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[蓝光原盘] 忍者神龟1:变种时代 [蓝光原盘] Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2014 1080p BluRaycd AVC TrueHD 7.1 Atmos-RARBG 41.72GB








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黄金嫖客 发表于 2023-10-9 02:09:23 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
When a kingpin threatens New York City, a group of mutated turtle warriors must emerge from the shadows to protect their home.
: ?/ Y" o3 i4 {( H* l) Z; C* o! g( f( V3 g: ~( Z9 k
8 m4 a; {/ q$ v

& ~. s# S: H( W9 h( K2 z  M9 t◎译  名 忍者神龟:变种时代/真人版忍者神龟/忍者龟:变种世代(台)/忍者龟:变种新任务(港)/忍者神龟. N% o) @0 U/ S7 J. M% I
◎片  名 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles / Ninja Turtles4 L8 k3 j) J' R" S) a5 e. @
◎年  代 2014
" v& |4 z4 x9 M◎产  地 美国/ g6 r* c1 j& Q- e' {) ?) J. ^0 v. e
◎类  别 喜剧/动作/科幻/冒险7 }; z$ J- ~  K& M
◎语  言 英语/日语" x4 L! P9 N$ }+ r7 g
◎上映日期 2014-08-08(美国)/2014-08-03(纽约首映)/2014-10-31(中国大陆)
0 c: K8 ^+ c) y◎IMDb评分  5.8/10 from 217,586 users
5 F6 D4 i0 u6 F' R7 {6 J. E◎IMDb链接
3 c% j% u& u3 |( j7 A! k8 U◎豆瓣评分 6.6/10 from 130,294 users
( q# E; D+ G, d! n$ h8 t◎豆瓣链接
; A7 X0 a- Q+ c7 I% P3 j◎文件格式 x264 + TrueHD
+ n/ a% u5 Y; _2 ^2 p◎视频尺寸 1920 x 1080
) |8 [6 P6 w, E3 D" n$ Z◎文件大小 1DVD 41.72 GiB3 u/ ]$ Q+ j# q# ?6 n
◎片  长 1:41:17.988 (
5 b1 Q$ Y1 ]$ t7 ^, s6 D8 K" _# _◎导  演 乔纳森·里贝斯曼 Jonathan Liebesman
" n; W( ]+ a/ Q  Z7 G: T◎编  剧 乔什·阿佩尔鲍姆 Josh Appelbaum
4 ]# X; ^+ D3 \# R5 W       安德烈·内梅克 André Nemec
& ]( R; ?, K0 P& E- R       埃文·达赫迪 Evan Daughterty
' M- J" ~7 U1 k0 X) R1 V       彼得·拉尔德 Peter Laird
& j) p0 t, k3 j6 i6 t8 l       凯文·伊斯特曼 Kevin Eastman8 e  Y: a# C4 y+ A- t
       约翰·福斯克 John Fusco
# p( [0 [% N6 A% D* M; U: h       阿特·马库姆 Art Marcum
  O7 y- n- {, F3 a       马特·霍洛维 Matt Holloway/ a! T( Y4 A9 A" f6 B( L
◎演  员 梅根·福克斯 Megan Fox0 L/ S" S7 y: H8 U9 [) e
       威尔·阿奈特 Will Arnett9 `6 [: C% ~! M4 c  a
       威廉·菲克纳 William Fichtner
+ k. `7 G. r, b* g       阿兰·里奇森 Alan Ritchson! `! h  N5 ~5 F( |  e5 a
       诺尔·费舍 Noel Fisher& o2 Z  [$ C* p' K8 {
       皮特·普劳泽克 Pete Ploszek' T" [% E+ z$ h8 _* q( d2 t
       约翰尼·诺克斯维尔 Johnny Knoxville
  ]$ e7 e: B& [: Q, F4 n4 R       杰瑞米·霍华德 Jeremy Howard
# `  N) _  _+ x5 c       丹尼·伍德伯恩 Danny Woodburn4 u7 Q7 h0 r' @( N' f
       托尼·夏尔赫布 Tony Shalhoub' s( b; J/ e  g/ ?0 X  }# G( Z& U# `
       水源士郎 Tohoru Masamune
( B! q0 w) _( f4 b- d       乌比·戈德堡 Whoopi Goldberg! `( V7 l  v) `% u
       野路美苗 Minae Noji7 f8 L0 w0 ]) m9 C6 S  L
       艾比·艾略特 Abby Elliott
  c3 }* y+ w/ _- q       麦迪逊·梅森 Madison Mason* {) H7 A: i/ K1 L
       塔兰·基拉姆 Taran Killam
* Y2 y& y- L, q% ]/ p2 R' L* ]       玛丽娜·维丝曼 Malina Weissman
6 ]+ O6 B7 U7 T1 i* H. F) X       史蒂文·韦斯 Steven Weisz
7 c4 v$ U1 A5 ]       阿米·谢斯 Ami Sheth1 Y' q6 y8 q! m3 G& e- V, I
       夏野萨博 Sab Shimono
( @9 Q4 ?) q  W2 D* H       布兰登基纳 Brandon Keener
  c1 B! O+ p0 _# `% {       蔡斯·凯利 Chance Kelly
+ F. F/ r% O- r. |' z* B9 ^6 g       迪索·拉莫斯 Diezel Ramos
6 H0 {. s0 K* y+ H/ [- Q       乔安娜·帕兰特 JoAnna Pallante
2 w  s% D$ F  o3 R8 o5 \       保罗·菲兹杰拉德 Paul Fitzgerald0 j6 z0 P7 c5 R, H+ `
       法妮勒埃文斯 Venida Evans
9 e( v4 q+ o- W# e9 ?& @2 J       米卡尔·威戈 Mikal Vega
3 X  n4 M- k: R- v$ u7 G4 d       克里斯·维尔德 Chris Wylde) D" b8 W$ i) A
& q6 I5 q* L2 C* ]! ], [  X
◎简  介   
2 e: D& n& K7 A' r+ s) Z
+ m8 j2 o! G. [( C  G4 p% G! \1 F 繁华大都会美国纽约,邪恶领袖施莱德率领的大脚帮在城市内为非作歹,甚嚣尘上。安保公司老板埃里克·萨克斯(威廉·菲德内尔 William Fichtner 饰)推出最新安保系统,发誓维护城市的和平。第6频道女记者爱普尔·奥尼尔(梅根·福克斯 Megan Fox 饰)偶然拍到大脚帮被四名神秘侠客挫败的画面,在第二次遭遇非常事件时,她惊讶地发现四名侠客竟然是变异后的巴西龟:拉斐尔、列奥纳多、米可朗基罗、多纳泰罗。忍者神龟的名字勾起了爱普尔儿时的记忆,当年她的父亲与萨克斯正是研究生物变异实验的伙伴。她将这个消息告诉给萨克斯,可是在和忍者神龟及其老师斯普林特会面后,才发觉萨克斯与施莱德是这座城市内的罪恶之源……
9 J8 K6 T$ M8 J
3 C8 M/ |9 x+ D1 r6 Z  本片根据同名经典漫画改编。8 R1 _* Z9 l* h5 R
) Q3 r, F  f6 X; S+ v
  When a kingpin threatens New York City, a news reporter find a quad of mutants which makes an alliance to unravel Shredder's plan as the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.& o9 Y8 i" @2 y
8 h# A9 p* X( A7 w
◎获奖情况5 |- r7 f" q6 {+ s
- k# m8 Y4 q# U) M; g0 v
  第35届金酸莓奖  (2015)
5 X4 r4 v+ [! A+ j. u* o! ]  最差影片(提名)
* C$ c2 d" Z* ?6 U" a  最差女配角 梅根·福克斯
6 h& H3 H- A) k( B* ^) i  最差导演(提名) 乔纳森·里贝斯曼6 P/ e4 j# W& w2 V
  最差剧本(提名) 乔什·阿佩尔鲍姆 / 埃文·达赫迪 / 安德烈·内梅克
! ]- K+ z7 B+ n3 X; p  最差前传、重拍、恶搞及续集电影(提名); G+ e. o1 s6 V! y

0 d$ x' D, E" N$ ^1 ]# l  第1届豆瓣电影年度榜单  (2014)
- O7 c! m$ B; l4 ]0 O- s9 V  ?4 W/ M  11月最受关注电影(提名)& b( G6 K/ ^( ]3 b

- L* U+ c+ n, r  b5 V8 X" W  第5届豆瓣电影鑫像奖  (2015)% J) f7 P" E+ N  R* U$ e
  豆渣单元 最渣女演员(外语) 梅根·福克斯
* P- k7 j/ N$ H+ J  a/ j5 Z+ m! I
& I4 p, p9 V$ T! U. L5 ^
  1. DISC INFO:: ~$ {2 p3 Y3 q8 q8 \
  2.   `6 @/ D. I8 i' {
  3. Disc Title:     Teenage.Mutant.Ninja.Turtles.2014.1080p.BluRayCD.AVC.TrueHD.7.1.Atmos-RARBG
    $ |$ D& ~6 `, c- U! {/ P
  4. Disc Size:      45 066 444 798 bytes% h$ |3 J: ~' E, X" w5 _' V) L& g* G
  5. Protection:     AACS* i& t; p, w8 I, p  D6 t& E
  6. BD-Java:        Yes
    * P$ G+ x" O: j+ h  [$ u. o
  7. BDInfo:         0.5.8
    & A6 I- z8 }$ s

  8. ( S  _2 H" \5 S
  9. PLAYLIST REPORT:! W. s5 A4 L* c7 Q' x

  10. 8 D. U$ E; [; r: U
  11. Name:                   00800.MPLS
    1 v3 d# ^( p. G( Q
  12. Length:                 1:41:17.988 (
    ( B# ~. M: g; _: x( n9 e. e& f
  13. Size:                   31 846 975 488 bytes& X$ k0 O& C- Y" U" G1 M
  14. Total Bitrate:          41,92 Mbps
    4 w% m0 n" C9 K- ?! {, c) F! ~

  15. 1 h9 k7 W% F0 p$ j
  16. Video:
    * u1 Y# h* d- e9 G" Z, x( C) {
  17. % \9 O, [, o( R* M7 o+ g+ f
  18. Codec                   Bitrate             Description     
    % K5 s; n7 R; \+ C. U4 v
  19. -----                   -------             -----------     
    / {. V9 P3 N* C* \+ R
  20. MPEG-4 AVC Video        28012 kbps          1080p / 23,976 fps / 16:9 / High Profile 4.1: ]  V% H6 T( _% ~
  21. " c5 |% S8 y( A  L1 v
  22. AUDIO:
    & }# Y' o* C! H! ~% F: E- {* y
  23. 0 C, d7 M6 p' a. O1 I0 b& \7 @9 d3 J
  24. Codec                           Language        Bitrate         Description     
    9 T5 ]3 X4 G+ o( `$ ~: X/ `
  25. -----                           --------        -------         -----------     
    ! S1 q1 W0 s0 ~9 q+ o  Y/ P
  26. Dolby TrueHD Audio              English         5544 kbps       7.1 / 48 kHz / 5544 kbps / 24-bit (AC3 Embedded: 5.1 / 48 kHz / 640 kbps / DN -4dB)0 L" v) w8 h0 _& u/ C/ n% N$ s
  27. Dolby Digital Audio             Czech           640 kbps        5.1 / 48 kHz / 640 kbps / DN -4dB
    # y; L- o! `2 J) l. F
  28. Dolby Digital Audio             Hungarian       640 kbps        5.1 / 48 kHz / 640 kbps / DN -4dB
    2 n7 O2 [! q4 j/ O$ X' @
  29. Dolby Digital Audio             Polish          640 kbps        5.1 / 48 kHz / 640 kbps / DN -4dB9 G: D( u/ T: Y1 C
  30. Dolby Digital Audio             Russian         640 kbps        5.1 / 48 kHz / 640 kbps / DN -4dB
    7 }- `) O7 S$ Q5 {% h1 n
  31. Dolby Digital Audio             Thai            640 kbps        5.1 / 48 kHz / 640 kbps / DN -4dB
    2 J& w' j9 s6 Z; S# ]* M& p
  32. Dolby Digital Audio             Turkish         640 kbps        5.1 / 48 kHz / 640 kbps / DN -4dB1 b! }2 b  S3 `* W3 \: |% K/ v
  33. ( C) C# c8 X. A) R9 ]
    7 H/ ~/ c2 N/ ]4 s; d
  35.   B# `0 Y7 y, Z) ?: z9 I
  36. Codec                           Language        Bitrate         Description     - Z9 }2 j- L# }( K/ d3 h
  37. -----                           --------        -------         -----------     & _: c6 k- C' M: B) G3 l
  38. Presentation Graphics           English         35,845 kbps                     
    , @. y/ H, F% o0 {3 c, z8 v6 K! ?# E6 z" |
  39. Presentation Graphics           Arabic          17,119 kbps                     5 |$ X& F; W+ v1 G( i7 G1 n7 I
  40. Presentation Graphics           Bulgarian       30,749 kbps                     
    . x# S+ o2 }9 t! l6 [* \
  41. Presentation Graphics           Czech           29,892 kbps                     4 I& P0 @: b. t# Z4 J1 H, o
  42. Presentation Graphics           Estonian        33,864 kbps                     
    ) u$ d: V" ?4 v
  43. Presentation Graphics           Greek           34,134 kbps                     
    1 g& u* v# \- R' _3 y4 l0 c
  44. Presentation Graphics           Hebrew          22,849 kbps                     
      R# Z. x5 [3 P4 @) l3 C# g2 D4 a
  45. Presentation Graphics           Hungarian       36,183 kbps                     
    ) S# l, p$ U) H$ n
  46. Presentation Graphics           Icelandic       31,060 kbps                     
    ) F4 ^, d7 N& Q+ E+ {
  47. Presentation Graphics           Indonesian      32,218 kbps                     
    ) w+ i; F3 o. h+ T' D
  48. Presentation Graphics           Korean          20,053 kbps                     0 k. M% B$ c$ X. S7 C6 ~  G! {3 L
  49. Presentation Graphics           Latvian         33,322 kbps                     9 B' Y5 j8 n6 @7 W5 J4 y! z' m$ v
  50. Presentation Graphics           Lithuanian      29,190 kbps                     
    + f+ i- D* J  F+ V3 b& D
  51. Presentation Graphics           Polish          30,224 kbps                     
      [8 q/ a4 c- H' W$ v" V
  52. Presentation Graphics           Portuguese      33,334 kbps                       f/ W% Q  ~  j
  53. Presentation Graphics           Romanian        28,258 kbps                     
    ( }9 s5 g- D" n' F* D
  54. Presentation Graphics           Russian         32,630 kbps                     
    2 k( y" u0 G+ x, G% V$ F
  55. Presentation Graphics           Slovak          32,907 kbps                     ) H1 a1 e6 L6 `5 J' U. O8 Z
  56. Presentation Graphics           Thai            21,987 kbps                     4 j, J; c+ A8 ^/ o% F
  57. Presentation Graphics           Turkish         32,414 kbps                     $ _$ S; m1 K3 \, U; N9 M
  58. Presentation Graphics           Ukrainian       34,484 kbps
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Blu-ray, Video Quality   7 z' R5 e# ], Q" C# S' e4 o! O: D
2 O/ @9 L1 l" ?9 r& V

# G# y- l' y" \) |# z. R: x2 HThe movie might stink, but Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles' picture quality is above reproach. Paramount's 1080p transfer is flat-out gorgeous, a picture-perfect HD stunner that's good enough to distract from the film's structural ineffectiveness, allowing the viewer to instead soak in all of the rich details and colors that are apparent in practically every frame. Details are nothing short of extraordinary. Image clarity is outstanding, and every element sparkles. Turtle reptilian skin, frays and wear on masks, and gunk and grime on shoulder straps and accessories are precision tuned in every shot. Human skin textures are naturally complex down to the finest lines and hairs. Backgrounds -- whether the turtles' sewer home, April's news offices, or science laboratories -- are breathtakingly complex in terms of both raw, broad detail and intricate textures alike. Colors pop off the screen with regularity. April's yellow jacket is a wonder to behold in any scene and under any lighting condition. The distinctive turtle face masks enjoy thoroughly deep coloring, and basic environmental shades are striking. Black levels are richly deep and pure, and flesh tones present no problems. Likewise, the image is free of any perceptible bouts of banding, blockiness, or other maladies. This is easily one of the most gorgeous 1080p transfer of 2014 and proof that even this deep into the format's life it's still capable of jaw-dropping visual excellence.
( E* Q" c% Y  p6 G) ~% e, H; V" E1 ]+ K: U
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Blu-ray, Audio Quality   
. F1 q' u/ p" {; e0 _, O% E$ Z3 A3 x% |' Y
6 x  A! ^, V+ p/ A0 o* ]7 \" l
Likewise, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles' audio is flat-out fantastic. The disc features the new Dolby Atmos presentation (for more, see the review for Transformers: Age of Extinction). Unfortunately, Dolby Atmos gear and setup was not available for review purposes at the time of publication. That said, listeners still on more "traditional" equipment are in luck; the track will decode as a full-fledged Dolby TrueHD 7.1 lossless presentation on legacy equipment, and it's amazing. While it's not quite so punchy and aggressive as some might like -- the opening title music sets a tone of technical excellence at a slightly lower level, even at reference volume -- structural accuracy and fidelity are simply above reproach. Spacing is exemplary, yielding a full, completely enveloping 7.1 experience that surrounds the listener with music in excellent balance, where the front end dominates but the surround channels carry a fairly substantial load as well. Definition is faultless through the entire range, and the low end is particularly well pronounced, deep and true without sounding forced or over-exaggerated. Ambient effects are constant and satisfying, gently enveloping the listener in dripping rain, rolling thunder, light office chatter, or background city din. Action scenes explode with a smorgasbord of precision tuned and precisely placed pieces. Crashes, explosions, gunfire, swooshing weapons, clanking metal, and all variety of major and minor effects alike come together in perfect sonic harmony to effortlessly throw the listener into the fray in terms of both fidelity to the source and placement in the stage. Dialogue is center focused and naturally precise. All around, this is an excellent, A+ audio presentation from Paramount.
$ X0 u# e* `; K) R
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; r4 b7 S) c4 k3 B! fBlu-ray Film Forum is now my home!
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