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[4K极清电影] 龙之心1/魔龙传奇/魔幻屠龙 [4K蓝光原盘] DragonHeart 1996 2160p BluRaycd HEVC DTS-HD MA 5.1-ESiR 70.0GB








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黄金嫖客 发表于 2023-3-21 07:02:02 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
The last dragon and a disillusioned dragonslaying Knight must cooperate to stop an evil King, who was given partial immortality.' p# @4 v: V8 c% x& r

8 s! e5 \. t  W5 `& ^ 02.jpg
) r) E3 C0 _4 j4 t; M# U! u5 s" w  {6 H
◎译  名 龙之心/魔龙传奇/魔幻屠龙/龙心国王/屠龙记
, B4 k3 a" a: |7 a◎片  名 DragonHeart( U* W9 C9 a# T) ?
◎年  代 1996
. U7 A8 x; y9 [0 }◎产  地 美国
$ T, u( d* ^' U* I6 z◎类  别 剧情/动作/奇幻/冒险
: o1 P! Y3 q3 ~+ W# H( I◎语  言 英语2 ]& [* _, j) A: [* D
◎上映日期 1996-05-31(美国)
( M2 C' d( m' V& X. j( f◎IMDb评分  6.4/10 from 99,076 users
; O8 I* o& {% D" y' [' r! j◎IMDb链接 J& U/ C# ^# Z; `1 @, T
◎豆瓣评分 6.9/10 from 3,094 users; T6 N! ^3 _8 @. {9 ~: m
. z5 T% R; R$ ^' ~, F6 l% q& f◎文件格式 x265 + DTS) p* l! ~" T$ R
◎视频尺寸 3840 x 2160
0 H! |5 O6 y/ E# o3 v◎文件大小 1DVD 70.00 GiB2 Z* V* E1 i! L6 o6 C; F, V7 `! n
◎片  长 1:43:05.000 ( W. n" }/ v) h0 [6 e
◎导  演 罗伯·科恩 Rob Cohen! @& k' J3 G# \' |) Y& H
◎编  剧 查尔斯·爱德华·波格 Charles Edward Pogue
/ [6 m' C: A' E- o; P' A: f) C       帕特里克·里德·约翰逊 Patrick Read Johnson
) }# j8 z( k9 L! `4 ~! L& C1 F% \, r+ c7 p◎摄  影 大卫·艾格比 David Eggby7 i# {0 j' C" ?+ r
◎选  角 玛格莉·辛姆金 Margery Simkin" i0 X; J( I0 o/ m+ R
◎美  术 本哈明·费勒南戴斯 Benjamín Fernández4 a* [3 {) x! j4 M) x. e
       约瑟夫·穆索 Joseph Musso
4 J2 X, D' |9 H7 ^- L8 E3 r, L       玛丽亚-特雷莎·巴巴索 Maria-Teresa Barbasso
7 Z/ |2 [5 I- C- ]! |. V6 o◎动作特技 保罗·韦斯顿 Paul Weston
9 K$ v: p+ d% L8 I5 {◎服  装 Thomas Casterline 2 t& G; \3 ~$ h
       安娜·B·薛帕德 Anna B. Sheppard
: |2 @1 m+ e$ \+ n/ R' }◎化  妆 莫里齐奥·西尔维 Maurizio Silvi; ]9 W6 H/ \% \" ?
◎副  导  演 Chitra F. Mojtabai
. M4 D# V- C" O( L4 a◎视觉特效 Danny Gordon Taylor
. a) m0 W+ w* D6 O! H1 W       John Walker , f# a/ ?. ]/ k; V) }; d
       菲尔·蒂贝特 Phil Tippett. L( {4 l# @0 _( s. O/ O
       斯科特·斯奎尔斯 Scott Squires
- P& z" ~& q  V& B# H       詹姆斯·斯特劳斯 James Straus
  R3 z3 m+ {* N5 }$ d  e$ ^       罗伯特·斯特罗姆伯格 Robert Stromberg
" ]3 q; ]6 x7 Z+ u- |, c" O2 v       Bill Taylor Bill Taylor& N' ]+ v0 l1 o. D6 \. U
       乔纳森·罗斯巴特 Jonathan Rothbart
) ~4 R! y2 H* R2 K; h/ ~% B7 d       Steve Nichols 6 B! G2 y5 Q4 N" \" V, q% T
       Marshall Richard Krasser
# T# m2 _  N1 {. ~+ I       丹尼尔·简尼特 Daniel Jeannette
: V* H8 ~& U$ g+ {       克雷格·海斯 Craig Hayes& Y( c6 }  ]0 C& h# Z4 l
       Mike Wassel
) ~7 y1 v0 C/ N* h: P* _       Judith Weaver , H/ H, s' x: z* [& }  l+ u
       拉塞尔·厄尔 Russell Earl
7 y- a  f8 I! k' M! c" N       罗杰·盖耶特 Roger Guyett
& _$ n: c7 Z7 v8 A! r( T       Chad Taylor 6 V" o) V9 @# Q' Q/ q& i
◎演  员 丹尼斯·奎德 Dennis Quaid3 q' ^1 [6 J; i7 ~4 m; _6 E
       大卫·休里斯 David Thewlis. H/ V; u3 H2 G" R5 _5 h' {
       皮特·波斯尔思韦特 Pete Postlethwaite# e$ E9 M  Q. K9 F; q5 f, P9 m
       迪娜·迈耶 Dina Meyer5 |& Q! @" I. ~
       詹森·艾萨克 Jason Isaacs4 J# m; z/ g  O' l) \
       布莱恩·汤普森 Brian Thompson
2 x& N$ S% s/ y9 i* m4 f0 z# n  `/ S       李·奥克斯 Lee Oakes3 E' ?" t5 Z/ K! X( g+ r# I
       朱莉·克里斯蒂 Julie Christie
3 v( A$ H1 h% Q5 R0 g       约翰·吉尔古德 John Gielgud2 g4 x7 {3 \9 Q' S

8 I: X! \' G8 O  A◎简  介   
! l( m# u0 A# O( a1 C
% c3 d1 s( ?: L0 S+ Z* }  武士伯温(丹尼斯·奎德饰)是艾侬王子(大卫·特威利斯饰)的剑术老师,他一心想把王子教导成一位尊从古训的明君。然而,在一次农民叛乱中,老王被杀,王子的心脏也受了致命伤。在王妃的乞求下,一条龙救了王子,分给他半颗心。即位成为新王的王子变得十分残暴。伯温认为这是魔龙的心使王子发生了变化,于是发誓要找这条龙报仇。6 t, I" A) Q9 o9 q

1 d% O  Z: k& L& g, e+ t  十多年过去了,伯温在流浪中屠龙无数。最后一次他遇到了强大的对手。苦斗之后,双方成了朋友。伯温这才知道这已是世界上最后一条龙了。伯温给它取名叫苍龙(肖恩·康纳利配音)。在游历中,他们遇到了因父亲被杀而鼓动人民起来反抗的卡拉,双方成了朋友。一次偶遇使伯温看清了艾侬的真面目。他根本不是心魔作怪,而是本性残暴狡诈。这使伯温深受打击。
) f% }5 b& w# ^- p; {+ |( k6 Q$ O! q/ i/ |& {) f4 S- g
  苍龙将伯温等人带到了圣地。在感悟到亚瑟王传下的武士古训后,伯温下定决心要帮助农民起义推翻艾侬的暴政。 因为有苍龙的帮助,人们信心大增。 在战场上,农民起义军英勇作战,打败了国王的军队。
5 Z6 R1 ]' s: x. w* ^) h& S+ Z' N- h. @! K0 X: i
  老王妃想借杀死苍龙的方法来消灭残暴的艾侬,因为他们的生命是一体的。 然而, 这一秘密却被艾侬发现,老王妃惨遭杀害。伯温带领人们潜入了城堡,彻底打败了艾侬。然而,要杀死艾侬就一定要杀死苍龙。在苍龙的命令与要求下,伯温挥泪杀了苍龙,除掉了暴政王艾侬。1 a  M9 f. q3 K% F7 M4 p) W

1 k( Y! Z* i: [  死去的苍龙升上天空化作了星星。它的光芒将永远守护着这块土地。" ?3 |5 L- M6 V; ^0 I3 j8 {& i
2 O9 n. S/ K  I/ e. L
  After being wounded in battle, the young King Einon is healed by Draco, a dragon, who gives Einon part of his heart. Some years later, Bowen, a knight, forms a partnership with Draco in which Draco terrorizes a village, then Bowen pretends to slay him and collects a reward from the grateful villagers. But now Bowen and Draco must save the entire kingdom from Einon, who has succeeded to the throne and become an evil tyrant -- and whose life is still protected by the heart that Draco gave him all those years ago.. b* n) W3 f2 I; q" G5 B) a; {

* v" e/ [4 u- L! i& ?4 }7 E
  1. DISC INFO:0 G) f- i3 F7 T8 y3 [1 V

  2. ' I& G" p% T* E/ e0 q' P
  3. Disc Title:     DragonHeart.1996.2160p.BluRayCD.HEVC.DTS-HD.MA.5.1-ESiR% ~4 F# R. Y: r
  4. Disc Size:      75,138,386,700 bytes- E$ g) ]. C- W
  5. Protection:     AACS2
    % N, F4 n/ b. p2 h" p
  6. Extras:         Ultra HD, g  {/ R: o6 K
  7. BDInfo: (compatible layout created by DVDFab* U, ~! Y$ O2 z
  8. 2 |9 _% d" k' t
    9 X# s. i, o3 w

  10. 3 O7 Z1 f5 M, ~2 `$ j( W
  11. Name:                   00002.MPLS  / a' {7 |$ d" k/ o: N
  12. Length:                 1:43:05.000 (
    , p  `# u' w* G7 Q
  13. Size:                   74,507,231,232 bytes+ J. M: I: u- T' Y2 L7 c6 ?; x
  14. Total Bitrate:          96.37 Mbps
    " V$ r  C/ \  Z, s9 P! T
  15. 2 M8 U5 F/ l# x4 g2 E7 j2 T
  16. (*) Indicates included stream hidden by this playlist.9 {" a5 Q- s" y; x( A' t( u: b
  17. * W9 H" v1 O8 B- E3 y3 c" O2 z
  18. Video:
    6 A* i) M( @7 J; _/ t3 O- y" d

  19. ! Y9 R2 ]2 k4 b8 B4 B& B, X
  20. Codec                   Bitrate             Description   
    3 A  w- Q3 K" Q7 u8 H3 R
  21. -----                   -------             -----------   
    5 V3 \: \4 ?3 B0 t$ O' O" q
  22. MPEG-H HEVC Video       76493 kbps          2160p / 24 fps / 16:9 / Main 10 @ Level 5.1 @ High / 4:2:0 / 10 bits / 4000nits / HDR10 / BT.2020# Y+ c! h4 h6 e! `$ k+ T  [
  23. * MPEG-H HEVC Video     8535 kbps (10.04%)  1080p / 24 fps / 16:9 / Main 10 @ Level 5.1 @ High / 4:2:0 / 10 bits / 4000nits / Dolby Vision FEL / BT.2020* W$ c* u% a! A# Q. K2 A
  24. 9 Y- [) l: l" W  O! w' r
  25. AUDIO:
    " m  v2 {& [) b7 r0 U
  26. ' K& P9 P5 \  H' n3 L
  27. Codec                           Language        Bitrate         Description   
    7 \. A( j, p6 y* T" m/ _9 M8 Z. R* L
  28. -----                           --------        -------         -----------    0 W1 v: `7 r' z2 p" n# u
  29. DTS-HD Master Audio             English         4457 kbps       5.1 / 48 kHz / 4457 kbps / 24-bit (DTS Core: 5.1 / 48 kHz / 1509 kbps / 24-bit)% x0 V3 y* f2 P2 r1 C- j0 b4 |0 E
  30. DTS-HD Master Audio             English         2065 kbps       2.0 / 48 kHz / 2065 kbps / 24-bit (DTS Core: 2.0 / 48 kHz / 1509 kbps / 24-bit)( O4 U: Z0 N1 [- e, r/ M
  31. Dolby Digital Audio             English         192 kbps        2.0 / 48 kHz / 192 kbps
    2 ?  q& x; Q" G+ v1 R0 J
  32. , Y8 L" p9 V. U# c
  33. SUBTITLES:5 D! m7 }, c0 J2 k/ h

  34. - H7 N4 \# V; p* k5 I6 C
  35. Codec                           Language        Bitrate         Description   
    4 a2 m& F- O; {! J3 E+ O7 R( x7 W
  36. -----                           --------        -------         -----------   
    " o+ Q0 |+ p& G7 w* M3 }% q% a& _
  37. Presentation Graphics           English         29.393 kbps
DragonHeart 4K Blu-ray, Video Quality   7 ?  o6 O+ m% G

2 S. t& `7 d$ J* T  E* G( Y( H& l  c3 k* x; r
Shout! Factory's 4K Ultra HD and Blu-ray combo has arrived on a HEVC-encoded BD-100 and AVC-encoded BD-50. The former contains Dolby Vision (HDR 10 compatible). My copy did not come with a slipcover. As part of this 4K restoration, Shout!'s transfers are sourced from a scan of the original camera negative. The picture appears in its original theatrical exhibition ratio of about 2.39:1. Note: the screen captures presented here are in 1080p.
) e7 x% U" ^% |3 `8 L; b4 ^. h! X- u$ c- j3 W
The old VC-1-encoded transfer that Michael covered had DNR applied to oversharpen an image that lost lots of detail. The recently minted 4K transfer that Shout! worked with adds many fine details (thanks to a fresh scan and the added resolution). It also eliminates many of the source flaws present on the SD DVD, 2007 HD DVD and the BDs. There are only occasional tiny white specks/dots that crop up every now and then in the frame. The most marks appear in the scene where Einon (David Thewlis) stands atop his castle. (But you can't really pick out the artifacts in Screenshot #22 because they pop up and leave quickly.) For shots of the cavalries riding, the biggest difference I noticed is the 3-D depth that the 2160p resolution offers. Greens and yellows often look gorgeous. Film grain is present throughout. I could easily spot it on, for example, the faces of Bowen (Dennis Quaid) and Aislinn (Julie Christie). The lettering on the main and closing titles has a bright yellow/amber that's ultra-sharp.- ]% f! j1 w) S4 p/ s
. x9 M. f! A2 r7 g% J2 L6 @
Before evaluating the visual attributes for the transfers on these two discs, it's important to consider the film stock used and shooting conditions that cinematographer David Eggby worked under with director Rob Cohen. In an interview with Ron Magid of American Cinematographer for a June 1996 feature on DragonHeart, Cohen recalled Eggby encouraging him to shoot Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story (1993) on Fuji negative and then print on Kodak stock so skin tones on the Caucasian actors boasted a warmer tone. (Eggby noted that printing on Fuji stock would make the skin tones a bit too blue.) Cohen and Eggby seemed to follow a similar process with DragonHeart, at least in part. While they didn't shoot on Fujifilm, the Eastman Color Film (Eggby used Kodak 5298 and 5293) also produced warm tones. For example, see Screenshot #s 11 and 12 as well as other compositions framing Bowen. For other characters seen on this transfer, however, facial tones appear pinkish. See especially Einon in frame grab #3, Gilbert (Pete Postlethwaite) in #7, and the forehead of Felton (Jason Isaacs) in #6. The faces looking flushed could be a byproduct of the emotional states the actors projected for their characters." a3 ^% \" z+ p* x" {) D- F' I

/ E! V. h3 t: K! e3 ~4 [/ k: Z/ ZDragonHeart was perhaps the first feature with CG elements to be shot in an anamorphic format. Cohen told Magid that he required the Vista Vision background plates be exposed for the deepest depth possible to ensure that the 18-feet high, 42-feet long Draco (voiced by Sean Connery) could be in sharp focus for the full length it's on screen. Cohen explained this to Magid: "Since we could somewhat adjust the depth of field in CG, sharpen­ing or softening Draco's focus to create a greater reality between Dennis [Quaid] and the dragon, I urged David [Eggby] to produce the deepest-focus, richest and most highly re­solved negative he could get." Eggby described to Magid that once he reduced the large VistaVision negative to 35mm anamorphic, "the images were as clear as anything." The HDR on the 4K and, to a lesser extent, the Blu-ray yields images of the dragon in vivid clarity (see screen capture #s 1, 16, 20, 23, and 25).7 j0 a2 T& q  ^: G
4 {+ a9 y: U$ @! n0 ^+ f' S1 ~
While filming in the big castle of Spis, Eggby said he applied various re­flectors with lights inside to up-light the walls and absorb the tex­ture. It was Cohen's intention for the castle to boast a golden appearance so Eggby and his lighting crew added a golden light in the background. On the UHD and Blu-ray, you'll notice this during the last reel. Also, check out how Eggby lights Brok (Brian Thompson) in #8. (This is one of the highlights on the transfers.) In a similar vein, Cohen advised Eggby to create a moonlight effect where the moon transformed into a golden yel­low light when Bowen is paying his respects at King Arthur's resting place. Eggby utilized a special lamp known as a Hydrargyrum medium-arc iodide (HMI) along with big tungsten lights with layers of yellow gelatin to produce a golden amber look. You can see this in the background of Screenshot #24.
, j$ _* [2 g2 Q9 z+ r/ f( v* E
) f' F5 K0 u# y+ u( z! i! \Note: there was a 1080p transfer of DragonHeart put out last year by German label Turbine Medien as a "Special Edition". I don't own it but the transfer reportedly reuses Universal's older HD master. Turbine supposedly has tried to "improve" upon it with cosmetic refurbishments and faux grain.
0 K( v! O1 G3 a, P4 Z5 v2 t
/ s( I2 H- g5 I) E& y$ H0 m4 @My video score for the two presentations is 4.25/5.00. Twelve scene selections accompany the 103-minute feature on both discs.
. U0 P( n/ R# |3 s
' g, X0 `7 e8 f5 nDragonHeart 4K Blu-ray, Audio Quality   , g3 s. T8 h1 G* _4 S8 G
& e2 f8 k" @% d; T2 O$ t
% K3 V6 s! I1 }+ j8 l( o
Shout! has supplied a DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1 Surround (4457 kbps, 24-bit) and a DTS-HD Master Audio 2.0 Stereo downmix (2065 kbps, 24-bit) on both the BD-100 and BD-50. Both of these DTS mixes were presented in theaters back in '96. When Universal/MCA Home Video issued a special DTS LaserDisc of DragonHeart, it touted the 360 degree environment that the then-groundbreaking DTS mix delivered in Jurassic Park (1993). From 1993-96, more than 200 feature films employed a DTS soundtrack for their theatrical presentations. On the back of the LD jacket, Universal described the DTS Digital Surround for DragonHeart as the way it was originally intended to be heard. The 2012 BD had a DTS-HD MA 5.1 mix and the recording presented here unquestionably equals if not surpasses it. There's a fire-breathing roar heard while a flickering flame flashes on the screen for the main title. Any time Draco moves its long tail and wings, you can expect to hear some big whoosh sounds on the ceiling and overhead speakers. The bass response was thunderous on my Klipsch sub. The 5.1 track does a tremendous job of rendering the locative sounds relative to what's happening in the 2.39:1 frame. For instance, it provides precise direction for the movement of Bowen and his horse traveling through the forest. I had absolutely no issues hearing any of the dialogue. Composer Randy Edelman's memorable score makes equally good use of the fronts and surrounds. Much of Edelman's music is electronic-based but he so deftly weaves synths with strings, percussion, brass, and cymbals that it retains a timeless, classic film music sound.; t5 m7 w9 @9 z
9 k5 F+ L4 T8 y$ c% A* G
The Turbine package includes two Dolby Atmos tracks on one disc (in English and German) and an English Auro-3D mix on the other disc. To play the latter, you'll need an 11.1 or 13.1 channel system.# q9 x5 _: q7 z9 G5 q
# X$ T$ ~4 D' u  c3 z
The Shout! discs contain optional English SDH for the feature.+ D$ R- k, b4 M1 I: p4 z; ?
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lfvvzc 发表于 2023-3-24 16:47:15 | 显示全部楼层
这么好的帖子不回对不起自己!: Y+ H: e% k* }) d6 o( U# B' r
Blu-ray Film Forum is now my home!
8 V( `% M1 G8 T5 t








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fangfang789 发表于 2023-3-26 11:30:17 | 显示全部楼层
$ O) m9 }! L# l5 Q. H1 {9 z& }+ x' movie updates really fast, also did not release issued, whether you believe it or not, anyway, I believed!



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