楼主发贴辛苦了,I*老*虎*U!* {+ s) S$ x8 }* S1 x! s2 D
The decisive Replies sink is I get the sinking feeling great sense of accomplishment! " \( r' ~/ t3 }( B, o
每天都来蓝光论坛看看,我爱蓝光电影。 # J% V! A; x+ K至少是现在,我一天没有访问蓝光电影论坛就不爽!At least now, my day did not visit the Blu-ray Film Forum on unhappy!3 l/ r5 ]6 {3 Z4 m# I' x3 \
果断回帖,如果沉了就是我弄沉的感觉很有成就感!* k: e& H/ q3 K% P6 @6 n6 A ( S* N4 U7 ]+ ^0 W至少是现在,我一天没有访问蓝光电影论坛就不爽!At least now, my day did not visit the Blu-ray Film Forum on unhappy!" a0