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[4K极清电影] 阿凡达 [4K蓝光原盘] Avatar 2009 2160p 4K UHD FULL BluRaycd HEVC DTS-HD Dolby TrueHD 7.1 Atmos-MassModz 92.55GB








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2812 枚
27708 点


黄金嫖客 发表于 2023-10-4 04:13:53 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
A paraplegic Marine dispatched to the moon Pandora on a unique mission becomes torn between following his orders and protecting the world he feels is his home.+ m3 W3 w2 D. z4 d# `5 J* q. J% N

8 q, e' O; B9 q+ _( H1 ?- G+ ~# [

2 ?7 w7 ^" s- Y! Z◎译  名 阿凡达
( E' z+ c$ s; Q◎片  名 Avatar
! R. p* O3 i% `% R: U◎年  代 2009
" z6 G: u' W! u; `' e# J% D& {' @◎产  地 美国
: C+ k" S4 ]! v( Q3 \$ F) c# h◎类  别 动作/科幻/冒险' ]7 f% F2 S1 \
◎语  言 英语/西班牙语3 V' E! j. B( r, Q! Z
◎上映日期 2010-01-04(中国大陆)/2021-03-12(中国大陆重映)/2022-12-12(中国大陆重映)/2009-12-18(美国)
5 R+ z6 [8 V5 @; [◎IMDb评分  7.9/10 from 1,346,957 users2 |9 K7 F) V$ J. t
4 P: d; v) X! a5 C. X◎豆瓣评分 8.8/10 from 1,409,836 users* H1 h. s2 U$ R& o( R; |
◎豆瓣链接! g3 l0 Y' r$ R9 g9 W: F
◎文件格式 x265 + DTS + TrueHD4 v8 ^! q$ l) \, R# c" E4 ^: R# J
◎视频尺寸 3840 x 2160
  D' o+ S' `& w# ]' K◎文件大小 1DVD 92.55 GiB8 {1 U4 w" n; L) m$ |( T
◎片  长 2 h 42 min' V$ j# J9 T+ ]
◎导  演 詹姆斯·卡梅隆 James Cameron: g' m  e1 L. O% a
◎编  剧 詹姆斯·卡梅隆 James Cameron
6 |7 e3 _+ F* Q  x9 u2 J5 m5 P3 L% P◎演  员 萨姆·沃辛顿 Sam Worthington
& }2 O6 u) o+ c- B       佐伊·索尔达娜 Zoe Saldana
3 o4 Q: M3 f& w! z5 a' p% ^8 h       西格妮·韦弗 Sigourney Weaver( r: W* z9 q, V
       史蒂芬·朗 Stephen Lang
' E9 z; r. R# c       米歇尔·罗德里格兹 Michelle Rodriguez6 W! N* x9 m9 D, r
       吉奥瓦尼·瑞比西 Giovanni Ribisi
# u5 L: U0 J2 p* {/ q2 \       乔·大卫·摩尔 Joel David Moore8 s* n. X, w- R# x
       希·庞德 CCH Pounder
; H9 \- d. G5 p       韦斯·斯塔迪 Wes Studi
9 \1 h# h" X; A       拉兹·阿隆索 Laz Alonso& K- b9 a- A3 A( w7 N
       迪利普·劳 Dileep Rao6 E% F0 t8 I$ z" N3 G' g) o% G/ y1 [
       马特·杰拉德 Matt Gerald
; q3 Q9 A, g; C( ^! j* K7 T) _       肖恩·安东尼·莫兰 Sean Anthony Moran
) b* w' V7 u1 g  G+ I       杰森·怀特 Jason Whyte
5 s. V; k2 L2 O       斯科特·劳伦斯 Scott Lawrence1 `9 k: f1 m8 Z1 e- \- j
       凯利·基尔戈 Kelly Kilgour! @  D. s% G2 e( k
       詹姆斯·皮特 James Pitt
: Y* U6 B0 _" Z7 K" h0 w! j       肖恩·帕特里克·墨菲 Sean Patrick Murphy
9 K' h* Z/ w* E3 l4 H       彼得·狄龙 Peter Dillon
" b( E5 }  ?# k) M5 N; i9 C4 u       凯文·多曼 Kevin Dorman2 a! V5 U$ J% O7 H
       凯尔森·亨德森 Kelson Henderson
3 [# D2 x; |3 `" Y7 z7 h8 n       大卫·范·霍恩 David Van Horn
$ z% G; m  M6 [- n       雅克布·托毛里 Jacob Tomuri
1 e5 Z% _& c% B7 F       Julene Renee
7 Q# j* l0 @9 u* y* N) @' o7 p2 {; Q       卢克·霍克 Luke Hawker2 a+ `, @* k2 I* B
       伍迪·舒尔茨 Woody Schultz, h' F- b* |# @( o
       彼得·门萨 Peter Mensah: p* V2 ]- M# v! P8 q
       伊拉姆·崔 Ilram Choi
0 g2 x1 r( h0 k  N! P7 _) h( s       黛布拉·威尔逊 Debra Wilson
' v+ o7 u3 @  A- O       Chris Mala) @3 I- h+ ]6 ~+ d
       马修张伯伦 Matthew Chamberlain
4 p' `* N* X6 Z2 h" _. I+ p& {       詹姆斯·盖林 James Gaylyn
' g: s3 s1 ^0 }- Y       拉斯科·阿特金斯 Lasco Atkins2 K$ m" _' L* t, B" U
       Jørn Benzon  Y3 P6 O0 s& n6 b4 \
       罗文·贝特杰曼 Rowan Bettjeman5 \, @/ q) @/ Z* E1 k
       Robert Catto
8 q5 k6 S1 o" M       罗德尼·库克 Rodney Cook
) y2 l% V/ p2 y4 o       Nicole Dionne
+ n! m" {$ l* f7 W  N       Anthony Ingruber
: S7 ?+ ~0 z4 p# b' p       蒂姆·卡诺 Tim Kano
; ]4 I2 B2 Q& l- a       卡米尔·基南 Camille Keenan% v* @5 o' l# E8 b" g
       迪恩·诺斯利 Dean Knowsley* U, H/ }; I" o
       Emma Law Emma Law
% o) |4 p0 S' h& c  }) P! n% v  _       季冠霖 Guanlin Ji
0 C5 Q# g4 Q3 [3 B  X$ H# ]; z       詹姆斯·霍纳 James Horner8 a: s* p& g8 J' u
       泰瑞·诺塔里 Terry Notary% }' l9 l+ b( m5 b/ n1 B- K
       陆建艺 Jianyi Lu
7 K9 {6 t+ M$ l       布拉德·雅各布维茨 Brad Jacobowitz
/ O, R' a* `9 S5 ]! [  h0 ~* I       丹尼尔·沃特森 Daniel Watterson
1 M$ k, Z9 X1 d* P- e; c. ?' J$ A2 N  n
◎简  介   * P  d& @6 q; N

' l  Q* o+ `4 E& I2 _9 \1 F  战斗中负伤而下身瘫痪的前海军战士杰克·萨利(萨姆·沃辛顿 Sam Worthington 饰)决定替死去的同胞哥哥来到潘多拉星操纵格蕾丝博士(西格妮·韦弗 Sigourney Weaver 饰)用人类基因与当地纳美部族基因结合创造出的 “阿凡达” 混血生物。杰克的目的是打入纳美部落,外交说服他们自愿离开世代居住的家园,从而SecFor公司可砍伐殆尽该地区的原始森林,开采地下昂贵的“不可得”矿。在探索潘多拉星的过程中,杰克遇到了纳美部落的公主娜蒂瑞(佐伊·索尔达娜 Zoe Saldana 饰),向她学习了纳美人的生存技能与对待自然的态度。与此同时,SecFor公司的经理和军方代表上校迈尔斯(史蒂芬·朗 Stephen Lang 饰)逐渐丧失耐心,决定诉诸武力驱赶纳美人……
5 a  Q1 `( n  o/ p9 y
# X$ U5 L, A% p/ S  本片采用3D技术拍摄,共耗资5亿美元制作发行,是电影史上最为昂贵的作品。本片荣获第82届奥斯卡最佳摄影、最佳视觉效果、最佳艺术指导等3项大奖。
4 D1 A, {. x& W- I8 \/ A- Q7 g* z! G: [0 t3 ?) Q
  An ex-Marine finds himself thrust into hostilities on an alien planet filled with exotic life forms.As an Avatar, a human mind in an alien body, he finds himself torn between two worlds, in a desperate fight for his own survival and that of the indigenous people.1 N) i, \5 g) [) V0 C/ c
; u3 d  I5 G; [$ w8 J
* Q: [" _' h! s) ?% ~3 N! Z: |8 p* I1 Q
% x1 w6 O& f' O9 @0 \7 [General( [" L3 a" x! B
Format: BDAV
$ E3 a3 N* F: d# D2 lFormat/Info: Blu-ray Video' t% c9 [% Z+ M$ D
File size: 86.53 GiB
: S/ {3 }" d  Z1 R- l5 WDuration: 2 h 42 min, ]  z: S4 X8 e7 Z+ p
Overall bit rate mode: Variable
( z  d! Q2 B4 q- QOverall bit rate: 100 Mb/s
, S. G0 _, z9 SMaximum Overall bit rate: 109 Mb/s
+ e9 q; Y; z  x( {Frame rate: 23.976 FPS* \2 I; e8 A5 p/ S0 D
7 y8 \7 @7 j) g% w6 C2 k' f6 J
Video #1
. r3 x, h5 M& qID: 4113 (0x1011). I  O% a) r8 y9 ~4 E
Menu ID: 1 (0x1)
) @% f; t( ^; a) P' B+ X! z9 T2 mFormat: HEVC
# l) w! Z, q' GFormat/Info: High Efficiency Video Coding1 j1 f1 ^, {7 U8 s( A; p
Format profile: Main 10@L5.1@High
* p- l! X8 d0 \6 j% R- d: ^5 Q: j' GHDR format: SMPTE ST 2086, HDR10 compatible* V( h) O9 G8 F. k' {8 S
Codec ID: 36
9 e. ~6 ~( n. Z8 C4 V* _Duration: 2 h 42 min) \7 [4 O% E+ s
Width: 3840 pixels
, t0 k% G, x7 tHeight: 2160 pixels  w. A  {( U/ K4 V. G  a
Display aspect ratio: 16:9: V9 r4 E+ |% j  l# ]1 E
Frame rate: 23.976 (24000/1001) FPS
2 P9 \( l' v8 y" @5 `1 |  NColor space: YUV
5 V7 g3 I$ U/ X5 Z1 t) t# IChroma subsampling: 4:2:0 (Type 2)
3 G) O6 i- @, ^Bit depth: 10 bits* j# n# G3 M' E" O7 G" J
Writing library: ATEME Titan File 3.9.6 (        
* _* U$ C8 _  N7 `3 V  T9 {Color range: Limited0 \& ]3 ^0 @4 o, c6 Z
Color primaries: BT.2020' m0 R4 i) v- O3 z0 r1 t4 L
Transfer characteristics: PQ
( v* T$ h4 [" P* l5 cMatrix coefficients: BT.2020 non-constant1 |2 \1 X8 d! F2 s
Mastering display color primaries: BT.2020
9 a/ a5 z1 _5 C/ \  \4 @: ~Mastering display luminance: min: 0.0050 cd/m2, max: 1000 cd/m2
4 U% w9 u6 o0 J, E. c4 p/ M9 u
2 T& [: @) x0 S' q1 JAudio #19 m$ A% G* Q+ F/ J, W  y- o+ I
ID: 4352 (0x1100)
9 a6 X( D/ A1 a5 a+ y  L7 k% W7 WMenu ID: 1 (0x1)2 P7 E* L0 ?& e# D( f
Format: MLP FBA AC-3 16-ch- S/ u8 p7 M$ ]' @
Format/Info: Meridian Lossless Packing FBA with 16-channel presentation3 ]2 x9 f, \+ g5 H2 b% V
Commercial name: Dolby TrueHD with Dolby Atmos
- ~& E& K" W6 j  S" AMuxing mode: Stream extension
. O% T2 e* G) HCodec ID: 131
; a% k8 j, A/ Z: m4 n" v( `Duration: 2 h 42 min
  G9 z! I$ k" Z$ @Bit rate mode: Variable
' a, B' X* s1 k( PBit rate: 640 kb/s+ m- c) I, ~: K/ B
Maximum bit rate: 6840 kb/s# M0 _# D2 S0 O! x# i
Channel(s): 8 channels' B" b, |9 G% S, b( c. h2 _
Channel layout: L R C LFE Ls Rs Lb Rb
7 Y( q& ^5 s; j( PSampling rate: 48.0 kHz+ N) z# x. J# N# B8 X
Frame rate: 31.250 FPS (1536 SPF)
- g  p/ b1 v1 P7 LCompression mode: Lossless# W, ?% `* b% _5 T4 {/ G( J, v; V
Stream size: 488 MiB (1%)
* B1 e+ a" Z1 X  s0 p# j9 EService kind: Complete Main+ u! x1 u1 H8 C# }; p
Number of dynamic objects: 13
) M  N  U$ m( j1 S6 o. ~6 jBed channel count: 1 channel
; d7 ~4 w& U2 }) v  P! e$ JBed channel configuration: LFE1 V% f- |7 L; H
: z$ ]: _8 O! i  W% b
Subtitles: English, French, Spanish, Japanese, French, Spanish, Japanese: q( k/ ?4 K" o" d
Audio Channels: English, French, Spanish, Japanese+ |7 n  r0 h* j3 m& X2 Z# y

Avatar 4K Blu-ray, Video Quality   
) N  H/ Q  B- z9 ~. \
' v0 {4 S2 M0 Y! z5 T# Y
3 x2 i* u0 f4 L: s" ~& fNote: Screenshots are sourced from the 1080 disc included in this package., f$ k  R8 k9 s3 Z
! K, n- ^  q1 u* T0 D2 R
Avatar is presented in 4K UHD courtesy of Disney / Buena Vista and 20th Century Studios with an H encoded 2160p transfer in 1.78:1. While this is frequently a ravishing looking presentation, those coming to it after Avatar: The Way of Water 4K, as I did, may find themselves feeling as I did that this earlier film just can't quite match the often stunning level of detail that the sequel regularly offers. Kind of interestingly, as with Avatar: The Way of Water 4K, there's no Dolby Vision, and HDR actually adds surprisingly little nuance to an inherently lush palette. I will say that the "live action" lab scenes look a bit cooler to my eye in this version than in the 1080 version, something that probably reinforces the whole "blue" tonal subtext of so much of the palette. I also found these live action sequences to look a little harshly digital at times. I would argue that the CGI aspects enjoy the most substantial upgrade in detail in this version when compared to the 1080 version, and there are any number of salient examples including everything from textures on some of the jungle creatures to all of the wondrous outdoor sites and the natural formations that are on display. That said, some of the live action moments offer some clear improvements in fine detail in this version, notably some of the more "up close and personal" framings. Once again, though, I really didn't notice a huge change in overall hues and highlights courtesy of HDR, which I personally found not to be an issue at all since the palette is so generally gorgeously suffused.- ], H$ F/ h2 x" A# J
& Y8 ?7 A5 `" w0 m2 L6 \
Avatar 4K Blu-ray, Audio Quality   
( W, S% U, c% g( X2 N* c0 C+ ]$ G

# F% M' P9 k4 h/ y; DAvatar features a beautifully immersive Dolby Atmos track that establishes verticality from the get go with the diaphanous wordless vocals that play to first a black screen and then the opening aerial shots of misty jungle environments. There is really ingeniously layered sound design at play throughout the film, including the more "realistic" RDA sequences, which can feature the roar of machinery and clamor of soldiers marching in formation. But things really come alive out in the wilds of Pandora, where a glut of ambient environmental sounds populate the surround channels with commendable consistency. James Horner's gorgeous score also resides quite comfortably in the side and rear channels throughout the presentation. Dialogue is rendered cleanly and clearly throughout. Optional subtitles in several languages are available, and this film like its sequel offers some "native language" moments with burnt it English subtitles in a script like font.# U, [) E, G9 g8 ~- v# c

3 t2 s: W% y. P0 ?, G2 c1 }! H, l1 W1 ?* n8 g
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598 枚
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sawas 发表于 2023-10-13 21:53:02 | 显示全部楼层
That was awesome!








191 枚
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fangfang789 发表于 2023-11-23 15:32:52 | 显示全部楼层
9 _3 u) I" M" j4 {3 xBlu-ray Film Forum is now my home!
& s" ~; c9 [& J1 K4 b, B/ {



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