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[蓝光原盘] I型起源 [蓝光原盘] I Origins 2014 1080p BluRaycd AVC DTS-HD MA 7.1-RARBG 35.32GB & 35.24GB








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3089 枚
28190 点


黄金嫖客 发表于 2023-9-24 01:22:48 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
A molecular biologist and his laboratory partner uncover evidence that may fundamentally change society as we know it.
8 `7 Y  b# l$ e+ P+ l/ j. |+ W4 ?( e' `5 j4 ^% w2 i

! s9 H, b) _/ ?2 k+ ^5 G7 g$ {* z1 B' X) ]; g# Y0 [$ u7 k/ w
◎译  名 I型起源 % [2 v' F8 }6 m+ a/ n& N
◎片  名 I Origins
/ }. q5 u; E9 {" u! r- A◎年  代 2014
: s9 p; n6 t+ p◎产  地 美国# A' R( j4 T& H  b
◎类  别 剧情/科幻
4 M4 E' l$ E2 h7 S5 N+ f( r8 u- G◎语  言 英语/印地语
% L' V9 `' s- ~7 O◎上映日期 2014-01-18(圣丹斯电影节)
5 j' \( @0 t' W! C1 P7 M; X+ e9 n◎IMDb评分  7.3/10 from 131,388 users
; w- r9 A8 P9 h* ?3 _8 E◎IMDb链接 N8 L" ?/ D3 \0 j
◎豆瓣评分 7.8/10 from 30,924 users4 e& y% F( U& i7 m) c; d" Z
; H3 B; \' v  r5 G◎文件格式 x264 + DTS
9 J6 [# W9 u, F. l◎视频尺寸 1920 x 1080% [1 u/ I8 Z7 ^7 a. |) |$ u8 U
◎文件大小 1DVD 35.32 GiB & 35.24 GiB8 P( Y5 X8 Q6 m5 t# T& U! B! j
◎片  长 1:47:34.781 (
6 h: }* W- }6 T◎导  演 迈克·卡希尔 Mike Cahill
7 t' s$ N: ~6 l) Q◎编  剧 迈克·卡希尔 Mike Cahill. i( p7 G% f& j5 G' F8 d- O
◎演  员 迈克尔·皮特 Michael Pitt
3 I* p4 V5 t3 j       史蒂文·元 Steven Yeun
" \  N+ X, E- [8 Q       阿斯特丽德·伯格斯-弗瑞斯贝 Àstrid Bergès-Frisbey1 \( n# ~" I3 X  ?4 z: a: w
       布里特·马灵 Brit Marling  p9 L( [( f  g9 @: M, q! |6 l) H0 }
       多里恩·马克洛吉 Dorien Makhloghi3 A6 d. F) P; D4 {0 J9 S& T
       查尔斯·W·格雷 Charles W. Gray0 ?0 S) T, u, h- v- G
       约翰·修莫 John Schiumo
% E) W4 g+ N' h- E- I9 K  @       法拉莎·贝洛克 Farasha Baylock+ \* e, O- _9 U( u0 g+ e5 f2 {% l0 a
       亚子 Ako
$ q* ~5 c4 P% ~3 ?0 w       克里斯托弗·桑塔马利亚 Christopher Santamaria0 \: K# w( k/ G, }% ]
       塞巴斯蒂安·桑塔马利亚 Sebastian Santamaria* E$ y& G$ X4 K' S) Q* v! G: G2 U) ~3 a
       卡拉·西摩 Cara Seymour8 a; E2 ~* ?6 ^- r- h! A
       朗达·艾尔斯 Rhonda Ayers+ Y) c1 n8 P% I; `. i
       克里斯托·安妮·迪金森 Crystal Anne Dickinson
& g. M( [0 ^5 B, s: q       法妮勒埃文斯 Venida Evans
7 ]4 c; m+ P$ h& }- D       威廉·麦鲍瑟 William Mapother
# @4 M6 x# u3 T, l6 ]( ~       雅奇·潘嘉比 Archie Panjabi" [, n+ ~. Z2 e6 I+ J7 u
       迈克·卡希尔 Mike Cahill
1 h- a( I/ O' c  r. Z       威尔·贝茨 Will Bates+ N* X5 z2 Y  G. ^8 j) h. `- f8 f
       马库斯·福德勒 Markus Förderer! }+ C6 O0 ^$ A" l% o$ z5 X* v
+ s4 O2 [1 M& l- z% ]1 \& u
◎标  签 科幻 | 爱情 | 美国 | 宗教 | 轮回 | 剧情 | 文艺 | 2014
+ M$ v0 n2 m" Q3 ]# _1 c3 Q2 D5 v0 s1 t8 I7 `. }4 Q
◎简  介   
: s( k6 M; E6 I! G$ i) P) [# k
3 @) d! v6 l8 g, v$ W# i  伊恩·格雷是一名分子生物学在读博士,专攻眼睛的进化。在一个聚会上,他邂逅了一位神秘的面具女郎,凭着记忆里女孩美丽动人的眼睛,他找到了她,两人陷入爱河。尽管两人对于生活的基本信条完全不同,但却丝毫未影响感情。多年后,伊恩和他的实验搭档凯伦有了一次具有深远意义的发现,他必须要离开家人,穿越世界各地去找寻这项新发现的意义。
" [. e8 I# O8 ^" R/ B$ u4 ^4 T% x; S
1 {: e! k+ G: X  g  Researching the evolutionary history of the eye, molecular biologist Ian Gray and his laboratory partner uncover astonishing evidence pertaining to reincarnation. Their lives are changed as their belief systems are challenged.
  l; M0 `$ ~/ P" J+ C- `- `
# M6 J2 D2 Z- ?, P( N◎获奖记录
: l$ J, b7 X2 n; Q6 b; j2 R& ^0 ^) E* {% P/ {- F5 ^4 V& q) d6 ]4 C
  第30届圣丹斯电影节 艾尔弗雷德·斯隆奖 迈克·卡希尔0 T* i# d, x1 G- ]7 J
% b  |1 E5 T2 |( ]1 e3 p
  1. DISC INFO:; Z  K8 a" m6 @! k( G5 e6 e8 a
  2. # F. }8 |5 D0 k  B
  3. Disc Title:     I.Origins.2014.1080p.BluRayCD.AVC.DTS-HD.MA.7.1-RARBG
    % f( D6 C' o+ W
  4. Disc Size:      75,872,500,079 bytes
    % r- ?8 z7 Q2 q% ?4 U* z' n" O+ o
  5. Protection:     BD+4 N$ x4 Q4 K" M1 |7 U# E( F. |" E
  6. BD-Java:        Yes
    1 ?9 g3 c7 b  Y% v2 W
  7. BDInfo:         0.0.2
    . a7 l4 C! O8 W8 W1 }* }
  8. ' A) a, x5 N# u( m
  9. PLAYLIST REPORT:- z6 l- Y" r6 T- b7 @& J5 V

  10. " z" u/ p" R/ X) Q  ~+ @6 B  x! M
  11. Name:                   00800.MPLS1 z7 W* |1 J7 z' B$ q$ R
  12. Length:                 1:47:34.781 ( A8 p' S( P# Q* a4 A, e* v
  13. Size:                   30,283,051,008 bytes/ X7 t# \+ Y2 i
  14. Total Bitrate:          37.53 Mbps3 m) p/ J6 |9 Q) R
  15. 7 I# H7 l& `7 q; w3 \
  16. Video:
    3 n" g; z. Z. Q$ [& F# ]/ I* b

  17. 2 z; v. i7 E" D9 U: g0 Z
  18. Codec                   Bitrate             Description     
    . P% N, Q% q$ a# R1 P! x5 l0 Z
  19. -----                   -------             -----------     / Q% a( E1 h( s, s) ]
  20. MPEG-4 AVC Video        29984 kbps          1080p / 23.976 fps / 16:9 / High Profile 4.14 C8 s5 S5 Q. N$ e) Q

  21. & g7 ~& I3 H0 B/ W: l
  22. AUDIO:
    - }* C4 y. n, t5 {9 n/ n% L

  23. $ m) S  N+ _  U$ R# B
  24. Codec                           Language        Bitrate         Description     
    8 \' o% F" [, Y# s% S& c
  25. -----                           --------        -------         -----------     
    * p, y+ X; q* {+ O4 i0 I
  26. DTS-HD Master Audio             English         4607 kbps       7.1 / 48 kHz / 4607 kbps / 24-bit (DTS Core: 5.1-ES / 48 kHz / 1509 kbps / 24-bit / DN -2dB)" z- M* c  W! p2 o0 K; T% d" z
  27. Dolby Digital Audio             English         448 kbps        5.1 / 48 kHz / 448 kbps / DN -2dB
    ) h. ^* l3 H, g% T; H* T* j2 ~& A
  28. Dolby Digital Audio             Spanish         448 kbps        5.1 / 48 kHz / 448 kbps; w6 \  T+ M0 l1 R* [& p
  29. : `: v  `( @* p  |9 f1 e- l, A
    ; Y4 n' W( {2 H6 _2 ~  v3 [: w) r, _

  31. ) X. k$ i' e. g- L( G+ D+ a
  32. Codec                           Language        Bitrate         Description     5 H- h6 A% j+ }/ f1 J
  33. -----                           --------        -------         -----------     
    # J* F4 t8 m. \* d. n
  34. Presentation Graphics           English         36.034 kbps                     ) q9 e' u: G. w/ @  K* B3 b
  35. Presentation Graphics           Spanish         27.970 kbps                     8 q0 `$ w) K( Y& V# g( q0 X
  36. Presentation Graphics           French          30.375 kbps
I Origins Blu-ray, Video Quality   4 v9 P* O6 J& f: u; @

# m, h4 N8 Y% K/ w+ h. `2 I. S0 W# u) E2 z/ D; s: i9 c1 E
I Origins is presented on Blu-ray courtesy of 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment with an AVC encoded 1080p transfer in 2.40:1. Shot digitally with the Red Epic, I Origins appropriately for a film about eyes often looks spectacular in high definition. Cahill and his cinematographer Markus Förderer favor almost comically huge close-ups at times, something that includes a series of eyes and, finally, full faces, with some stunning levels of detail. The two also exploit the famous Vertigo dolly zoom effect in a couple of linked places that offer a suitably dizzying experience. Perhaps strangely, some of the "everyday" sequence look just a bit soft and relatively bland by comparison with some of these showier moments. That said, sharpness and clarity are always first rate, and contrast is also consistent, though there are a couple of cases where backlit interior scenes tend to bloom just slightly. There are no problems with compression artifacts.  m, p. p4 O( \3 T; k% A$ @
- W( n! G3 _, n4 B' O
I Origins Blu-ray, Audio Quality   # C( P& y% e4 L" b
9 C! K. p! D  B/ q; ]9 C

  [4 ^' C! b1 K/ U# g5 H0 Y- P2 RI Origins's lossless DTS-HD Master Audio 7.1 is often quite subtle, but it provides near constant immersion courtesy of a really nicely enveloping sound design. Early scenes like the raucous Halloween party and later moments like Ian's trek overseas offer nice opportunities for quite a bit of ambient environmental effects and sprinklings of dialogue. The main (and admittedly fairly talky) sequences of the film are presented very cleanly and clearly. Fidelity is excellent and there are no issues of any kind to report.
  1. Disc Title: I.Origins.2014.1080p.BluRaycd.AVC.DTS-HD.MA.7.1-DIY@HDSky # q  G9 P9 W/ P, k6 C. j

  2. / ]& \* U0 r5 F3 G
  3. Disc Size: 37,842,123,065 bytes
    ! D# S7 L5 g3 t! m! x$ r8 F* A* \; F
  4. Protection: AACS: _( }1 X, i4 t5 |
  5. BD-Java: Yes8 m  z0 u: Y& w  D3 S% p5 b
  6. BDInfo: 0.5.81 X- W- {+ N" \( U
  7. ; x8 L9 t/ z# j( U
  8. PLAYLIST REPORT:: [. ?7 a# `/ @0 E1 q  r
  9. : o0 {' X5 b& A- j. h: e9 d. `
  10. Name: 00800.MPLS
    - F) d! t' Q% o: n" k( y
  11. Length: 1:47:34.781 ( Y9 z5 Y! [& x2 W( x& G8 s% I- [
  12. Size: 30,283,051,008 bytes
    + J# }. b  q1 t/ X+ S5 V
  13. Total Bitrate: 37.53 Mbps
    9 ^/ a$ J/ K; b5 V0 b1 k- o! N

  14. ) ]+ T) g; M* A* u( z! \% Y
  15. VIDEO:
      x$ g) c9 p" y$ o
  16. ' S' M+ Q2 Z6 I( [" A) ]: w
  17. Codec Bitrate Description # Z$ B" C* y6 y' q
  18. ----- ------- -----------
    , p$ H" r, _$ S1 u% d8 W( U; U
  19. MPEG-4 AVC Video 29984 kbps 1080p / 23.976 fps / 16:9 / High Profile 4.17 B& N- Q5 `. K6 q

  20. ( m. L' c: A& N' ?9 H8 Q8 S
  21. AUDIO:- {% g# G6 A, F2 \

  22. ' M7 i. T" o" {( Y6 F5 O9 I1 q
  23. Codec Language Bitrate Description
    7 g6 R. Z8 S3 I+ E+ h
  24. ----- -------- ------- -----------
    7 H$ q: D6 N" Z4 q2 A
  25. DTS-HD Master Audio English 4607 kbps 7.1 / 48 kHz / 4607 kbps / 24-bit (DTS Core: 5.1-ES / 48 kHz / 1509 kbps / 24-bit / DN -2dB)! y; |8 d+ h: G# C
  26. Dolby Digital Audio English 448 kbps 5.1 / 48 kHz / 448 kbps / DN -2dB
    5 Z& r5 m: M5 ]0 }
  27. Dolby Digital Audio Spanish 448 kbps 5.1 / 48 kHz / 448 kbps
    , h: L$ a. w& [% J5 u7 R& h

  28. , W0 m1 ]. h/ k4 c1 B# j
  29. SUBTITLES:6 p3 R3 O6 ^" i* {+ A
  30. " v4 u! J  m8 b
  31. Codec Language Bitrate Description 5 @% v7 ^  v! s& F; ~
  32. ----- -------- ------- ----------- % F5 I6 B' x/ v- [! s, T" {+ H
  33. Presentation Graphics English 36.034 kbps
    ) f& @; A; r# U# ^
  34. Presentation Graphics Spanish 27.970 kbps
    0 b' p- f7 U& f/ W) V
  35. Presentation Graphics French 30.375 kbps* e3 ^7 V7 a6 T
  36. Presentation Graphics Chinese 52.144 kbps 简体(画面) 8 i8 q, _* |; j* O7 [
  37. Presentation Graphics Chinese 53.194 kbps 繁体(画面) . J% x1 V. I/ h: _
  38. Presentation Graphics Chinese 54.714 kbps 简英(黑边)
    . b  V- S- T- l4 `& M6 V
  39. Presentation Graphics Chinese 56.280 kbps 繁英(黑边)
7 c- M% P& x3 d
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3192 枚
10266 点
shiji1973 发表于 2023-9-24 08:51:13 | 显示全部楼层
+ p4 v2 I  h9 F; Z3 K0 c( }; bI love your Blu-ray movies Forum!: [; k5 v5 s) z7 ]5 z








140 枚
3676 点
xpg050811 发表于 2023-9-24 12:16:48 | 显示全部楼层
% a9 [0 B8 G5 g& @3 G! o要想蓝光电影论坛发展好,资源多,就靠你我他!To the development of Blu-ray movies forum, resources and more depend on you and me!, f1 ^) v1 I' u+ [2 Z








578 枚
1737 点
sawas 发表于 2023-10-12 22:21:23 | 显示全部楼层
That was awesome!



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