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[蓝光原盘] 指环王2:双塔奇兵 [蓝光原盘 自带中字] The Lord Of The Rings The Two Towers 2002 EXTENDED 1080p BluRaycd AVC DTS-HD MA 6.1-FGT 67.06GB








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kmvodys 发表于 2011-10-10 03:24:28 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
While Frodo and Sam edge closer to Mordor with the help of the shifty Gollum, the divided fellowship makes a stand against Sauron's new ally, Saruman, and his hordes of Isengard.
# n9 e8 x6 `( M0 F* j% B" p. k) ~5 y! b4 r0 {% h
! w" I5 r$ k/ k

; E% _  V$ k0 r6 p& y◎译  名 指环王2:双塔奇兵/指环王II:双塔/魔戒2:双塔奇谋/魔戒二部曲:双城奇谋0 ?9 G% J) ]1 G% R5 m  g
◎片  名 The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers, H4 ?5 y4 ~2 N: P0 C
◎年  代 20028 `) B; B( \/ B* L, b
◎产  地 美国/新西兰
7 L4 q, k6 P  }6 N◎类  别 剧情/动作/奇幻/冒险
3 `3 Z5 U( I+ X% C! R7 ^◎语  言 英语/辛达林语/古代英语# m' d! W* W4 _+ X, E
◎上映日期 2002-12-05(纽约首映)/2002-12-18(美国)/2003-04-25(中国大陆)
( W. J6 L1 t) p* l+ Q  J4 @◎IMDb评分  8.7/10 from 1,467,833 users. O# e) V$ w$ A  `6 \* m7 f/ ]
◎IMDb链接" O3 v, q1 C) y+ Z- P
◎豆瓣评分 9.1/10 from 531,700 users- K0 b. C- ~; {6 U# G0 ~& w  ?
: r9 h* W* K$ _3 h: [◎文件格式 x264 + DTS
' u% Y* Q6 F8 g+ ]: z' @' g◎视频尺寸 1920 x 1080" }+ B) k! Z- u8 v3 [
◎文件大小 1DVD 67.06 GiB, \6 O! \) M, o3 y
◎片  长 1:46:39 (h:m:s)8 u- O4 x: ~3 Y
◎导  演 彼得·杰克逊 Peter Jackson, |- G, c$ m' y, M
◎编  剧 弗兰·威尔士 Fran Walsh
3 v5 i$ X3 w, q* V) K       Philippa Boyens / v, z: y. h. n6 L& W6 ]/ W+ L; X. i
       Stephen Sinclair
8 a# @  s1 q. D       彼得·杰克逊 Peter Jackson + z  J" C" g1 e. D/ o
       托尔金 J.R.R. Tolkien, M5 v4 I; }8 _
◎主  演 伊利亚·伍德 Elijah Wood' n. ]- F  M" ^, g4 W, u4 n6 g! e
       西恩·奥斯汀 Sean Astin
5 o1 L; s3 R+ {1 a/ J       伊恩·麦克莱恩 Ian McKellen" {. r. d8 T* }6 [+ H
       维果·莫腾森 Viggo Mortensen
  g; r+ p* y. k7 D; f5 Z       奥兰多·布鲁姆 Orlando Bloom
1 U( U6 V8 k) O; X       克里斯托弗·李 Christopher Lee
: Q0 b3 {' m6 H+ `0 |       丽芙·泰勒 Liv Tyler
- h" c) e5 O" {. A# ?& O1 x       安迪·瑟金斯 Andy Serkis
# E4 ^7 X5 j8 {9 u1 m       雨果·维文 Hugo Weaving
; r* M* Y1 F  Y( Y8 o, P) F# O       卡尔·厄本 Karl Urban
+ d  h  ~8 G/ {' ]4 U- j  \7 H. n: U       凯特·布兰切特 Cate Blanchett
- F3 x- h+ ^. Q5 Z5 \3 s9 i       多米尼克·莫纳汉 Dominic Monaghan
1 h6 i! C) T) S3 g  G       大卫·文翰 David Wenham
8 M! o8 g) X- k" p* d) S; e       比利·博伊德 Billy Boyd0 \9 y' p% y$ t9 a/ `, s
       布拉德·道里夫 Brad Dourif. v, G5 k, `' p# z' S6 h
       伯纳德·希尔 Bernard Hill3 ]2 U2 u0 T% Q. ?0 i3 ^$ Y% z6 G
       约翰·瑞斯-戴维斯 John Rhys-Davies, r- `  }: J3 Q4 Y" |* f
       米兰达·奥图 Miranda Otto
: u. F; u; `  ?" |: C) i# W
' D6 R" _3 t- L# u& v7 E0 {◎标  签 魔幻 | 史诗 | 经典 | 美国 | 战争 | 大片 | 新西兰 | 2002
& G- W. @+ `; J: |: v6 z7 l0 g, N3 d' o/ ~% P0 V% r5 z
◎简  介  
) e+ x8 T& `  W8 n+ G7 F7 A) J5 P
  第二部在延续第一部风格的同时,故事呈现出多线发展的格局,情节有了更高的观赏性。1 Z" `$ }' z1 _( ]7 Y/ p5 V
- S8 W2 S7 T1 b. m
  第一部结尾,博罗米尔被强兽人杀死之后,两个哈比族人皮平和梅利也被强兽人绑架,阿拉贡、精灵莱戈拉斯(奥兰多·布鲁姆 饰)、侏儒金利一路追踪强兽人,营救皮平和梅利,遇到了“复活”的白袍巫师甘道夫(伊恩·麦凯伦 饰)。此时,投降索伦的白袍巫师萨鲁曼控制了人类洛汉王国的国王,并派出大量的强兽人军队,准备消灭人类。阿拉贡、莱戈拉斯和金利在甘道夫的带领下,帮助洛汉王国对抗邪恶力量的入侵。8 K: e- e( L& c) Y3 Z5 E' l
0 o& O1 m$ Q# P7 C
  幸运的皮平和梅利被会说话的树精救了出来,并且遇到“复活”的甘道夫,在甘道夫的授意下,树精保护了两人的安全,并且带他们参加树精大会,大会上,树精们讨论对待中土大战的态度:是继续当中立者,逆来顺受,还是奋起反抗?4 g2 j: {" p. j8 G5 ]; _% x
% D7 {5 X7 N5 v4 u/ v
  身负重任的佛罗多(伊莱贾·伍德 饰)和山姆继续向末日山脉前进,一路上被咕噜跟踪,弗罗多依靠至尊魔戒的力量,成为了咕噜的主人,在咕噜的带领下,他们到了末日山脉的入口,黑门。就在他们准备进入之时,博罗米尔的弟弟法莫尔出现,将他们带回了刚铎。弗罗多又遇上了新的危机:法莫尔想利用至尊魔戒的力量对抗萨鲁曼的攻击……
; Y# A1 E6 T$ n# l  b" i3 u. l# z) e; V6 O+ E8 G
  Frodo Baggins and the Fellowship continue their quest to destroy the One Ring and stand against the evil of the dark lord Sauron. The Fellowship has divided; they now find themselves taking different paths to defeating Sauron and his allies. Their destinies now lie at two towers — Orthanc Tower in Isengard, where the corrupted wizard Saruman waits, and Sauron's fortress at Barad-dur, deep within the dark lands of Mordor. Based on the novel The Two Towers, the second in The Lord of the Rings trilogy by J.R.R. Tolkien.
) j* O# ?! n$ f
( K" _& C, H, a2 z( v5 S4 ^◎获奖情况  
" R5 }, R# m9 U# l! X% _9 }  w9 [7 B1 _# |. k( k! q
, j7 J4 L( L  n! @  最佳影片(提名) 巴里·M·奥斯本 / 彼得·杰克逊 / 弗兰·威尔士2 j, G) R5 s7 ]: {/ ~. i* a( b
  最佳剪辑(提名) 迈克·霍顿7 n/ A+ ?! @4 W0 Q. E5 ]
  最佳视觉效果 Jim Rygiel / 兰德尔·威廉·库克 / 乔·莱特瑞 / Alex Funke
+ p4 s* u4 ]+ U( X! Z6 o& l5 ^2 n  最佳音效剪辑 迈克·霍普金斯 / 伊桑·范德莱恩
6 A% d! A2 S) s3 X  最佳音响(提名) 迈克·亨吉斯 / 哈蒙德·匹克 / 克里斯托弗·博伊斯 / 迈克尔·斯曼内科
4 j4 _3 h3 Y$ Q- o  N# Q  最佳艺术指导(提名) 格兰特·梅杰 / 丹·汉纳 / 艾伦·李- |. A. z8 b; r; j; C

+ a( i: l+ {) X$ J6 s5 z& W  第56届英国电影学院奖(2003)# b) G' l  y! {# |% W) S$ r0 P. Z7 F
  电影奖 最佳影片(提名) 巴里·M·奥斯本 / 彼得·杰克逊 / 弗兰·威尔士
- t- c$ k) T3 B; S! O5 I3 i  电影奖 最佳导演(提名) 彼得·杰克逊
4 l/ N7 |) A5 Q1 N  电影奖 最佳摄影(提名) 安德鲁·莱斯尼6 H# T7 s! _: P1 j
  电影奖 最佳剪辑(提名) 迈克·霍顿 / Jabez Olssen: F: ]3 }; s  J1 ^
  电影奖 最佳化妆/发型(提名) Peter Owen / 彼得·金 / 理查德·泰勒
$ H! Y1 r6 o2 e& I: Q  电影奖 最佳服装设计 恩吉拉·迪克森 / 理查德·泰勒) V* Z& G( |  G
  电影奖 最佳艺术指导(提名) 格兰特·梅杰
) S6 c- P8 ]( o  X, a: W6 R  电影奖 最佳特殊视觉效果 Jim Rygiel / 兰德尔·威廉·库克 / 乔·莱特瑞 / Alex Funke4 ~" C5 z* b* g% ?# y
  电影奖 最佳音效(提名) 迈克·亨吉斯 / 迈克·霍普金斯 / 迈克尔·斯曼内科 / 克里斯托弗·博伊斯 / 哈蒙德·匹克 / David Farmer / 伊桑·范德莱恩
- A6 F5 E! z- c- l4 c5 T/ q  电影奖 观众选择奖: a- M9 A/ q6 f

2 L" L3 s8 l* P, l$ a  F- x  第27届日本电影学院奖(2004)% C" [$ ~5 f3 @8 q( C3 r0 N3 N* ^: s
  最佳外语片(提名)3 z9 M# S3 W+ t3 E9 M' ^6 t

2 v9 K' X2 W, k2 ?/ ^; s  第3届美国电影学会奖(2002)
4 ?( o4 I- s# o3 h' z9 w$ k  ?  年度佳片% u5 N- r( M: }1 _8 q/ b( {9 W' a; k/ V
. ?4 ]. g* k4 k
  1. The.Lord.Of.The.Rings.The.Two.Towers.2002.EXTENDED.1080p.BluRayCD.AVC.DTS-HD.MA.6.1-FGT
    ) Y9 n6 e+ [* P4 |6 _" f4 F# d3 y
  2. / z/ d7 H: ~0 R0 b9 L
  3. Disc 1:
    * U) J/ E" q9 [: _

  4. 2 p* Z6 o, w/ i- ~( B% K
  5. Disc Info:- B! G. N" ^$ {' l) j9 n, H! b
  6. Disc Title: BD1) K3 A% g" m/ H+ f& Z1 s$ N
  7. Disc Size: 32,627,349,146 bytes! i; w  d) ^8 w+ B3 ?7 P7 W
  8. Protection: AACS& ^, Q0 V0 ?* ]/ {1 y6 j% R8 w
  9. BD-Java: Yes1 l/ j* n% T; y4 t# m! z9 W
  10. BDInfo: 0.5.6
    ) }; s& L; c+ E; d
  11. % c5 }6 `7 S/ f4 L
  12. PLAYLIST REPORT:/ [! ?4 g2 _* @' g8 k+ e: b4 x0 Y

  13. + G* O, o& G9 ^
  14. Name: 00100.MPLS1 Q# I3 {4 \0 l
  15. Length: 1:46:39 (h:m:s)! \9 \" M1 n/ ]" @2 T' L
  16. Size: 32,297,379,840 bytes
    / E2 a% |% Z7 b  B
  17. Total Bitrate: 40.38 Mbps: e4 `7 c% o) s& c+ b: q7 `9 z

  18. " Y' U7 [/ e- ^
  19. Video:7 k, E& e9 y+ x% N" u
  20. / A3 _: c, u. r$ E1 Z2 c2 N
  21. Codec Bitrate Description
    * o8 E- n2 f5 w

  22. # ~8 l  x* i  e9 O1 W4 u
  23. MPEG-4 AVC Video 29894 kbps 1080p / 23.976 fps / 16:9 / High Profile 4.1, L0 |) a: `. t5 p# @
  24. 6 l( |2 s" k+ i6 Q8 \* o* k
  25. Audio:
      z& @5 P  z: q  q0 @- y
  26. 9 T' Q. i% N# V
  27. Codec Language Bitrate Description& _# s& i* v) E! u  D
  28. : w# L$ ~. a4 N, O+ H
  29. DTS-HD Master Audio English 4430 kbps 6.1 / 48 kHz / 4430 kbps /
    $ H, d0 Z" a7 S
  30. 24-bit (DTS Core: 6.1-ES / 48 kHz / 1509 kbps / 24-bit)
    ; i" k6 }; o9 x8 l$ w7 X
  31. DTS-ES Audio Chinese 1509 kbps 6.1-ES / 48 kHz / 1509 kbps / 24-bit
    0 H0 @* `7 t: k' d0 i; c" T2 L
  32. Dolby Digital EX Audio Thai 640 kbps 5.1-EX / 48 kHz / 640 kbps / DN -4dB8 A6 m& X, _' G) d
  33. Dolby Digital Audio English 192 kbps 2.0 / 48 kHz / 192 kbps / DN -4dB / Dolby Surround- K2 |% @! D8 u, K- X/ B8 \5 O' {
  34. Dolby Digital Audio English 192 kbps 2.0 / 48 kHz / 192 kbps / DN -4dB / Dolby Surround! n7 ]4 j' H, G# y, i( s
  35. Dolby Digital Audio English 192 kbps 2.0 / 48 kHz / 192 kbps / DN -4dB / Dolby Surround
    ' j9 l* z$ e- t  M1 H3 V) _* ]
  36. Dolby Digital Audio English 192 kbps 2.0 / 48 kHz / 192 kbps / DN -4dB / Dolby Surround
    # z! E' a8 {( e' ^) E

  37. ; R+ a) I1 E" J
  38. Subtitles:! H; J  j3 j, |4 b* {! p4 L8 k

  39. 6 i2 d8 o$ Q6 s6 q* c
  40. Codec Language Bitrate Description2 z& X  L& o; ~: L; J* P: S) C

  41. 2 T3 w# \  p% v0 [4 Z. h
  42. Presentation Graphics English 22.464 kbps+ h0 L! n4 ~# v/ r
  43. Presentation Graphics English 0.050 kbps
    . O2 [; j4 q& a, [3 a
  44. Presentation Graphics English 6.480 kbps& |; b; U: _$ C4 G" B) m
  45. Presentation Graphics English 7.459 kbps
    2 Y+ R5 D. C/ {# t* i
  46. Presentation Graphics English 4.628 kbps
    9 |. r" S3 B5 Z; y: E$ B! {! T
  47. Presentation Graphics English 6.723 kbps
    ' a+ w' Y4 S3 @6 I. t$ R" L6 Y
  48. Presentation Graphics Chinese 18.511 kbps1 t# U% j! ]5 _3 s* }% y+ D/ q
  49. Presentation Graphics Chinese 17.086 kbps3 f- ?9 e: K; _" C4 M
  50. Presentation Graphics Chinese 11.879 kbps' V6 a5 N# @# h0 {# v( {* _
  51. Presentation Graphics Chinese 12.556 kbps- Z9 W# W6 h1 z3 v2 u' M
  52. Presentation Graphics Chinese 75.764 kbps
    6 l' Z5 |& D; P' ?$ w/ E9 I
  53. Presentation Graphics Chinese 68.592 kbps
    . r; I  }& @0 \4 t; w' a% n
  54. Presentation Graphics Chinese 66.797 kbps, _% i9 Q" P3 H) w, R2 r
  55. Presentation Graphics Chinese 86.049 kbps
    / v4 d& F) a1 a/ b
  56. Presentation Graphics Czech 18.656 kbps' Z+ s% R" b  ^* i3 f
  57. Presentation Graphics Hebrew 15.190 kbps
    . N% K9 ]/ {2 f. n
  58. Presentation Graphics Korean 16.821 kbps; \& v& ?& t1 c' A$ V5 y& }8 H
  59. Presentation Graphics Korean 68.734 kbps& I1 J' B1 A+ p4 S+ S- \
  60. Presentation Graphics Korean 64.634 kbps1 t- l9 @' P0 J
  61. Presentation Graphics Korean 56.450 kbps
    / a# a5 ]3 @# I" K" L
  62. Presentation Graphics Korean 72.424 kbps4 R' {6 J( g2 ?) ?+ |
  63. Presentation Graphics Polish 0.036 kbps8 j& h" i# E, O, G
  64. Presentation Graphics Thai 19.138 kbps& f  S$ c2 Y6 ?: N$ m( P8 y2 k0 q
  65. Presentation Graphics Thai 0.059 kbps
    9 O! q3 H, p9 P! y
  66. 5 ]+ `6 r3 g* x- m1 d0 T
  67. Disc 2:
    6 H3 y5 B; j# v# r
  68. 1 U( ?# Y* g- r- u
  69. Disc Info:
    1 A  v, L* H2 n  W) M$ f
  70. Disc Title: BD2/ D& T* h5 ^7 t$ O4 t. j
  71. Disc Size: 39,372,889,397 bytes3 j" F. D7 l9 w, o
  72. Protection: AACS) T# X7 f1 e2 N) C; R7 Y8 Z# @, f' a
  73. BD-Java: Yes4 c. n9 m. v; s& ~; r- I) _
  74. BDInfo: 0.5.6, ]9 d$ ?2 v6 v" C  }1 r; `  g
  75. / W0 f% [6 J- w- ]* A5 ~, ^: D7 j4 r
    ( p& T: ^! E; q2 A, X$ @4 m; `. a
  77. * ?$ }# {% H! j  F7 h/ e! ~$ E! `
  78. Name: 00100.MPLS
    5 Z" k0 p7 ?5 w; n/ P
  79. Length: 2:08:50 (h:m:s)1 s! i3 _% c6 F8 \: F6 |7 m) \
  80. Size: 38,975,084,544 bytes9 |. v" X$ E3 v' |: D
  81. Total Bitrate: 40.33 Mbps
    ! V* ?8 _. u. M2 ?5 d. [; [
  82. ; r0 b# ]0 b0 ?, A, N$ U2 ^
  83. Video:
    0 F! D& S9 O5 s2 T0 k9 d

  84. . o: Q5 S/ S& ~) l! a, c
  85. Codec Bitrate Description; q3 ], Q7 t/ o) `4 `% i6 z4 `

  86. % @( d* O" N) w, x; q9 A
  87. MPEG-4 AVC Video 29872 kbps 1080p / 23.976 fps / 16:9 / High Profile 4.1
    . q* b& {; D  Q

  88. . G- m8 _) m4 B5 s
  89. Audio:
    ! O2 L' v/ f9 i6 N
  90. 6 g1 X* H+ h( b% w+ H- K' A
  91. Codec Language Bitrate Description
    9 a+ q# T# p, R
  92. 1 X" W/ b% K% U/ F) }( B& v. |
  93. DTS-HD Master Audio English 4519 kbps 6.1 / 48 kHz / 4519 kbps /+ |+ Q7 k3 ~: f$ V& [$ @
  94. 24-bit (DTS Core: 6.1-ES / 48 kHz / 1509 kbps / 24-bit)& K2 S; a5 ^' Q% {# Z, \9 [
  95. DTS Audio Chinese 1509 kbps 5.1 / 48 kHz / 1509 kbps / 24-bit
    9 Q3 r: T: _& n4 N: j
  96. Dolby Digital EX Audio Thai 640 kbps 5.1-EX / 48 kHz / 640 kbps / DN -4dB
    ; B6 L3 U  o6 n( c: R* R0 o
  97. Dolby Digital Audio English 192 kbps 2.0 / 48 kHz / 192 kbps / DN -4dB / Dolby Surround/ |* ~$ {! J' z( n8 n2 O% t( [1 w$ f
  98. Dolby Digital Audio English 192 kbps 2.0 / 48 kHz / 192 kbps / DN -4dB / Dolby Surround
    5 p$ i% ~$ K3 r$ a" ^
  99. Dolby Digital Audio English 192 kbps 2.0 / 48 kHz / 192 kbps / DN -4dB / Dolby Surround- ?$ ]6 m! T7 @- X. M
  100. Dolby Digital Audio English 192 kbps 2.0 / 48 kHz / 192 kbps / DN -4dB / Dolby Surround
    ( R7 M+ J- O) m4 K- s
  101.   ~" E- L; T6 c2 `+ Q
  102. Subtitles:
    . O% c6 w) U0 r( c/ a
  103. : C' T1 D0 u) N7 m
  104. Codec Language Bitrate Description; n2 H: W7 y5 x
  105.   p0 Y7 o8 T  ^( a
  106. Presentation Graphics English 17.825 kbps
    5 m' a6 w6 R6 V$ n8 {& u5 O6 k* _
  107. Presentation Graphics English 0.774 kbps' o- h/ v  _1 W0 B  m9 n
  108. Presentation Graphics English 5.276 kbps( W  v# r8 O" d) \7 o4 w
  109. Presentation Graphics English 6.339 kbps7 w; O; N7 Q4 q# E
  110. Presentation Graphics English 4.568 kbps
    : e5 d2 q: X/ o! _: `
  111. Presentation Graphics English 6.225 kbps5 P8 o3 h+ P+ I
  112. Presentation Graphics Chinese 14.400 kbps
    ; I  r6 f$ t$ q. z
  113. Presentation Graphics Chinese 13.634 kbps
    1 o& L  N- L2 k; I& R* `0 w
  114. Presentation Graphics Chinese 13.697 kbps, c/ I/ T$ }' F4 w, }
  115. Presentation Graphics Chinese 14.319 kbps
    / O: j+ Q) v- ^/ G0 ^1 ^) t3 A
  116. Presentation Graphics Chinese 64.407 kbps
    : h/ C! r; m3 v4 H7 S
  117. Presentation Graphics Chinese 58.456 kbps
    & u* t* U; b7 ~
  118. Presentation Graphics Chinese 61.276 kbps9 c$ m. l- Q8 L0 P0 R, z0 ^
  119. Presentation Graphics Chinese 71.622 kbps0 T6 O$ a! i8 @9 R/ Y) N. K
  120. Presentation Graphics Czech 14.483 kbps1 e$ F1 m; w1 V7 |
  121. Presentation Graphics Hebrew 11.805 kbps
    % k' f! N6 `9 D. V6 V& r1 q( e8 f0 u8 Q
  122. Presentation Graphics Korean 13.270 kbps0 Z. S2 j& j  N, z: A2 x# j6 i! Q
  123. Presentation Graphics Korean 58.667 kbps1 f% m# }. \1 Y+ t: y$ O
  124. Presentation Graphics Korean 57.030 kbps
    . r9 t0 n( p  y; \+ T
  125. Presentation Graphics Korean 53.044 kbps; _7 t+ O! T+ f, p5 V
  126. Presentation Graphics Korean 56.144 kbps6 P8 y0 O" s* O7 z. C
  127. Presentation Graphics Polish 0.741 kbps
    ; h0 u7 v! t* x' C6 e, Z
  128. Presentation Graphics Thai 14.874 kbps2 Q! ^1 M' J; g( j; r" h
  129. Presentation Graphics Thai 0.831 kbps
The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers Blu-ray, Video Quality   # l4 k6 D1 [2 }

+ R5 E, n# [% l/ G6 \; f  _0 R
' x( j$ R: i4 ~& a! _4 S9 ~All our hopes now lie with two little hobbits, somewhere in the wilderness.
# R$ S5 g6 I) `+ q5 ?5 L
3 M- M' L2 n  F2 `2 E5 p7 \1 p+ UI was already fairly pleased with the VC-1 encoded transfer afforded to The Two Towers' theatrical cut in 2010. And while the Extended Edition's 1080p/AVC-encoded presentation isn't all that different, it does feature several subtle but welcome improvements. A faint hint of edge halos remain, but some of the more distracting bouts of ringing have been tamed or banished altogether. Compression artifacts, though far from a pervasive nuisance in the 2010 theatrical cut release, have all but been eliminated. (Spreading the film across two BD-50 discs helped in that regard, no doubt.) And what little smearing does appear most likely traces back to Jackson and director of photography Andrew Lesnie's tinkering years ago, not an extra helping of studio-applied DNR. (Reports are a bit conflicting, but signs point to the extended edition of The Two Towers being born from a new HD master.) Again though, the differences between the theatrical and extended presentations are small and delicate, and most viewers won't even notice they've been made.
! w0 H/ l8 E/ J8 p9 {6 H
- a* J% J* N2 l6 \0 z7 m% nAs before, skintones are relatively lifelike, contrast is strong and reliable, and black levels are deep and earthy. Lesnie's bleak colors aren't as far removed from The Fellowship of the Ring's palette as they once were -- Jackson and Lesnie have re-graded the extended edition of Fellowship, making it much darker -- but each scene is faithful to its source. Moreover, unsullied fine textures, crisply detailed rocks and grasslands, wonderfully refined cloaks and well-resolved hairs, pores and shards of bark don't disappoint. Note Gandalf's beard and pocky nose during his battle with the Balrog, Gollum's craggly cheeks, the sun-scorched knolls and stony cliffs of Rohan, the rustling leaves in the Ents' shadowy realm and the grizzled walls of Helm's Deep. Granted, the transfer is no stranger to softness and a number of special effects sequences show their age (Théoden's awakening doesn't hold up and Merry and Pippin's travels with Treebeard remain eyesores), but almost every instance is attributable to the original source, not the studio's subsequent encode. (It's important to keep in mind that Towers was shot more than ten years ago. I can't believe it either.)
# \/ l) m) p+ Y' ?
6 s: ]0 R. q6 y  I5 D9 h0 \I don't have many complaints, actually. Minor crush takes a slight toll and delineation isn't always ideal, but it all seems inherent to the original photography. Noise spikes at times, but it rarely proves to be unruly (at least for very long). And there isn't any significant artifacting, aliasing, banding or other nonsense of their kind to report. I suspect if criticism does arise, it will be of the original print, whether the person issuing the criticism realizes it or not. I can't imagine The Two Towers looking much better than it does here. I'm sure there's room for some further improvement -- a frame here, a frame there -- but I was thoroughly pleased with the results. As to my score, I bobbled between a 4.0 and 4.5, landed squarely on a 4.25 and rounded up to the nearest half-point.
) t8 U7 v2 Z" r0 t. c* t, M  V4 i
The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers Blu-ray, Audio Quality   
" S- p$ [8 _9 K$ q2 O  g) ?* f6 _* j* F( M' f$ l
8 j% V0 v) p  W8 W
Look to my coming on the first light of the fifth day, at dawn look to the east.( f0 @! Q" w* A3 E4 g

1 i6 R- a8 W2 V. q6 ONo need to break down each individual release here. Like the 2010 theatrical cut releases, the Extended Editions of The Fellowship of the Ring, The Two Towers, and The Return of the King charge the fields of Blu-ray with a trio of powerful DTS-HD Master Audio surround tracks, all of which allow Jackson's Lord of the Rings trilogy to storm every home theater, no matter how grand in scale. Dialogue, whether whispered or shouted, is crisp, clean, and intelligible; voices, whether human, beast or ethereal warrior, ring true across the soundfield; and creature cries, whether spittled roars or high-pitched screeches, are sharp and stable. LFE output deserves a score of its own, aggressively supporting every amassing horde, topping tower, rickety weapon of war and exploding wall the various members of the Fellowship encounter. Close your eyes as Wargs ambush a passing caravan. Listen intently as the trees of Fangorn Forest begin to groan and murmur. Try to lift your jaw off the floor when the Uruk-hai forces charge the soon-to-be-toppled defenses of a fortified keep. Environmental ambience never relents (Treebeard's enveloping realm!), directionality is impeccable (the climactic battle at Helm's Deep!), and pans are smoother than Wormtongue's silver tongue (the volley of arrows that sail over those same walls and rain down on advancing foes). Best of all, the experience is as immersive as they come. Howard Shore's masterful score is perfectly prioritized beneath the film's soundscape, gut punch revelations are as pitch-perfect as they are emotional, restless armies will make viewers turn their heads, and the terrifying clamor of orcs, underwater spirits, Uruk-hai, fell beasts and more will unsettle the most steely listener. And dynamics? Prepare yourself. The Two Towers, and really The Lord of the Rings trilogy as a whole, is a sonic powerhouse.3 ^  g# U, D  f
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