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[蓝光原盘] 乌鸦/爱伦坡悬案:渡鸦疑云 [蓝光原盘] The Raven 2012 1080p BluRaycd AVC DTS-HD MA 5.1-FGT 33.88GB








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黄金嫖客 发表于 2024-7-8 23:43:28 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
A fictionalized account of the last days of Edgar Allan Poe's life, in which the poet is in pursuit of a serial killer whose murders mirror those in the writer's stories.
1 C! C' O. X. J$ ~% u4 t2 @/ C
2 N* i% N! P' M) y

, z' a# m/ l6 [3 b◎译  名 乌鸦/爱伦坡悬案:渡鸦疑云(台)/神探爱伦坡:黑鸦凶杀案(港)/神探爱伦坡:黑鸦疑云(台)% W0 V6 K( U7 d) R) U- i6 y# W0 [, J
◎片  名 The Raven/ k1 _8 G3 g: h# P) v" O
◎年  代 20123 `  @9 }& v" W$ ~3 K& ?, D( V
◎产  地 美国/西班牙/匈牙利/塞尔维亚- ]& G) j4 Y  `8 o2 f; k; e$ C9 e8 A
◎类  别 悬疑/惊悚/犯罪& ]9 d0 u. I, g0 P% n- w3 [( }& g  ]3 A
◎语  言 英语$ O( L' d( g" J" Q
◎上映日期 2012-03-09(英国)/2012-04-27(美国)
7 Q/ @0 o1 i; p# p- Q◎IMDb评分  6.4/10 from 88,268 users
  \. E& z; S0 z- u# S◎IMDb链接 J& T8 A7 |( O+ g9 Z+ p. t0 r$ x% ]
◎豆瓣评分 6.6/10 from 14,487 users6 z0 t) L& N, {0 L- P
◎豆瓣链接 Z: D+ G: v8 u! ?2 A
◎文件格式 x264 + DTS
+ r$ q/ E# Y$ K5 @& l◎视频尺寸 1920 x 1080
, C, x! M9 o# f0 ]: T! n, P◎文件大小 1DVD 33.88 GiB7 @, V! i% T, }' L1 o, J" {$ I
◎片  长 1:50:52.062 ( N9 u4 |8 k9 R0 O9 K
◎导  演 詹姆斯·麦克特格 James McTeigue
8 B& B5 }2 ]. u, _# T5 W2 h& D( ^, q◎编  剧 Hannah Shakespeare
- q4 L$ Y: z7 s- }       本·利文斯顿 Ben Livingston; c- A5 f' `8 B* _
◎音  乐 卢卡斯·比达尔 Lucas Vidal
) b) _) j# X; a◎演  员 约翰·库萨克 John Cusack: b2 J1 t1 d- B# b
       卢克·伊万斯 Luke Evans
2 b+ I- {3 l, C) M$ U; X$ U       爱丽丝·伊芙 Alice Eve/ z+ c5 V. x: ]
       布莱丹·格里森 Brendan Gleeson
& Z; Q. K# t' z) @! t# V       凯文·麦克纳利 Kevin McNally
8 u0 ?! e2 i, ^  \# \. k0 G       奥利弗·杰森-科恩 Oliver Jackson-Cohen$ g! h! K- L0 ~* J2 C6 ?7 n8 }4 u+ C
       山姆·哈兹尔丁 Sam Hazeldine | 饰 Ivan; {/ u% ?/ N0 H  {
       帕姆·费里斯 Pam Ferris6 _  e9 L  T. B
       布兰登·柯伊尔 Brendan Coyle
1 v, {! Q5 }1 _. @% L5 ]       阿德里安·劳林斯 Adrian Rawlins% S+ {1 z, b$ j; @' `- s2 m
       大卫·勒格诺 Dave Legeno) S, A$ c9 B) N( k& z
       迈克尔·香农 Michael Shannon
2 t9 D, j( L5 S       查丽蒂·维克菲尔德 Charity Wakefield6 ]2 Z1 ~# s8 }: L, F
       伊恩·维果 Ian Virgo
0 w1 H( i4 x* g       迈克尔·J·福蒂克 Michael J. Fourticq
/ v# _6 M- W8 F8 a5 F3 S' V       马特·戴维尔 Matt Devere5 u9 ?5 @  v0 g8 ~" j8 G! ~
       谢尔盖·特里富诺维奇 Sergej Trifunović
! f$ I3 N4 f0 G9 H- w% j       Milos Djuricic ! x6 g4 s% v& e# W' b5 k/ I
       博扬·佩里奇 Bojan Peric% N6 \% X2 z% h8 Z& e
       安娜·索夫雷诺维奇 Ana Sofrenovic
# Z/ ~6 M: i: Y. F) s6 E8 ?       安德鲁·赫夫勒 Andrew Hefler1 P  c- E2 d" b. p
       László Konter
* l$ u1 v9 O" m$ u       Mark C. Phelan
' s; ]- t( {2 f' x+ Y; k4 H& n5 l       Ádám Földi
5 Z. U+ M5 M9 d3 b       马泰·豪曼 Máté Haumann
7 M$ W1 E- b) [+ Q5 `& V# w
8 a) K1 _! r6 |; v◎简  介 % i" L5 V# `$ I/ I; s* E  j
  n# Q0 G. ]$ a) [
7 O( R$ t, t5 R& O' p! F( P& E. E( Z
  巴尔的摩发生了一件母女同时被害的残忍凶杀案,当地警官艾迈特(卢克·伊万斯 Luke Evans 饰)调查后发现凶手的犯罪手段和爱伦·坡(约翰·库萨克 John Cusack 饰)小说中的手段一模一样。正当爱伦·坡被叫去警局询问时发生了另一件凶手案,手法依旧和参考他的小说。了解到凶手的方法后,艾迈特邀请爱伦·坡担当顾问协助破案。而随着案件的进一步深入,艾迈特发现,爱伦·坡会成为这个残忍杀人凶手的下一个行凶目标。正当大家全力保护爱伦·坡的安全时,岂料凶手竟然绑架了的他情人艾米丽(爱丽丝·伊芙 Alice Eve 饰)。到底谁才是真正的凶手,爱伦·坡是不是能用自己的小说来揭开这场杀人的游戏呢?+ c" Y% c( F" S/ z! d' W9 q# m
# l& g- c9 n9 o; S
  When a madman begins committing horrific murders inspired by Edgar Allan Poe's works, a young Baltimore detective joins forces with Poe to stop him from making his stories a reality.
" h/ m% N1 [6 r0 z4 H8 L; q* Z
8 ^' |! K( ]  `) ~! f0 v◎幕后揭秘  
* Q% ~& G  u% ]7 a
  k1 u( w" K3 }4 {  《V字仇杀队》导演再拍恐怖电影) ~1 C0 S3 i5 n/ D
8 ]) z' U1 j8 v& U1 t
" Y  l5 f' L1 Z, }# s, w) n1 S6 V1 m! B% S/ a0 x
  把一个连环杀手和一个知名作家的故事联系在一起,这并不是什么首创。但是在讲述爱伦·坡的故事中,这样的故事并不多见。影片导演詹姆斯·麦克提格坦言自己是爱伦·坡的粉丝,对于要把这么一个著名作家搬上银幕,他心里也很不安。麦克提格说:“我很喜欢爱伦·坡的诗歌,应该说是他的粉丝。对于爱伦·坡,我的情感是很复杂的,一方面他是文学名家;另一方面,他在这部电影里又扮演着一个犯罪分子的祖师爷的角色。这和汉尼拔那个角色有相似之处,但是又很不一样。所以,我只能按照最一般的办法去塑造爱伦·坡,去描绘和表现他。这样,应该才不会把他妖魔化或者是神化了。不过,归根到底,爱伦·坡并不是这部电影的重点,影片中的那种死亡的气氛和黑暗的感受才是。”9 J1 j3 o/ Q' `' q, _* [

0 W: x2 Z5 {3 r  约翰·库萨克扮演爱伦·坡
+ h9 \# ]/ }, d( e, ]! I+ G, C  D- f) n# K1 D
+ R/ l0 q/ k2 \+ i$ n" f- x6 ~, O) ~0 }4 ]) B+ }+ _# R
  谈及扮演爱伦·坡,库萨克说:“我做了很多的阅读,读了很多爱伦·坡的诗歌以及他的传记。我总是觉得诗人会比历史学家更懂得如何用文字去讲述历史。爱伦·坡就是这么一个人,他的文字,总是能恰如其分地反映出历史的真相和事件的本来面目。在电影中,爱伦·坡是一个聪明、谨慎的人。这么一个角色,留给我塑造角色的余地非常之大,而且这个故事也很有看头,无论是爱伦·坡、还是凶手,抑或是警长,都很有意思。片中的心理戏很多,主要都是在分析人物的心理、下一步的行动或者是按照他们的心理来设计下一部的计划。其实,电影中的爱伦·坡和警长,并不是新版的福尔摩斯和华沙的关系,这只是一种人物的互动和剧情而已。他们之间并不存在着什么不可或缺的合作者、帮手的关系。”9 H" z" r& n( k+ ^: d

- u( G! H' y* A1 n9 W2 Z
  1. DISC INFO:  `! y, H8 C7 G

  2. ! m" i9 P5 @% ?
  3. Disc Title: The.Raven.2012.1080p.BluRayCD.AVC.DTS-HD.MA.5.1-FGT& f0 j' v! c* q: o
  4. Disc Size:  36 375 583 876 bytes$ g% T2 F7 [$ ?; d2 S9 N. {, N
  5. Protection: AACS( i  k% a) T1 \1 W4 l  a4 t8 Q
  6. BD-Java:  No
    8 R& \- N& {4 M; ~
  7. BDInfo:   0.5.81 b3 b; O: u% x& j# D
  8. $ a. ~6 x3 O% E, d, R
  9. PLAYLIST REPORT:/ W1 F0 g/ P- B; I

  10. ) r& q7 d! _( T7 z. l; R  J0 F
  11. Name:       00001.MPLS. V7 b& t+ u! U$ S+ i
  12. Length:     1:50:52.062 ( D% t# j0 T- Y$ ]
  13. Size:       31 144 673 280 bytes" ^$ S; n5 }$ ]7 [1 H. O
  14. Total Bitrate:    37,46 Mbps" H; _0 Q# V1 I( m) A- c3 f- X% P

  15. 5 g6 ^% M* s1 l
  16. Video:0 N! u& c/ h, q
  17. 6 ^' d) @! N/ C" v. b; l
  18. Codec       Bitrate     Description  
    3 }' z( ~5 q/ x
  19. -----       -------     -----------  # L- n( C- y) o0 ]
  20. MPEG-4 AVC Video  30003 kbps    1080p / 23,976 fps / 16:9 / High Profile 4.1
    / l+ |* E* ~8 V0 Y
  21. 6 [3 ]' n; y" c  ~8 Q( U7 F
  22. AUDIO:
    . b" m3 R8 z1 F& h( n0 l& L

  23. " N3 S2 Z$ W9 h* V, N0 ~8 \
  24. Codec         Language  Bitrate   Description  1 c2 O' v# t" V; q+ I! p
  25. -----         --------  -------   -----------  
    3 J6 M* [9 Q, ?
  26. DTS-HD Master Audio     English   3430 kbps   5.1 / 48 kHz / 3430 kbps / 24-bit (DTS Core: 5.1 / 48 kHz / 1509 kbps / 24-bit)" I2 B9 ?% D6 r4 g% O4 t
  27. DTS Audio       French    768 kbps  5.1 / 48 kHz / 768 kbps / 16-bit
    ) \! n: G6 E$ N! ~
  28. DTS Audio       Spanish   768 kbps  5.1 / 48 kHz / 768 kbps / 16-bit
    ' |( C- j+ Q: J4 T
  29. Dolby Digital Audio     English   192 kbps  2.0 / 48 kHz / 192 kbps0 X2 g. `# I! z7 X6 u+ ?0 v6 I

  30. , h% @2 ~% ^! J# _8 R. e
  31. SUBTITLES:7 ~7 p% m" l$ y3 r
  32. 4 G6 a$ s, ?% X9 {
  33. Codec         Language  Bitrate   Description  
    5 l! a* C( D$ I- L- g$ Z
  34. -----         --------  -------   -----------  
    / V4 T! r# U) [0 h
  35. Presentation Graphics   English   30,820 kbps      0 o& D6 g7 }  f6 l: o! Z  P
  36. Presentation Graphics   French    23,710 kbps      % p2 D6 k# j# L. j* _" E
  37. Presentation Graphics   Spanish   28,110 kbps      
    : e* r; x+ [! l; t$ _. g9 e
  38. Presentation Graphics   Dutch   26,226 kbps      
    " _9 t2 O  P5 Z5 Y$ u
  39. Presentation Graphics   English   53,893 kbps      
    0 E) ^, H% O; L# ~# \8 a2 G0 G. x
  40. Presentation Graphics   French    50,547 kbps      ' d7 |' s( f- P3 v
  41. Presentation Graphics   Spanish   50,377 kbps
The Raven Blu-ray, Video Quality   
5 G# t- K; z, e
" m$ ^. ?. V% X0 r! C- k$ Z2 e% r, B6 D: e1 s! x, y  L, e
The Raven alights onto Blu-ray with a 1080p/AVC-encoded transfer that does justice to the film's appropriately gloomy cinematography. Shot on 35mm, the movie retains its inherent filmic texture—no signs of digital noise reduction here—with a layer of grain that settles over the image and does noticeably spike somewhat during darker scenes. Of which there are many. If there's one issue with this picture, it's that it's very dark, so try to minimize glare on your screen before viewing. Black levels do crush a bit, although this seems to be an intentional part of the film's moribund look. Otherwise, this transfer is quite strong, with no overt compression issues, no weird digital anomalies, and no encode problems. While not the sharpest film I've seen recently, The Raven's high definition image yields a considerable amount of fine detail, most noticeably in closeups, where facial features and clothing textures are keenly defined. As for color grading, the film alternates between scenes with a chilly blue cast and those with a soft candlelight glow; either way, the picture is appreciably dense, with no wishy-washy grayness in the shadows. Overall, the film has a very stylized look— not unlike the Sherlock Holmes movies it so clearly wants to be—and the Blu-ray presentation seems faithful to both source and intent.# n& J% Z* z! v' n
; u6 I2 q  _" [! d+ B7 B
The Raven Blu-ray, Audio Quality   . H2 m0 O; Z- D1 M  q

  {- K  l% G/ G4 a
2 M# v/ d/ s* oDepressive 19th century Baltimore is brought to aural life with the film's lossless DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1 surround track, a bombastic amalgam of high-intensity music and carefully sculpted sound design. The dynamic mix makes full use of the multi-speaker presentation, with fairly frequent cross- channel effects and quiet but near-constant environmental ambience. The low blow of a fog horn. The clang of a distant bell. Carriages buckling through the rears. Glass bottles broken stage left. The party clamor at the masquerade ball. Claps of thunder, water dripping in tunnels beneath the city, and gunshots piercing the soundfield. The dialogue is always clean and understandable, with voices that seem to accurately reflect the acoustics of their surroundings. Spanish composer Lucas Vidal provides a pounding, wound-up orchestral score that sounds great, even if it does feel like a forced attempt to ratchet the tension. The disc includes optional English SDH and Spanish subtitles—in easy-to-read white lettering—but no dubs or descriptive audio.
* x7 d7 F# l! T3 Q+ Q; F; c- u0 ^- g4 B6 A
; o% C& B) U, o9 f8 C$ W6 S
& T/ ]* L; n7 U; V. D, H( @, t

4 Z, n6 c  @, Y- c. t9 E
" o% q  P! h) C                              
+ x( k8 G+ L1 W9 }
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zzk980220 发表于 2024-7-9 13:02:57 | 显示全部楼层
啥也不说了,楼主就是给力!, j+ ~3 f( G$ C$ c$ j4 f5 ]/ h
After reading the posts have nothing to do I Amoy posts!7 }# A" T: {( S0 P








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ALLisxxx 发表于 2024-7-13 17:22:14 | 显示全部楼层
* U, Q7 o5 ]7 @) g1 QBlu-ray Film Forum: I will always support you!6 K, ^- T4 p% Q" s' o
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