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[蓝光原盘] 美国狼人在伦敦 [蓝光原盘] An American Werewolf in London 1981 REMASTERED 1080p BluRaycd AVC DTS-HD MA 5.1-FGT 37.41GB








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24xs 发表于 2010-3-12 10:46:37 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Two American college students on a walking tour of Britain are attacked by a werewolf that none of the locals will admit exists.
5 x. i3 q7 ~, P+ _& B( s4 |0 N9 W& s1 S- _8 w
: {: F% W0 ^8 w

3 H, B/ F3 _/ v' d. U◎译  名 美国狼人在伦敦/鬼追人- {  }0 T0 q; W5 t6 P, k% |
◎片  名 An American Werewolf in London, C) g" O- g" Q0 h) r0 f1 Z/ N. `
◎年  代 1981
0 J+ @9 E6 F( H; l. {◎产  地 美国/英国4 s1 l1 r+ D' Y4 L$ L& b# s
◎类  别 爱情/恐怖
8 i" H$ |& ^8 Q9 F; g# H◎语  言 英语% R0 R9 _( c- }: a" ?; n
◎上映日期 1981-08-210 D- K" }, I$ c) Z
◎IMDb评分  7.5/10 from 91,651 users
$ {+ T' G& \+ X+ m  I) U◎IMDb链接
" H' y6 M9 a+ l5 h5 I3 b◎豆瓣评分 7.0/10 from 1,991 users3 C5 |% `  S$ S) [
' K' L$ @# |' B& e' }* d◎文件格式 x264 + DTS ! }; [: L3 J2 y+ W: N+ J
◎视频尺寸 1920 x 1080. V  Q8 k+ m) G6 p0 q: c/ r
◎文件大小 1DVD 37.41 GiB
1 u  J% i& H! r, Y. _" v◎片  长 1:37:22.503 (
% m0 r( g7 @) l( Y+ v  A0 X& T◎导  演 约翰·兰迪斯 John Landis
, U0 H- O+ u) p7 P, p3 w: P, x+ Q1 n◎编  剧 约翰·兰迪斯 John Landis7 g/ M& V8 w; P3 C+ J# i( c
◎主  演 大卫·诺顿 David Naughton
; }! K+ ?, T5 ]       珍妮·艾加特 Jenny Agutter' O; a/ `, J) _1 [6 ^
       格里芬·邓恩 Griffin Dunne
4 p9 E: O1 r$ l8 I       约翰·伍德温 John Woodvine
, Q, I; q" P* V* e       莉拉·凯 Lila Kaye
' F! U/ t* E6 B$ E, B, c  n0 Z; S9 _! t4 \* m" G; B8 v
◎标  签 恐怖 | 美国 | 惊悚 | Cult | 1981 | 美国电影 | 英国 | 1980s
1 ]' K/ I6 x/ w) {; t
! j) c! V9 y- r$ M◎简  介  , k6 S: @) `6 A3 E# g0 u

% b. u1 ?; |; e& W  来自美国的杰克(格里芬·邓恩 Griffin Dunne 饰)和戴维(大卫·诺顿 David Naughton 饰)是一对经常结伴出游的好友,一次意外中,他们在位于英格兰的一篇沼泽里遭到了可怕的狼人的袭击,杰克当场死亡,戴维负伤。住在附近小镇里的村民们救了戴维,并为他提供了养伤的住所。& M7 N! j% L3 e1 e: U

8 n' J  U$ x" [- ^. A+ \  自从受伤以来,杰克频频出现在戴维的幻觉之中,杰克告诉戴维,戴维已经有了狼人的血统,为了避免伤及无辜,杰克鼓动戴维尽早的结束自己的生命。果不其然,月圆之夜的隔天清晨,几句尸体的出现让小镇陷入了恐慌之中,只有杰克明白,自己是这一切的罪魁祸首。杰克想要自首,可小镇上没有人愿意相信他。" W7 |# W% o( A9 i

" r3 G" z- }! R- k3 V. q& W0 u  The tale of a tourist from the U.S. whose stay in London is disrupted when, after being bitten by a wolf, he turns into a werewolf.* u! |6 x4 ~8 `1 c

. x9 a6 S+ H& ?, H: y- ^9 }◎获奖情况  
4 |/ P& d. R! E  X& V9 I+ J$ [% ^/ k) H' n; }2 U9 l
0 }: S5 n7 i' Q3 Y- C  O  最佳化妆 里克·贝克6 v: W2 a7 H2 A& z$ g# p
3 r6 I. Q/ T6 c& k
  1. DISC INFO:' V! r  {, i8 i! j* \
  2. 1 D) g8 f, P, x  |
  3. Disc Title: M9 m$ {6 o/ Z/ V5 ], h
  4. Disc Size:      40,166,712,632 bytes8 g" n: |* y5 w: G
  5. Protection:     AACS8 ^- G$ K# E4 S0 ~' N7 x/ Z/ f, C
  6. BD-Java:        Yes4 h  `& g6 G1 p! T9 N1 D6 Y7 h) n% e
  7. BDInfo:         0.5.8- U+ i% k" k: K8 y$ @

  8. 6 a0 U  N! ^$ o% y: o6 u1 R
    - r' S3 l4 Q- [3 j

  10. * i! j. u5 m* u/ O3 Q/ |! A0 f# ]
  11. Name:                   00800.MPLS
    7 h" ~) Y& k2 u7 t7 q) [. C4 R
  12. Length:                 1:37:22.503 (
    6 W5 f/ r& S; w% W" [
  13. Size:                   28,717,246,464 bytes
    ! J; S4 H" {, K6 P7 O7 z
  14. Total Bitrate:          39.32 Mbps
    3 r  g2 `+ _" z, O& i
  15. . K% F, g& J: g  D4 [5 b! C
  16. Video:, b* R6 }: U: a) N7 ^
  17. ) _  E) b3 L0 @$ C' X3 ~6 `) G. c
  18. Codec                   Bitrate             Description     
    % g! l* z* {  M1 g
  19. -----                   -------             -----------     * q5 ?# ]  o3 {2 |. U: [" ?7 X9 Z' W
  20. MPEG-4 AVC Video        32996 kbps          1080p / 23.976 fps / 16:9 / High Profile 4.1
    , _- d& P  X6 l
  21. : b# v+ P8 P  s9 |
  22. AUDIO:  J8 G2 X: t9 H- N5 q: b
  23. ! y/ Q* W" z1 S
  24. Codec                           Language        Bitrate         Description     
    - |( b" ^: O9 v( K  U
  25. -----                           --------        -------         -----------     ' B& C! J; S# q. H
  26. DTS-HD Master Audio             English         3167 kbps       5.1 / 48 kHz / 3167 kbps / 24-bit (DTS Core: 5.1 / 48 kHz / 1509 kbps / 24-bit)
    3 a3 p) x+ p; k; T) E
  27. DTS Audio                       French          768 kbps        2.0 / 48 kHz / 768 kbps / 24-bit6 v8 z9 P6 i. @& a2 V! j3 \, ^* Q
  28. Dolby Digital Audio             English         192 kbps        2.0 / 48 kHz / 192 kbps / DN -4dB
    4 G, q/ v( Y* b) h4 [; _

  29. 8 Z! F, t3 r% l! f( g3 \& M
  30. SUBTITLES:- d2 m& h/ J5 r6 M, p7 O
  31. 8 Y2 _* ^6 L  Q
  32. Codec                           Language        Bitrate         Description     0 e1 ~' ~, r3 ~0 I% d
  33. -----                           --------        -------         -----------     
    & d3 j; T1 M; [6 _% h: v3 d
  34. Presentation Graphics           English         37.948 kbps                     
    , e6 ?- D% p' K1 b) ~
  35. Presentation Graphics           Spanish         29.210 kbps                     
    2 t& z) m. h7 U3 N9 |
  36. Presentation Graphics           French          29.858 kbps                     
    $ j' R* W8 b8 s, E
  37. Presentation Graphics           English         52.996 kbps                     1 t5 @) f) r. K- Y
  38. Presentation Graphics           French          0.462 kbps
An American Werewolf in London Blu-ray, Video Quality   / F( ?4 d( H! o; w% l

: Z4 w# t% [5 L4 C
0 j0 {. ~8 a1 R" tAn American Werewolf in London gets a decent Blu-ray treatment, but don't go in expecting a Rick Baker-worthy transformation in visual quality. The film's age is definitely apparent in the 1080p/VC-1 encoded transfer, with a look that's softer and more grainy than modern viewers have come to expect. Still, I was mostly pleased with the results. The first thing you'll notice is that the scenes out on the moors—especially those filmed around dusk—exhibit a buzzing layer of detail-diffusing grain. Lines in the landscape take on a slightly blurry, undefined look, and the sky shakes with mosquito-like swarms of noise. You'll be glad to hear, however, that the picture quality seems to drastically improve in later scenes.. L2 m* j! R' w2 F: O9 `$ M& V

) R( C4 L& O: @6 D9 Z- p- PWhen the story shifts to London proper, the image is far cleaner. Grain is still undeniably present —I wouldn't want it any other way, honestly—but texture and fine detail are much sharper and overall clarity is about average, I'd say, for a film from the early 1980s. Close-ups, in particular, look crisp and resolute. Colors aren't incredibly saturated, but David and Jack's jackets pop nicely in contrast with the muted hues of the moors, and the ample blood is a bright, vivid shade of red. Black levels are a bit more troublesome. Most of the daytime scenes have a decent enough sense of contrast, but darker interiors can occasionally look washed-out and crushed simultaneously. The best example of this is when Jack comes to the nurse's flat to warn David for the second time. Still, the image quality gets a marked bump from previous DVD releases, and fans of the film should be pleased by the look. The worst thing the producers of this disc could have done would be to DNR the image to Wales and back, but thankfully that's not the case here.' }: Y# r! e# r5 t- k

  r1 d9 w! Q; {# NAn American Werewolf in London Blu-ray, Audio Quality   
& }( I* X7 o7 }, a  c8 G& j
" t) E! _, Y, O& c( S/ B8 @; m( J  u
An American Werewolf howls at the moon on Blu-ray with a DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1 track that adequately brings the film's lycanthropic horrors to life, even if the sound design is a bit dated. Surround use can be stocky and unconvincing—I could visualize the sound editor twisting the pan pots—but the rears get a decent amount of activity. Right from the start, wind whips ominously through the surround channels, later accompanied by loud claps of rippling thunder. As David and Jack find themselves encircled on the moors, the guttural growl of the wolf can be heard from all directions. In London, you'll notice occasional traffic sounds, but where you'd expect to hear big cross-channel movements—the Piccadilly Circus bang-up near the end of the film—there's hardly a squeal from the surround speakers. In terms of dynamic range, the film's moon-themed soundtrack —including three different versions of "Blue Moon"—shows off some round, substantial bass and horns that cut cleanly through the high-end. Dialogue is almost always clear and intelligible, though I did notice that a few lines have the hollowness of a muffled mid-range. No biggie, though. My only complaint—and this isn't exactly unexpected for a horror film—is that some of the sound effects are too jarring and loud compared to the rest of the track.
- W" O6 [( x. Q2 p2 u* x2 x/ L) I+ }3 L
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