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[4K极清电影] 午夜凶铃3(美版)/美版午夜凶铃3 [4K蓝光原盘] Rings 2017 4K UHD COMPLETE BluRaycd 2160p HEVC DTS-HD MA 7.1-MassModz 69.08GB








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黄金嫖客 发表于 2024-3-22 23:34:26 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
A young woman finds herself on the receiving end of a terrifying curse that threatens to take her life in 7 days.
5 [* i# `* ]3 A- W- ]4 `$ U# Y7 Y) u  e) m6 ~7 @. \
& m" a+ E0 N7 j
1 i  ?4 Q$ q; U/ n$ C
◎译  名 午夜凶铃3(美版)/美版午夜凶铃3/新午夜凶铃(美版)/回魂凶铃(港)/七夜怪谭(台)7 p- y2 U; @7 }; s
◎片  名 Rings / The Ring / The Ring 3 / The Ring 3D 2 _, s# Z2 r1 Z' V" V9 \# P
◎年  代 2017
' k* _9 k% D& G4 U! [◎产  地 美国
1 s( i9 x2 z, h# l2 W( Z◎类  别 剧情/恐怖/悬疑
5 A, `7 A. `, U- j6 {2 W◎语  言 英语- }, K! o9 L6 [' E7 R# |! e
◎上映日期 2017-02-01(法国)/2017-02-03(美国)
% ~5 S4 J8 Q0 F8 j9 `' R◎IMDb评分  4.5/10 from 43,208 users
% O4 L$ P1 E5 U5 q! S& Z* r( f2 c◎IMDb链接 q6 k; u* n$ f( J! S3 u& R& m
◎豆瓣评分 5.3/10 from 5,822 users+ |3 C7 d+ V" `6 k3 g" m* a0 a" V
9 i0 b6 {+ K! D◎文件格式 x265 + DTS
2 ]- E1 g. d9 J4 S' o! Q◎视频尺寸 3840 x 2160& [6 B9 E5 @# ?% H+ E6 ^
◎文件大小 1DVD 69.08 GiB
6 B  j0 R3 w' b* p& K% X1 f: E◎片  长 1 h 42 min
7 S) [* t" R3 e" G$ A$ a1 g6 q% y◎导  演 F·贾维尔·古铁雷斯 F. Javier Gutiérrez6 Q9 j/ M( [9 c1 R6 o1 u
◎编  剧 大卫·卢卡 David Loucka
  d  B1 i8 ]% I( O( Q       雅各布·艾伦·埃斯戴斯 Jacob Aaron Estes
( U& l7 H" ]6 m% W  }       阿齐瓦·高斯曼 Akiva Goldsman0 e6 r1 w, a' o5 z/ w% P- ?7 ^
       铃木光司 Kôji Suzuki
; Y1 |1 j# K8 t, p; r9 Z◎制  片  人 吉尔莫·德尔·托罗 Guillermo del Toro
/ H  a7 _6 W$ a# c◎音  乐 马修·马杰森 Matthew Margeson3 U, V) d0 K6 s6 h! r0 z' h8 j; b
◎演  员 玛蒂尔达·鲁茨 Matilda Anna Ingrid Lutz
; T( C/ P/ s7 I% X       亚历克斯·罗伊 Alex Roe
- \! z+ P( N+ K       约翰尼·盖尔克奇 Johnny Galecki
7 ]9 }  {( v  t$ F- K) d       文森特·多诺费奥 Vincent D'Onofrio/ x1 l2 |% n: ~1 {8 F
       艾米·缇加登 Aimee Teegarden
, O6 }2 k' q$ \' X% @" a       邦妮·摩根 Bonnie Morgan% F5 Y2 L; C" B
       查克·大卫·威利斯 Chuck David Willis* `8 c0 ~# o, M$ W, f( u) M5 @
       帕特里克·R·沃克 Patrick R. Walker
, i; a& X; `2 ?2 U+ e       扎齐·罗伊瑞格 Zach Roerig
$ B; `1 z6 V% I- t, X       劳拉·威金斯 Laura Wiggins
& p! L% R& Y) Q- X5 H       丽兹·布罗谢 Lizzie Brocheré
  |  O% S: e! h, e) U5 m# @       凯伦·西塞 Karen Ceesay
% C+ ~! t9 R" ^. m       大卫·布莱米 Dave Blamy
* L% P; G! G( v! X9 N3 c  P, H2 B+ x/ h* O       迈克尔·桑德斯 Mike Sanders
; ^6 z2 r2 A4 |/ t$ f: ^0 g       兰德尔·泰勒 Randall Taylor
, o8 b  x. ]& b9 Q. _4 _       吉尔·简·克莱门茨 Jill Jane Clements6 A* F% S6 z  ^& m( e
       安德莉亚·鲍威尔 Andrea Powell
# d6 Y2 t/ t1 Q       大卫·多尔夫曼 David Dorfman
7 C9 a4 R$ q6 m( r; v6 u       克里斯·格林 Chris Greene
  y* u1 W& P- c, E( b1 G" u       杰里米·哈里森 Jeremy Harrison | 饰 Highway Patrolman
! y$ Q% J% v1 j1 G5 j; O' i       杰伊·皮尔森 Jay Pearson | 饰 Highway Patrolman1 @) _; K; R$ `- y9 ?5 Z5 b* W  c  i' l
       瑞奇·缪斯 Ricky Muse | 饰 AA Member
: B% ]; E/ i0 I7 r- M       瑞安·刘易斯 Ryan Lewis | 饰 AA Leader
0 d5 r% D0 v; L. f3 \       萝丝·比安科 Rose Bianco | 饰 Waitress1 i4 g$ O8 T! O( K9 L4 S
( Z- ?5 t: H: Y* ]' I7 y( f  G$ @
◎简  介 2 @; v# o1 d2 T& t3 e2 T) E
( g9 R1 I+ Z& m" f: s; G9 I+ T# [- \
  年轻女孩茱莉娅(玛蒂尔达·鲁茨 Matilda Lutz 饰)和男友霍尔特(阿历克斯·罗 Alex Roe 饰)分隔两地,相互思念。某晚在一个奇怪的梦后,茱莉娅发现霍尔特不见了踪影,视频通话中则有一个疯狂的女子咆哮质问,四下寻找霍尔特的下落。充满担忧的茱莉娅启程前往霍尔特所在的学校,并因缘际会见到了视频中的那个女孩斯盖伊,谁知更因此目睹了斯盖伊离奇的死亡。在此之后,霍尔特出现,他说自己接收了加布里埃尔教授(约翰尼·盖尔克奇 Johnny Galecki 饰)的一个实验,表面上该实验是为了证明人死后灵魂的存在,实则他们是观看那盘受诅咒的录像带,观看者在死亡前将录像转给下一个“替身”,然而死亡者接连出现。
9 j# h8 ?3 N. W0 d) h( q" Y3 k
/ d6 V" r' ]3 t- r# g; |  就在此时,茱莉娅也观看了这盘恐怖的录像带……4 L/ x  I& {' o" Q' p

6 z0 i. T: m8 `/ j$ i8 N! X$ N  Julia becomes worried about her boyfriend, Holt, when he explores the dark urban legend of a mysterious Video said to kill the watcher seven days after viewing. She sacrifices herself to save her boyfriend and in doing so makes a horrifying discovery: there is a "movie within the movie" that no one has ever seen before.
7 \- @7 A) R% Y4 q6 M* ^* k- R% F
2 X+ t& `% Y  g6 ]7 @( T1 |/ g# G$ z# x% z  ^
$ P% ?2 T- ?" g* K. R" ^Format: BDAV" b- Q* F4 h/ f) ~- F3 s" o
Format/Info: Blu-ray Video
% M/ [% i1 t; o; Y4 SFile size: 68.2 GiB
( L4 v6 \' s, X. P, Y& r1 cDuration: 1h 42m
" H$ B: N) o$ h% vOverall bit rate mode: Variable
+ A- H3 ^4 x) X& X) w0 cOverall bit rate: 95.5 Mb/s
3 r' M: p+ X& Z1 @+ yMaximum Overall bit rate: 128 Mb/s
% i/ \$ y& {9 Q; PFrame rate: 23.976 FPS
8 R( m1 g- @3 E7 O
3 A7 C) B+ [  X4 B% @5 [6 uVideo #1% q) L% F- q9 I( p
ID: 4113 (0x1011)  Z# ]; ^5 l* l% T
Menu ID: 1 (0x1)
9 H( a* L" W/ N- r/ W& ^% [! H7 vFormat: HEVC6 D) K# K7 H& [
Format/Info: High Efficiency Video Coding; i- `1 f2 Q2 D) ^
Format profile: Main 10@L5.1@High
& r7 `1 u/ N* j0 OHDR format: SMPTE ST 2086, HDR10 compatible
# E' |6 Q2 S+ w4 c! d7 G: TCodec ID: 36
0 C4 N! X+ ~1 S- f8 j8 r6 vDuration: 1h 42m- @+ T! ]2 H) ~* L" l* C
Width: 3840 pixels4 x$ s8 Z) Y0 c0 r
Height: 2160 pixels
. l6 f  K& r8 y1 h$ TDisplay aspect ratio: 16:9
" C# [  F7 l0 n# S2 K' H. z" Z0 [Frame rate: 23.976 (24000/1001) FPS
4 D; ?. s5 U2 e$ Y7 D. A+ p, SColor space: YUV9 `" U7 @- `5 Y( y
Chroma subsampling: 4:2:0 (Type 2)
2 E- W, C8 x/ v9 mBit depth: 10 bits
. M& \( Y2 S" ]7 P, k* u. ^# WTime code of first frame: 00:00:00:009 i! n$ |  G# c8 J( K& m$ c; {
Color range: Limited
+ J' ]- ?% C& |3 F. A1 ~Color primaries: BT.2020/ U3 H: m7 `. A
Transfer characteristics: PQ
! h! U% T: ^4 c4 s# q$ e7 b- ?Matrix coefficients: BT.2020 non-constant
6 n9 w9 I9 L# q* Y9 J0 w6 HMastering display color primaries: BT.2020
0 o7 N- H* s/ D+ kMastering display luminance: min: 0.0050 cd/m2, max: 4000 cd/m2
3 z" P* U4 I" I: m( b- A" tMaximum Content Light Level: 447 cd/m2
% L. q) Q: c6 uMaximum Frame-Average Light Level: 92 cd/m2
: I) t, o1 T* ?
  }8 r7 M# T3 r2 b' j) V" yVideo #2 (Dolby Vision)
. l" ]2 Y# D3 N4 wID: 4117 (0x1015)( B" s7 h3 l1 s; a
Menu ID: 1 (0x1)
3 x9 }- i& i& wFormat: HEVC
& ^( ]' I2 z% M7 IFormat/Info: High Efficiency Video Coding
( `1 M3 y8 |; V# D1 CFormat profile: Main 10@L5.1@High" D9 x6 M( P' _* t' U+ _" l+ z
HDR format: SMPTE ST 2086, HDR10 compatible9 {% H$ Y; e- M  ~5 l# D9 y0 `% s
Codec ID: 36
# m/ l+ |* n' a; Z, N) Z# X+ e9 D$ GDuration: 1h 42m- r- w5 m3 b- z* s7 k3 F' k7 R$ H/ ~
Width: 1920 pixels
$ ]" b0 w" N# b, W9 Q% C0 nHeight: 1080 pixels
9 I! g( \% e" j8 LDisplay aspect ratio: 16:9
, M1 h8 X) ^, R' ~# MFrame rate: 23.976 (24000/1001) FPS
1 Y- ]) l( M  K5 cColor space: YUV5 q  a% C. |8 [+ _. }
Chroma subsampling: 4:2:0 (Type 2)
. U2 c, S& N1 FBit depth: 10 bits
3 k) o( ^5 J, I/ P# }( F2 z0 PTime code of first frame: 00:00:00:00
$ B' K" u% ^- H8 u$ |Color range: Limited
2 b  U/ v. n4 k$ qColor primaries: BT.2020
) |% o& t9 V) Z# \- Q6 R0 H6 QTransfer characteristics: PQ- {, u5 W/ X8 k# v4 I; I8 ]
Matrix coefficients: BT.2020 non-constant) K( Q' \5 B1 @1 d' U( v' X+ }
Mastering display color primaries: BT.2020
: ]: {6 W7 k! v& o# LMastering display luminance: min: 0.0050 cd/m2, max: 4000 cd/m2
) w  f  a- M% b( w; |0 l1 _5 s# z# ~1 b/ a% j# O4 j
Audio #12 ]  b: s0 \8 w. a+ P
ID: 4352 (0x1100)$ [: Y* C! h2 i, `7 K
Menu ID: 1 (0x1). D' j$ b2 G* K' ~+ n2 \
Format: DTS ES XLL9 n  F& t) ]/ a- Z
Format/Info: Digital Theater Systems
1 a$ n4 Q  K1 m2 T4 SCommercial name: DTS-HD Master Audio
0 p$ g  Y: @2 g+ s' G" @- aMuxing mode: Stream extension1 x. V" v- {4 S0 U5 }9 I& Z8 i
Codec ID: 134
9 h0 e6 u# V8 k$ LDuration: 1h 42m, i) S$ V8 r9 d
Bit rate mode: Variable1 P6 a' y) a/ P6 W  v
Channel(s): 8 channels
+ j/ b, Q) z0 \7 G2 H9 SChannel layout: C L R Ls Rs LFE Lb Rb* s7 a, Z9 e8 V! A3 V0 T
Sampling rate: 48.0 kHz
, E( |4 n4 S5 ~5 F( H3 }Frame rate: 93.750 FPS (512 SPF)7 J, m' q' O7 T. `
Bit depth: 24 bits
$ |, P! _! M+ p0 R: x6 l2 }# S1 DCompression mode: Lossless. U6 G: @4 [' \
( N! Y5 U6 I1 L9 U  K
Subtitles: English SDH
4 q; X$ I& K9 v5 KAudio Channels: English DTS-HD Master 7.1 @ 4391 kbps, English DTS-HD Master 2.0 @ 1561 kbps2 X5 M& Z+ l+ g* K( Q
  h2 Y: \/ m. ~; y7 E& L
重要信息:这是完整的4K超高清蓝光光盘。它有杜比ATMOS,包括杜比视轨。9 X0 P8 A1 d2 i- k7 N

( v* b- ~$ T7 r* v9 K
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shiji1973 发表于 2024-3-24 08:54:13 | 显示全部楼层
看了LZ的帖子,我只想说一句很好很强大!"": J4 `- g* M4 b! s$ n/ |, I
Not see, I am a novice, the inadequacies of the first Please bear with me!7 o# u) ~4 _" x' S! _1 G; j



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