3 C" @% OStream size : 33.9 MiB (0%)
8 x* [7 W, O4 Y4 \4 j0 LTitle : COMMENTARY
& r/ Q: n* U3 e: ZLanguage : French
( N- D2 G7 o7 b$ o+ t" ~6 MDefault : No7 |8 _( h& ^% i9 E  e$ k8 n- k
Forced : No; P& o' e) d) E0 ~
Original source medium : Blu-ray
$ d, n, r* d% w! F6 }" }* j! u9 ~9 y) S0 z  w
Menu( M# j3 n+ \+ `. Y7 d8 e
00:00:00.000 : Chapter 01
! ?) C' i0 G7 h' t! a# M  C00:05:50.933 : Chapter 02" Q& A" n- B1 }
00:12:14.108 : Chapter 03* e# i5 }; Q* v0 ~+ W4 W; H9 S
00:16:57.599 : Chapter 04! r- m* n' t. o# W  q* k
00:19:50.272 : Chapter 05
9 E' z$ u, H0 o4 k* \% K; z+ b00:23:19.231 : Chapter 06
3 f9 X$ G5 e9 M* I) c: l2 v1 f00:28:29.874 : Chapter 07
/ x  |. g$ v) C* s; o8 v7 m00:32:33.534 : Chapter 08$ ^! Y) u8 G1 x8 q3 d. A
00:38:32.351 : Chapter 09
# a* ~2 m3 N9 d2 L6 d00:44:29.792 : Chapter 10& g9 K4 z& X; p! G* l$ q1 T  T; I
00:51:38.845 : Chapter 11
2 f" s8 I' a( G# s) C00:56:14.079 : Chapter 12/ l/ D& u! [0 q' T+ p3 y
01:02:44.218 : Chapter 13# i8 R) u7 E6 V9 l: s
01:09:15.860 : Chapter 14" s  ?3 c2 f% K* d
01:13:45.379 : Chapter 15
1 B7 n8 Q+ Q0 |01:18:22.030 : Chapter 160 j% \, ?; |9 S/ k5 N
01:25:15.151 : Chapter 17
/ [8 k3 @1 j8 E01:31:18.848 : Chapter 183 z% _3 R1 ~9 X, Y- ]0 l6 P
01:34:48.683 : Chapter 19
+ X" m( L/ L' Q4 _* F01:40:29.273 : Chapter 20
She's the Man Blu-ray, Video Quality   + h( i4 P5 A% f  y7 y) H
$ G7 q; a8 i0 C2 r
) a, {7 h, Y2 T! p/ {
It bears repeating that Paramount is releasing some exceptional Blu-rays of late and She's the Man is certainly no exception. This is a gorgeous presentation, handsomely filmic and more than capable of delivering the picture with sure-handed, steady, and highly satisfying detail and color yield. Grain is retained for the duration. It's a fine layer that is consistent in density and flattering to the larger picture, resulting in a pleasing cinematic flavor. It's also sign that the image has not been tinkered with; there is no noise reduction in play, leaving fine details naturally sharp to its film roots. Facial textures are a highlight but so too are odds and ends in dorm rooms, across campus exteriors, and around a carnival grounds midway through the film, to name a few key locations. Every element boasts high quality detailing and natural sharpness. Color output is excellent as well. Tones are bold, firm, and steady in depth and density. There's no fading and no sign of oversaturation beyond a mild uptick inherent to the source. Colors are alive through the spectrum, from colorful clothes to natural greens around the school. Skin tones are perfect and black levels are excellent. Print flaws are difficult to find and encode problems are likewise next to nonexistent. Fans couldn't have asked for more.' D6 o; k" Z1 E* ~' I
5 W0 Z4 U2 f5 @5 {2 [) C+ t0 M
She's the Man Blu-ray, Audio Quality   
" w: @5 W0 Y! U4 f* v! F& z: T3 W$ ~- ^

& z- U4 e4 L& N; P! F) eShe's the Man delivers a manly DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1 lossless soundtrack. Listeners will identify the track's excellence from the outset. The opening Pop-Rock tune is quite the energetic little piece of music, spilling through the stage with sharp lyrics, potent guitar riffs, and plenty of full immersion stage engagement and subwoofer extension. Such remains true for the rest of the film. Every musical engagement is alive with verge, vigor, and vitality; listeners will never be left wanting. Further, ambient effects around campus, during soccer practice, in lunchrooms or restaurants, at a carnival, anywhere and everywhere the film goes sees the audio offering a springy sense of place, never overbearing but very well balanced and true. The stage is often fully engaged to fine effect. Dialogue is clean, clear, and well prioritized from its grounded front-center position. This is a very strong accompaniment to the excellent 1080p visuals.: t" U1 f2 I) Z$ N$ Q) ^
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2528 枚
6454 点


lanpanshuma 发表于 2021-6-10 23:55:37 | 显示全部楼层
其实我一直觉得楼主的品味不错!呵呵!7 L( h, j& Y9 ~+ I) s6 \
In fact, I have always felt that the landlord of good taste! Ha ha!
2 R, |! \/ O* Q+ h& o1 `9 s5 ]5 {








0 枚
260 点
cmainz 发表于 2021-6-15 15:19:47 | 显示全部楼层








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124 点
zqy1718 发表于 2021-6-18 22:53:15 | 显示全部楼层
假小子, 足球尤物, 她是个男人, 球爱可人儿



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